Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We're Back! ❯ Missing Part 2 ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey it's me again. Well, this will be the last time I update in awhile. If I have time I will update, but if not, I hope you guys understand. Let's go!
Disclamier I don't own Naruto.
The noise woke everyone up.
“What was that?!” Naota yelled. Hanabi tore off her covers and raced to the window. Her eyes meet with an orange glow. “Fire!”
“Hanabi onee-chan, what's going on?” Hideki cried.
Hanabi knew that she has to keep her cool. She mentally gathered herself for awhile. Then she put on a fake smile.
“It's noting, everything its fine,”
“Then why is Konoha on fire!” Tenji shouted.
She sweat dropped. “Oh that's not fire it's ummm… fireworks. Yeah, fireworks. There's a festival tonight!” she lied.
“At 3 o'clock in the morning?!” Shikano said.
“Damn, they didn't fall for it,” Hanabi mentally cursed.
“We're beginning attacked!” Hideki yelled. “I'm scared!” Most of the children stated to cry.
“I want my mommy!” Inoni shouted.
“Everyone calm down. Everything is going to be ok, I promise.” The babies sucked up their tears. “Ok,” Naota said. “But what are we going to do?”
Hanabi thought for a second. “Gather up some of your things. We're going to head for the shelter,”
“Hai!” they yelled in unison. The little ninjas gathered up some of their belongings.
“Hey sis,”
Funaho looked at Sanosuke. “As soon as we get a chance, we are going to ditch Hanabi, okay?” She nodded in agreement.
Hanabi watched the twins. She could not understand their little language, but she knew what ever they said did not sound good.
A few minutes later they were packed and ready to go.
“Okay kids, stay close to me, ok!”
“Hai, Hanabi onee-chan!” The group made their way to the shelter.
“TSUNADE-SAMA, WE ARE BEING INVADED!” Shizune yelled as she busted though the door.
“I know that, BAKA!” Shizune cringed. “Gomen,” Tsunade sighed. “I am sorry, I did not mean to yell at you.” The young medic-nin smiled. “It's okay, that's not important now,”
“You're right, Shizune.” She paused. “We must evacuate the women and children into the underground shelters,”
“Hai,” Shizune replied.
“When the women and children are safe, we counter attack!” the blonde exclaimed.
“Hai.” And with that, Shizune left.
Tsunade took a deep breath and looked out of the window. She watched as her precious home town burned to the ground. A single tear escaped her right eye. Her people had been thought of so much, and now this! She worried about the children. What if those thugs killed them just for the fun of it?! They were Konoha's future. And now, that future looked dead. No! She could not thing that way. She was the Hokage, for Kami's sake! The blonde knew that she had to be strong for her people. Tsunade hand promised long ago that she would protect the village, even if it cost her life. After a few minutes, the Hokage walked towards the door. Before she left, she stared at a picture of the Sandiame.
“It's time to fulfill my promise, Sarutobi-sensei,” Tsunade shut the door, not knowing if she would ever see her office again.
The village was in complete chaos. In every direction, people ran for their lives. They did not know what to do. Some went crazy and killed themselves. Others clamed down and fellow the evacuation plan. The screamers of the dying could be heard thought the village. Mothers desperately searched for their missing children. Every thing was falling apart. Though the confusion, Hanabi had somehow kept her group together.
“We are almost there, kids,” Hanabi said.
“Hanabi onee-chan,” Koji said.
“The Uchihas are gone, again,”
“WHAT!!!” Hanabi stopped in her tracks. She looked for the twins frantically.
“We have to find them!” Naota yelled.
The Uchihas had done it again. What was she going to do this time? It was one thing to get lost in the forest, but to get lost when the village is on fire! Were they crazy?!
“Hanabi onee-chan,” Koji broke the teen form her thoughts. She sighed.
“Do you know how to get to the shelter?”
“I think so,”
“Good, take the others to the shelter. I will look for the twins,”
“Be careful, Hanabi onee-chan,” The group of frighten children chorused.
She gave them thumbs up. “Don't worry, it's going to be okay. Now go!” They reluctantly followed Koji to the shelter.
“Good luck, kids.
“BYAKUGAN!” She summoned her blood limit and took off in the opposite direction.
The children arrived at the shelter. Most of the mothers and kids were in tears. Everyone was afraid.
“Were here everyone,” Koji said. “Let's find a spot to sit down,”
The group made a little spot in the corner. Inoni hugged her brother tightly. Naota paced back and forth. Would he ever see Funaho again? Hideki buried his head in his chest. He wanted his mommy! Tenji acted like nothing was going on. He leaned against the wall and watched over Daisuke and Shiro. Koji set with his head on his knees. He watched the adults feet move in font of him. One pair of feet stopped.
“Koji,” a concerned voice said. He looked up.
“Kakashi-san!” Kakashi knelled down until he was eye level with the boy.
“Where's Hanabi?” he asked. “I thought she was taking care of you guys,”
He looked down. “She went to find the Uchihas,”
Kakashi's eye widened. “There're missing!” he exclaimed. The boy nodded.
The copy-nin mind raced. He knew Hanabi was an excellent ninja, but she should not have gone by herself. What was she thinking?! Kakashi placed a hand on Koji shoulder.
“Don't worry, I will find them,” Then he made a hand sign and disappeared.
The Hyuuga ran as fast as she could. She searched high and low for the twins, but no luck.
“Damn it, where are they!” she raged. When I find them I'm going to spank their bu…,”
“Well, well, look at what we have here,” a Stone-nin said. Hanabi face grew pale. She was so busy trying to find the twins that she did not notice the stone-nin's chakra.
“She's cute,” another stone-nin appeared.
“Damn it, I don't have time for this!”
“Hey sweet thing, how about we show you a good time,” the middle aged man licked his lips.
Ewwww,” Hanabi almost threw up in her mouth.
“Ha, I don't think she likes you, old man, she likes young meat. Isn't that right, sweet cheeks?”
She growled. “Look, I have to go, see ya,” When she started to run, a third stone-nin grabbed her from behind. “You aren't going anywhere!” He hissed in her ear.
“Oh yeah,” She elbowed the jerk in the stomach. He cried out in pain.
“YOU LITTLE BITCH!” He looked at the other two men. “KILL HER!” The two men launched at Hanabi. She took her attack position.
A water dragon formed and washed the stone-nin away.
He smiled under his mask. “Yo,”
“What are you doing here?” He raised an eyebrow. “Well it looks like I was saving you, sweet cheeks,” he teased. Hanabi pouted. “I can take care of myself, thank you very much,” Kakashi sighed.
“Anyway, thanks bye!” The sliver haired ninja proofed in front of her.
“Wait a minute, Hanabi,” he said, “I will find the twins. You should go to the shelter,”
“No, I'm going to find them,”
“Hyuuga Hanabi!” he yelled. “You dare disobey a superior shinobi!”
She looked away. “No, sir.”
“Now go!”
Hanabi hesitantly left. She prayed that Kakashi would find them and that they were still alive.
The little Uchihas were in the forest. They were surrounding by ten men. The twins were tried.
“I have to admit, for kids you fight pretty well, but if we kill you two we will get a big reward. No hard feelings,” the stone-nin smirked
They knew they were in trouble. The twins were back to back.
`Hey, sis,”
“To you think you have enough energy to fight?”
`Of course,'
`Than let's do it,'
They took off. Sanosuke pouched one of the ninja in the face, knocking him out.
“Who's next?!”
Three men ran to Funaho. She jumped and did a spin kick. They landed on their butts.
“Four down; six to go.” Sanosuke smirked.
The Stone-nin growled. They were not going to be beaten by a couple of brats. It was time to get serious! He made hand signs.
A giant mud wall appeared. It separated the twins.
“Sister!” Sanosuke yelled, trying desperately to see of the wall. The stone-nin used this to his advantage and threw several kunai at Sanosuke. The boy was able to doge most of them. However, some of the kunai stabbed him in the arm and leg.
“AHHHH!” he screamed in pain.
“Big brother!” Funaho tried to get over the wall.
“Well, it looks like you are alone, little girl.” The gray haired stone-nin smirked. She narrowed her eyes.
“What are we going to do with you?” Another stone-nin said. Funaho got into an attack position. She had to admit she was a little worried. Sanosuke was in trouble and she could not help him.
“This is interesting,” a mysterious figure thought.
“What will they do now?”
Sakura shot up from her sleep. Sweat poured down from her face. She nudged Sasuke in the back.
“Are you awake?
He sweat dropped. “Now I am,”
“Do you think the kids are okay?”
“Yes now go to sleep! We rescue the Hokage tomorrow!”
With that, the grumpy Uchiha went back to sleep.
Sasuke words did not comfort Sakura. Something in the pit of her stomach told her something was wrong. She cuddled up to Sasuke and tried to go back to sleep.
A/N: Wow, the twins are in trouble. Will Kakashi save them? And who is this mysterious man? Find out next time!
P.S Do you guys like the more detailed version or the less detailed? Please tell me! Read and Review, please!