Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We're Back! ❯ Authors Note 2 ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello everyone it's me. Long time no see. I know all of you are mad at me. Its ok you guys can throw tomatoes and ramen at me if you want to. Any way, I'm typing this note to say I am so sorry. I am trying to get everything figured out in my life. Plus, I have gotten really lazy. I promise this summer( I know it's a long time, but bare with me I'm in school) I will catch up on both of my stories. Too make up for being lazy, I have stated and “I Hn You” doujinshi. It is on my main page if you guys want to look at it. By the way, I am looking for someone to help me improve my grammar. It sucks. If you are interested please email me. It's sad I'm in college and my grammar skills suck. Again, I am very sorry. (Bow)