Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to my World ❯ Welcome to my World ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sakura's P.O.V

The following Monday at school it was strange. The locker next to mine was unusually empty. Before opening my own, I opened Ino's locker. The lock on the door was gone; I hadn't even noticed her take it off last Friday. We'd been talking normally, yet she had known the whole time it would be our last talk at school.

I sighed and shut it, it was making me upset. Opening my own locker, I peered into the small mirror on the locker wall. My own emerald eyes gazed back at me, lost and confused. I was on the verge of tears when a voice I'd never heard talking directly to me pierced my ears.

“Hey,” it said.

My eyes were wide as I turned towards the town's number one hottie. My mouth opened in surprise. “H-hi.”

Sasuke Uchiha was giving me the famous sexy look, and I took in his spiked hair and beautiful face and scent. He looked a bit surprised. “Are you crying?”

I gasped and wiped my eyes quickly. I couldn't let this guy see me cry, he never talked to girls like this. I was really good looking myself, and was still shocked to hear him addressing me. “Ah, no. No, I'm fine,” I said.

He nodded slowly, his dark eyes never leaving mine. It was impossible to rip my gaze away from his, so I had no choice but to stare directly at him. “Your English partner left,” he pointed out. My eyes suddenly came up with a whole new wave of tears. Ino had been sitting at my desk up until now. Today, I had been there all alone.

“Um, yeah…” I found it hard to speak. “She um, moved.”

Sasuke stared at me for a long while, probably watching my tears fall. “Would you mind if I sat beside you from now on?”

My heart literally stopped.

“You want to sit beside me?” I exclaimed. Sasuke just nodded at me, still staring curiously. I was utterly shocked. “S-sure!” I managed to choke out.

“Alright,” Sasuke said. He nodded once as a goodbye and then left. I stood at my locker, frozen solid with surprise. After a long moment I managed to make my head turn in his direction. He was down the hall, looking at me, standing with his friends. They were all looking at me. My eyes found Sasuke's and he smirked, nodding. I managed a smile and turned back to my mirror.

“OhMyGoshhh!” I squealed.


I had been waiting for it the entire day, and finally it was here. English Class. The class where Sasuke Uchiha was going to sit beside me.

As I came up to my regular circular desk I took in a deep breath and tried to coolly place my books down, like I wasn't waiting for the hottest guy in the Universe to come and sweep me off my feet. Calm down Sakura, you don't want to freak the guy out before he even sits beside you! I smiled to myself, kind of proud. This was like a fairytale!

I was about to sit down when I heard Neji's voice. “Sakura!” Neji was another of the school hotties, one of Sasuke's friends. “Come here!”

I gulped. M-me?! My eyes flew to the table in the back where all the hot guys sat. Staring right at me were Shikamaru, Neji, Kiba, Naruto, and…Sasuke…plus the rest of the shocked class.

Trying to act calm, I picked up my books and walked over to their table, aware of every single eye on me. Neji smirked at me and patted the seat beside him, the one next to Sasuke. I managed a smile and took it. …Oh my GOSH!

Once sitting, I was incredibly aware of all the guys around me. This was insane. Why had they suddenly showed such an interest in me? I tried not to blush as Sasuke's arm grazed mine.

Sasuke was wearing a hot black t-shirt, with black matching jeans. When he blew his bangs away from his face, I felt the blow and it made my skin prickle. Supposedly calm, I reached up and fluffed my pink shoulder-length hair. The teacher came in and my eyes immediately flew to the clock above the door. I didn't think I would make it through this class.

It was a Sub, and he started rambling on about something that we had all learned last week. I breathed a sigh of relief as the class started in on a quiet murmur of conversation, at least I wasn't missing anything because of the huge distraction around me.

To my utter shock, Sasuke turned to face me with a smirk on his face. His perfect teeth glistened; I found myself staring. Suddenly, Sasuke reached out with a hand. I jumped a little and made my eyes travel to his fingers. Interlinked between his middle and forefinger was a small black earphone. The second one was in Sasuke's ear, I stared at it like it was some sort of miracle. I was about to…share an earphone that had once been in Sasuke Uchiha's ear!

Hand trembling, I forced myself to reach out and take the little device. I set it delicately into my ear and found that I liked the music. I was starting to relax when the rest of the guys turned to me.

“Hey,” Kiba flashed me his famous grin that girls loved to talk about. “Nice to finally meet you.”

I smiled at him. Finally meet me?

Neji was smiling coolly in his nonchalant way. “Yeah, welcome.”

Naruto was a blond that was known for being the class clown of the school. “Hey Sakura!” He winked at me. “You are cute!”

I blushed. “Thank you.”

Everyone waited for Shikamaru to finally greet me, and when he didn't I decided to speak up myself. “Hi Shikamaru,” I said.

He turned his lazy eyes on me. “…Hey.” Our eyes met for a long time, mine angry. Shikamaru sighed. “Weren't you Ino's friend?”

Everyone watched as I glared at him for a few more seconds, before I finally relaxed. “Yeah, I was. She moved though.”

Shikamaru closed his eyes and leaned back. “That sucks.”


I was shocked when I came out onto campus at lunch and was immediately whisked away by Naruto to the hot-guy table. Naruto pushed me down beside himself and Sasuke, and then lunch started like nothing was out of the ordinary.

Sasuke offered me an earphone again, which I took. We sat close together, our arms touching. I nibbled on my chocolate cupcake as the rest of the guys talked.

“Hey, is Sakura coming to the basketball game on Friday?” Kiba asked. All eyes turned to look at me.

“Um…basketball game?” I blushed because I had no idea what they were talking about. Beside me, Sasuke turned his head to look down at me and I almost died then and there. His chin was touching the top of my head gently, waiting for my answer.

“Sakura, come to our game!” Naruto invited openly. “We're playing against the Sand team!” Our school was the Leafs, and Sand was our rival in almost every sport. Obviously to these guys, it was one important game. I guessed they were all going to be participating.

“Um, okay,” I offered.

Neji smiled at me calmly. “That's great. We'll be glad to have you there.”

Kiba winked at me and then turned back to his lunch. Sasuke turned to look at something else and I sat there lost in my own thoughts.

So how come suddenly I've been welcomed into their world? I wondered. I looked up at Sasuke, his dark eyes were focused elsewhere. Did Ino…have something to do with this? But for some reason, I really didn't think this was all Ino's doing.

Hi guys! Please review my story, I would really like to hear your thoughts on it so far! Thanks so much -Sweettreat.