Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wet Nightmare ❯ A Load O' Girl In My Arms And A Bit In My Teeth ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: A Load O' Girl In My Arms And A Bit In My Teeth
Author: mischief maker
Theme: Sexual Kinks: Cross-dressing
Rating: R
Author's Notes: This ficlet features Naruko AKA Naruto as a chick. Yes, I went there. :P Also, Bonus ficcy at the bottom of the page.
Ino slammed the door to her apartment shut behind her with her foot. The day had been long and annoying, and she was happy to be home where a nice long bath and a soft bed awaited her.
All thoughts of relaxation disappeared, however, when she heard one of the floorboards in her bedroom creak.
Immediately, she was upon the intruder, kunai drawn and ready to do some damage, but before her fingers could release the weapons, she froze.
“Welcome home, Ino-chan!”
No matter how many times she'd decided there was no possible way he could surprise her again, he always managed to prove her wrong. In all fairness, though, anyone would've been surprised to come home and find a sheepish and very female Naruto in her bedroom wearing her lingerie!
Ino blinked slowly. Why was he wearing her lingerie? Had he been picturing her when he put it on? she wondered.
And he wasn't wearing just any lingerie; he was wearing the sexy little babydoll nightie she'd bought from one of those big-city specialty boutiques while on a mission - that stuff wasn't available in Konoha. She hadn't had a chance to wear it yet; it was still in the box in the bottom of her closet which meant he had to have gone through her things to find it.
“What the hell, Naruto?!”
“What? I was bored and decided to look sexy for you,” he offered in a simpering tone, his forced grin completely unconvincing. Until, of course, he turned his attention to the article of clothing in question. “And this is hot!” he added, giving himself a once-over in the full-length mirror. Meeting her gaze in the reflection, he waggled his eyebrows and pursed his lips a bit.
Ino stared back blankly and asked, “What are you doing here, why are you going through my things, and most importantly, why are you wearing my stuff?”
He turned toward her then, his long pigtails twirling outward in the process. “I'm here because I wanted to see you and decided to wait since you weren't home,” Naruto began as he took a step toward her. The action caused the material to shift, and Ino noticed for the first time that the material was somewhat see-through.
He then glanced down at himself and tugged at one of the straps as he continued. “…And then I got bored, and if that's the problem, we can go back to my place later and you can dig through all my junk if ya want. I have to warn you, though. Don't look in the bottom drawer of my nightstand if you have a problem with porn,” he chuckled.
She must've not looked convinced, because a moment later, his hopeful expression fell. “But you're obviously jealous that I look so good in this, so I'm just gonna take it off now.”
Being female didn't hurt his reflexes any, Ino realized as Naruto easily dodged the kunai she hurled at him. It stuck in her closet door with a thump.
“Ass,” she grumbled in disbelief. Ignoring the conflicting urges to laugh at the absurdity of his statement and smack him upside the head, she sighed, “But you're right about one thing.”
He suddenly paused, expression thoughtful as his hands grasped the hem of the slip, ready to pull it overhead. “What's that?”
“You are pretty damn hot in that,” she grinned, running a finger over the sheer material.
Naruto smiled deviously then as he slipped his arms around her waist and sing-songed into her ear, “Admit it. You want me.”
Ino rolled her eyes but still grabbed a fistful of pigtail and pulled his mouth to hers. He still kissed the same, still smelled like Naruto, still tasted like Naruto, but it was different. There was no stubble to rub her lips raw. The body was completely different; his height being probably the only thing unchanged. He no longer had the bulk to throw around, and Ino took complete advantage of that by shoving him back onto the bed.
Crawling over him, Ino planted a knee between his thighs and watched his face with interest as his eyes fluttered shut and lips slightly parted when she dug her thigh into his groin.
He wasn't wearing any panties, and for some reason, it seemed very fitting in a Naruto sort of way. She might have even laughed had he not chosen that moment to gasp and grind back against her. Instead, Ino leaned down and took a nipple into her mouth, grazing it lightly with her teeth through the fabric of the night-dress.
Fuck! Do that again,” he groaned in a husky, feminine voice. His hands were all over her, as if he couldn't decide between groping her or simply holding on for dear life.
“Oh, I can do better than that.” Ino grinned and mentioned, “If you spent the afternoon snooping through my apartment, you probably know I have a strap-on.”
Naruto pretended to be surprised, but his smile was a bit too knowing to be authentic. “That so?”
“Mmm-hmm,” she purred into his cleavage and threw his challenge from a few weeks ago back at him. “What do you say? Up for something different?”
He simply replied, “Do your worst.”
It was when he proved to be even more insatiable as a female - and that was saying something - that Ino decided Naruto was a wet nightmare, one that oddly enough she found she didn't want to wake from.
It was a costume party, and almost everyone was dressed up, though some more than others, Naruto noted, glancing at Kakashi who'd simply traded his hitai-ite for an eye patch. Most of the girls were dressed up as… well, girly stuff: princesses, cats, there was this one naughty schoolgirl that had caught his attention. Some of them were decent, some weren't.
Naruto'd about decided the party lame as he sat at the bar with Konohamaru. He liked the kid, but there were far more interesting things to be done than watch his recently-of-legal-drinking-age friend try to make up for all the years he couldn't buy his own drinks.
At least Konohamaru was no longer bugging him to buy liquor every weekend. The thought put a smile on his face as he took a sip of his own drink.
Damn!” his friend groaned beside him. “I just found who I'm taking home tonight!”
With mild interest, Naruto turned in time to see Ino making her way to the bar wearing what looked like an expensive pin-striped suit with no dress shirt underneath and a tie dangling loosely between her breasts that were covered just enough to be considered clothed. Her hair was carefully tucked under a matching hat, and she even had a cigar perched between lips the same shade of red as her tie.
Naruto leaned back against the bar and watched in open appreciation. All she needed was a tommy-gun, and she'd look straight out of a 1920's gangster flick, though admittedly sexier.
Apparently, Konohamaru wasn't blind to what was going through his mind right then, because he suddenly straightened in his seat and stubbornly protested, “No way, man. I called it!”
“That,” he stated, pointing with the hand holding his glass as he tried not to laugh, “is way too much woman for you, my friend.” He turned toward him, then, and gave him a knowing smile. “Trust me.”
Konohamaru groaned, head in his hands. “Her, too? Geez. Leave some for the rest of us.”
Naruto snickered and tossed back the rest of his drink.
“What did he do, clean out Ichiraku again?” a female voice suddenly asked slyly behind him. He knew who it was long before he turned around, the strong smell of cigar having given her away.
“One time,” he sighed. “I did that one time, and I swear no one will let it go!”
“Aww, poor baby,” Ino pouted as she theatrically blew smoke in his face.
He heard Konohamaru's somewhat put-out utterance of “Um…” but he ignored it.
“Wanna get out of here?” Naruto grinned up at her.
Tapping a finger to her lips, Ino pretended to consider it. “Hmm, you need a better offer than that. I'm having too much fun making your friends drool.”
In the peripheral, he saw Konohamaru indiscreetly check the corners of his mouth, and Naruto's eyes narrowed slightly. If she wanted to turn this into a show, he could damn well comply with that. “Two words: kage bunshin.”
She tilted her head, expression blank save for the raised eyebrow before her lips slowly twisted into a smirk. “Sold!” she exclaimed loudly and placed the cigar back between her teeth before tugging him off his barstool.
Naruto could feel Konohamaru glaring daggers into his back as Ino led him out of the pub and tried not to laugh. The boy really was hopeless. He should've been taking notes instead of pouting. Maybe he'd tell him so next time he saw him, Naruto thought.
And maybe he should quit worrying about it and limit his teachings to those of the nindo sort, he decided as Ino threw him one of those looks over her shoulder. Not everyone had the natural charms to be a pimp like himself after all.