Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What do you see in me ❯ How do I live on ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: Even when she hated him most she couldn't stay away from him
(This is my first fan fiction so please go easy on me)
Disclaimer: sadly I don't own Naruto
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What Do You See In Me
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Chapter 6: How do I live on?
Her eyes adjusted to the bleeding corpses that greeted her as she entered the gates of Konohagakure. Her body shook from the unexpected shock, her fingers digging into the strap of her duffle bag. The lifeless corpse eyes were widened, pleading in its deathly state to revive him. Hinatas breath caught in her chest, deeply wanting to find a way to revive the man who died.
She wanted to revive all the fallen corpses.
Instead, she stood there, motionless, her pupils dilated.
Thirty-five dead bodies.
At least twenty-five of them had their eyes open, begging for her to bring them back.
Tears brimming the corner of her eyes, her bag making a dull thud against the dusty road.
Who had done such an awful thing to Konohas villagers? To her trusted family?
She struggled to move her feet, her hands clutching her chest as she passed a descended villager.
She gulped loudly, seeming as if she were the only person alive at that moment. Her bag forgotten, she dashed down the road, her indigo sandals smashing against the departed members hands. She blindly passed the ramen shop her dear Naruto- kun loved, her hand cupped over her mouth to block out her sobs.
Was he still alive?
Her head pounded as she tried not to think about someone ending her Naruto- kun's life so easily. A blood curling scream arrested her attention, making her recoil. Her hands began to tremor as her feet sunk further into the snow. The screaming didn't stop even as she paused.
The one who caused all these deaths was still present.
Bile rose in her throat as whoever was screaming began to beg for their life. Their worthless, petty life that the person would most likely not spare.
“…p-please spare me Itachi- sama.”
“Tell me, lowly villager, where are you hiding Kyubi?”
“I-I-I don't know… I don't know.” His sobbing was evident from his quavering voice. Hinata felt her core freeze over.
Itachi Uchiha was here.
She sucked in much needed air as she closed her eyes. How did he know she would come here? Had he done all this damage to the fire nation? She took a step forward, a twig snapping beneath her foot. She swore loudly, knowing that Itachi heard it. Hell, he could've probably felt her charka once she entered Konoha.
Her knees wobbled as she tried to turn.
“Hey bitch!” That voice. Her legs gave way as she crumbled to the ground. Deidara. The only other Akatsuki member she dreaded seeing. His footsteps echoed through her ears, he was purposely taking his time. “Damn bitch, you pale, paler than normal. Are you alright?” He was crouched before her, his lone blue watching her like a hound. “I'm fine!” She turned from him, her arms wrapped protectively around her torso. Why had he come?! Would he inform Itachi of her arrival? Would Itachi even care?
Deidara ignored her attitude, his lone eye focused on the rather large coat falling off her shoulders and the distinct male smell consuming her. “Whose jacket you got on?” Jealousy owned his voice but he tried to conceal it with a nonchalant shrug. “It's none of your concern. Just leave me alone.” She rose but his hand grasped the tail of the bulking coat. “You still own the Akatsuki, you bitch. We took your ass in when this damned village wouldn't accept you and this is the thanks we get? You think that you can just leave whenever you damn well feel like it.” His grip tightened, his visible brow quivering. Hinata knew that as a sign of his all-too-familiar ranting.
“I can leave whenever I want to! You or any other member of the Akatsukis does not own me!” She jerked from him, stumbling back as he released her. “You'll die out there without a home. You're just as much of a failure as the rest of us.” His voice low, his menacing gaze never parting hers. “Shut up baka!” She tuned him out, dashing in the other direction. Maybe he was right. She did leave the fire nation for a gang of mass killers.
Her heart was just as cold as theirs were.
Her words just as bitter.
Her hand cupped her mouth to drown out her wailing, her cheeks flushing. She was just like them. Even though she hadn't killed anyone like they have, the villagers suffered terribly because of her actions.
Because of her jealous heart.
Her foot tripped over a dead body, forcing her to the ground. She screamed out, her ankle twisting from the surprising impact. Her foot was jammed beneath the small body of Moegi. Hinata felt her pulse quicken. Wasn't that the little girl who meshed herself with Konohamaru? She yanked her foot to no avail, more tears leaking. It was her fault that this precious girl died. She might as well just claim that she ended the girls' life herself instead of blaming it on the Akatsukis.
Deidara was right.
She was an Akatsuki.
Her hair formed a cover for her from the gruesome scene surrounding her. If they killed her for defying them, would they throw her here with the other sea of dead bodies? Or would they burn her body? Her body shook, feeling dirty with all these corpses around her. Slow, calculated footsteps echoed though her ear.
“Why did you flee the Akatsuki hideaway?” His deep voice held nothing, no remorse, no pity. From the sheet of dark hair she could make out the form of Itachi Uchiha. Dark liquid spilled from the open cut on his lip, more blood crusting the side of his face.
“I don't have to explain my reasons for leaving.” Her words muffled against the dusty ground.
How do you feel about me Itachi?” Itachi looked perplexed, his chin digging into her shoulder. “How do I feel about you?” He repeated the question, feeling her tense up beneath him. His silence agitated her, feeling his grip on her waist loosen some. “N-never mind Itachi. I was out of line asking t...”
I do.” He interrupted her, his hold tightening.
(This is like where he's thinking back to when she asked his opinion of her.)
“Come back to the Akatsukis.” I was a demand rather than a question of whether she wanted to or not. Her head twisted in his direction, her lifeless grey eyes leveling with his crimson eyes. Her lips were quaking as they began to darken in color. His eyes narrowed in realization as she wrapped her arms around her torso, her face flushed as she coughed.
Pain shot through her skull as her head hit the boney hand of a corpse.
His sunflower was sick.
“I don't want to go back! I wanted to go back to Konoha regardless of if they treated me like shit or not. I just wanted to see my family again but no,” Her pooled with unshed tears, her gaze never leaving his. “You wouldn't let me. I had to sit around your hideaway like I was your fucking slave! Not once did you ever tell me I could go home.”
Her body shook as the cool breeze blew over her, her gaze piercing his. Itachi stood there, his eyes glowering.
He envied her.
She could be free to let her emotions loose without anyone contradicting her.
He drew a kuni from his back pouch, twirling on his index finger.
She had people that loved her even when she fucked up.
She had a family.
Something he never had even when the Uchihas were living.
Killing was his only friend.
He crouched down before her, the kuni pointed to the nape of her neck.
Killing got him through the night if whores didn't.
“You are home now and nothings stopping you from seeing the rest of the Hyugas.” “W-why?” Her voice low, her hair shielding her face from him. “Why what?” He knew what she wanted to know but couldn't bring himself to explain his reason.
“Why did you lie to me?”
She awaited his reply, her darkened eyes watching his movements from the shade of her hair. He was silent, crouching down before her. She felt his presence as if it was a magnet, drawing her further and further into him. She chewed on her lower lip, feeling his heavy hand hover her back.
“You're stuck.” His soft voice registered once she felt his cold fingertips gripping her ankle. She attempted to ignore the bolts of electricity that radiated from his touch, squirming against his prying fingers.
“Stop,” She paused briefly, what she wanted to say tapping on the edge of her tongue. “Don't you want me to help you out?” She heard the questioning tone as his grip slackened some. “Of course I do but that little girl…” Hinata pushed aside the hair covering her face, her blank stare pointing him in the direction of Moegi. Itachis sullen gaze followed hers, his brow rising in question.
“What about her? She's dead.”
Those words woke something up inside her that died long ago.
Was she dead also?
Hinata leaned onto her elbows, craning her neck to get a good glimpse of Itachis face. Those dark eyes bored into her soul, frightening her at how much they affected her. She couldn't pull her eyes away from those intimidating dark eyes that captivated her. “Y-you killed her...” Her voice came out slow, a bit too slow for her to even comprehend. Her lavender eyes blinked, breaking the tight grasp he had on her soul.
“You killed her.” She repeated with more confidence, her lips tugging downward. His eyes flickered. For a moment, she thought she saw grief in their depths. She tossed that thought aside as his lips formed a scowl, his hand having a vice grip on her ankle.
“She got in the way; the only way to move her was to kill her.” His light tugs against her limp ankle left her immobile. “You had a choice, either you spare her and go for your real target or just massacre the leaf village!” The pit of her gut felt like magma ready to overturn. “It was an assignment I had to fulfill. In the process, I was searching for you.” Her cheeks flushed; her face turning from him as he worked her foot from under the lifeless body. “S-s-searching for me?” Her fingers drummed against the dusty square that didn't have a corpse hand infesting its territory.
His fingers paused against her milky flesh, his eyes wondering to the perfectly sculptured arch of her back. “I didn't mean for you to see what I did with Jun.”
So that was the mystery woman's name.
“I shouldn't have gone into your room without your approval. I should have known you had a private life beyond the Akatsukis. That you entertain women that you find attractive.” He didn't respond, his nimble fingers jerking her foot free. She scrambled to her feet, avoiding any further contact with him. “Are you coming back with us?” He suddenly questioned, standing to his feet. She stopped in mid-turn, her breath coming out in short puffs. The wide sleeves of the coat she wore reminding her of the man that saved her life.
“I can't.” She didn't bother to elaborate further on the matter as she fully turned and dashed off in the direction of Konohas massive gates.
Itachi watched her leave just as he had the first time, his feet planted firmly into the ground. “Did you tell her that she didn't have a choice of whether or not she wanted to return to the Akatsuki?” Deidara returned from his escapade of finding any survivors, blood drenching his blond mane.
“No.” He silently answered, his dark eyes shifting to his sharigan. Deidara snorted, crossing his arms over his ripped cloak. “I don't know why you're so remorse over that Hyuga bitch Itachi- san, un! She's just as much of a good fuck as those other whores you slept with.” That triggered something swelling within him, activating Tsukuyomi, a specialized eye-technique of the sharigan. Deidaras body convulsed, his shaken hands clenching his arms. It felt as if a thousand swords had been impaled into his heart, his vision becoming impaired.
Itachi became the devil himself before Deidaras eyes, frightening him into unconsciousness.
The elder and only other surviving Uchiha gazed on as his comrade fall to his knees, deactivating the sharigan altogether.
“Tell the others I'm going after the Hyuga.” He spoke to no one in particular, stalking off in the direction that he saw Hinata rush off in. His dark gaze held nothing, his fast strides indicating that he wanted to quickly get this new task over with.
……………………̷ 0;……..
Hinata tripped over a tree root shrouding out the dirt, stumbling to get her footing straight. Her duffle bag dangling from her shoulders, she tried to remember where Daichis house was located. She paused to catch her breath, her eyes darting from left to right. The snow hadn't caught up to Konoha yet but wasn't far from it, Hinata noted as she felt the snowflakes sizzle against her sweating skin. If she want mistaken, she was sure Itachi would come after her if Deidara didn't.
Her heart berated against her chest, startling her.
If Itachi did catch up to her, would he kill her for defying him?