Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What if? ❯ the first story part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

((I don't own Naruto.))
Part 1
He never wanted to go but there was no where for him to stay. The little blonde boy often would sleep in boxes and eat out of trash cans. No one in the village of Konaha would take him in. They didn't want him in there houses. They were afraid he would harm them or there children. Naruto had never hurt anyone in his life. He was too preoccupied trying to find food or a place to stay. This is all he knew. On nights when it was very cold Naruto would often go to the only place that would protect him from freezing to death, the ninja academy. He would crawl into the air ducked above the school and hide in the air ducks. The heat coming from the farness would keep him warm. During the summer he slept at the playground. He was crawl into one of the play tubes and sleep. Everyone knew he stayed there most of the time. He had made a little nest of news papers and leafs to sleep on. Even with all of this he didn't want to go. They told him he was going to another ninja village that had a place to keep him warm and fed. He didn't care much for that. Naruto didn't want to go some where new that he didn't know.
“Naruto don't you want a roof over your head and fresh food to eat?” Iruka asked him. Naruto shook his head. “I get by just find.” He answered in protest. He didn't have a choice in the matter even if he protested it. Even if Iruka didn't like the boy anymore then the rest of the village he didn't think it was right for him to live on the streets. He knew Naruto wouldn't go without a fight and if they weren't careful Naruto might get too worked up and stresses the seal. He hoped that they would be gentle with him. As Naruto walked to the park that day after school two men approached him. “Are you Uzumaki Naruto?” They asked him. The blonde looked them over for a moment and then nodded. The two men looked much like the higher ninja of Konaha but there vests were a more tan coloring. The first one had a mask on so that you could only make out his eyes. The other had a white towel over his head to cover his hair. Both men were tall. About 6 feet tall. Little 3 foot Naruto was dwarfed by there height. He stared up at them for a long silent moment before speaking. “You're here to take me away aren't you?” He asked softly before his head turned down to the sidewalk. The one man with the mask on placed his hand on top pf the boy's head. He gently ruffled the blonde hair before gripping a chunk of it tightly. Naruto hissed in pain but did not fight him. He knew that fighting an adult would only lead to a severer beating. Naruto had learned this lesson the hard way many times over. Even if he did not have scars from them. The fox would heal the wounds and broken bones quickly after words and often coo to the boy in his sleep and take some of his loneliness away while he slept. Naruto didn't know who it was who talked to him in his dreams but it was what kept him for giving up on him. To hear the sweet words of kindness and comfort he did not hear when he was awake.
As the man gripped his hair the other one took out a sarong and stabbed into the boy's back. Naruto yelled out as he felt the needle enter his back. He then felt more tired then he had ever been and passed out into sleep. The one man who had him by the hair cot him before he hit the ground. He then picked him up and placed him into a large burlap sack. They then walked off the 6 year old. In the bag the sleeping Naruto stayed clam and quiet the whole trip. In his sleep he could hear the cooing of kind words and reassures. The fox always can to Naruto as women with long soft blond hair and green eyes. Even if Naruto didn't know it the fox was taking the image of his mother. Naruto had no memory of any family but the women in his dreams always made him happy. She would smile to him and never once said he was stupid of hit him or treat him with anything more then love. Naruto always loved his dreams. They were always of happy things like her and ramen. Ramen was often in his dreams too.
Then there was a sudden awakening as someone started to shake him. “Come on now it's time to wake up.” Said the voice. Naruto opened his eyes to see a blonde man above him. He patted the boy's cheek. “Welcome back little one.” He smiled down at the little boy. Naruto then climbed to his feet quickly and looked around him. The whole room was spinning and the little whiskered faced boy could hardly keep his balance. The man turned to him. “Hey you shouldn't be up. You need to lie down.” He then tried to grab Naruto to get him to saddle down. Just before he could grab the boy Naruto ran. He ran out the room bumping into things as he went. He was confused and scared. He wanted a place to hide away like back home. Naruto had little hide away dens set up all over the village of Konaha. That's what he was looking for. A soft warm hide away until he could get his sense back. The man chased him down the hall yelling to him to stop. Naruto was too fast for him and soon Naruto found somewhere to hide he thought he would be safe. The man he lost him in the corridors of the house. Little Naruto had gone into a play room that had no lights on at the time. As Naruto wondered the dark room he stumbled into a pile of stuffed animals and fell into it with a thud. He had never felt anything as soft as the fluffily stuffed creators. He crawled into the pile and hid under all the stuffed animals. As he hid there it was a long while before someone came into the room but during that time Naruto had been hugging a stuffed cat the he liked out of all of the other stuffed animals. It was orange which was his favorite color was. He had fallen back to sleep in the warm pile of fluff. When someone did come in, it wasn't the man from before but a boy with dark red hair and bright green eyes lined in black.
He had come in to play with some of the toys in the room but had found something else. When he went over to the stuffed animal pile he saw a little foot about the same size as his sticking out of it. He moved some of the animals away and saw the Naruto sleeping and hugging a stuffed cat. Naruto began to wake up. He opened his eyes and gazed up at the red headed boy. “…” the red head spoke. “Who are you?” He asked. Naruto then sat up. “I'm Naruto…what's your name?” he asked back to the red head. “My name is Gaara. Are you my new play mate?” He smiled. Naruto shrugged. “I don't know…” Naruto answered. “Well what do you want to do?” Little Gaara asked excitedly. He was so happy to have someone to talk to. Little Naruto's stomach then growled loudly. “How about some food? I'm really hungry.” The little blonde said pulling one hand over his belly. Little Gaara then started to pull him to the door. “O.k. let's go to the kitchen.” He smiled as he took the other boy to the kitchen. As they headed out the play room and into the hall way the tall blonde man walked out from the adjacent room. “There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you.” He said with a sigh of relief.
Naruto didn't like him at all. He didn't know why but he just didn't like him. He could sense bad things from him. The little blonde backed away from him. “No no don't run. I won't hurt you.” He said as he slowly reached over to try and pick Naruto up. Naruto jumped back and his back hit the wall. He looked like a frightened kit in a cage. He body started to shake and his hands gripped his tattered shirt. Little Gaara didn't understand why Naruto was acting this way. Why was he afraid of Yashimaru but not him? “Naruto why are you acting like this?” He asked. Naruto looked over at him for a moment then back at Yashimaru. The man then let out a soft sigh. “Because his feral.” He said looking to Gaara. The little boy didn't know what that word meant. “What's feral mean?” He asked. “Well that means Naruto isn't used to other human contact. He used to live on the streets and fend for himself. His an abandoned orphan. That means no one wanted him so they left him outside.” The little red head looked shocked. “No one at all?” He then looked over at Naruto and felt sad. Naruto looked back at him them moved closer to him. The little fox boy felt better around Gaara.
“He trusts you more so you are going to have to help me take care of him o.k.?” The blonde man said to the little red head. Gaara nodded. “O.k. I'll do my best.” He then looked at Naruto then took his hand. Then all three headed too the kitchen where Yashimaru made them food. He made ramen witch seemed to be the easiest to make at the time. He placed the bowl for little Naruto on the table with a pair of chop sticks and napkin. Gaara led Naruto over to the table. “Sit in the chair and eat.” He said with a smile. Naruto did as he was told and sat in the chair and started to eat the ramen but not with the chop sticks. He started to stick his hands in the hot soap and grab hand full's of ramen noodles and shoved it in his mouth. He didn't care that he was getting burned. All he cared about was the food. He had never had a real meal in his life and he wasn't going to waist this one. The other two watched in shock. He was really starving. Yashimaru stepped in. “Hey your burning yourself.” He said then taking one of Naruto's hands and looking at it. It was covered in blisters for the hot soap, but as he looked at the boys hand in began to heal in front of him. Soon enough the blisters were gone and there was no marks on the skin. So this is the nine tailed fox huh? No wonder his lived this long. It's protecting him but not like Gaara's. Yashimaru thought as he let go of the boy's hand. The whole time that the man had his hand Naruto kept eating. While there was food in front of him he didn't much care he was handled. When he was done he pushed then empty bowl away then looked up at Yashimaru for more food. “More?” Naruto asked. Yashimaru then smirked. “Oh you like me now because I gave you food.” He then reached down and very very gently picked Naruto up. He didn't want to startle little Naruto. “I'll give you more food once you've had a bath.” He said before carrying him to the bath room. Little Gaara fallowed right behind.
Naruto didn't fight it. In fact he welcomed the bath. He had never had a bath before. When they got to the bath room all three of them went in and Yashimaru closed the door. He then put little Naruto down onto the floor and want over to the bath tube and turned the water on. As the water was filling the tube the blonde man went over to Naruto. “O.k. now to take a bath you have to take off your cloths.” He said. “Now go on.” He didn't want to have to undress the boy himself. He didn't want to force the little boy into something he didn't want to do. If he did something bad might happen. Naruto stared up at the man for a moment or two before looking at Gaara. The red head nodded to him that it was o.k. to do. Yashimaru then spoke up. “You too Gaara. You haven't had a bath today.” He said. Gaara huffed. “But I don't want to take a bath.” “Your taking a bath. Besides you can play with Naruto in the water and teach him how to bath.” He said. Naruto then started to take off his cloths until he was in the nude. Naruto didn't mind being naked all that much other then the fact that it was cold without cloths. Gaara on they other hand hated baths. He just didn't like water. It was too wet and well he just wasn't a water person. Gaara had gotten undressed as well and now was naked. “O.k. you two in the tub with you.” The blonde man then picked up Naruto first and placed him into the water. The water was nice and warm. Naruto loved the warm water and he shank into the water very relaxed. “Oh well Naruto likes the bath. Now come on Gaara it's your turn.”
Gaara refused to get into the water. He crossed his arms and huffed. “I don't want' a!” Naruto looked over at him before giggling. “Come on in. It's warm.” He spoke up. This was the first time Naruto spoke in front of Yashimaru. Naruto was starting to feel more comfortable with his surroundings and was starting to open up. Later on after both boys were bathed and Naruto was given new clean cloths Yashimaru took Naruto to see the kazakaga. “Naruto you must be good o.k.? The Kazakaga wants to meet you.” He smiled down at the boy before picking him up. Gaara looked sad as he saw Naruto leaving. The blonde man turned to him and sighed. “Don't worry he'll be back in an hour or so.” She smiled down at the little red head before walking off with Naruto in his arms. As they walked away Naruto looked over Yashimaru's shoulder and smiled to Gaara before waving to him. Gaara smiled back and waved.
As they walked from the housing quarters of the Kazakaga mansion to the meeting room, the man rubbed little Naruto's back almost to comfort him. He knew this wasn't going to be good. Yashimaru actually felt bad for this child. He didn't seem to be a threat to anyone and yet they treated him this way. A baby living on the streets and never knowing what it was like to sleep in a bed or to eat warm food or a warm embrace. No one wanting acknowledge you exist unless they what to do you harm. Your cries for help coming on def ears. “Naruto…are you afraid of others?” He asked him as the traveled. Naruto nodded. “Yes…They hit me and call me a monster…They like to hurt me…people laugh when I get hurt.” He said softly. The man looked down as he walked. “Then why are you going along with this? Aren't you angry?” He asked wondering why this little boy had never lashed back. “I don't know….I don't know any other way. It's always been this way….” He answered truthfully. He didn't know any other life. He thought that this is just what happens. “There going to hurt me aren't they?” He asked with a low broken voice. Yashimaru didn't answer. They reached the meeting room and entered. The room was dim and mostly empty except for a few ninja and the Kazakaga who sat in a chair at the end of the room. Yashimaru placed Naruto in the center of the room before stepping away from him. The little boy sat down and curled up his legs to his chest. He rapped his hands around them and hugged them. He bowed his head into his knees. “So this is him? His very small and very thin.” One of the ninja said. The Kazakaga got to his feet and walked over to the little boy. “Get to your feet.” He ordered. Naruto stared up at him for a moment then got to his feet; his little body shook from fear. “He looks like his demon is sealed nice and tight….boy take off your shirt.” Naruto took off his shirt and the kazakaga kneeled down and looked at Naruto's stomach. “So that seal keeps the demon trapped pretty well.” Then he took out a piece of paper and placed it on Naruto's little belly. He rubbed the paper a few times before he lifted the paper and a print of the seal showed on the paper. Another ninja came and took the paper carefully before leaving. “There…you all done.” He said before putting his hand on Naruto's head. He ruffled the little boy's hair before handing Naruto his shirt back. “You were a good boy.” He said before standing up. “You are not getting the examination today….so you can relax.” Yashimaru walked over and picked up the quiet little blonde. They then walked out of the room and after that Naruto started to pant as the fear he had before they came to the meeting room let itself out.
He calmed down as the reached the house again. Gaara had been waiting for then on the couch. As they walked in Yashimaru put Naruto down who then ran down the hall to hide again. Gaara went after him and caught up to him. He hugged Naruto from behind to stop him from running. “Naruto don't run and hide away again.” He said and Naruto turned around to him. On the way back Naruto's stomach had started to burn. He didn't make a sound of pain but he didn't want anyone to be near him at that moment. Naruto let out a wine sense he wasn't going to get away this time. “My stomach hurts…”