Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What it Means to be Loved ❯ True Colors ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Get up, you little bitch!  I said get up now!”

Amaya scrambled to her feet in her small cell as Orochimaru stood outside the barred door.  He had Kabuto throw a bucket of ice cold water onto her as she squirmed in the darkness.  Kabuto opened the cell door for the snake-man as Amaya covered her nudity with her limbs.  The anger Orochimaru emitted was from the failure of taking over the Leaf Village.  His punishment was the loss of his arms, but that didn't stop him from 'his tests'.  

Defend yourself or die!” Orochimaru screeched as his sword emerged from his mouth, ready to stab her chest.

Fear rushed through Amaya as she swerved to dodge the sharp blade.  She heard Orochimaru's growl as he followed her footsteps easily.  Amaya had dropped her flute, but these 'tests' were random enough to where she couldn't remember what she did last time to defend herself.  Finally, the blade cut into her flesh on her back.  A nice cut, but thankfully not a stab-wound.  She then tripped over something small and moveable, her flute!  Amaya snatched it and blew hard into it, emitting a high-pitched tone that echoed throughout the small cell.  Orochimaru froze in place as the harsh sound waved through him.  Slowly, she realized she had done the right thing.  She jumped to her feet and scurried to a corner where she tried to hide herself from his view.  It didn't work.  Orochimaru approached her only to place his hand on top of her head as he swallowed his sword, “You shall live some more.  Keep up your training, perhaps you will be rewarded instead of our new arrival.”

Amaya's vision had become horrible after staying in the darkness for so long.  The next person she saw was a face she had never forgotten.  In front of her cell stood Sasuke Uchihia, one of the ninja who brought her to Orochimaru.  Her eyes widened as fury ran through her blood.  Orochimaru smirked in the darkness as he took a step away from her, “A new test, then.  I will give you two one hour to be reacquainted.  Whoever comes out first...well, I don't think I need to say anymore.”

The first step the Uchiha made into her cell echoed through Amaya's mind, waking her from her nightmare.

Amaya woke with a start as a pool of sweat had formed beneath her sleeping body.  She sat up quickly as she held her sheets over her chest as her breathing quickened.  Was he around?  Where was Orochimaru?  She glanced around her room a few times to see she was alone.  Knowing she was all alone in her room, Amaya slowed her breathing to calm herself.  She reached for her flute to bring it close to her, it was all the protection she had.  Her eyes darted throughout her dimly lit room as she realized it must've already been morning.  Something moved beside her.  Her heart nearly stopped as she raised her flute to her lips, flinging back the sheets..only to see her sleeping little sister.  She dropped her flute to her lap as her heart beat slowed down.  

It had been two weeks since her return to Konoha.  Her life as a highly paid prostitute was getting more luxurious as more people called for her now that she had returned with stories to tell.  With her new fortune, she had bought a villa for her own not too far from Mori's.  But, Naruto hadn't come to see her since her first visit.  Strange, she had thought she had left a lingering thought in his head.  

While Mori slept, Amaya pulled on a light purple kimono, tied her hair into a loose bun, and went to buy herself and Mori breakfast.  It was definitely early morning since the market hadn't even opened yet.  She held a beige wicker basket as she walked around as people were starting to set up their shops.  The early morning dew was still on the ground as she walked along the dirt path.  The nighmares were reoccurring more and more lately since her return.  At first, she thought that they would just go away, but that seemed to be wrong.  She kept her eyes on the path in front of her, as if hoping it would guide her back to what used to be 'normal'.

“Oh my god...  You're Amaya Hana!”

Amaya glanced up to see an oddly dressed woman.  She was dressed as if it were summer instead of early spring.  Was this woman a foreigner?  Amaya tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, “Yes, I am.  May I help you, Miss...?”

“I'm one of your biggest fans,” the woman rushed over, nearly towering over her, “I came all the way from the Village Hidden in the Wind just to see you really came back!  You're an inspiration to a lot of women back in my village!”

“Really?” Amaya couldn't help but question this woman's sanity, “You do know that my occupation isn't something that comes up on dinner conversation..”

“No, no, no.  You must understand, Suna women generally are portrayed just as warriors, so it's hard for a man to understand that we have 'needs'.  With women idolizing you along with honing our ninja skills, you have created a new era for women-empowerment,” the woman explained, “I'll be keeping tabs on you, by the way.  My brother's birthday is coming up in a few months, i'm sure you'll still be in the business by then.”

As fast as that woman appeared, she left just as quickly.  Amaya tugged on her kimono to cover her more.  Perhaps she knew that woman before...  Perhaps not.  Soon, she found an open shop to buy a small breakfast for her and Mori.  After she bought a loaf of home-made bread, a few tea bags, and two apples that Amaya started to make her way back to her home.  As she walked on the empty path towards her villa, she noticed a lingering sense that she was being watched.  Though it wasn't an accurate guess, one of the people was Naruto.  The others, she had no idea, but there was a good possibility that there was three or four more people with him.  Why were they watching her?  Amaya didn't stop, she had to keep going in order to get home before Mori woke up.


“There's no way she thinks we're the ones who led her there on purpose,” Naruto paced Tsunade's office while Kakashi and Sakura returned from spying on Amaya, “Most of the time, she's completely normal.  How come she hasn't had an outburst yet!?”

“Be quiet for just five seconds!  Can't you see that i'm trying to figure this out too?” Tsunade took a quick, morning shot of sake, “There's gotta be something in her head that's making her tick.  I could do a lobotomy on her..”

“What!?  Are you serious!?” Naruto raised his voice.

“Shut up, Naruto, of course she's not serious,” Sakura groaned, then turned to Tsunade, “Lady Hokage, we didn't see anything wrong with her today.  What if her outbursts are gone?”

“But what if they're dormant?” Tsunade added, then stood up from behind her desk, “The only way we can know this is if we put her in a situation where a memory can occur.  If Orochimaru has brainwashed her into thinking you four took her there knowing it was a trap, then we have to see for ourselves directly.  Shizune!”

“Yes, my lady?” the medic-nin appeared.

“Go find out a price for Amaya for a single night.  Double it, and send her to me,” Tsunade ordered, noticing the awkward looks she received, “What?  Did you want this done right?”

“Ah, I see what you're doing,” Kakashi stated, “What else did you have planned, then?”
“You, Sakura, and Naruto are to retrieve her for me and bring her here.  Try to bring back as much as the original mission as possible.  Don't let her crack, leave that to me,” Tsunade explained, then rolled her scrolls open, “Now go, get prepared for anything this evening.”

The three shinobi saluted before leaving Tsunade's office.  Naruto felt somewhat guilty knowing that Amaya had to go through all that ordeal over again.  Another nerve he felt was knowing that anything could happen that evening.  He glanced over at Sakura to see she was going through her schedule book, “Are you serious?  Aren't you the least bit nervous?”

“Not really.  I mean she's just a prostitute, what's the worst she could-”
“She has killed three ANBU and at least a dozen of shinobi.  Amaya Hana has been taught the ways of a kunoichi and hasn't said a word about it,” Kakashi interrupted Sakura, “The only reason she hasn't gone onto trial is because she can't recall killing anyone.”

“Well that doesn't make a whole lot of sense!” Sakura stated angrily, “Why did-”

“Look at Anko,” Kakashi pointed out, “That kunoichi has gone through hell with Orochimaru and she turned out to be one of the top kunoichi's in the village.  Anko has personally visited Amaya several times in hopes of transferring her into a kunoichi program.”

“Can we get back to the real problem!?  How are we going to actually do this?” Naruto intervened.


As soon as breakfast was prepared, Amaya heard Mori's tiny feet on the floor above her.  It was already around 8AM and she had already been up a few hours while Mori slept.  Amaya had sliced the bread and placed it in the wicker basket as her sister slowly crept down the stairs.  The tea kettle let out a small, high pitched tone as Mori stepped into the outdoor kitchen, “Good morning..”

“Good morning,” Amaya smiled as she rushed to pour herself and Mori the tea, “I have a small breakfast for us to share.  How did you sleep?”

“I slept fine, but you kept sweating and screaming,” Mori yawned as she sat in her chair, laying her head on the table, “Why were you screaming?”

“It was just a nightmare,” Amaya placed a teacup in front of Mori, “Eat something, Mori, you're getting too skinny.”

“It's this training Sakura has me on.  She's constantly telling me to eat, but at the end of the day, i'm just too tired,” Mori groaned as she sat up.

Amaya sat across from her little sister as she dipped her index finger into the tea.  She felt the boiling tea burn her finger, but such small pain didn't hurt her that much anymore.  Her eyes traveled the small, circular table as Mori nibbled on a slice of bread she had spread grape jam on.  Over their two weeks of getting to know each other all over again, Amaya had barely left Mori's side.  She had followed her to her training on days when she wasn't called upon by clients.  The morning wind brought Amaya out of her thoughts as she placed her tea back onto the table, “Would you like for me to talk to Sakura?”

Mori glanced up, her big, round brown eyes surprised, then she shook her head, “No, she'll just get mad.  If you knew her, you wouldn't like her either.”

The conversation came to a hault when Amaya quickly stood up, nearly knocking over the table.  She sensed someone nearby.  Then, one of Amaya's servant girls came running up to her room to bow in front of Amaya's bedroom, “Ms. Hana, you have been summoned by the Lady Hokage this evening.  She requests you to come to her office.”  

Amaya crossed her arms on her chest, feeling her wooden flute hidden beneath her kimono.  She had made it quite clear to all her customers that she did not make housecalls.  Though Tsunade was a respected woman, she would not get higher treatment than anyone lese.  Amaya sat back in her seat and crossed her legs, “Please let the kind Lady Hokage that I must ask her to respect my wishes.”

Mori nearly spat out her tea, “A-amaya!  That's Tsunade!  You can't tell her-”

“You watch this now, Mori,” Amaya winked as she brought her tea to her lips, then watched her servant girl scurry away, “Tsunade may have much debt to pay off, but she is still willing to pay a high price for a night of fun.”

“But..she's a woman...” Mori glanced away from her sister, “Have you...”

“It's another reason that I got you out of this life as quick as I did,” Amaya sighed after sipping her tea, “You have such a boyish figure that older women would die for you.  Trust me, Mori, you have thanked me enough by getting a good education as a kunoichi.”

Later, Mori had went off to the training grounds as Amaya watched in the distance.  She sat on a bench with a light pink parasol resting against her shoulder to keep the sunrays from harming her skin.  Amaya wore a smaller kimono that stopped at her knees to enjoy the spring air.  Her obi was a bit thicker, but it was the time of the year where it was best to wear thin clothes with a wider base.  Amaya watched as Mori managed to move around with such speed that it was hard to keep track of her.  

A person lurked nearby.  Amaya's heart began to race as she felt as if she were being watched.  Her throat tightened as her grip on her parasol became so tight her palms were becoming sweaty.  While Mori was preoccupied, Amaya noticed someone much faster was closing in on her little sister.  Time froze for that fast moment.  Amaya threw the parasol away as she dashed towards Mori, bringing out her flute.  The next few moments was as if she were watching herself in this small battle.  The person seemed surprised, but then began to throw their fist at Amaya.  She blocked a few, then managed to slip around the person to wrap her arm around their neck.  The person sent her flying by tossing her forward, Amaya had a hard time landing on her feet before twirling on her heel to run right back.  This time, she got a better look at the person who dared to sneak up on her and Mori.  Amaya then realized the person to be Sakura, Mori's sensei, but she couldn't stop fighting this woman.  But neither did Sakura.  The kunoichi ran towards Amaya as well as she balled up her fists, prepared to send her flying again.  Amaya had no intention on going anywhere.  She placed her flute beneath her lips as she began to play a quick, dark melody, waiting for the right moment before she could strike.

It was when Sakura's pace started to become sloppy that Amaya knew it was time.  She had placed Sakura in a genjutsu where all she could hear was that dark melody, confusing the kunoichi.  Amaya then pulled her flute to where it neatly pulled about into two, equal halves with a small, sharp knife edge on each.  Was she really about to strike down this kunoichi?  

“Amaya!  Don't!”

Amaya whirled around where Mori was tugging on her arm.  Hesitating for a moment, Amaya yanked herself free from Mori's grip, but cut Mori's cheek as she did this.  Her sister took a step back as Amaya realized what she did.  Mori placed her fingers against her cut, a small amount of blood trickled down her cheek, “Why would you do that?”

“It was an accident,” Amaya put her flute back together, “I didn't mean to hurt you..”

“You didn't,” Mori shrugged off the small cut, “But my sensei..  How long is she going to be like that?”

Amaya glanced over her shoulder to see Sakura had come to a complete stand-still, still stuck in the genjutsu Amaya had placed on her.  With a snap of her fingers, Sakura came back too.  She turned to see the person who trapped her and her glare intensified, “How dare you!?  You're not even a kunoichi and you're attacking me!?”

“Then don't sneak up on Mori like that,” Amaya placed her hands on her hips, “She's just a Genin, don't put her in a situation she's not ready to handle.”

“She's more than capable of defending herself if she's already a Genin,” Sakura angrily stated as she stomped her way to Amaya, “You better have one hell of an excuse for me before I let the Lady Hokage know what you did!”

“I'll tell her the truth, you were sneaking up on Mori and ready to attack her!” Amaya stated even louder.

“Amaya, there are people watching.  You can't lose customers,” Mori mentioned quietly as she looked around.

Byt the sudden look of surprise in Sakura's eyes, Amaya felt that something was said that shouldn't have been.  Sakura smirked as she let out a light hearted laugh, “Oh that's right, you're one of the highest paid women in this village.  What is it you do again?  I'm afraid I forgot.”

“She's an independent Blossom lady,” Mori marched up next to Amaya, “She gets paid more than you.”

“Mori..” Amaya gently nudged her little sister, then turned her attention back to Sakura, “You've made your point.  All I ask is that you go easy on my siser, I didn't have her join the ninja academy to be killed.”

“Amaya,” Mori was the one who tugged on her arm, “As a kunoichi of the Leaf, i'm fully aware of what has been asked of me.  We're two different people now, you have to understand that.  Go for a walk, Amaya, i'll be home later.”

This was a first.  Amaya felt Mori release her arm as she took a few steps towards Sakura.  Not Mori..  She could handle being taken from her village.  She could handle going back to a lifestyle she hadn't asked for.  She could handle the nightmares.  This...was much harder.  Amaya retrieved her parasol slowly as she forced herself to leave Mori's side willingly.  She kept turning her head to the side in case she would hear Mori call for her.  Mori didn't.

As she continued her walk, she noticed her servant girl wakling towards her.  Amaya put on her best front as she asked, “Are you getting more fruit for the house?”

“No, Ms. Hana, I came looking for you.  The Lady Hokage requests you honor her word for your safety,” her servant explained.

This time, Amaya could tell that others were starting to watch and listen.  Her moment with feeling loss soon washed over as her 'business' mind started to kick in.  Amaya shrugged as she delicately moved a strand of hair behind her ear, “Please let the Lady Hokage understand she must honor my own request.  I do not make housecalls like what people find on the streets these days.”

“Yes, Ms. Hana,” Amaya watched as her obedient servant walked off, knowing the answer she would receive.  

Some of the people nodded towards her.  A good sign of later business hopefully.  Then, she noticed an orange-jumpsuit heading her way.  Or was he walking passed her?  Amaya stood straight as she locked eyes with a young man she hadn't seen in two weeks.  As he loomed closer, she noticed he slowed his pace as he smiled at her, “Hey, Amaya!  Glad I finally found you!  Your servants have been sending me everywhere.”

“I was out with Mori,” Amaya playfully twirled her parasol in her grasp, “What can I do for you, Naruto?”

“I was kinda hoping I could ask you something,” Naruto glanced away, scratching the back of his head, “You can say no, it's fine..”

“Go ahead,” Amaya felt her heart skip a beat, “You can ask me anything, Naruto.”

“If I asked you to go have ramen with me, would you buy?”

Silence waved through Amaya as she realized his request.  With a slight groan, Amaya nodded and followed Naruto to the ramen shop.  She should've expected him to say something like that, but the few weeks she dug up some dirt on him was just some 'hero story' where the underdog saved the day.  Amaya poked at the ramen bowl in front of her as Naruto was on his third bowl.  At least she had enough money to cover his bill as well as her own.  She glanced to her side to see he was still eating rather than saying anything to her.  Did she do something he didn't like the last time they saw each other?  Amaya rested her head in her hand as she looked over at Naruto, “So why did you ask me to come here with you?”

Naruto had to finish up his third bowl, ordered his fourth, and then answered her, “I wanted to talk to you about Tsunade's request.”

“So you've heard...” Amaya rolled her eyes, “I'm sure everyone has heard by now.”

“How can they not?  Everyone knows who you are and that you're really pretty,” Naruto shrugged as he eyed his fourth bowl being made.

She had to blush slightly at his unknown compliment.  Amaya discretely reached over, placing her hand on his thigh and gave it a light squeeze, “I haven't seen you in awhile, where have you been hiding?”

Naruto lightly coughed as the gesture surprised him.  Amaya noticed his glance towards her as she noticed the discomfort she was placing him in.  This didn't stop her.  She moved her hand closer between this thighs before slowly pulling away.  He finally answered her after taking a few gulps of his water, “It's just been really busy, ya'know.  Just with all these missions and-”

“All those missions and here I sit paying your tab,” Amaya commented dryly, then glanced around the shop, “For a 'mom-and-pop' place, this isn't that bad.”

“We're honored to have you here,” the husband of the shop handed another full bowl of ramen next to Amaya's still quite full bowl in front of her.

His wife clasped her thumb and index finger on his ear, tugging him out away from Amaya and Naruto.  Amaya then turned herself fully to Naruto, slowly lowering her shoulder to let her kimono slide down her arm casually.  She watched as Naruto's eyes followed her kimono gliding down her skin, almost revealing the side of her breast.  In a quick second, she fixed her kimono as she crossed her legs, “I've been missing you, Naruto.  Why don't you visit me later tonight after Tsunade-”

“No way,” Naruto turned his attention back to his ramen, “I don't know about you, but I don't do sloppy seconds.”

“Are you serious!?” Amaya raised her voice, “How can I turn down Tsunade?  She's one of the richest women in this village.  One night with her, and i'll be set for life.  I'll never have to work a day and Mori can come back home and-”

“You don't get it, do you?” Naruto interrupted her, turning his gaze into a serious stare, “Mori doesn't want to live a simple life anymore, she wants to be a kunoichi and see what the village can offer her.  If you realized what you can do, you can live that life too instead of sleeping with people for money.  What happened two weeks ago was fun, but it can't happen again if all you want to do with your life is sleep with anyone willing to pay.  Thanks for paying, Amaya, i'll see you around another time.”

With that, Naruto easily downed his fourth bowl and left the ramen shop.  Amaya sat frozen as she tried to analyze the situation.  She turned around to see a bill slipped beneath her bowl, her heart skipped a beat at how pricey this place actually was.  After paying the bill, Amaya opened her parasol and left into the village.  It seemed now that everywhere she turned, there was a kunoichi or a shinobi just taunting her at a life she could have.  Amaya held onto her parasol as if it were the only thing keeping her grounded, this was the only life she knew of.  Anything else was completely out of her league.  

That evening came when Amaya stood at her front door.  Tsunade had won the battle.  She hadn't accepted any of her offers, so Amaya had to obey her final customer.  After this night with Tsunade, she would set all her money aside and request to be a kunoichi with her sister.  She waited for her personal escort: Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi.  Memories flashed through her mind as she waited impatiently in her pure white, silk kimono.  Fear tried to make it's way to her, but Amaya fought it back as much as she could.  Without bringing her flute, Amaya felt vulnerable and open to any attack.

When she saw Naruto, some of her comfort came rushing back.  The disappoint easily seen on his expression melted her heart and began tearing at her.  Maybe she should turn down this night while she still had the chance.  Kakashi approached her with his same cool demeanor, “Are you ready?”

“Is there any way I can just talk to her?  Or is she...?” Amaya asked quietly.

“That's out of our knowing,” Kakashi shrugged, “Did she already pay?”

“No,” Amaya answered quickly, “Then I can get out of it.  All I wanted to do was talk-”

“Just come with us,” Sakura spoke up, “We'll take you to her then.”

She glanced over at Naruto, but he didn't even return her gaze.  The four started walking towards the Hokage's mansion as Amaya found herself becoming more afraid with each step.  This couldn't be real...  She could hear a voice whispering to her, “....they did it....”

 Amaya pushed the thought out of her head.  They didn't lead her to the trap on purpose, right?  The voice came back slightly louder this time, “.....they left you to die, they did it.....

Something came over her as they neared the Hokage's mansion.  Anger, fear, hate...all three ran through her mind as memories proceeded to invade her thoughts.  All three of them...they left her to die in Orochimaru's trap.  None of them came back to save her.  Amaya paused as she memories flooded every thought she had.  Slowly tilting her head up, she realized her breathing had become rugged as she met their curious gaze.  Sakura had taken a step forward to say something, but Amaya had taken a few more steps forward to grab Sakura's throat.

Before she could wrap her fingers around the tiny throat, Kakashi appeared behind her and snatched her arms back to her side.  Restraining Amaya was like trying to hold back and avalanche.  Just as Tsunade had predicted, Amaya was not stable when all three of them were around and taking her somewhere.  Kakashi kept a tight hold on Amaya as she struggled against him while they all entered the mansion.  Even as they stood outside Tsunade's office, Amaya kicked and screamed for all three of them to die at her hands.  Tsunade opened the door and glanced down at Amaya, “So, it worked, huh?”

“Like a charm,” Kakashi commented, “Can you settle her down?”

“Of course, just bring her in,” Tsunade left the door open and went to her pantry in the office.

Amaya was forced to sit in front of the desk as Tsunade prepared a small elixir to calm her down.  She didn't want to be calm.  She wanted all three remaining ninja to be dead by her hands and cover her in their blood.  That's all she wanted.  Amaya bit, scratched, and tugged on Kakashi's grip on her, trying to be free.  Then, Tsunade appeared at her side, gripping the back of Amaya's hair to pull her face upward to drink the bitter elixir.  It had a quick effect, toning Amaya's mood down, but the memories continued to flood through her mind.  Her body may have been motionless, but her heated anger did not die down.

“Sensei...” Naruto kept his eyes on Amaya, he had no idea she would actually go off on them, “Is she...”

“She's fine, Naruto,” Tsunade leaned against her desk, “Now that we have her seated, we can ask a few questions.  Amaya, how are you feeling?”

“Let me kill them,” Amaya answered calmly, “They deserve to die for leading me to that trap.”

“Not all of them are here.  Do you know what happened to Sasuke?” Tsunade asked, the others started to listen more intently.

“I killed him,” was all Amaya answered.

That was all Tsunade wanted to ask.  She left Amaya alone in her office as she spoke with the other shinobi just outside the office door.  Tsunade had her arms crossed as she gazed at the floor, trying to figure out how to get rid of this little problem.  Sakura paced the hallway as she tried to comprehend what had happened.  Kakashi and Naruto stood still, which Tsunade thought was different due to Naruto's constantly moving personality.  Finally, Sakura stated to Tsunade, “Justice has to be done, Lady Tsunade.  She killed Sasuke and has to be punished for that!”

“We don't know if Orochimaru pitted them against each other,” Kakashi chimed in, trying to be the voice of reason, “If that's the case, then Amaya cannot be held accountable.”

“That's the thing, we don't know what happened, but we do know she tried to kill us tonight,” Sakura stated.

“How about we put some reason and what Sakura is saying together,” Tsunade spoke up, keeping her gaze on the floor, “Amaya obviously has repressed emotions and memories that are triggered when she sees you three together taking her somewhere.  I think I know a way for the whole ordeal to be taken out, but I can't do it.  Tomorrow, i'll contact a person who might help and we'll see how things go from there.  Is everyone happy with that?”

Sakura nodded while the other two remained silent.  Tsunade took that as a unified understanding.  She then went back inside as Sakura and Kakashi left, leaving Naruto in the hallway.  The Hokage came back out with Amaya, who seemed calmer.  Naruto looked over at Amaya as she stood motionless in Tsunade's grasp, “Is she ok?”

“Take her back home, Naruto.  Just calm her down for the night and we'll deal with this tomorrow,” Tsunade spoke softly as she had Amaya walk over to the blonde shinobi.

Her memories started to fade as she felt all her anger start to disappear.  She was exhausted from her outburst.  Amaya couldn't control her body from the elixir Tsunade had given her, but she could move her gaze to Naruto.

He just started to walk out of the mansion as Amaya followed behind him silently.  They exited the mansion and began walking through the dark night in the village back to her villa.  Amaya didn't know what to say.  She couldn't apologize for what happened to Sasuke, all she could do was try to understand what happened was out of their control.  If only he could understand why she was so angry towards him and the rest of the Team 7 back then.  

“Did you really kill Sasuke?” his voice brought her out of her thoughts, “If you did..why did you do it..?”

Amaya didn't answer for a few moments.  She then softly answered, “It was either him or me.  Orochimaru planned on Sasuke killing me, but..  I chose not to die.  I chose to live for Mori.”

It was out of her control.  Amaya noticed Naruto stop walking so she stopped as well.  He turned around and she could swear she saw his eyes start to glisten.  She turned her gaze away as she thought of Mori.  It was because of her desire to see Mori again that made her kill Sasuke and the other prisoners Orochimaru had in his grasp.  The other reason was because he was one of the ninjas who led her to Orochimaru.  Amaya watched as Naruto turned to her and grabbed her arm, “If you think we were the ones who knew about that trap, then you're wrong!  None of us knew what would happen!  Stop thinking we did that on purpose!  If I knew that would happen, then I wouldn't have stayed with Mori to keep her happy!  I wouldn't have came to visit you!  I would've killed you on the spot if I knew you would return!  I could kill you right now since you killed Sasuke!”

Amaya saw the red chakra seething from his body.  Was he going to kill her?  She pulled away from his grasp as she balled up her fists, “You have no idea what happened to me!  You don't know-”

“You're pathetic,” Naruto released her, making her stumble back a few steps, “You're acting like the victim when you know exactly what you can do.  Whatever happened to you is done.  You can move on and protect your sister from going through what you went through.  Stop acting like a coward.”

Amaya watched as he turned and walked away from her.  She couldn't believe he actually yelled her at like that.  Her body shook lightly from the heated argument.  Amaya waited a few moments to calm down before going back to her own home.  She had a long day tomorrow with calling old customers and seeing Tsunade about becoming a kunoichi.
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