Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What it Means to be Loved ❯ Lovely Days ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


It wasn't until a few days later that Mori, standing at the training grounds waiting for Sakura, actually started to notice the change around her.  Though she really didn't understand much of what was going on, she still picked up on the distress from her sister.  Mori leaned against the nearby tree as she thought of her sister with Naruto.  They seemed to be closer than they were when she first came back.  Honestly, that was ok.  It was the Kazekage that was making Mori worry about her older sister.  Whenever Amaya was going somewhere on her own, Gaara followed her from a distance.  Mori understood he was following her for a reason, but was Naruto ok with that?

An hour passed, and Sakura was still nowhere to be seen.  Mori glanced around her.  No sign of Sakura trying to be sneaky.  In fact, Mori couldn't pick up on any hidden chakra nearby.  It wasn't like her sensei to be late.  Mori sat on the ground and waited.  This was starting to get ridiculous.  Then, she heard someone approach her from her side.  Mori turned to see Amaya with a small wicker basket, “Amaya?  Where's Sakura?”

“Did she not show up today?” Amaya asked as she placed a hand on her hip.

“No,” Mori stood up, “Last time I saw her, it was yesterday and we were going to practice controlling my chakra control some more.”

“Well, too bad.  I brought this for the three of us to enjoy during your break.  If you want, I can teach you.  You would be amazed at my chakra control,” Amaya commented as she sat the basket on the ground.

Though Mori was hoping to be taught from Sakura, she willingly followed her sister.  For hours they trained on chakra control until Mori felt as if she would collapse.  Around noon, Mori finally put her hands up, “Amaya, i'm really tired.  Can we eat first and then continue?”

It surprised Mori that Amaya was so at ease at her chakra.  She couldn't even detect any from her sister and, yet, Amaya was better at her chakra than Sakura's.  Amaya twirled her flute in her fingers, “Of course, eat up.  Afterwords, let's do some real training.”


“I wonder where Sakura is,” Kakashi murmured as he waited with Naruto in the Forest of Death.

“She's never late,” Naruto added as he looked around them, “Do you think she's sick?”

“She would've said something,” Kakashi closed his book, “Have you seen her this morning?”
“No,” Naruto turned his attention back to his sensei, “Do you think she's ok?”

It was a passing glance, but Naruto felt a chill run down his spine as his old sensei remained silent.  They ran over to Sakura's apartment not too long after the question was asked.  Naruto was silently worried that maybe Sakura was sick; she even trained while she was sick with the flu during the winter.  Then again, he could be overreacting and she could've just slept in from a late night.  It didn't take too long for the Jonin and Chunin to finally reach Sakura's residence.  The front door was still locked, all the windows were closed.  There was no sign that Sakura even left her home.  Kakashi easily unhinged the doorknob and found their way inside her apartment.  

Everything seemed fine.  Just..well, unused.  Kakashi was the one who led the way as they looked through the living room and kitchen for Sakura.  Naruto went to look into the bathroom until Kakashi stood in Sakura's bedroom doorway.  He called softly for Naruto to come over.  When Naruto got a good glimpse of the bedroom, his blood ran cold.  The only thing left of Sakura was her glove with her detached hand inside.  Naruto covered his mouth as he felt vomit rise from his stomach to his mouth.  Kakashi entered the room and picked up the only evidence that Sakura was dead.  He looked behind him to hear Naruto was vomitting into the toilet.  There was no sign of a struggle.  Her room was kept neat, there was no blood on the walls or floor, it looked like the perfect crime.


That afternoon, Amaya let Mori bathe and head to sleep.  She had trained her sister harder than Sakura had ever tried to have done.  Amaya stood in front of the stove as she prepared a large soup for her and her sister to eat for the next few days.  After the soup is gone, so will she and Mori.  Both of them will be heading to Suna for her to be healed.  There was a knock at the door, breaking Amaya's concentration.  She knew exactly who it was; Gaara.  Like each of the previous evenings, she allowed him into her home for supper and a cup of tea.  Each night was the same question: what she did, why did she do this, who did she see, and what did she talk about.  All of them giving him the same answer day in and day out.

“I couldn't detect you during the night.  Where had you been?” Gaara asked after he sipped his tea.

“I was asleep like everyone else,” Amaya shrugged as she tasted her sip, then decided to add more herbal ingredients.  

He went silent after her answer.  Amaya waited a few minutes before deciding to take a bowl of soup for herself.  She ate in peace at her kitchen table as Gaara continued to sip his tea.  At first, it seemed enchanting to personally know a Kage without living in their village.  Then, after he started to show up every single night, the enchantment began to fade away.  Instead, Amaya saw Gaara as just another person who wanted to snick his nose into her business.  

“I noticed Mori didn't train with Sakura today.  Where is she?” Gaara inquired.

“I don't know,” Amaya answered as she stirred the contents of the soup in her bowl, “It's not like she tells me anything.”

“She's your sister's teacher.  Don't you think you should put more effort-”

“Lord Kazekage,” Amaya narrowed her gaze onto Gaara, “I respect you as a leader for your village, and I respect you for being an ally to my village.  However, as long as you are under my roof, that I paid for with my own money, I don't expect to be lectured by anyone.”

Gaara just stared at her for a few moments before sliding his cup over to her.  That was his indication that he wanted more tea.  Amaya sighed as she got up and began to boil his water for him.

“Are you in love with Naruto?”

It was Amaya's turn to remain quiet.  She cared for him, but not as much as he was for her.  Eversince her decision to receive help from Gaara, he had been her main support.  But..  Her feelings for him were starting to change.  The memories flash through her head every time she's around him.  Though she should love him, the only thing she felt for him was pure hate.  Not because of the demon within him.  Not because she just hated him as a person.  No.  Amaya hated Naruto because of what happened three years ago.

“Maybe someday I will; like when I come back here from being healed.  But for now,” Amaya answered as she sat a new cup of tea for Gaara on the table, “I don't think I could.”

“These passed few nights, you've been leading him to your room.  If you don't love him, then why sleep with him?” Gaara asked as he sat back in his seat.

Amaya knew Gaara and Naruto were close friends.  She even knew Gaara idolized Naruto.  The only reason she knew this was from Naruto.  Amaya sipped her soup before answering, “I slept with many clients before, but I didn't love them either.  Once you start that type of life, it's hard to mentally get out of.  I'm sure you don't understand.”

It was then she was told of Gaara's life.  Amaya listened intently, remembering each word and emotion that was tagged into it.  If anything, Gaara had started worse-off than Naruto.  At some parts, her heart went out to Gaara.  She and her sister were forced away from their parents, but his father abandoned him.  When Gaara finished telling her about his own story, Amaya saw a different Gaara in front of her.  He understood what it meant to just survive each day.  He understood that sacrifices had to be met.  She reached over to gently squeeze his hand, but he pulled away, “You are Naruto's.  I don't need comfort from what is not mine.”
She was actually offended he would say such a thing.  But, she had to remember who she was really speaking to.  A part of her mind wanted to comfort him like she would comfort clients.  However, she didn't want to hurt Naruto either.  She gave into her better judgement and smiled at Gaara, “I thought we were friends, I apologize if I scared you.”

Silence echoed around them as each sipped their own tea.  It was only a matter of time before they would set out to his village for her to be healed.  Amaya crossed her legs when she heard the front door open.  Uncrossing her legs, Amaya stood up and greeted Naruto as he reached the kitchen.  As soon as she saw him, she knew something was wrong.  His eyes were downcasted, his body language spoke of travisty.  Amaya reached over to him, but Naruto pulled away slightly.  Gaara also stood up, “Naruto, what happened?”

“Sakura...” Naruto finally spoke, “She's dead..”

“Naruto...” Amaya gasped softly, “How...When?”

“Kakashi investigated as best as he could,” Naruto explained as he sat against the counter, “The only trace of her was her gloved hand.  Besides that, he doesn't know exactly when she was killed or if she's still alive.”

Amaya covered her mouth as she sat down.  Gaara took a few step forwards, “Has the killer been tracked down?”

Naruto raised his gaze to meet Gaara's, “No one has an idea who could've done this.  It could be anyone.”

“Mori...She adored Sakura,” Amaya murmured.

“This is serious,” Naruto pulled a chair to sit down, “I'm sorry, Gaara, but can we wait to-”

“I should be the one to apologize, Naruto,” Gaara sighed softly, “But we can't wait to travel.  When is the funeral?”

“Because of a lack of...body..  It's going to be in two days,” Naruto answered, slighty dismayed that he had to travel under such conditions.

“As soon as the funeral is done, we'll take our leave,” Gaara stated as he started to leave out the kitchen.

Amaya watched as he left.  This was going to shock Mori, this may even shock the village.  She stood up, but Naruto snatched her wrist softly, “Please...don't go just yet.”

Her gaze fell onto Naruto as his tears began to fall.  It was then that the image began to change and become distorted.  The frozen hell that was no her heart seemed to emerge as she remained still.  She could not comfort him for his loss.  For his loss was but a little thing in her mind.  Amaya sucked in a quick breath as the rapid change disappeared.  She then bent down to Naruto and hugged him tightly, allowing him to hold her just as tight and feel the overwhelming remorse of a lost friend.


The day of their departure came quickly.  Amaya and Mori wore matching black dresses as they stood at the front of the large funeral ceremony.  It was a closed-casket, obviously, and a large picture of Sakura was on display.  Mori continually cried.  Amaya kept her hand on Mori's shoulder as she allowed her sister to cry over Sakura's death.  A few people said a speech or two, some even brought gifts to give Sakura for her after-life.  Naruto stood next to Amaya, but this time he didn't cry.  Throughout the nights before the funeral he would cry and call out for Sakura.  Amaya understood his saddness and felt nothing more than pity for him.  

After the funeral, Gaara meant what he said and asked if they were ready to leave.  Amaya took a step back and asked, “This is really not a good time.  I want to visit my first home one more time before I leave.”

Gaara wanted to disagree with her, but even Mori and Naruto defended her.  The Kazekage had to back down, and finally agreed to her.  Amaya went off on her own as Mori remained with Naruto and Gaara.  She wanted to do one last thing before she felt comfortable leaving.  With a black parasol in her grasp, her flute tucked away in her black dress, Amaya wandered through the village until she found the Blossom House.  Due to Sakura's popularity as the village's healer, even all the sisters and servants were at the funeral.  Amaya crept into the garden where she first heard the news of being bought by a rich man.  A small smile crept on her face as she remembered the joy of being free that day.

She stood by the small stream as the memories flashed through her mind.  Her reflection revealed the changes within her.  How bitter her heart had turned, and her mind was slowly creeping into the maddness she had fought from for three years.  Amaya gripped the parasol a little tighter, forcing herself to come back to reality.  Now, she had her own home, Mori was free, and she even had Naruto who answered her every whim.  This was what she wanted before, right?  Wasn't this the life she had worked so hard for?

“Beautiful day for a funeral, isn't it?”

Amaya didn't have to turn around to know it was Kakashi who spoke to her.  She simply nodded in silence.  Nevertheless, it was a lovely day.  Kakashi walked up to her side where he also gazed into the small stream, “Are you prepared to leave?”

“Yes,” Amaya answered softly, “I just have to finish one last errand before I can leave in peace.”

“I see,” Kakashi murmured, “I would like to talk to you in private.  Care to join me to my home?”

“I shall,” Amaya nodded, turning her gaze to Kakashi right before they walked off.

Kakashi was not a rich man.  Nor was he a poor one.  Instead, his apartment was kept clean with a few odds and ends on the floor.  Amaya closed her parasol and placed it against the couch.  Kakashi walked into the kitchen and began to boil water for tea.  It seemed like yesterday that they had just met at the party where her popularity first sky-rocketed.  Amaya sat at his meager kitchen table as Kakashi remained in the kitchen for some time.  She kept her keen eyes on him, watching his every movement as he poured the water into two tea cups, pouring in scented herbs.  The scent was quite strong, he made chamomile tea to calm the nerves.  Who was the one that was nervous?

As he approached Amaya with her cup, Amaya stood and accepted it before he could sit.  They both sat at the same time, taking a small sip as they kept their gaze on each other.  Amaya sat straight in her chair, not straying her gaze away from Kakashi's.  Silence echoed around them as neither said a word.  Kakashi then sat his cup of tea on the table, “Where is Sakura's body?”

“Burned to ashes and thrown into a lake,” Amaya answered swiftly, crossing her legs as she took another sip of tea.

“And you did this during the night?” Kakashi asked as he started to lean forward.

“At the stroke of midnight.  I walked into her house as she slept, played a tune to keep her asleep, and cut off her hand so no one would look for her,” Amaya explained as she sat her cup of tea on the table, “Is there anything else you'd like to know?”

Kakashi waited a moment before leaning back with a sigh.  Amaya knew he would not harm her, there was something else on his mind.  He then looked back at her, “I know what you want to do before you leave.  You will kill me.”

“Yes,” Amaya answered nodded slightly as she pulled out her flute, “I will then have three of the four killed.  Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and you, Kakashi Hatake.  Naruto will be the last.”

He eyed her flute for a moment before taking his attention back to her.  Kakashi was not a naïve man, he knew she would kill him even if he put up a fight.  This thought was obvious in her mind, and he could not deter her from that.  Amaya was about to put the flute to her lips before Kakashi raised a hand, “May I ask one last thing before you kill me?”

Her silence was the answer.  Kakashi then asked, “How will you kill Naruto?”

Amaya remained silent for another moment, then answered, “I will have him kill himself.  Once you all are dead, I will move on with my life and know that everything will be forgotten.”

“And Orochimaru?” Kakashi dared to ask another question.

“They all will pay their price one day.  I just wanted to bring justice to the ones who betrayed me,” Amaya merely answered as she put the flute back to her lips.

It was swift.  The tune she played was a genjutsu that made Kakashi feel as if he was falling asleep.  In truth, his heart beat was slowing, his mind started to shut down, and death was upon him.  As soon as she finished the song, Amaya checked his pulse to see he was dead.  She took apart her flute to reveal one of the daggers and began to detach his hand from his wrist.  With the severred hand, Amaya took the body to the bathroom where she left the corpse in the shower.  As for the hand, she kept it on the table for everyone to see.  There was no struggle.  In fact, Kakashi gave his life for her.  Amaya smiled to herself at the thought that he was very kind enough to do such a thing.  

However, she must be leaving soon.  
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