Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What Lies Beneath ❯ What Lies Beaneath ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
AN: This is kind of a test story for me so updates might be slow but I like the plot I have so hopefully it'll sort out in my head and be written quickly.

pairing: Sasuke/Neji (still not enough of these two out there)
Setting: Right after Orochimaru tries to take over Sasuke's body. This is my own little spin on how things turn out.
Summary: Hyuuga Neji can't believe who he finds in the woods. Will taking this person home be a mistake or worth the trouble?

He had been running for nearly two days now at full speed, using as much chakra as he could force out of himself. There wasn't much left and he knew it. Having spent a good amount of it fighting his way through a mob of henchmen for nearly a day. Even at his skill level, the task took a lot out of him. That and the constant running on alert while struggling against the side effects of a strange drug circulating throughout his system. He was physically depleted.

His feet beat down heavily on the grass and dirt beneath them leaving footprints, that he hoped would wash away with the rain that threatened to fall, to keep any pursuers from finding him easily. Ominous clouds had formed over head about an hour ago, he guessed, having lost track and sense of time with the disappearance of the sun. What he did know was that he'd been running for over a day now. Knowing the constant movement was only aiding to increase the poisons journey through his weary body. He couldn't stop, too nervous that someone might be following him, find him and drag him back.

He cursed himself mentally for the hundredth time since he'd left. Always leaving, always running away from something. It was too much of a constant bad habit in his life.

The scene played out time and time again while he traveled. The dimly lit laboratory, the sound of chemicals boiling in test tubes over flames. That all too familiar calm yet serious tone giving instructions. The hungry excitement looming in the air. He was cold in a hot room, naked and wet. He was nervous and scared without ever letting it show. Disguising his worries with the same haughty arrogance and bored expression he usually wore. Mostly, he was angry.

The sky rumbled just before the rain made its first appearance coming down in heavy torrents not bothering to take it slowly. The drops clung to his dark hair, some of them ran down his scarred face and chest. Some of the drops mixed with the dried blood, moistening it once more, on his torn clothes. The ones he'd barely been able to throw on after the incident.

It was his decision. To run and not look back but he wondered if it had been the right choice. Making hasty choices out of fear and anger was something only hotheads did. But at that moment he'd had no choice but to run, no time to have thought it through. Now here he was running, suffering.

A strike of lightning lit up the sky briefly. Snapping the air like a whip loud enough to break through his mulling thoughts. The electricity in the air was stifling with the musky stench of cold rain and wet earth. These things, lightning, electricity, were all a part of him. Things he'd become one with over time so the storm didn't affect him like it would most, it felt familiar. What made him nervous now were the aches in his body. The sickening feeling inside his veins from whatever bullshit concoction was injected into him right before he lost control and fled. What made him nervous was the sense of not being alone. If someone were to show up right now he was almost one hundred percent sure he wouldn't be able to defend himself or fight back properly. He could just barely sense movement a few miles away and knew he had to find a place to hide.

His movements were slowing down and his body becoming heavy. His vision was blurring. Somehow he'd managed to drag himself to a large tree trunk, that supplied an opening just big enough for him to take cover in, before his body gave out and he went unconscious.


They traveled at top speed despite the rain pouring down in torrents around them. The branches that were soaked and slippery barely made contact with the bottom of their sandals. Their mission had been a success and ended a day sooner than planned and everyone was eager to get home and out of the foul weather that had followed them during their journey to and from villages.

"Hey! Could we slow down some?" Tenten called over the noise above them. "This rain is pretty nasty."

A few feet in front of her a very wet, and determined not to be bothered by it, Lee looked over his shoulder. "But Tenten the faster we move the sooner we'll make it home." Turning back to the are infront of him he missed the childish face his teammate made behind his back. "And traveling in harsh weather conditions is a good source of training. Right Gai-sensei?"

Gai's boisterous laugh could be heard from the front of the formation over the thunder. It always warmed his heart to see his favorite pupil utilizing every situation as a form of training to become stronger and a better shinobi. "True as that is Lee," His voice suddenly became serious. "for the sake of your teammates well being we'll slow down a bit." And with that order he was already lessening his chakra output.

"Hai! Gai-sensei." The mini Gai followed suit slowing his speed, as did the others slowing their paces enough after catching up to their leader.

"Finally." Tenten sighed relieved at the small bit of rest her legs would get. "Worst mission ever."

Lee shot his female companion a disbelieving look. "How so? We succeeded in battle and completed the mission in good time."

"Mm, an entire day early. Nothing less to be expected of my team." Their former sensei chimed in with praise having over heard his exuberant former pupils conversation.

"Even so, it was raining when we left Konoha, it rained on us during battle. Those rogue shinobi smelled like week old wet garbage. I broke one of my bo sticks and now its storming on our way back."

"Tenten, you shouldn't complain so much. Every mission is a test of your strength, endurance and stamina an-"

"And a test of mentality and chance to show our way of the ninja. I know! Doesn't mean they're all pleasant." She grumbled under her breath.

As the team bickered and their sensei laughed Neji continued to hang in the back scanning the area, as was his job, for any trouble that might be lurking nearby or following them home. He catches a small distant movement to their right about 160 meters away. The wind and heavy rains only handicapping his vision slightly. Before focusing his byakugan in on it Tenten's shriek at a particularly loud snap of lightning halts his action.

"Neji," Gai's commanding tone breaks through the noise. "How do things look are we clear?"

"Hai." He promptly responded.

"Alright then. Listen up team," He waits a moment getting the groups attention, even though he knows its unnecessary because his team was always the best at obedience, most of the time. "This storm is getting worse. More so then we expected so speeding up or continuing on right now would be a careless move." He heard the agreeable sound from his female teammate. "There's a safe house not too far from here that we can camp in until the rain dies down."

"Thank god." Tenten sighed in relief.

"Alright, lets go!" Following Gai they made a change in direction heading towards one of Konoha's hidden safe houses. Typically used for Anbu that see more of the underground home than their own. The resident was also used as a resting place for when a team member was too injured to go on. Sometimes for things most shinobi did in private but didn't really speak of and for occasions such as this, to ride out bad weather. Neji took one last look in the direction he had sensed movement from a moment ago. Using his byakugan again he found nothing. No sign of life or movement. Whatever it was must have either gotten out of his range of vision, which wasn't possible considering how weak and slow it had been moving, or it had died. But the Hyuuga prodigy was positive something had been out there.

They made it to the safe house a few minutes later, Gai having to use a jutsu to open the secret door hidden beneath a large tree trunk. The massive trunk slid over easily revealing a dark stairway leading down into an underground cavern. Lighting a match from a crevice in the wall he lit the lantern that sat beside it, guiding his team inside, before giving the command that placed the tree back in place.

Tenten stretched her arms overhead and began stretching her legs to release the stiff muscles that had formed from a hard day of traveling. Her mood had already brightened due to the change in environment. "This is so much better. You can't even hear the storm from down here."

"Then how will we know when its stopped?" Lee asked absently earning a quizzical look from his weapon wielding teammate.

"We'll go out and check after an hour or so." Gai answered with humor in his tone at his young apprentice's question.

"Or Neji here could check for us, right?" The weapons master turned her attention to the silent teen who was busy working on the fire.


Gai frowned a bit at the lack of response but didn't think much of it because it was typical Neji even after all their years together to be unresponsive. Unless it was on a subject of importance to him then he could speak for miles like Lee and himself often do. "Ah, good job Neji." Gai commented once the fire was going at a high roar. "Lee, there's a few dishes in that cupboard there," He pointed in the direction of what he spoke of. Then thoughtfully rubbed a hand to his chin. "We might have to wash them a bit before use, though."

"Hai Gai sensei." With a quick salute he went to do as he told.

"I'll get the food going then." Tenten announced joining Lee by the cupboards that undoubtedly held shinobi rations, can goods and whatever personal items were left behind by previous dwellers.

Gai joined Neji in unraveling the sleeping bags that were kept against the stone wall and used this opportunity, while the others were busy, to speak with him. "Is everything alright Neji? You seem distracted."

"Everything is fine."

"Hmm. You're sure nothing happened during the mission, are you injured?"

Offering his former sensei a look of assurance he told him, "I'm fine, its nothing really."

It took Gai a moment of sternly looking that stoic face over before he decided to give his former student the benefit of a doubt and back off. "Very well then." He patted the boy on his back and continued unfolding the other bags.

Neji didn't want to worry Gai or the others over something that might not even be there. So he decided to keep what he'd seen to himself for now. With the bedding task complete they joined the others by the fire where a kettle of canned soup was being prepared by Tenten. Neji set out the cleaned bowls and spoons Lee had brought over for them to use, while Gai and Lee boisterously discussed taijutsu moves they'd used on this mission during battle.

"That's very good my Lee. Inventing new moves is a true sign of having mastered your physical talents and being able to create tougher ones to advance your skills."

"Its ready!" Tenten anounced already serving the soup into bowls.

"Itadakimasu!" Gai and Lee called before they all began to eat.

"This is really good Tenten." Lee spoke between spoonfulls.

"Its just heated from a can Lee."

"Mhm, but still."

Gai laughed and glanced at the less interactive team member to his left. The young Hyuuga was quietly picking at his meal as he stared into the bowl. The taijutsu master cleared his throat casually. "Anything on your mind Neji?"

The teen looked up.

"Yeah Neji, you've been very quiet." Lee added.

"That's nothing new." Tenten mumbled.

"I'm sorry, I'm just tired."

"Mm," Lee held his spoon up nodding his head affirmatively. "that's to be expected with how hard you worked during the mission." Lee continued on about being impressed and the awsomeness of their teamwork but his words went unheard by the others.

"You should eat then." Tenten spoke to her former crush. After years of neglect she'd finally came to see the Hyuuga as just a friend and teamate, still attractive but nothing more.

"Yes," Gai agreed mimicking the held high spoon and nod that Lee had done a moment ago. "The sooner we finish the sooner we can get to bed and recharge for heading out in the morning."

"Hai, Gai sensei!" With that Lee began rapidly shovelling the soup into his mouth.

Tenten sighed heavily. "Lee that doesn't mean choke yourself by eating too fast." And sure enough it wasn't long before a large chunk of potato was swallowed wrong. Cutting off the hasty ninjas air. Lee froze setting his meal down as he coughed and hit his chest to help dislodge the item. Gai went over to help the boy by giving him the heimlic manuever, two good pumps, a whack to the back and the food came out. Flying into the fire causing the flames to jump a bit.

"Gross." Tenten frowned.

"There we are." Gai released his favorite pupil and gave the boy his stern finger. "Now Lee, remember too much eagerness can sometimes lead to mistakes and tragedy."

Panting a bit after finishing his canteen of water to soothe his throat Lee responded. "Sorry... Gai sensei."

Once things settled back down, their meal finished, and the fire put out, Team nine settled theirselves into a sleeping bag for the night. After Neji's report that no one was following them, Gai figured they'd be safe enough from any trouble in the safe house so there'd be no need to keep watch. Sleep took their weary bodies quickly with the exception of one. Neji was too distracted with thoughts of what had been out in the woods. He wanted to dismiss it as an animal caught in the storm just as they were but it had a chakra signature, very faint but one all the same. He was sure of it. His eyes had never failed him in that department save the mishap with Naruto and his kage bunshin at the chuunin exam and the fog created by Raiga during their mission in Lightning. Those, however were the only times.

It had to have been a person he figured, while running possabilities through his mind. Maybe it was another shinobi looking for shelter, severly injured from battle. Which is why the chakra signature was so weak and then gone completely. Or a rogue nin on the run trying to hide from assassins. It could possibly have been an Anbu member, which would explain why none of his team members had detected the others presence. If it hadn't been for his eyes he wouldn't have even known something was there either. There were too many possabilities, good and bad. Foolishly he wanted think it had been a trick of the lightning and shadows but he was too smart to believe that. Intuition told him he had to go out and check again. He wanted to, if only to put his mind at ease but the storm hadn't subsided yet and he was positive one of his teamates would wake up and catch him leaving or discover him missing and go looking for him.

So for the time being Neji decided on trying to sleep, and hoped against all odds whomever it was wouldn't be trouble for the village........

The next morning the members of team nine woke early to a light drizzle outside. The sky was gray and darker clouds loomed in the distance with the threat of more rain to come. Gai was outside stretching his muscles and deeply breathing in the fresh air of the surrounding trees and fresh fallen rain. Inside the hideout his teamates were busy packing quietly and returning any items they moved out of place. An occasional low mumble could be heard from Lee, to himself, as he mapped out his plans for when he got home. The only thing on the young Hyuuga's mind that morning was getting home so he could hurry and return to this location in private to look for any signs of his mystery in the woods. He mentally told himself that he could feel like an idiot later and be fine with that if he was worried over nothing. Atleast his mind would be at ease on the matter.

"Alright troops ready to head out?" Gai bellowed down into the entrance blocking the little bit of daylight the teens were using. After getting the proper response his former students headed outside to join him. They took off immediately at full speed knowing the village wasn't too far ahead.

Neji willed himself not to activate his kekkei genkai and take a look around, so he wouldn't draw attention to himself. They returned to Konoha in record time and headed straight for the Hokage tower to check in and give their status report.

"Back so soon? You finished faster than planned." Lady Tsunade spoke behind her desk. Her hands were folded together covering her red painted lips and her elbows rested on the desk between two large piles of paperwork.

"Yes, Tsunade-sama. My team is very vibrant and eff-"

"Very well then." She waved a hand to dismiss any more of the mans praise. Having heard it all countless times before. "I assume it was a success then."

"Yes! Tsunade-sama." Maito spoke trying to remain official in front of his leader, something he'd been reprimanded about not doing in the past. "The bandits were apprehended and the stolen items returned to their proper place."


"The Daimyo gave me this for you as proof of our work." Gai fished a small beige envelope from out of his jounin vest and handed it to Shizune who'd been standing by.

The Hokage eagerly took it from her assistant hoping there would be more than the confirmation papers of a mission completed inside. Something along the lines of the.. payment. When she pulled the contents out she found the signed mission report and nothing more. Not convinced that this was all she turned the envelope upside down. Upon shaking the envelope further a small slip of paper fell out. Snatching it up she read the note to herself quickly.

"The Daimyo of Grass, Hiroshi Mouto, would like to send his deepest grattitude to the Hokage of Fire Country's Konoha, Lady Tsunade for a job well done. Your payment will arrive shortly." Growiling in frustration she crumpled the paper and tossed it unsuccessfully at the trash bin. Then began grumbling something about inconsiderate leaders and cheapskates and the man couldn't even write his own thank you notes.

"Ehem," Gai cleared his throat trying to regain his leaders attention. The others exchanged looks of confusion. Shizune and Tonton shook their heads in disbelief.

"Yes, of course." Getting back to business Tsunade's voice held a little more aggrivation than it had earlier. "Any problems along the way?"

"Not a one Hokage sama." They all chimed in with the exception of Neji who stood quietly almost not paying attention. This raised a questioning brow on the Hokages seemingly young face.

"Hyuuga!" She barked to get the young mans attention. "Any problems?"

"No, Hokage sama." Techincally he wasn't lying because he himself didn't know who or what was lurking around.

"Good. Now go home clean up and fill out your individual missions reports. Return them to me by nightfall. Dismissed."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." They all chimed in unison.

The group bowed before filing out of the office barely getting down the hall before the Hokage began yelling at the stupidity of the Daimyo and his need to pay for her services days later. While Lee and Tenten chatted about the time off they'd have Gai watched Neji warily and the young Hyuuga was aware of this. Which is why he kept his pace even not wanting to appear too eager to get away from the others. Luckily another jounin, carrying a tack of papers, spotted them on their way out and leave it to Maito Gai to engage the man in conversation. Neji thanked the Kages for his sensei's predictable nature and took the oppurtunity to take off and rush home.

After having quickly but effeciently written up his mission report-something all team members were required to do so the higher ups could exame the notes to make sure everything that went on during a mission added up while coming from the attending memebers separately- and showered Neji skipped any meals and dropped the papers off at the proper place. Next thing, as he was ordered, Neji returned to the Hyuuga Clan compound letting his Unlcle know the mission was a success and that he was fine. Something he hated doing, even knowing the man cared for him in some way after the truth of his father had come out, Neji himself was still finding it hard to return the feelings. Unfortunately for his Uncle to agree to let the young Hyuuga move out of the compound, which Neji desperately wanted to do, he had to agree to his uncles request.

Finally being relieved of any obligations in the Village he left, walking casually, as if on a strole to make sure that no one was following him past the Village front gates. Once he felt safe and completely alone he quickly returned to the last place he recalled seeing the slow moving figure. Whatever it was, even in hiding he'd find it. Spanning his vision in all directions and perching in a high branch finding something didn't take long.

"Hn." Jumping down gracefully he walked over to the hollow of a large tree trunk seeing a bundled form tucked inside. With the dark clouds about to burst again and the heavy branches and leaves of the forest over head it was darker inside the tree hole than normal. Leaning in to get a closer look Neji found out that there was infact a person inside not an animal. He mentally noted not to feel stupid after all for having been so concerned. Using his byakugan to check its vitals Neji found out that whomever this was was still alive, barely breathing, if it all and unconscious. He reached in carefully and slowly moving his hands around feeling various injuries on the body.

Pausing, to look behind and around him incase anyone had showed up, and finding himself still alone, minus the occasional fluttering of a bird, Neji quickly turned back to the tree then, carefully, he reached in and gently pulled the body out into brighter light. It was a boy around his age maybe a year or so younger. Neji's brows furrowed for a moment. There was something familiar about him. Mostly the pale skin and dark hair, both of which were covered in dirt and what smelled like blood. Pulling him out of the hole completely Neji froze mid move as the recognization sunk in. He'd seen this boy before in the past. He was a leaf ninja or former Konoha shinobi. "Uchiha Sasuke."