Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What's Wrong With You, What's Wrong With Me ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
[Hn... Review responses?

randomHime: Um... Kinda... You'll see from this chapter...
Arenja-too-lazy-to-log-in: Will do.]

Itachi slipped one hand back into the younger boy's hair, entangling his fingers within the strands and claiming dominance. The other didn't resist and open his mouth wider to deepen the heated kiss. Just as Itachi's hand had found skin under the boy's jacket, the door opened, sending light across the darkened room.

"Tadai... ma?" Sasuke stared at the position he had found his brother and classmate in, wondering if he had entered the wrong house.

"Okaeri." Itachi didn't leave the couch which he had pinned the other boy to. He moved his knee, causing a groan.

"H-Hey, SasuKE!" Itachi had bitten his neck, impatiently.

"Kiba." Sasuke took off his shoes and placed them near the door.

"Erm... Thanks for the help with that, erm, anatomy homework, Itachi-sempai," Kiba stammered, trying to get up.

Itachi looked Kiba up and down with a contented smile. "Believe me, Kiba-kohai, the... pleasure... was all mine. Now get home safely. " Itachi moved his arm, allowing Kiba to leave the couch. "Don't want to worry Neji, after all." Itachi reached low behind Kiba's back and Sasuke looked away.

"Gyeep!" Sasuke rolled his eyes which were still fixated on the wall and remained so until Kiba made a VERY fast departure. Sasuke busied himself with taking off his school jacket.

"You're at it already and it's only been a week. You might have told me you were seducing my classmates... Again."

Itachi merely shrugged, sprawled on his back and turned on the TV. "You might have asked me not to, if it bugged you that much. Watch TV with your niisan." Itachi pointed to the glowing box.

"No, thank you. I'm not sitting anywhere that you've touched with your bodily fluids." Sasuke flopped into the nearby armchair.

"In that case," Itachi drawled, "Don't sit on my bed, on the counter, in the bathub, on the first three hallways stairs..."

"Okay, I get it, Itachi. You're a rampant whore."

"The kitchen table, the living room floor or the... chair you're... sitting in."

A greenish tint took over Sasuke's pale features. "Please tell me that you stayed out of my room."

Itachi chuckled in a low tone. "Of course. I only left your laundry by the foot of the bed."

"Good. I'm going to do my homework." Trying to ignore his brother's mirth, Sasuke jumped over the first three stairs and walked the rest of the way to his room.

At the same time, Kiba Inuzaka climbed the stairs to his family's floor. His family had agreed to sharing the spaceous floor with their family friends, the Hyuugas. Neji Hyuuga, top of his year, was already working when Kiba walked through the door of their shared bedroom. "Welcome back, Kiba."

"Nngh..." He fell onto the messier of the twin beds.

Neji turned to face the other boy. "I'm guessing you had fun at your tutor's house..."


Neji put down his pencil, giving Kiba his full attention. "So, that would be a, 'Yes, I throughly enjoyed my,' Oh, how did Sasuke word it... 'Anatomy lesson.'" Kiba stared in disbelief.

"Good news travels fast..."

"Actually, Sasuke just phoned me when you were coming up the stairs."

Kiba's eyes penetrated the white ceiling. "We didn't even do any homework... You know how it is with Itachi Uchiha..." He smirked and sat up.

"Yeah, I know..."

Gaara slammed the door of his shared room, making a few of the other boys shout. He rolled his eyes, sat at one of the desks in the darkened room and began washing off his eye makeup with a remover he had in one of the drawers.

Gaara's true family had been killed in a car accident, so he remained at a home for under-aged boys that were, as the sign out front had said, "in transition." Homeless and parentless was how anyone in the home would have said.

A two-level house with 4 bedrooms, there were eight boys living there. However, because they had to find their own employment, (most of which worked under the radar of the school system and operated at late night hours) about 5 were present in the house at any given time.

The door behind Gaara opened. Make that 6, Gaara mentally amended.

Naruto, Gaara's roomate, stumbled through the doorway and closed the door behind him, leaning his back against it. The blonde was wearing the same outfit that he had worn to school that day, Gaara was happy to see, but the condition of it was lacking. The orange hooded sweatshirt had been rumpled in mutliple places and the jeans were covered in dust, particularily at the knees.

"Was it difficult today, Naruto?"

"School or my... extra project?"

Gaara let out a deep sigh. "You know which one I'm talking about. Don't refer to it so lightly, like it's no big deal."

Naruto's job was whoredom. He had no skills that would get him a job in a fast-food network and he had no previous connections to distant family members. So he turned to the only other option, working whenever and wherever he could. In many cases, the whenever was an hour before school, 45 minutes after school let out and a whooping 5 hours before crashing into his bed for 5 hours of sleep. The wherever was alleyways, parking lots and sleazy bars.

"It wasn't as bad as usual. I got enough for the basics."

"You should have worn something warmer. That sweatshirt is old." Naruto removed the sweatshirt, revealing long lines of hickies, whipmarks and scratches. "Jesus..."

"It was kinda rough this morning. Thanks for not asking about it in class, by the way. See there's someone I like in there."

Gaara shook his head.

Three hours later, Itachi called Sasuke downstairs for dinner. Upon entering the kitchen and seeing two bowls of macaroni and cheese, Sasuke stared questioningly at the table. Itachi chuckled as he set a glass of milk down in front of him. "Don't worry, I bleached it." Sasuke sat down.

"I want to talk to you about your classmates. More specifically, about Naruto Uzumaki, the one who sits next to you in homeroom."

Inwardly, Sasuke rolled his eyes. As if there were any other Naruto Uzumaki's in that class. "What about him?"

"What do you think of him?"

Sasuke shrugged and twirled his fork around. "There's nothing to say. He's a flunkie and acts like your stereotypical dumb blonde."

"He's cute though. Maybe cuter than Kiba. Mind if I ask him out?"

"Why would I mind?"

"Because he was giving you bedroom eyes in homeroom."

"Yeah right."

After his own dinner, Naruto sat on his bed and began to work feverishly on his homework. If he wanted to keep to his usual routine, Naruto only had 3 hours to work. Gaara, who had finished his work during dinner, was at his desk on the other side of the small room getting a head-start on the reading assignment. Naruto broke the silence with a drawl of, "Soooo, didja see any eye-candy today?"

Gaara thought for a while. No one in 5 out of his 6 subjects. But during English, he had seen the God senior, now known to him as Itachi Uchiha the Teacher's Aide. It was he who had given Gaara the tip-off about the reading assignment. "Yeah, I saw someone."

Naruto grinned from the bed. "Who?"

"Like I'm telling you."

"Oooo... Think she's the one?"

"Yeah, I think HE is definately the one."

Naruto turned back to his books as the sun began to set. "That's good. Happily ever after and all that."