Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What Should Be Left Alone! ❯ Outside The Gates ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: While the war between Konoha and The Sand/Sound Jouninends three figures are spotted outside the Konoha gates could it be the unforgettable Uchiha Itachi? And Who is the girl with him?
Disclaimer: I do Not Own the Naruto Characters Only My Own!
Parings: Sasuke/OC
Warnings: Not Much just a little violence
What Should Be Left Alone:
:----:Chapter One: Outside The Gates:----:
The air around Konoha was deathly quiet as everyone still mourned over the death of the third hokage. It had been a gruesome attack carried out by the shinobi ninjas of the sound village, which was ruled by none other than the sannin Orochimaru. The day of the funeral had been tough on every one of the ninja's but seemed to be extra hard on those who had grown a little more attached to the old man. Naruto watched as the rain stopped and the sky was lit with the bright gold color of the sun. Iruka-sensei held Konohamaru to comfort him and Sasuke and Sakura just looked at the ground mourning by them selves.
“It seems that his plan to destroy Konoha was unsuccessful, although the village did sustain a lot of damage,” said Kisame a renegade ninja from the village hidden in the mist. He looked towards the two comrades standing beside him and sighed as they said nothing but made there way towards the village.
“Kisame do not underestimate the power of this village,” replied Itachi in the cold voice he always had. The other member of there group continued to stay quiet. They reached the outside gate of Konoha and a guard looked like he was about to give them trouble, until Itachi used his sharingan to make the guard pass out. “Now we find what we are looking for and leave understood?” the other group member nodded and disappeared and Kisame just looked at Itachi.
“You surprise me sometimes Itachi, sending her to go and find him while we find the kid with Kyuubi inside him,” chuckled Kisame. “You're just trying to kill two birds with one stone”
You and I both know that she is one of the strongest members of akatsuki and let's not forget who her father was,” said Itachi as Kisame nodded and they both continued to walk down the street.
`The whole clan perished because of me, they perished because I didn't have enough power,' thought Sasuke the memory of the night his clan was assassinated coming back to mind. “Damn it,” he said shaking the memory from his head. “Huh? What does Kakashi-Sensei want? Guess I'll have to meet him,” he said beginning his walk to meet up with the Jounin teacher.
“Ah Kurenai-san, Asuma-san don't you two look good together,” said Kakashi chuckling slightly at the red tinge appearing on the female shinobi's face.

“Shut up Kakashi I'm only here to pick up some dumplings for Anko,” said Kurenai.
“I see, well,” started Kakashi before he was interrupted.
“Huh? Kakashi-sensei you're not late for once?” asked Sasuke slightly stunned at the fact his teacher was not twenty minutes late like usual.
“I do it from time to time,” replied Kakashi as an unruly wind swept through the dumpling shop. Kakashi just looked at Kurenai and Asuma who nodded and soon disappeared.
“So what is it that you want?” asked Sasuke who was slightly pissed off at his Sensei.
“Oh I was just going to ask which kind of sweets you like,” said Kakashi who was smiling under his mask.
“I don't like sweets,” said Sasuke as he began to walk away, deciding to get back to his training and leave his nut-job sensei by himself.
“Who are you?” asked Kurenai as she and Asuma caught up with the two beings spotted at the dumpling shop.
“Kurenai-san, Asuma-san it has indeed been a long time,” said one of the men wearing the strange coat. Asuma just looked at Kurenai and they both raised an eyebrow at the strange newcomers to the village. “Since you know our names you must be former ninja of the village!” At this the first man took off the straw hat covering his head causing both Asuma and Kurenai to stare in shock.
“Uchiha, Itachi! You have a lot of guts coming back her after what you pulled!” cried Asuma as Itachi stood there without emotion.
“Hmmm so you know these guys Itachi well then I shall introduce myself as well,” cried the man who had yet to reveal himself. He took off his straw hat only to reveal a face resembling that of a fish, and a forehead protector stating he was a former ninja of the village hidden in the mist. “My name is Hoshigaki, Kisame”
“Hah, you two are both S-criminals in the bingo book,” said Kurenai. “Hoshigaki, Kisame wanted in five different countries for various crimes such as murder of a feudal lord and robbing”
“Please Kurenai-san and Asuma-san, I have no intention of killing you, I only came to get what I need,” said Itachi in his cool voice.
“This coming from the man who murdered his own clan,” said Asuma as Kurenai ran behind him and began to form hand signals. `Hmmm a genjutsu?' thought Itachi.
“Itachi it looks like we wont be leaving here without a fight,” said Kisame raising his huge sword. “So I'm going to have some fun!” Kisame dashed towards Asuma who took out his knuckle blades and stopped the sword from hitting his body, all though that didn't last long as the sword began to overpower him. Itachi however was facing his own problems as a large tree wrapped around him. `I've got you Itachi!' thought Kurenai but as she blinked she realized she was in Itachi's place on the tree.
“Fool, a genjutsu of that level will not work on me,” cried Itachi running towards her with a kunai knife clutched in his hand. Kurenai managed to dodge but was then interrupted as Itachi kicked her in the stomach causing her to fly back onto the water.
“Kurenai!” cried Asuma who forgot about the fish faced man in front of him.
“You have no time to look away from me fool!” cried Kisame as he scraped his sword across Asuma's arm causing blood to pour from the wound. “Say hello to my samehada a sword that does not cut, but shaves!”
“Well now this is a surprise,” said none other than the copy ninja Kakashi. “Not only did Itachi return but he brought a friend.
“Well Kakashi it seems you can use that sharingan pretty well, but not as well as a true bloodline receiver, and now I will show you why the Uchiha clan was claimed to be unmatched…”
“Sasuke-kun did you want to eat lunch with me and Naruto today?” asked Sakura. “We were planning on eating at the Ichiraku ramen hut”
“I guess I could join you,” said Sasuke as he followed Sakura. Yet neither of them seemed to notice they were being watched.
“Itadakimasu!” cried Naruto as he began to eat ramen bowl after ramen bowl. `Doesn't he ever get sick of ramen?' Sakura asked herself. Sasuke couldn't help but feel the air in Konoha was still uncomfortable and decided to head back to Uchiha mansion.
“Good-bye Sasuke-kun,” said Sakura and Naruto's came out as more of a “Gwoof Fuy Asuker”
`Now's my chance!' thought the girl in the trees. `omoi yomidashi jutsu! Hmmmm so he is Itachi's younger brother, man this guy even had to watch his whole clan die, now he's out for revenge, he hates the blonde haired ramen eating idiot and thinks the pink haired chick is annoying, he finds the JouninKakashi to act like a child and his only purpose is to kill Itachi-san. Hah he even fell into Orochimaru's trap and now has a curse mark on him! The fool! Release Jutsu!' “Let's play with you a little Uchiha-kun, Henge-jutsu! Sasuke-kun wait up!”
“Wah? Sakura weren't you with Naruto?” asked Sasuke who was surprised to see Sakura there.
“Well that pig was still eating so I decided to come walk with you,” said the fake Sakura as Sasuke said neither yes or no but continued walking. `Itachi-san have you and Kisame captured the Kyuubi kid yet?' “Say Sasuke, can I ask you something?”
“If you must?”
“Why is it that you hate Naruto so much?” she asked.
“A dropout like him does not deserve to be a ninja,” said Sasuke. `You will never be anything more than a dropout…' thought the girl as her anger rose.
“Say Sasuke do you want to walk in the forest?”
“I guess” So the two walked to the forest Sasuke not suspecting a thing and the girl thinking about ways to get rid of this guy. Once they were deep in the forest, the young girl decided to use this time to attack. “Sasuke listen there's been something that I've wanted to do for a while now and well…” she said as she wrapped her arms around Sasuke.
“Huh? S-Sakura what's going on?” asked Sasuke who was confused by Sakura's bold action. But the Fake Sakura still held him and using the position she was in, she pulled a kunai knife and was about to stab Sasuke in the back but two annoying voices showed up, and the pink haired idiot through a Kunai at the fake Sakura's knocking it out of her hand. `Kuso'
“Get away from Sasuke-kun,” cried the real Sakura as the fake one jumped off of him.
“Well looks like I might have to kill three genin instead of one,” cried the fake Sakura as she released the Henge jutsu. Blonde hair with orange streaks fell around her face, the akatsuki coat blew from the wind and her one blue and one green eye looked as if they were reading the very lines of your soul.
“Who are you and what do you want?” asked Naruto as Sasuke ran to his teammates.
“Not much I was just wondering if maybe we could get together sometime have snacks you know,” said the unknown girl but as she was doing this she was reading Sakura and Naruto's mind. `Sooo it seems the blonde haired buffoonis actually the medium holding the Kyuubi, isn't that interesting'
“Oh cut the crap, but judging by you're forehead protector you were a former ninja here weren't you?” asked Naruto. `All though she doesn't seemmuch older than us'
“Yes I was a former ninja that is correct and I must say that the changes to Konoha are quite interesting especially since old man Hokage was killed by his own student,” laughed the girl.
“Don't you dare talk about the third Hokage that way,” cried Naruto as he dashed at the girl, but just as he was about to hit her she disappeared.
“You call yourself a ninja?” she mocked as she landed on the ground on the other side of the group.
“Shut up, I will be a great ninja and will become the Hokage one day,” said Naruto
“You a Hokage please, that title will only bring you death,” said the girl.
“Why are you here anyway?” asked Sakura. “And what is you name?”
“I don't make a point of telling my name to the dead,” she said.
“Well we should at least know the name of our killer, that is if you can kill us,” replied Sasuke in his calm tone.
“Well if you must know I suppose I could tell you,” she said pulling out two kunai knives and twirling them in her fingers. “My name is Kaiesha Kazama”
“Kaiesha…Kazama?” asked all three stunned. “The only daughter of the fourth Hokage?” All she did was smirk and throw the kunai at the tree missing all three group members by only an inch.
“Well it seems I'm known by everyone,” said Kaiesha as she suddenly stopped attacking them. “Well it's been fun and don't worry Sasuke, I will be back for you and Naruto-kun watch your back!” she said and disappeared.
“What was with that?” asked Sakura
“And why was she after Sasuke?” asked Naruto. `Dam Sasuke he always gets the attention!'
“We should tell someone, like Kakashi-sensei,” stated Sakura
“I agree, we will go to Kakashi's house and inform him of this,” said Sasuke who walked away cool yet couldn't help but feel the coldness of the air when the girl was around.
“What? You didn't experience a mental collapse after that?” asked Kisame who joined his fellow comrade on the water. Kakashi had just undergone Itachi's most dangerous jutsu and was definitely feeling the affects.
“Kakashi what's going on, you just fell down after he stopped talking,” said Asuma who held his eyes closed along with Kurenai.
`I see so three days in Itachi's world is only a second here,' thought Kakashi. “Tell me what is it that you're after?”
“I thought that would be obvious,” replied Itachi. “We are after the fourth Hokage's prodigy”
“Naruto!” cried Kakashi before Kisame charged at him.
“Konoha leaf whirlwind!” cried a ninja as he kicked Kisame and the samehada back. Kakashi noticed the ninja's presence and fell unconscious. `He did this much damage to Kakashi? I was right Itachi has returned'
“Who the hell are you?” asked Kisame who was pissed off at the fashion mistake standing in front of him.
“Im Konoha's noble blue beast, Mite Gai,” said the man.
“You should definitely look in the mirror before you say that,” said a new member who appeared on the water beside her teammates. `Wah? I was just insulted by a mere child'
“Asuma, Kurenai open your eyes, just don't look at Itachi's eyes,” said Gai. “Kurenai take Kakashi to a medical station and Asuma back me up” Kaiesha looked at her comrades and watched as the sharingan left Itachi's eyes. `He used that much charka against that Jounin huh? Looks like I'll have to take over'
“I'll take care of this with samehada,” said Kisame as he was about to charge but Kaiesha stopped him.
“Calm down fish-face I'll handle this, you and Itachi just go,” said Kaiesha and Kisame was about to protest but the look in Itachi's eyes and Kaiesha's eyes was not a pleasant one. So Kisame and Itachi left leaving Kaiesha there.
“Let's see, Mite Gai, hah you're nothing since you can't use genjutsu or ninjutsu,” laughed the girl. `Why does this face seem familiar?' “Well I guess I'll finish this fast then”
“Gai!” cried seven ANBU members. `Kuso I don't have enough chakra to beat them all right now'
“Sayonara, I'll be sure to come back and visit my father's grave,” said Kaiesha. “Taimu-musubi jutsu”
“Huh where did she go?” asked Gai as the girl suddenly disappeared. “Well we don't have time to go after her we need to take care of Kakashi”
“Who was that?” asked one of the ANBU members.
“I'm not sure although she did look a lot like the fourth hokage,” said Gai. `There's no way that was her, she was killed when she was five years old'
“Let's go!”
“Damn it, Kakashi used up all my Chakra,” said Itachi as he sat on the mountain with the other two members.
“The Kyuubi kid is going to be leaving with Jaraiya to go and find Tsunade-sama so even if he is with a legendary Sannin we can defeat him,” said Kaiesha.
“Oh really and how do you know this,” asked Kisame who was sick and tired of Kaiesha always showing him up.
“I can read minds remember dumbass,” said Kaiesha who was suddenly behind Kisame with a kunai at his neck. “Don't ever question me again”
“Orochimaru-sama it seems that the akatsuki has found the medium of Kyuubi,” said Kabuto.
“We need to get a hold of Sasuke then,” said Orochimaru who winced from the pain in his arms. “Since Itachi is stronger than me I need Sasuke-kun to beat Kaiesha, which is why I left that organization” `If Kaiesha doesn't die then Naruto will never die as well!'
A/N: Whoa man I think I really like my plot line for this anyways please review if you want!
Kuso: Shit/ Damn
Taimu-musubi jutsu: Time stopping jutsu
Omoi-yomidashi jutsu: Mind reading jutsu (bloodline trait)
Sensei: teacher
Sama: meaning Lord/Lady
Genjutsu: Illusion Art
Ninjutsu: Ninja Art
Hokage: highest Ninja Rank
Genin: Junior Ninja
Jounin: Elite ninja