Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What Should Be Left Alone! ❯ The New Mission: Guard Idate ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: While the war between Konoha and The Sand and Sound Jouninends three figures are spotted outside the Konoha gates could it be the unforgettable Uchiha Itachi? And Who is the girl with him?
Disclaimer: I do Not Own the Naruto Characters Only My Own!
Parings: Sasuke/OC
Warnings: Not Much just a little violence
What Should Be Left Alone:
:----:Chapter Four: The New Mission: Guard Idate :----:
It had been three weeks since cell seven had become a four man squad, and after many small missions, including one where the team had tried to figure out what was under Kakashi-sensei's mask , they had all grown to trust each other and even become friends with Kaiesha, even though it wasn't certain that she even trusted herself. Today was like any normal day, Kakashi had told them to meet at the training grounds, and like any other day he showed up two hours late claiming to have gotten lost on the road of life. The four young ninja's just shook their heads and awaited news on their next mission. Kakashi however didn't tell them exactly what they wanted to hear. “We are all going to go and talk with the Hokage-sama about our next mission understood?” the group just nodded and followed their sensei.
“As you all know, ever since Orochimaru attacked the military level of Konoha has dropped greatly, so we shall be sending you on a mission to guard someone,” said Tsunade as Naruto's mood visibly changed from bored and uninterested to amused and excited. “During this mission you will guard the man named Idate. The reason is that in the country of Tea, there is a race held every four years and the race is called the burning fire race. Since it is not illegal to hire ninja to protect you during the race, you ninja have been hired to protect him against his opponent, understood?” Three of the four teens nodded however Naruto once again had to get his two cents in.
“Awwww man that mission is stupid,” said Naruto as Tsunade raised an eyebrow, and Sakura smacked her forehead. “Can't we get at least a `b' rank mission?” Finally fed up with her teammate's stupidity she smacked him on the head and took a breath to control her anger.
“Naruto, if you listen to the description this is a `b' rank mission dobe,” said Kaiesha as everyone but Naruto began to laugh. Tsunade-sama continued to explain the rest of the mission as Naruto sat there sulking and mumbling to himself. Finally after handing Sakura some medicine she closed her book and smiled at them.
“All right you may all go prepare for the mission, however I expect you to leave in an hour understood?” the shinobi nodded and all got up to leave until Tsunade began to speak once more. “Kaiesha, Kakashi please stay behind for a moment will you” The two nodded and ceased walking making sure the other three were outside before shutting the wood doors.
“Why is she so important, she's not all that great,” said Naruto as Sakura sighed and she a Sasuke left to go pack. “What she really isn't!” Sighing in defeat Naruto also left to go and get ready for the mission. The truth was even though he had no reason not to trust Kaiesha (well except for the fact she was trying to help two people kidnap him) he just couldn't bring himself to trust her like he trusted Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi-sensei, but back in the Hokage's office more important matters were being discussed.
“Kakashi, as I said earlier due to the shortage of shinobi I will be sending you on an `s' rank mission,” said Tsunade as Kakashi looked at her quizzically. “I know your squad will be able to handle this just fine, so don't worry, now as for you Kaiesha” said the Hokage turning to look at her goddaughter. “The elders are impressed with you and so am I. Now I have a slight feeling the `b' rank mission I have assigned squad seven too may turn out to be `a' rank, it's just a hunch but please be careful. You will be the strongest ninja out of the four of you so if anybody comes back dead it's on your conscience” Kaiesha just sighed at her godmothers joke and turned to leave the room with Kakashi-sensei. “However Kaiesha, even in the toughest situation…please do not use it” Kaiesha only gave her godmother a look saying -you-never-know- and left the room.
“So I guess we'll be seeing you after you get back I presume,” said Kaiesha as Kakashi nodded though worry was evident in his expression. “Don't worry I'll make sure no one gets hurt. Chow for now sensei,” said Kaiesha waving good-bye as she went to her house to retrieve the supplies for the mission. She opened the door of her home to be greeted by the squeal off Tonton. Tsunade-sama had agreed to let the pig stay with Kaiesha since she was all alone in the big space. Kaiesha grabbed everything she needed and headed to Konoha's gates. She was there before everyone else so decided to practice something. She pulled out her kunai knives and tossed them behind her, sure enough each kunai had ended up in a straight line on the tree. `yep I still got it' she thought as she pulled them from the tree.
“Oh Kaiesha-chan you beat us here?” asked Sakura who was with Naruto and Sasuke. Sakura had become pretty good friends with Kaiesha and was proud.
“Ya but I didn't wait long,” said Kaiesha smiling at them. There was something about the girls' smile that made everyone in the group feel joyous. It was like it would give Sakura hope, tear down the ice walls around Sasuke's heart and even make its way into Naruto's soul. “All right we should get going” The three nodded until Sakura noticed what was missing.
“Hey, where is Kakashi-sensei? Shouldn't we at least wait for him?” Sakura asked as everyone turned to look at her. Kaiesha could see it, Sakura was just a little afraid of going on this mission without her sensei.
“He had another mission to do, so it will only be us,” said Kaiesha as Sakura sighed. Sasuke looked at Kaiesha, and Kaiesha could tell someone was looking at her, the two locked eye contact for a moment and then Sasuke coughed and turned the other way. “Let's pick up the pace it's a fair distance and we only have a day to get there” Everyone just nodded and increased there speed when finally they came to a small restaurant hut on the way.
“I think we should stop and eat something here,” said Naruto who's stomach rumbled. Kaiesha nodded and everyone but herself walked into the hut. She looked around and then sighed. `Kaiesha you're going crazy' she thought and joined her comrades to eat. She noticed that there was only one other person beside the squad in the restaurant and he kept his head down so you couldn't see his face. `Suspicious isn't it?' she thought but she sat down next to Naruto since Sakura sat next to Sasuke.
“I'll buy lunch,” said Kaiesha as everyone looked at her with a weird look. “What? Can't a girl by her friends lunch?” she said with a small smile coming across her face on the word friends.
“Yay,” cried Naruto latching himself to Kaiesha, just maybe he liked this girl a little bit.
“Ok, ok you can let go now,” said Kaiesha. The women came and retrieved the orders for their food. Soon everyone was eating the delicious food and then almost as fast as it came it was gone. “We'll get the bill please” The old lady only nodded and the one guy who was in the restaurant walked out with Kaiesha eyeing him.
“You know it's not polite to stare,” whispered Sasuke so only Kaiesha could hear it. Kaiesha blushed and saw that the old women was coming back.
“Ok kids here's the bills,” said the lady handing them two strips of paper. When everyone looked at her with questioning stares she just looked from the door to the group and said “That young man who was here said you would pay for his as well” Kaiesha just sweat dropped as Naruto fumed with anger. Kaiesha placed the money for both bills on the table and they all ran outside.
“That jerk, making us pay for his food,” scoffed Sakura as the group began to walk in the direction of the country they were assigned to.
“Don't worry it's not that big of a deal I mean…”started Kaiesha before she felt a small amount of chakra come towards her and run into her. “Ouch” she said rubbing her head as she noticed the person who ran into her was the guy from the hut. “You! You're the guy who never paid!” The guy just stood up and then looked at the four and ran off.
Hey get back here,” cried Naruto as he and Sakura ran after him. Kaiesha touched the back of her head and her fingers got wet with blood, since she hit her head on the ground. She sighed and quickly cleaned it remembering that all head injuries bleed easily. She put her medical supplies away and realized Sasuke was still waiting for her.
“Why are you still waiting for me Sasuke?” asked Kaiesha as Sasuke shrugged and Kaiesha shook her head. Then soon they both took off after Naruto and Sakura and it didn't take them long to catch up, but the news was somewhat disappointing. It turned out that the guy was an ultra fast runner but showed no signs of being a ninja so Naruto and Sakura couldn't catch him. “Oh well there's nothing we can do about it now, so let's just go and find out who were guarding for this race” Everyone nodded though slightly disappointed and set off towards the country.
It didn't take them long but finally they reached the country of tea. The headed to the address Tsunade had given them and noticed how everyone in the city was acting weird. Sakura looked at small carvings for sale and was astounded by the price. Kaiesha was still acting funny according to Sasuke who kept stealing glances at her. “Well let's go inside!” said Naruto walking into the home to see the man he had met when he was with Jaraiya and Tsunade.
“Why Naruto isn't this a surprise,” said the leader of the Wasabi clan. “You four must be the ninja who are going to guard Idate I presume?” They all nodded and the old man sighed. “The reason we ask you to do this is because the Wagarashi clan cheated four years ago and we need to win the race this year. You see ever since the Wagarashi clan took over the way we used to live was abused and now they are out of control”
“Don't worry we'll do what we can,” said Sakura. “But could we please meet who we're guarding?” The old man nodded apologizing for the rudeness and called for Idate. Well the minute the guy stepped into the room Naruto was all over him, in an unkindly way.
“You! You were the guy who ripped us off,” cried Naruto as the man known as Idate gave the elder a pleading look.
“Please master I don't need these shinobi, I can complete the race by myself,” said Idate as Sasuke scoffed and Sakura glared.
“Idate that is no way to treat our guests,” said the elder as Kaiesha spoke up.
“That's quite all right, please excuse the rudeness of my friends, we will stay in the inn and be here to guard you tomorrow during the race,” Kaiesha said bowing in respect than walking out of the room. The others followed in silence, though Naruto had to bite his lips from to refrain from speaking. In fact no one said a word until they were in the hotel room. “You all do what ever, just be back here by ten” said Kaiesha walking out of the room.
“Im going to go and shop around,” said Sakura walking out also.
“I'll go with Sakura,” said Naruto who ran after the one he loved. Sasuke just made sure everyone was gone before leaving the room to follow a certain blonde and orange haired girl. `Man I never realized Kaiesha was this fast' Sasuke thought as he continued to try and catch up. He was surprised though when he realized Kaiesha had ran back to the restaurant from earlier. He hid in the trees watching Kaiesha's every move.
Kaiesha looked all around the trees and sure enough she saw what she wanted to see. “Kidoumaru, you never were good at hide and seek,” she said as a spider-like man walked out.
“Well Kaiesha looks like you found me,” Kidoumaru replied licking his lips.
“What do you want?” asked Kaiesha her voice not at all welcoming.
“I thought maybe you would just read my mind,” snarled spider man
“Why would I waste chakra on an unimportant spec like yourself,” replied Kaiesha.
“Now, now princess that hurts. I never did understand why Orochimaru-sama wanted you as a container” Sasuke's eyes widened as Kaiesha glared so harsh it almost looked like it could kill.
“Why are you the only one here, where is Sakon, Tayuya and Jiroumbo?” asked Kaiesha as Kidoumaru smirked.
“They went to Konoha to retrieve something well I stayed back to get rid of something,” said Kidoumaru as Kaiesha's eyes widened. `Sasuke?' she thought . “That's right Kaiesha-kun, they went to go and get Uchiha-sama” Kaiesha's anger rose when Kidoumaru called her Kaiesha-kun.
“And let me guess you're supposed to get rid of me right?” asked Kaiesha pulling a kunai behind her back.
“Your pretty smart princes however that kunai isn't going to help you,” he replied. `Dam it, his spiders must be everywhere in here. I'm at a disadvantage if I stay in here' she thought trying to get out.
“Nope sorry Kaiesha,” Kidoumaru said making a sticky web of chakra trap her to a tree. “Seems you were to slow” But his grin turned into a face of anger as the Kaiesha bound by the chakra melted.
“Kidoumaru you underestimate me,” said Kaiesha from behind him. “Remember we used to play together as children I know everyone of your tricks”
“Oh really,” said Kidoumaru as a sticky web surrounded Sasuke. `Oh shit!' thought Sasuke who was brought down strangled in a web. “Maybe I should just take Uchiha now and then make Kabuto kill you”
“Huh Sasuke means nothing but I can't let Orochimaru win,” said Kaiesha placing a special seal on her kunai and running towards Sasuke cutting him free of the webs. “Sasuke watch you're back!” Sasuke nodded and took a stance.
“Let's kick this up a notch shall we,” said Kidoumaru as black lines began to cover his body. `Dam it, he's already bringing out the curse seal level one' thought Kaiesha as Sasuke looked at her. “Come one Kaiesha I know you can do this too” `Huh Kaiesha has a curse seal?' thought Sasuke. “Or maybe you Uchiha?”
“You're voice is getting quite annoying,” said Sasuke starting to do hand signs for his fire jutsu. “Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu” The fire continued to come from Sasuke's mouth then Kidoumaru was gone. “Hey that was too easy”
“He's still here,” said Kaiesha scanning every inch of the trees. `Where are you, you little bug' she thought trying to pick up his chakra but she couldn't, until Kidoumaru came from under her and trapped her in a web.
“Rule number one, play with fire and you're gonna get burned. Kaiesha-kun I remembered when you used to kill people mercilessly, so why the kind act now?” laughed Kidoumaru as Kaiesha struggled against the sticky strings of chakra. “Now Uchiha-kun let's go and see Orochimaru-sama”
“No Sasuke don't do it,” said Kaiesha as Sasuke looked at her. Kidoumaru just walked over to Kaiesha and grabbed her by the hair. “Bad move” Kaiesha began to do these hand signs over and over again…fox, rabbit, bear, wolf, frog, bear, rabbit, fox, fox, fox, rabbit, bear, as Kaiesha made the last hand sign the words of her godmother rang in her ears. “However Kaiesha, even in the toughest situation…please do not use it” “Sorry Tsunade!” Kaiesha said saying the last words Kidoumaru would ever hear. “Kokoro assaiki jutsu” Soon Kidoumaru and Kaiesha began to grip there chests as there eyes closed and they entered the world of the most feared genjutsu.
:----: Inside the genjutsu for Kaiesha:----:
“I killed them all, every last one of them,” said Orochimaru licking Kaiesha's cheek with his tongue. “And Sasuke-kun will be mine as well” Kaiesha new this was all part of her jutsu but with every word Orochimaru spoke it was as if the box around her heart got smaller and smaller squeezing the life out of her. “I killed the third and Tsunade-sama will be soon as well, and there's nothing you can do about it Kaiesha-kun” Kaiesha glared as best she could through the pain. “Your life will end any second now” Just then Sasuke walked into the room and slapped Kaiesha across the face and then the jutsu ended.
:----:End Jutsu:----:
“Ahhhhh,” cried Kaiesha in pain as Sasuke rushed to his teammate. He couldn't see any wounds on Kaiesha and was confused but then realized it was something that was much like his own brother's genjutsu, or maybe even stronger. He picked up the girl and put her on his back and dashed towards the town. Kaiesha's breathing was shallow and that made Sasuke run faster, but even as he ran there was something on his mind. If she used the genjutsu on the spider guy, who ended up dieing, then why was she affected by it? He ran into the inn and up to the room placing Kaiesha on one of the beds. He began to slightly panic and then remembered the medicine Sakura had. He searched Sakura's bag and found it, so he gave Kaiesha some and hoped she would wake up. It took a few minutes but finally Kaiesha woke up though she was really weak. “S-S-Sasuke?”
“Ya it's me,” said Sasuke as Kaiesha sat up. “You shouldn't do that” but Kaiesha ignored him and pulled herself up. The pain from her attack wasn't all that bad. Normally with strong ninjas she could be on the brink of death. `But even what I saw wasn't that bad, I mean last time I used the jutsu it was way worse, meaning Kidoumaru wasn't all that strong' Kaiesha noticed Sasuke had given her the medicine and that's the reason she could move.
“Thanks Sasuke, and sorry about that whole thing, I didn't mean for you to get involved,” said Kaiesha.
“You're a teammate so I had to help, but if you don't mind can I ask you something?” asked Sasuke.
“Ya, sure, go right ahead,” said Kaiesha as Sasuke sighed.
“Do you have a curse mark from Orochimaru?”
A/N: And I'll end that there anyway please review
Kuso: Shit/ Damn
Taimu-musubi jutsu: Time stopping jutsu
Omoi-yomidashi jutsu: Mind reading jutsu (bloodline trait)
Kokoro assaiki jutsu: heart crusher jutsu
Sensei: teacher
Sama: meaning Lord/Lady
Genjutsu: Illusion Art
Ninjutsu: Ninja Art
Hokage: highest Ninja Rank
Genin: Junior Ninja
Jounin: Elite ninja
Itadakimasu: Blessing Before Meal
Chakra: Energy which is used in the formation of ninja techniques