Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ What Should Be Left Alone! ❯ To Fear The Truth ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: While the war between Konoha and The Sand and Sound Jouninends three figures are spotted outside the Konoha gates could it be the unforgettable Uchiha Itachi? And Who is the girl with him?
Disclaimer: I do Not Own the Naruto Characters Only My Own!
Parings: Sasuke/OC
Warnings: Not Much just a little violence
What Should Be Left Alone:
:----:Chapter Seven: To Fear The Truth:----:
Kaiesha took another deep breath as she ran against the trunk of the nearest poplar tree. She used the kunai knife and marked where she had hit. Soon after many tries the young genin wiped the sweat from her brow with a proud smile covering her face. `I've finally reached the top, I've gained better control of my chakra now…I wonder if old man Hokage-sama will be proud of me? Or maybe my dad?' Kaiesha's grin soon left her face as she looked towards the stone carving of her father's face. That was the only reminder she had left of her dad, except for the many stories she heard about him each day. To be honest she didn't know anything about either one of her parents, since her mother died during her birth and her father died when she was only six months old.
Kaiesha grabbed her practice kunai and shuriken and headed back to the Konoha hokage headquarters. The old man had promised that there would be a surprise for her when she returned from her training. She walked into the village and saw many different people, some whispering good things and other's not so good things. She saw a few children her age, even though she never really associated with children her age, since she well, was more intelligent than most young children. She finally made it to the headquarters and began to walk to the Hokage's office. All of the shinobi said hi to her and she just smiled and waved back when finally she opened the doors of the office to see her surprise. “Tsunade-sama! Shizune-sama! Tonton!” cried the four year old as she latched herself to her godmother.
“Hello there Kaiesha-sama, you seem to be pretty strong don't you?” asked Tsunade as Tonton leapt from Shizune's arms and made her way to Kaiesha. “Well it seems Tonton is very happy to see you doesn't it?”
“Yes it does,” said Kaiesha picking the pig up and petting it. “I've been training really hard and some day im going to be strong just like you, Shizune-sama, hokage-sama and my father. Tomorrow I go with my squad and take the chunin exams, I only hope I pass” said Kaiesha as a slight frown appeared tugging at her lips. “I mean Itachi-kun is so much stronger than me, I don't know if I can keep up”
“I have faith in you Kaiesha,” said Hokage as Tsunade, Shizune and even Tonton nodded in agreement. Kaiesha just gave them a big toothy grin and headed to her bedroom to get some rest since tomorrow was going to be a big day. The next morning Kaiesha awoke and immediately ate her breakfast so she could meet up with her teammates for the first test of the chunin exams. She put on her normal outfit of black capris and a black and white shirt, she tied her hair back in a high ponytail and put on her Konoha forehead protector. `Today is the day I make everyone proud'. With that the young girl grabbed her ninja weapons and headed to the testing center.
When Kaiesha arrived Itachi was already waiting for her. The truth was, Uchiha Itachi had a soft spot for the young girl in front of him. Itachi was eleven and had a younger brother the same age as one of his squad members, so in reality he felt liable to protect her. “Itachi-kun!” cried Kaiesha running towards him. Itachi just smiled at the little girl and soon the third member of their team showed up and they were off too the testing room.
They all ended up getting separated and Kaiesha was a tad bit scared when she was sitting in between genin from the village hidden in the sand and the village hidden in the mist. She nervously picked up her pencil and looked around the room to try and find her other teammates. She found Itachi and her other friend and soon the instructor entered. They were informed that this portion of the test was a written portion of questions and you had to get them all right to pass. In the end there would be a tenth question revealed during the last twenty minutes of the test. Kaiesha became even more nervous as the second requirement was mentioned. There was to be no cheating what so ever, any shinobi caught cheating would instantly fail along with there entire squad. Kaiesha bit her lip as the time for the test came. The teacher passed her a piece of paper and in reading the questions her eyes became wide. `These questions are super difficult. Out of everyone here I bet only nine or ten could actually answer these' Kaiesha then realized what this test meant. `Of course…they want us to cheat. Only a superb ninja could cheat and not get caught. Thank god for this, or else I would've most definitely failed' thought the girl looking towards the smartest girl that was in her class.`Due to how fast she's moving her pencil she's got to know the answers. All right omoi-yomidashi jutsu' Kaiesha used her mind reading jutsu and soon had every answer on the sheet filled in, but then came the tenth question.
“The tenth question is now to be revealed,” said the examiner as Kaiesha was both excited and nervous. During the first nine questions five out of sixteen squads had been eliminated due to being caught cheating. “Those who wish to go forward in these exams can stay and answer the tenth question, however if you don't answer it properly you will fail. Those who do not wish to take this risk then please leave now” With that said another two squads left leaving nine left. Once everyone who left, left the examiner took a deep breath and a smile came across his face. “All of you left in this room pass!” Kaiesha grinned ear from ear and ran to Itachi.
“We passed, we passed,” she cried jumping for joy. Itachi just smiled at the young girl and saw that there third team member was talking with the examiner. The examiner just nodded and called Kaiesha and Itachi to him. It turned out that due to unforeseen circumstances their third member couldn't continue with the exams. However they bent the rules allowing Kaiesha and Itachi to continue as a two man squad. The next test happened in that same day. They were to enter the forest of death and collect the opposite scroll then what they had from the other teams. Well what should've taken then five days only took Kaiesha and Itachi one. They had attacked one of the squads and in using Kaiesha' special jutsu and Itachi's sharingan the two were the first to reach the tower. Once the five days were up the third exam began even though there was only three squads left, including Kaiesha's and Itachi's. After the matches the only people to graduate as chunin were Kaiesha, Itachi and someone from the village hidden in the mist. “Finally im a chunin!” said Kaiesha as Itachi smiled and watched the young girl run to the third and the legendary sannin Tsunade. He then left to go with his own family.
“Kaiesha, im so proud of you,” said Tsunade as Kaiesha smiled. Even through the pain of the small cuts and scrapes she had received during the matches she was happy. “Oh and also happy birthday you, lucky five year old” Kaiesha smiled and then turned to the old Hokage who had a smile tattooed across his face.
“Hokage-sama, may I go and visit my old house?” asked Kaiesha. The hokage had told her that once she turned chunin she was aloud to go back to the old house that once belonged to her family. Hokage nodded and Kaiesha smiled skipping down the street. She was happy that her and Itachi were now both chunin. She couldn't help but smile, even when she entered the rickety old house that once belonged to her father, the fourth Hokage. The house had been vacated since the fourth died and Kaiesha left to live with the third Hokage. Unfortunately though, a time that Kaiesha thought would be interesting turned against her a she saw smoke engulf the building. She began to cough uncontrollably and saw the red, orange and yellow flames of the fire. `I need to get out of here!' she tried to walk but soon the smoke was to much for her tiny body to handle and her chances of escaping were hopeless. She passed out soon after, but saw a man walking towards her. `Please, save me…' she thought.
Kaiesha woke up a few days later and noticed she was hooked to many machines and had an IV in her arm. She pulled it out and put on her normal clothes before checking her surroundings. `I've never been here before…' she thought walking down the hall. She was almost at the end of the hall when the presence of chakra startled her causing her to turn around. “W-w-who are you?” she asked.
“I'm sorry princess,” said the man. Kaiesha used her mind reading jutsu to learn more about the man and saw that he was truly good at heart. He extended his hand and Kaiesha took it. “Oh excuse my rudeness, my name is Kimimaru and I'm going to be a new friend of yours. But first let's go meet the man who saved you” `The man who saved me? Oh he must mean from the fire…' Kaiesha just nodded and followed the man named Kimimaru to a dark office-like room. Kaiesha could make out two figures in the room and her eyes grew wide as she recognized one of them as her teammate back at Konoha.
“Kabuto-san?” she asked with child like innocence. “What are you doing here? Scratch that, what am I doing here?” Kaiesha saw the place they were standing was made of stone and it was at a very cold temperature.
“Kaiesha-hime I would like you to meet the man that saved your life,” said Kabuto as Orochimaru stepped forward. `This man, he seems familiar, have I met him before?' thought Kaiesha as Orochimaru began to speak.
“Kaiesha-kun, it is a pleasure to meet you,” said Orochimaru. “As you can tell, Kabuto is a worker for me and with that I also have some chilling information to tell you. Konoha ninjas were the ones who set your old house on fire. It seemed the Hokage wanted all the pieces of the fourth gone from this world, including you, his very offspring” Kaiesha's eyes grew wide as she touched her Konoha forehead protector. `They wouldn't…no they couldn't…but what if they did?' she thought. “We were hoping that since the village betrayed you heart, that you might stay with us for the time being.”
“I suppose I could,” said Kaiesha. She didn't want to believe that the hidden village of the leaves was evil but due to the facts Orochimaru had presented she had no other choice. Time soon went by and it had been three years since she had became a member of Orochimaru's team. The sound five and herself had just finished infiltrating Konoha using the Henge jutsu. Now they were back at the headquarters and Kaiesha jumped from the last branch of a tree. “I'm going to go and practice my jutsu's” with that the now eight year old disappeared.
“Dam it,” said Sakon looking towards the other four members of the sound five. “One of us better go and watch the brat or Orochimaru isn't going to be happy” Instantly Tayuya, Jiroumbo and Kidoumaru looked towards the ground. “Well I'm not looking after the little pest”
“I'll do it,” said Kimimaru as he too disappeared.
“Hmmm that shit-head, always trying to impress Orochimaru-sama,” scoffed Tayuya.
“Tayuya, watch your mouth!” said Jiroumbo as Tayuya glared at him. With that finished the sound four walked into headquarters hoping something would happen to Kaiesha so they wouldn't have to look after her anymore. Kimimaru searched and soon he found Kaiesha's chakra. He saw the sun was setting and knew exactly what Kaiesha was practicing. He tried to make his presence unnoticed by the young kunoichi, however he was indeed found out.
“Kimimaru-kun why did you follow me?” asked the young girl as Kimimaru appeared on the branch near her. Kimimaru just shrugged and Kaiesha sat down with her back against the tree. “Say I have a question for you, and please don't lie, I'd hate to have to read your mind” Kimimaru just nodded and waited for the young girl to continue. “The day…at Konoha when I was in the house…was Orochimaru really the one who saved me…or was it you?” Kimimaru didn't say anything but he just turned his gaze to stare at the ground. “I knew it” Kaiesha smiled at Kimimaru.
“But Orochimaru-sama was the one who truly saved you, since he was the one who knew what those bastards at Konoha were up to,” said Kimimaru as Kaiesha sighed. Of course Kimimaru would never take the credit, she just stood up and smiled at the growing shadows.
“Kimimaru-kun watch my new jutsu,” said Kaiesha making her hand seals. “Hitokage no jutsu!” Soon she disappeared, Kimimaru couldn't even sense her chakra anymore. After a few minutes Kaiesha reappeared and smiled. “So what do you think?”
“That was amazing Kaiesha-hime, but I think we should head back to headquarters since we don't want to anger Orochimaru-sama” Kaiesha just nodded and left with Kimimaru to the building. During that same year Kaiesha went up a rank as a ninja and became a Jounin at the young age of eight. However it turned out that Kimimaru was blessed unfortunately with a terrible sickness and cast to his bed. Kaiesha demanded for Kabuto to find out what was wrong, but they never did. Kaiesha wept knowing her only friend was severely sick. She visited Kimimaru everyday, and everyday he seemed to look a little bit worse. Until one day when she was ten years old, after one of her visits with Kimimaru, the young kunoichi didn't know she was about to be on the run.
“Kabuto, how much longer till the girl is ready?” asked Orochimaru staring at Kabuto.
“She will be ready in a few weeks,” said Kabuto. “But Orochimaru-sama are you sure you want her as a container? I mean she's not even that strong and…”
“Shut up Kabuto,” said Orochimaru as Kaiesha's eyes grew wide. `A container?' “With her mind reading jutsu's and the other blood line traits she inherited from her mother I could easily take down any country I wanted. Now that the Akatsuki turned against me, I need a source of power and that young girl is my source. Why do you think we lied about Konoha?” Orochimaru and Kabuto laughed as Kaiesha began to run down the hallways of the headquarters. She made it to her room where she slammed the door and covered her mouth. `It was all just one big lie. I can't stay here, if I do, I'll end up just like everyone else in Orochimaru-teme's experiments' Kaiesha grabbed her ninja weapons and saw that it was night out. `I'll have to really run'
That day was the last day Kaiesha was in the village hidden in the sound. Kaiesha ran for two days straight, when finally her body gave in and she fell asleep against the trunk of a tree. She didn't even get a good look at her surroundings. She awoke to the sound of screams coming from the hut just below her tree. `Huh? What's going on down there?' she thought. She jumped from the tree and cautiously made her way towards the hut. She could feel two different chakra levels but for some reason one seemed very familiar. She opened the door of the hut and instantly her eyes shot to the neon red blood that surrounded two people. Kaiesha walked towards the victims when out of the corner of her eye she could see the familiar red eyes of one of her former teammates. “Uchiha Itachi?” she asked noticing that he wasn't alone but was followed by a man with a fish like face.
“Itachi do you know this insignificant spec?” asked Kisame as he went to punch her but Kaiesha jut grabbed his hand and broke his knuckles. Kisame cried out in pain as Kaiesha smirked smugly and soon Itachi smiled.
“So Kazama Kaiesha? It's been a while now hasn't it?” asked Itachi as Kaiesha smirked. She ended up leaving the hut with the two members and on their journey Itachi told Kaiesha all about the akatsuki and how Orochimaru was wanted by them. Kaiesha soon became a part of the group and spent three years with them, until she rejoined Konoha. We now join her back with Sasuke in the forest.
:----:End Flashback:----:
“This is not something I can just let go on,” said Kaiesha as Sasuke took a fighting stance. “You can try and fight me, but know this…you will loose” Kaiesha growled. Sasuke just smirked and made hand seals.
Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu!” he shouted but Kaiesha just smirked as the fire engulfed her body. Sasuke smiled, but soon the smile left his face as Kaiesha suddenly appeared behind him holding a kunai to his neck.
“And here I thought Uchiha Sasuke was supposed to be strong,” she said dodging Sasuke's punch. “You'll never beat Itachi like that” Kaiesha's smirk grew when she saw Sasuke's anger rise in his eyes.
“Don't ever speak that idiots name in my presence again!” cried Sasuke who kept on attacking Kaiesha and Kaiesha continued to dodge Sasuke's attacks. Soon they were both on the trunk of a tree fighting. “Why aren't you fighting back?” he growled as Kaiesha smirked.
“I find this to be a pointless fight, however if you wish for me to fight back then, by all means I shall,” with that Kaiesha began to make hand seals. However these hand seals could not be copied with the sharingan since they were special seals of her mother's bloodline limit, in fact most of Kaiesha's jutsu's were like this. `I know those hand seals, shit!' thought Sasuke. “Sorry Uchiha! Taimu-musubi jutsu!” With that Sasuke was frozen in time as Kaiesha smirked. “Now then let's get you home”
“Unfortunately I can not allow that to happen,” said someone as Kaiesha felt the cold metal of a kunai press against her neck as she growled.
“Kabuto!” She should've known he would've come to check on the sound fours progress. “You always were a sleazy ninja” Kaiesha's chakra was draining so she winced at the pain which was starting to come.
“Perhaps you should release the jutsu Kaiesha-kun, I want at least somewhat of a fight,” Kabuto replied as he released Kaiesha. `Smart-ass' she thought ending her jutsu. “Now this a bit more fair, me and Sasuke against the daughter of the fourth hokage and the princess of the village hidden in the stars.”
“Why is it that you always have to ruin my fun,” said Kaiesha. “Kage bunshin no jutsu!” soon there were five more Kaiesha's. “Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu!” she said as all five clones blew fire from their mouths. `She even copied the Uchiha fire jutsu's' thought Sasuke. Kaiesha could tell that Kabuto and Sasuke had moved just in time so they weren't hurt by her attacks. “Dam” she said as Kabuto appeared in front of her attempting to attack her. She saw the glowing green chakra on Kabuto's hands and knew he wanted to screw up her inside chakra flow so she jumped to another tree.
“Taijutsu was never you're strong suit Kaiesha-kun,” said Kabuto.
“I said to quit CALLING ME THAT!” cried Kaiesha from across the trees. That's when she felt it. The pain from her curse mark was very low. `Kimimaru-kun is?' she thought as a kunai came from above her lodging itself in her shoulder. “Ouch, god dam it”
“Man you sure are loosing your touch,” said Sasuke smirking as he jumped and landed in front of her.
“It seems stupidity runs in your family doesn't it Kaiesha,” laughed Kabuto as Kaiesha glared and made eye contact with him.
“What do you mean?” she asked in a dangerous tone.
“Well look, first there was your mother, then your father, now you, and of course the only other family member you have living.” Kabuto smirked when Kaiesha raised an eyebrow.
“What are you talking about, I'm the only one left living,” she said as Sasuke also listened in.
“Oh you may be the only person who's still remembered as the child of the fourth, however your father was an idiot sacrificing his own kin to the Kyuubi,” Kabuto chuckled as Kaiesha's eyes grew very wide. “That's right Kaiesha Naruto is…”
“Naruto is my brother…?
A/N: And the plot thickens lol sorry for the flashback but I thought it would be best to clear up Kaiesha-kun's past lol and please review…im on my knees begging here!!
Kuso: Shit/ Damn
Taimu-musubi jutsu: Time stopping jutsu
Omoi-yomidashi jutsu: Mind reading jutsu (bloodline trait)
Kokoro assaiki jutsu: heart crusher jutsu
Sensei: teacher
Sama: meaning Lord/Lady
Genjutsu: Illusion Art
Ninjutsu: Ninja Art
Hokage: highest Ninja Rank
Genin: Junior Ninja
Jounin: Elite ninja
Itadakimasu: Blessing Before Meal
Chakra: Energy which is used in the formation of ninja techniques
Hitokage no Jutsu: Hidden Shadows Jutsu
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu: Shadow Clone Jutsu