Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Whatever ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
named it “Whatever” b/c it is random and for lack of better title. I might change it later if I feel like it.

Kakashi paid for his last drink and stumbled out of the local tavern. He staggered and swayed down the sidewalk toward his significant other’s place, where he’d been staying for the past five months. He stopped every now and then to either burp, catch his breath, or beat back nausea or dizziness, sometimes all three at the same time. He really shouldn’t have had that twentieth drink. Hell, even in his drunken state, he knew he should’ve stopped at beer number five.
He fell backwards three times when he tried to climb the four steps of the porch to the front door. It took that much for him to finally get the door open. He stumbled in and had somehow gained enough intelligence to take off his muddy shoes before he trudged through the rest of the house.
He found Naruto sitting in the recliner facing the front door, a single lamp on. His blue-rimmed reading glasses sat on the end of his nose, and he was reading a book of some sort; Kakashi’s vision was too blurred for him to successfully make out what the title was.
“you’re late,” the blonde said, sounding for all the world a scolding parent to a naughty child who’d stayed out past their curfew.
“Sawrrry,” Kakashi slurred.
Naruto’s blue gaze flared, and he almost violently tore off his glasses, simultaneously slamming the book in his lap closed. He stood up and stormed over. “You’re drunk! How many times have I told you not to even come here when you’re intoxicated?! Get out!”
“Nah Nar’to-babeeee, don’ be like tha’,” Kakashi said, aware that he wasn’t helping himself by talking to his boyfriend, his kare, in a drunken slur. “Ih was on’y a few.”
“A few my ass! A few as in….fifteen perhaps?! I’m tired of having to deal with your damn drunk ass and then take care of your hangovers in the morning. Even worse, make sure you don’t get yourself killed when we go on a damn mission, and you’re so out of it, you can’t even function in a fight! I don’t see what is so attractive about alcohol. If you have problems you need to forget, you need to come to me. That’s what I’m here for!”
“Nah, babeeee, yer here fer a lotta otheh thin’s too.”
“Hah! All you’ve ever done is use me for sex and a shoulder to cry on,” Naruto sneered. “I want you out of my house, and don’t come back until you’re sober. I’m tired of your ass.”
“Nah, Nar’to you better be nice. I’m yer loveh afteh all.” He was getting irritated with the blonde’s harsh attitude and words.
“More like you’re fuck-hole.”
“Tha’s no’ a’ all trooo.” His eyebrow was twitching under his hitai-ate.
“You fuckin’ liar. I want you out.”
“I’m no’ goin’ anywhere until yoove calmed down. Nah let’s jus’ sih down an’ talk abou’ this, ’kay, babeee?”
“I don’t want to sit down and talk. I want you to leave.” He shoved Kakashi in the chest to get him to start moving.
“Nah don’ be shovin’ me, Nar’to, I ain’t done nothin’ to call for it.”
“Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out, you asshole!!” He shoved hard this time.
That was all it took for Kakashi to raise his hand and slam it into the left side of Naruto’s adorable face. The force behind the blow made Naruto whirl around and fall onto the glass coffee table, shattering the structure. The thump and sound of breaking glass brought Kakashi into reality. He gasped when he saw Naruto propped up by one hand while the other cupped his bruised cheek, his head turned to show the back of his golden head to the silver-haired Jounin. Blood spread out from the hand propping him up, a result from the shard of glass shoved all the way through the hand. A small sob came from his throat, and then he struggled to stand.
“Naruto?” Kakashi said, then hurried to help him up.
Naruto surprisingly didn’t protest, but he did push away and stand away from him after he was properly on his feet. He stood there, not looking at Kakashi, breathing deeply. The fingers of his injured hand, covered in crimson liquid, twitched.
“when I come back,” he said in a low, almost dangerous voice, wrought with pain and despair, “you had better be gone. I don’t want to see you again unless it’s on missions. If I see you beforehand, I will not be responsible for what I do for you.”
With that, the little blonde walked out of his house, dripping a trail of crimson behind him.


“Naruto! What happened?!” Sakura demanded as soon as he entered Hokage tower. She was on her way home from a long day as Tsunade-sama’s apprentice and had run into him when he stepped inside. “You’re bleeding everywhere! And why is you’re cheek bruised? C’mon, let’s get you to Tsunade.” She gently but urgently gripped the arm that was not injured and tugged him to the Hokage’s office.
“Naruto!” Tsunade dashed around her desk to where the blonde stood. She cupped his cheek tenderly while he stood there like a zombie, reminiscent of how Sasuke had looked when he finally came back to Konoha. “Who did this to you, Naruto-kun?” she demanded, examining the injury that still had the shard of glass stabbing through it.
Naruto shook his head. “It was my fault. I ran into my house and hit the wall with my face, stumbled a little, and fell on my coffee table. Kiba said I should’ve gotten a wooden one, but I didn’t listen, and now look at me.” He attempted a half-hearted smile.
Tsunade stared at him knowingly. “Sakura, go find a first-aid kit that has something to get this glass out,” she ordered. Once the pinkette had left, she murmured confidentially, “It was Kakashi, wasn’t it?”
Naruto’s face fell. He nodded miserably. “He came home drunk again, and I angered him.” A tear fell down his face. “I don’t understand why he has to drink so much! Am I not good enough? Why can’t he just come home to me and talk to me? Why does he feel like he has to drink all the pain away? Do I not deserve someone who wants me to help them and to love them? All he ever does is come to me for sex. Why doesn’t he love me? Tsunade, why do I always end up with people who hurt me in the end? Do I deserve to have abusive lovers?”
Tsunade had tears running down her face as she scooped Naruto up against her. “Of course not, Naruto! You deserve every happiness. You deserve to be loved by someone worthy of your own love. How could you think such things?” She shushed and soothed him, petting his head.
Sakura came in and gasped at the sight before her before she went forward. Tsunade reluctantly relinquished hold on her gaki before taking the supplies the pinkette had brought. Sakura took over hugging and soothing Naruto, even though she didn’t know what was the matter. She just knew that her best friend was in pain and needed someone to hold him.
Sasuke came in, having just completed a mission, while Tsunade was attempting to pull the glass out through Naruto’s palm, the widest of the wound. He frowned, and Sakura turned her head at his arrival. Her eyes were swimming with tears.
“What happened?” he demanded.
Naruto shook his head when Tsunade opened her mouth to speak, and she sighed, returning to her original task.
Sasuke frowned deeper. He went to sit next to Naruto. “Naruto, what happened?” he said, using a lower, more forceful tone of voice.
Naruto wouldn’t meet his gaze. He refused to let the whole village know that Kakashi was an abusive man when he was drunk. He refused to bear the shame of allowing everyone he knew to know that he was injured every time Kakashi was drunk just because he wanted to know what his former-sensei needed for him to make it better, so he wouldn’t have to drink all the time. He should his head at Sasuke, refusing to answer. Concentrating on the pain in his hand was easier.
“Don’t worry, Naruto, I’ll find out sooner or later, whether you tell me or not,” Sasuke declared firmly, rubbing at the blonde’s slightly trembling shoulders. He didn’t like touching people, but Naruto was an exception. The blonde never expected more contact than what Sasuke briefly offered. He just took what he was given and held it close to him like a treasure to be cherished until the next time it came.
“I don’t want everyone to know,” he whispered, catching everyone’s attention, save for Tsunade, who was finally succeeding in removing the glass. The blonde hissed and bit his lip in pain.
“Know what, Naruto?” Sakura asked softly, stroking his hair away from his face gently, like a loving sister comforting her little brother. “Don’t you want us to help you?”
Lee bounded in before there was any chance to reply. “Sakura my love! I came to escort you to our wonderful abode! I cannot wait until” He stopped his rant when he saw who else was in the room. “Nani? Why is Naruto-kun’s youthful lifeblood spilling all over the floor? Who has made such an unyouthful act against my springtime friend?” He was instantly protective of the broken blonde sitting in his girlfriend’s arms, shuddering in pain and sorrow.
“Oh do shut up, would you, Lee?” Sasuke said scathingly, irritated by the bushy-browed, bowl-cut-haired teenager.
“Sarcasm is very un”
“Lee, please be quiet,” Sakura murmured gently. “Getting in an argument at this moment isn’t a very good idea.”
“I apologize.” Lee sat down on the floor beside Sakura. “But I do wish to know what has transpired in my absence.”
“We would like to know as well,” Sakura sighed.
Lee did not seem at all jealous or worried about Sakura embracing the blonde. He merely remarked on how youthful it was for friends to be so loving and caring of their other friends.
“Please, Naruto, anything you tell us will stay with us. No one else will know,” Sakura pleaded.
Naruto yelped when the glass finally came free.
“You know that we will protect you at all costs, don’t you Naruto?” Sasuke asked, refraining from using his usual nickname. He had a feeling that it would only distress him more at this moment.
Tsunade sighed at all of this coddling and watched as the bleeding wound healed after she’d disinfected it. “If you don’t tell them, or allow me to tell them, I will have to take some action against you going on missions,” she finally spoke up. “In any event, I will have to punish the one who did this” she was careful not to say the name“so that it is ensured it never happens again.”
Naruto gnawed nervously on his lip.
“Why is the bruise not healing?” Lee asked, off-topic.
“I don’t know,” Naruto answered. “I can’t hear Kyuubi.” He seemed confused by this. “He’s usually trying to either berate for allowing this to happen or comfort me so I don’t go back into depression.”
Depression? I never knew that he went into depression,
Sasuke thought to himself sadly. Why wasn’t I told of this?
“Don’t even ask, Uchiha,” Tsunade said, as though reading his thoughts. “Back on topicwe’ll figure the healing problem out later.”
“M….m-maybe you should tell them, baa-chan,” Naruto said softly. “When I’m gone. I don’t wanna be around. I’m tired and wanna go home.”
“Okay, Naruto.” Tsunade-sama stood and kissed his forehead softly.
“I’ll check in on you on my way home, Naruto-kun,” Sakura promised, touching his hand as he past.
“Thanks, baa-chan, Sakura-chan. I’m going home.” Naruto slowly and almost forlornly walked out the door.
After he was out of earshot, Tsunade went to her chair behind her desk and sighed. She proceeded to tell them all exactly what had happened. Once they’d heard, all three were enraged. Lee was red with such “an unyouthful act against his springtime-sunshine friend.”
“What’s going to be done about it?” Sasuke demanded angrily.
“Kakashi is going to be sent to rehab for two months, and someone is going to have to live with Naruto so he doesn’t do anything to possibly hurt himself, or someone doesn’t do the same,” the Hokage said with a sigh. “I never would have thought that Kakashi would go beyond a few bruises, even by accident. I’m glad that Naruto has broken it off. Sending Kakashi to rehab will be less painful, I think.”
“Who should stay with Naruto?” Sakura asked.
“I think that he should stay at Sasuke’s place for at least a little while. I’d say until Kiba comes back from his latest mission. This way, there will be plenty of room for both of the boys to have privacy, and Sasuke will still be able to keep a good watch on Naruto.” She looked at the last living Uchiha. “What do you say, Uchiha?”
“I do not mind. I’m just wondering what Iruka will do when he finds out about Kakashi,” Sasuke said.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m wondering how much damage he will do to the copy-nin when he finds out what he did to Naruto,” Sasuke clarified.
“Whatever it is, I don’t want to be around to see it,” Sakura said, and Lee confirmed with a vigorous nod of his head.
“It’s hard to tell what anyone will do once they find out,” Lady Hokage sighed. “Sakura, when you go to see Naruto, please tell him about going to Sasuke’s place and help him pack the things he’ll need.”
“Yes, Tsunade-sama.” Sakura nodded.
“You are dismissed.”

This was completely random. I don’t know why I did it. If you liked it, review, and I will continue the story. Don’t know who the main pairing will be. In your review, please state if you think Sasuke should be paired with Naruto, or if Kakashi should grovel and eventually win Naruto over again.