Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ When Idiots Fall In Love ❯ 02 Run ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

Pairing: KibaNaru

Part 2 of 4


02 Run


Naruto ran like he never ran before. Faster than either Neji or Sasuke could have ever hoped to move away from their fans. Hell!! He was pretty sure that he was right now putting the Yondaime’s reputation as the Yellow Flash to shame.

Naruto grimaced slightly.

‘Those bastards got all the luck!!! None of their creepy stalkers were Anbu!!!’

Naruto considered running to his apartment to get his clothing, but that meant that he would have to run naked through the village and that was something that he refused to do.

There was no way in hell he was going to give even more people incentive to join the stalker club. He had more crazy groups after him than was acceptable.

Unfortunately while Naruto had all of these thoughts running through his head at this point in time he wasn’t watching where he was going so he ran straight into a tree at full speed.

And that is how Naruto Uzumaki, the future hokage, came to lose consciousness in the middle of the woods as naked as the day he was born.


KibaNaruKibaNaruKibaNaruKibaNaruKibaNaruKibaNaruKibaN aruKibaNaru


Odd clicking noises could be heard in the forest.

“Hmmm…,” a familiar voice intoned, “I found something good.” This was followed by a perverted sounding giggle and a few more clicks.

Naruto groaned, figures it would be Kakashi who found him. But he figured that things could be worse.

His fan club could have found him. Naruto shuddered at the thought. He would have probably ended up as some weirdo’s love slave.

“What can I help you with Kakashi-sensei?”

Naruto opened his eyes and saw his sensei smiling at him, or rather he believed so, it was rather difficult to tell with the mask, whilst reading his perverted little book. While waiting for a response he idly wondered what Iruka saw in him.

“I was just wondering why you were laying naked in the woods,” like it was the most obvious thing in the world and for someone normal it would have been but this was Kakashi.

“You’re friends,” Naruto grimaced, “decided to come after me again.”

“Is that so? Well tell me about it?,” Kakashi drawled appearing uninterested on the outside, but was very interested on the inside if the hidden tape recorder in his pocket was any indication.

“Well if you must know…”

  ** About 20 minutes ago **


Naruto was walking to training ground 14, looking for a certain canine-like ninja. He had run into Shino and learned that Kiba normally trained there at this time of the day.

You see, Naruto always had a little thing for Kiba and was trying to work up the courage to ask him out.

Hopefully all would go well today.

As Naruto neared the training ground, he felt a little anxious although he couldn’t figure out why. It was just a nagging sensation in the back of his mind that was similar to the feeling he got when Akatsuki was near and getting ready to kidnap him. But for the moment he decided to ignore it and go see if Kiba was training.

Naruto mentally drooled at the thought of a sweat slicked Kiba and promptly ran to the training grounds.

As he entered the grounds he looked around and saw that there was no one there. Deciding to leave and look for Kiba elsewhere, he turned to exit the grounds when the nagging sensation came back ten fold.

Naruto looked around carefully.

So far, so good.

There were no freakishly tall, blue shark-like men with a sword or disturbingly attractive Sasuke-clones anywhere in sight.

Normally this wouldn’t mean much. The two that normally came after Naruto were Kage level shinobi and could mask their presences perfectly, which was bad for Naruto, but they normally didn’t, which was good for Naruto.

But then that posed a bigger question, who would be after him if not those two?

Naruto decided to run, deciding it was the safest course of action.

As he started to run, figures started to jump out of bushes, trees. Figures in animal masks, figure in jounin vests, with cameras, who were giggling perversely…

‘They look like those guys from Kakashi’s party.’

As Naruto’s brain just process what he said, his eyes widened, “Oh shit!,” and Naruto did the only thing that he could in a situation that frightening situation.

He ran.

Unfortunately it was too late and hence the battle to protect his chastity commenced.

  **Back to the Present**    

Kakashi put his book away to look at Naruto, “Well, what happened while you were defending your virtue?”

Naruto snorted, “Like I’d tell you. You’d probably sell the information to Ero-sennin.”

Kakashi pouted, not that anyone could see it. Naruto at 19 was much smarter than the 12 year old Naruto that used to blab everything no matter how embarrassing.

And that sucked big time. He really wanted to know!!! After a few moments of quiet contemplation, he figured that he could ask Anko or Ebisu about it later. After all, they were the ones who video taped while stalking. One or both probably had the footage.

Naruto just looked at Kakashi, who was off in la-la-land at the moment.

‘What’s he thinking about?,’ Naruto then figured it was probably something perverted.

“So are you still going to ask him out?,” Kakashi asked, leering just a little bit but again no one could see.

Naruto blushed, Kakashi inwardly did a little victory dance and agreed with Anko; Naruto really did blush all over his body. This was information that would make him big bucks when he sold it to Jaraiya.

“Do you thing that I have a chance?,” Naruto asked, looking more than a little nervous.

Kakashi inwardly squealed, ‘KAWAII,’ really Naruto was just too cute sometimes.

“I think you have a good chance,” Kakashi turned to leave, “Oh and Naruto?”

Naruto looked up, “Yeah?”

“You may want to ask him with some clothes on. Remember, Iruka wouldn’t want you to give everything away so soon,” Kakashi drawled and poofed away.

Naruto then turned crimson and got up when he realized something.

He could just henge some clothes. That way he could get home to real clothes without being arrested for flashing the village.

He sighed. Sometimes….just sometimes, he wished his brain would work a little faster.




Kiba was walking down the street looking for Naruto. His mom had thrown him out of the house and demanded that he bring his mate home with him. When he tried to reason with her, by saying that he didn’t even know if Naruto liked him that way and that she needed to give him some time. She responded by giving him the ‘look.’ You know, the look that all mothers give their children when they are contemplating locking them in a cage and throwing away the key.

So, that meant that our dear Kiba-kun was on a mission of love.

Akamaru and Kuromaru were sent as backup, just incase Kiba did something stupid.




Naruto nervously made his way towards his apartment, looking around nervously for stalkers and feeling a little cold.

There was no telling if…no, when they would go for him again and he was more than a little anxious.

Not to mention, he wasn’t too sure if he could hold the henge while fighting or running away. One needed to maintain a degree of concentration and unfortunately that has never been Naruto‘s strongpoint.




Neji was walking down the street with his Byakugan activated. He figured that if he were to walk around with it on for a few days, his chakra capacity would increase a bit, and being the genius that he was, he always focused on always improving.

As he walked down the street, he noticed a shock of honey blonde hair and looked on in shock to see a nude Naruto (1.)

Neji’s genius brain could not handle seeing such beauty up close and he promptly fainted.




As Naruto made his way closer and closer to his apartment, a feeling of dread overtook him for the second time that day. He decided to ignore it for the second time that day. No one had ever taught him to listen to his instincts before hand so unfortunately he had to go into dangerous situations blind.

Naruto looked all around him, eyes darting to every shaded corner, every potted plant, every single person that he didn’t recognize. It didn’t help his already frayed nerves to remember that his stalkers were all highly trained.

As he marched up the stairs of his building one thought kept coursing through his mind was, ‘What if they’re waiting for me?’

Naruto was so deeply entrenched in his paranoid, yet perfectly rational and understandable thoughts, that he didn’t realize that he was in front of his door already. As he reached for the door knob a cold wave of terror went through him as his instincts and intuition decided to team up.

Finally Naruto listened to his little inner voice that screamed, ‘Go in there and you can kiss your cherry goodbye!’

Naruto turned tail and ran as quickly and silently as he possible could. As he made it out of the building he ran into someone, toppling over that person and, dispelling his henge.




Kiba felt something or to be more precise, someone knock him over and fall on his lap.

As he opened his eyes, preparing to verbally and physically punish the punk that knocked him over, he stopped totally struck stupid by the sight before him.

Naruto in all his naked glory was seated on his lap, giving that adorable dazed and confused look of his.

Kiba tried to speak but after opening and closing his mouth several times with no discernable sounds coming out stopped.

Kiba also tried thinking but that didn’t work either.

Apparently his brain died.



Naruto was horrified when he felt his henge dispel. He was even more horrified to realize who he had fallen atop of.


He had fallen on Kiba.

Kiba, the boy that he crushed on.




Akamaru and Kuromaru looked on with great interest, one thought floating through their minds.

‘This is WAY better than Icha Icha Paradise!’




Both boys looked at each other with crimson blushes when two of the most horrifying screams were heard.



The Anbu and other members of the Naruto fan club were getting more than a little restless when the beloved blonde didn’t show up.

As they prepared to move out and look for him, a Monkey masked Anbu happened to look out the window to the adorable and embarrassing yaoi scene below.





Iruka was walking towards Naruto apartment, intent on picking up his surrogate little brother up for their weekly ramen meal together.

As he approached the entrance of the blonde’s apartment building his jaw dropped in shock.

That…that Inuzaka boy had somehow coerced his little brother into doing something perverted with him!!!! And in public no less!!!





Both Kiba and Naruto looked towards the directions of the screams with undisguised horror.

Kiba, finally back on planet Earth, did the only thing that came to mind.

He threw his mate over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and ran.


1. I’m assuming that the Byakugan can see through henge.






