Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ When life gives you Emails ❯ Naruto ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When life gives you Emails.
Its Friday,
Now Naruto wasn't one to state the obvious but,
Didn't Sasuke bastard email him back awfully quickly?
Needy bastard ain't he?
He wasn't expecting a reply back.
Not soon, if any at all.
Surprise, surprise.
Naruto pokes a finger in his ear, twists and turns before pulling it back out.
He really needs to clean his ears.
Something Iruka-Sensei loves to remind him of ever so often.
Wipes wax on rug.
Yes he's on the floor with his plushy and laptop.
He wants to be one with nature…
Or at least one with his rug.
Turns back to screen.
Now as far as Naruto is concerned? Sasuke, although a little arrogant, forgave him...
He misspelled apology!
No not him,
Camera whips out of no where.
Say cheese Sasuke.
Click, Flash.
Naruto just can't believe it.
The great Uchiha is a bad speller.
He can't wait to rub this in his...
Naruto smacks his poor plushie away knocking laptop over in the process of throwing a tantrum.
Now he can't make fun of him or he'll know.
What's worse then the wrath of Uchiha?...
No, those are scary too…
Its just a horny Uchiha is a lot worse because the bastard would molest him.
After all, Sasuke saw his butt. Who wouldn't molest that?!
It's a bad thing!
And he means,
Sasuke Uchiha.
Itachi Uchiha.
Naruto blushes as he straightens his laptop right side up and pulls plushy close.
He can't believe he hurt his poor plushy.
Coo's over plushy.
You see what Sasuke bastard made him do?
Looks around nervously.
Okay, no one's around.
Takes deep breath and eyes screen.
He hasn't written back yet...
He won't rush...
He's having issues, seriously.
He does not like Sasuke.
The guy's a jerk.
He admits that out in the open,
In front of everyone.
Squirming slightly, Naruto pouts cutely.
Here alone?
He... Can admit.....
He likes....
He likes Sasuke...
Naruto's head droops before he sighs and goes back to finishing his message to Sasuke.
This is why he can't tell him.
Sasuke would use that to his advantage...
Though that's not what he's worried about.
Clicks send,
Logs off.
He's afraid of rejection.
Goes to kitchen,
Shuffles through cabinets.
Watchs popcorn being popped in microwave.
Holds plushy close.
This is his life.
Going to school,
Chat endlessly on internet,
Nothing else.
Some life huh?
Takes popcorn.
Climbs in bed,
Bowl in lap,
Plushies held close.
Tv on.
Flips through channels...
Some life this is..................
BETA GUYS!!! Thanks to yours truly, Oraday, the sweet heart! She beta my story!! OMG I LOVE HER! She's just so sweet and rules so frigging much so kudos' to her! Remember to check out her work! Everything here on out will be beta! GAH! I love her! Kawi! Now you know the drill guys. ^^
Like it? Hate it? GAH! I need to write back to some of my loyal reviewers!! Don't forget guys! Everything's beta now!,
Ertz: Omg I know! The suspense is killing me too! But hopefully you'll like this chapter just as much. ^^ Thanks for reviewing! Glad your enjoying my story so far!
Reno's_Lover: I hope to bring more smiles especially with this next chapter. It is a privilege. ^^
Ashlee-Chii: GAH! Oh I know that feeling believe me. You and I are the same but please keep writing! Don't stop for anyone! I checked out your story and thus far it looks awesome! Keep up with the great work! Hope you like this chapter! ^^ *Huggles!!*
Animehead: Oh yes indeed he is a sexy bastard that Sasuke…I just wanna drool all over him!! Hehehehe. I hope you like this chapter too! GAH! You are evil! You leave me and everyone who is a die hard fan of yours waiting for more! Please update soon! ^^ Love ya!
Ty: I don't mind you reviewing me or giving my criticism because that's what it is. Your being helpful, pointing out what you think I need help work on and the like. I don't mind helpful advise. In fact I enjoy it because it helps me and it shows you care enough to even say anything without banishing me. I hate the banishing, that's what I can't stand. I hope you do continue to read! And I do hope you'll write back sometime too! Lets me know if your enjoying the story thus far. ^^ Ttul girly!
Oraday: Gods where do I begin? Not only are you my new beta but you're a sweet heart. I just…GAH! I love you! Your just so nice and so sweet to offer to help me out while at the same time offering good advise. I like that, I enjoy that. You made me smile the whole way to the very end of your review! Please update your stories sometime soon! Your making me anxious! A anxious Sama is a bad Sama. LOL. Ttul girly! LOVE YA! YOU RULE!
Spriggan_d: LOL, your review had me laughing and smiling the whole time. You're just too sweet! If you want I'll even help you chain them to your bed! I don't mind helping another out! They'll be my muse with your help!! Sasuke, no matter what composer he tries to hide behind from is a closet perv!! No doubt about it! Please keep reading if your still interested girly!! Ttul!!
Naruto_newbie: I hope you like this story and will be less confused now! Please keep on reading! I love your reviews!
AisuJin: Thank you so much! Your probably maybe the first to say its well written when its not! LOL. Oh well! Please keep reading! Ttul!
Deadly Dream: I updated! Like promise! Enjoy!
AisuJin: Yes I know I'm evil with the cliffies but its fun!!
Vivpiv: I hope it'll stay fun and interesting for you! Please keep on reading!
Oni_Chan: That's exactly what I was going for! Glad someone notice! LOL. And who doesn't talk to themselves nowadays? Please keep reading!
Deadly Dream: I was really trying to make it seem like he was! Keeping reading! ^^
AisuJin: Read on!!! I hope you love it still!! *HUGGLES!* Love ya!
Oni_Chan: Well I had to make someone plushy obsessive now right? *grins* besides who better then Naruto?? HAHAHAHA! Ttul! Thanks for your review!
Deadly Dream: I have in fact done that to one of my closet friends and today she's still wondering who did it!!! HAHAHAHAHA Ttul!! Thanks for your review!