Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ When Opposite's Attract.~ ❯ A sudden approach! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
When Opposites Attract.~

[AU- Naruto Fanfic]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and Co.



Sasuke yawned and leaned back in his chair.
He glanced around the dimly litted classroom.
The classroom was a small cluttered room with the musty smell of old books and chalk.
Sasuke snickered as he glanced at his teacher,Kakashi-Sensei.
He apparently had dozed off while having his face buried in the book["Come Come Paradise"].
He felt someone nudge his right shoulder and glanced around to face none other than Uzumaki Naruto.
"What?" Sasuke asked annoyed.
Naruto leaned over and whispered in his ear,"Oi,You still dating that hot chick?"
Sasuke smirked as he tugged the collar of his black leather jacket.
He once again leaned back in his chair.
"That sakura girl?Yeah.Heh,She's so pitiful..It's hilarious on how she follows me around like some lovesick puppy."
Naruto scowled,"Lucky Bastard."
Sasuke grinned,"I cant help it..I'm too handsome.Anyways,You and the other guys still meeting me during lunch?"
"Duh." Naruto said as he rolled his eyes.
"Well Then,Dont forget this time you,dunce."
"Yeah,Yeah",Naruto said.
"Dont get you're panties up in a bunch,Uzumaki Naruto wont wuss out."
Sasuke Glared.
"You are so irritat-"
He was suddenly cut off by a third voice that spoke up in the chatter of the classroom.
"Yo,Uchiha!" Sasuke turned around and saw kiba and Akamaru[Who was hiding in his hooded jacket.]
"Got any gum?" Kiba asked.
"Whats wrong,Got dog breath?" Naruto taunted.
"Why you-" Kiba started.
Naruto threw back his head and laughed,leaving a flustered kiba and growling akamaru.
"Comeon,Fox boy..Think your'e so tough?"
Sasuke smirked as he watched them."You guys never learn."
Naruto grinned,Revealing his fangs.
"Let me show you then.."
As he tryed to get up,His chair somehow gave way causing him to fall.
"Owwww" Naruto yelled as he rubbed the big lump on his head.
The whole class exploded in laughter.
Just as Naruto got up [Blushing],The bell rang.
"Crap!" Naruto grumbled, He then collected all his stuff and followed Sasuke and Kiba[And Akamaru] out.


After the lunch bell rang,Sasuke headed down the stairs[From his french Class.]to the first floor.He then went down the hall and sneaked out through the back door.
He spotted Lee already waiting in the vacant parking lot.
"Hey Uchiha-san." Lee greeted him.
"Hey." Sasuke grumbled as he scanned around the area.
"Hey,Fuzzy Brows..You the only one here?"
Lee nodded."The rest haven't arrived yet."
"Damn,I told that dope not to be late."Sasuke grumbled.


There suddenly was the scraping sound of footsteps coming from around the corner of the vacant parking lot.
Sasuke,With his back turned,Was too busy trying to light his ciggarette.

"Hey!" Lee cried out in surprise as someone quickly approached them.
But,before Sasuke could turn around..

A loud whoosh of air escaped from his mouth as he got tackled behind by a certain individual.


Authors Note:

Hmm..Want to know who tackled sasuke from behind?When hinata will appear?Are they some type of cool gang?Or just want to know MORE?
If people review I'll be encouraged to write more!^^
Well hope you enjoyed my first chapter..^^ [Of my First Naruto fanfic...]

Thank you for your'e time!!
