Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ When The Rain Falls, I'll Be There. ❯ Ch. 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When The Rain Falls Down, I'll Be There.

By: Marshmallow Scurrie

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Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING! Except the computer which I wrote this on!

A/N: Ahhh.. feels so nice to be on summer vacation! Now I can finally work on my Naruto sqeual, and start other stories that I've jotted down throughout the school year! This particular Naruto fic kinda revolves around a relationship I've been observing this school year, but I can't say who because of confidentiality reasons. Anyways! I hope you enjoy and thanks for reviewing my other fics!

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Sakura paused, could this be real? As she looked into the eyes of her lover. The way the wind tousled his dark hair, the way his dark eyes were filled with love and this made her heart skipped beats, her chest rose and fell quickly with each passing breath. There was no way this could be real, but, yet it felt so real. Her lover smiled, moved his face closer to hers. Sakura closed her eyes and puckered her lips waiting for contact. The man moved closer, but suddenly a loud ringing echoed out...

"DAMMIT!" screamed Sakura as she grabbed her Hello Kitty alarm clock and chucked it across the room, hearing a small thud when it landed on the floor. She desparetly tried to go back to sleep, but it was no use. The damned alarm had awaken her and this pissed her off because it was the thirteenth time that week that she had, had that same dream and she wanted to finish it.

Sighing, she looked at the calendar on her nightstand and saw that it was the first day of school, then she glanced at the clock on her wall and saw that it was almost eight o'clock. "SHAT!" and with that, she scrambled out of her bed not even bothering to make it, dug through her clothes till she found something half decent to wear that was clean, ran downstairs, past her parents, into the bathroom, did what she needed to do in there, ran back out, grabbed an apple, slid her shoes on, grabbed her back-pacl and raced out the door to catch the bus.

Seeing that she was early and that the bus was a few houses away, Sakura pondered why she had wanted to go to Marsho High in the neighboring town, and was reminded five minutes later.

"Sakura?! Hey, Sakura!"

It was Naruto.

That was the reason why she had wanted to change schools so badly and when she got the news she was going to Marsho High she thought she was dreaming, but now there wasn't going to be any more annoying Naruto, perverted substitutes, Ino-pig, or anything. Just her and a fresh new start. Seeing that Naruto was running towards her, Sakura prayed that the bus would hurry its yellow ass up and get to her before Naruto did.


'Hurry dammit, hurry!'

"Hey Sakura!"


And to her relief the bus arrived just as Naruto was crossing the street behind the bus, not knowing that was a no-no. Sakura ran onto the bus, took the first availible seat and didn't look back. A pang of guilt hit her knowing that she had been rude to poor Naruto. The poor kid only wanted to say hi to her and she had to go be a bitch. But oh well, nothing she could do now. She was rid of him and she was happy. Taking her disc man out of her back-pack, she put on the headphone and chilled on the long bus ride.


The bus ride was indeed long and boring, but it was no big deal for Sakura for she was too excited to get to school and make new friends. When the bus pulled into the school yard, Sakura was amazed at how many kids there were compared to her other school. Then suddenly nervousness hit her and she felt alone and scared because she knew no one, but she didn't let that show. When she got off the bus, she saw that all the younger students going through one door and the older ones going through the other. She had been told by the school's guidance counsiler that she was to go through the High School door and so she did.

When she was inside she saw kids in line at the cafeteria and figured that she could use a nice cookie, preferably chocolate, and stood in line. But when she came to the cookies, she was pissed to find that they were all gone so she settled for a milk instead. Sighing, Sakura made her way up the stairs into her assigned homeroom, and sat down at the first avalible seat. Soon her classmates were around her, asking her questions about where she lived, what her old school was like, and all that jazz. Sakura never felt happier, because no one at her old school would have done this and she felt accepted.

This went on for almost two hours before an announcement came on and told them to proceed to third period classes, so Sakura followed her classmates down to the class room, which was also the school's teaching theatre and was shocked at who she seen up at the front of the class.

The perverted substitue named Mr. Kakashi. Oh what fun this was going to be.


End A/N: There o.o the first part is.. done.. I guess.. heh heh, who knew Kakashi was going to be a teacher? Just wait and see what he teaches! Enjoy, review, and don't forget to tip your waitresses or waiters!