Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ when you meet people on myspace ❯ the meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
DISCLAMER: i do not own naruto
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Naruto stared at Sasuke angrily and exclaimed, "What the hell is it really you!?!"

Sasuke just grunted and looked up at the celling...he should have know it was too good to be true....

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For the last three months Sasuke has been writing to a friend he met on...myspace. Only to recently find out that they lived closer then they thought...or it's better to say they lived in the same town, went to the same school, and were in the same grade. He was actually happy (shocking O.o) to find that out, but then, who could this mystery person be? He didn't have any pictures of himself in his profile and neither did his new friend. Describing themselves to each other was out of the question, since neither of them knew where to begin...names were a pain (at least it is for the sake of the story) and even the classes seemed to be unimportant.

If it was left up to him, he would rather not have met up. Friends can still be friends and not 'hang out,' right? Well that was always the case for him. Still, his new friend wanted to meet at least once, just to have a "mental image" of him when PMing each other. So he reluctantly agreed and the date was set.

They would meet each other in room 112 (my homeroom lol) after school that following Monday and from there they'd decide what to do. So the day when by, he fought a bit with the students, got sent to the V.P.'s about three times and aced all his test for that day. He was a troubled student NOT A MORON...although he did have to stay after school until 4...since he got detention (...again) and he hoped his friend had got tired of waiting and had left.

Then again, a part of him wanted him to still be there, he was curious after all...

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"Man this sucks...and here I thought I had met a good person and I end up becoming friends with the one guy I hate...!!!" exclaimed Naruto's inner thoughts. All his planning had gone to hell and died as soon as he saw him walk into the room. It was completly waste on this...this BAKA! His tormentor, his rival, his friend? NO! Of course not! Not in a million years!

"...So now what?" said the brooding dark haired boy. Naruto stared and flinched.

"GAH NOTHING!!! We leave that's WHAT!!! This was a waste of time! Urg I hate this! Why'd it have to be you!?"

"Well, I could ask you the same question....?" he replied coldly.

"....a well whatever, I'm leaving. I can't believe I skipped detention for this. Stupid Mr. Iruka's gonna be piss tomorrow because I skipped! I KNOW IT!" he said, err...exclaimed, before looking out the window he stood next to. The jump down wasn't high or needed, but he’d rather jump out a window then have to pass HIM and leave through the door.

"....hey Naruto..."

Naruto, not really wanting to, turned around and standing there in all his Uchiha glory was Sasuke. Naruto unconsciously turned a slight pink and bit his bottom lips, he did however know he was pushing him away slightly hard, "what do you want? Standing so close to me like that!!"

"Nothing just wanted to see how a loser looked like close up..."

"Shut up! I'm leaving!" he exclaimed getting ready to jump out the window. Sasuke however had other plans and pushed him away from it, right as he was going to jump. Naruto, being the clumsy fool that he is, trips and lands on Sasuke with one of his hands still holding the window sill.

"Get off me," Sasuke whispered as Naruto began to sit up. At that moment their homeroom and biology teacher....Mr. Hatake walked in. (yey KAKASHI!!!!!)

"Hey you two can't be in the school after hours. If you're gonna 'study biology' I suggest you try a room in a hotel," he teased. They where in a questionable position but even the lazy Kakashi knew how much they hated each other right?

"That's not funny Kakashi!" exclaimed Naruto angrily while blushing. Sasuke on the other hand didn't even flinch just stood up, glared at Kakashi, and left. Naruto followed him out the door and turned in the opposite direction. After they left Kakashi smirked and made a mental note. Call Itachi. "Well that was where did I leave my Icha Icha novel?" thought Kakashi to himself.

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