Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Where Am I? ❯ The Switch ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Hey Sasuke."


" you think it would be weird...if I kissed you?"


"Just...I don't know. Lately, you know. I mean I told you I was gay right? And you didn't seem to care. So like...I mean we've been friends for awhile and I have been starting to feel like....okay let me explain it like this. I ju-Ummph!"

"Your such an idiot."

"Did you just kiss me?"

"You were rambling."

"And you kissed me?"

"Look, I get what your saying and I'm agreeing to it okay. So drop it."

Blinking open, shimmering blue eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. It's owner layed stiffly against a comfy matted bed. He was thinking. Thiking of where he was, and what he was doing. After mustering what effort he could, he roamed his eyes across the room.


Tears began forming and falling against his aching cheeks. They stinged more than hot tears normally did. He sat up slightly, easing his legs to fold slightly underneath him as he did. He was remembering his dream. It was so familiar and yet so long ago. He surprised himself. It had been when he confessed, or atleast attempted to confess his feelings for his lover. He always cherished that memory.

It was the first time he held my hand.

His stomach turned, thinking how he suddenly felt so lonely. He was vaguely aware what was happening around him. He checked his own appearance, noting the bandages. He tried to remember how he got there. Noises of a horn screeched painfully in his head, making him groan in pain.

It was a car.

He sank his head into his hands, not listening to the noise that shuffled beside him. When he cared enough to check, and after hearing someone clear their throat, he lifted himself away from his shaking hands, letting them drop onto his lap.


"I came to see you..didn't think it would be bad timing though."

He wondered why Sasuke seemed so embarrassed. More so, why was he not being comforted better?

"Sasuke, I-I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." He looked away, shamed by his earlier actions.

"It wasn't your fault, I should have seen it coming. I didn't get you out of the way in time."

"Don't apologize for that, I was the one who ran into it."

"Idiot you didn't run into it, did what you were impulsed to do."

"Impulsed? I guess I was overreacting."

"Tch, you think?"

Naruto glared at the response. "Watch it bastard, I just got hit and your already bad mouthing me." He felt a sharp pain against his eyes and tried rubbing his hand on it to soothe it.

"Stop doing that." He felt his hands being pushed aside, and soft, firm ones grip his chin, tilting his head upward. He blinked, looking hazily at who he remembered to be his boyfriend. He saw how the other's black eyes inspected his own eyes, as they wandered over the pale body in front of them. Suddenly, he took in his lover's apparel. It was beyond odd, almost as if he was the one who was hit by the car, and had lost his fashion sense. Of course his thoughts were cut off when he noticed the V-shaped white shirt that he was wearing, unshamefully exposing white, creamy skin underneath.

"Sasuke." His voice was husky, he was far too tempted to pass up a chance to touch what was his. Tan hands fell against the pale flesh softly, the moved up and down slowly. Naruto lifted his head upwards as his target had froze on the spot. He placed his lips eagerly against his lover's, wanting nothing more than to feel the familiar softness. But, as his luck turned out, he wasn't so lucky. He felt himself being shoved away, as Sasuke's shifted back almost furiously.

"What the hell was that?!"

"W..what are you talking about Sasuke?"

"What you just did! You kissed me!"

"It's not like I haven't done it before."

"That was one time! And it didn't even count!"

"Once? What? Sasuke stop acting this way, your making me feel bad."

"Idiot, I don't care! You shouldn't ha-"

"Is there something wrong?"


"I could hear you guys screaming from outside, what happened?"

Sasuke and Naruto both fell silent. They stared at one another, hoping to receive an answer from the other, that would explain what really was happening. Sasuke looked away, facing Iruka as he made his way to exit.

"Nothing...he was just hyper from all his resting."


"I have to go, can you deal with him?"

Without another word, he left.

"Naruto what is going on?"

Iruka made his way to him, sitting in a nearby chair. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Iruka. Just, there is something wrong. Sasuke he...I don't know but, it felt like he wanted only to get away from me. I was only apologizing and we already started arguing." His face turned sad, he couldn't bare to look at his dad. "I think our relationship is starting to hit rock bottom."

"Naruto, you guys have always been..rowdy. Listen I'm sure it's not a big issue. You two just made it through this mission together, thats what really counts. I'm sure he's just upset about what happened to you. But in time, you guys will be back together again."

He smiled at Iruka. "I hope so. I guess I'll try talking to him later, when we're alone." He chuckled. "And maybe I can get some action."

"Now wait a second, your in no condition to be doing any 'action' today. You need to rest."

"Relax Iruka, he's never too rough on me, at least not when I'm not in that type of mood. Besides, I think we both need it, it's like..comfort for whenever we're stressed out."

"Well, okay. Just don't overdue it."

"I won't." Naruto laughed again, he found it kind of funny how Iruka was okay talking about sex, normally he'd try to drop the subject whenever Naruto mentioned screwing Sasuke.

With a final farewell Iruka left out the room. He was glad that Naruto felt better, luckily, he was healing fast as normally. Though he couldn't help but worry about Naruto wanting to fight Sasuke. Sure training always did them good, but after an intense mission, resting was a way better option. But he knew how Naruto was, there was no way he turn away from a good spar with his friend, he just hoped they have a peaceful resolution in the end.


"E- excuse me? I was wondering, d-do you have the time?"


"Oh, thank you."

"Hn." Grunting his responce, Sasuke shifted his seat from the pestering woman, who every now and then glanced and asked him an unneccesary question. As if the time wasn't going painfully slow already, he needed no other reminder of the current time. But he could do nothing but wait in the hospital's waiting area.

He could only pray and beg to god that his lover was alright. Never in his life had he felt so guilty. The very thought of losing his blonde was enough to kill him right there. But he awaited calmly as he could, anxiety bubbling to unbeknownst depths.

It had been nearly a 10 minute wait for rescue to rush to the scene. His clothes still tainted with the sickening memory of him cradling Naruto's bleeding body. Gasping words as if he were trully dying, words that begged for forgiveness, words he never wanted to hear again.

Hours passed though once he did reached the hospital. Naruto was hurried off and away to the emergency room, leaving the Uchiha to take in all the images and stress of the horrific event, that he wished was just a nightmare.

He unwillingly glanced at his wrist watch, '2:36'. He sighed, passing his shaky hands through his hair.

Sasuke stood from the uncomfortable chair he had been placed upon to wait, and rounded off to the receptionist once more that early morning.

"Excuse me." His voice was raspy, he cleared his throat, trying to repress the strain that had so clearly affected him.

"Yes, Mr. Uchiha?"

"Am I able to see him yet?"

"Mr. Uchiha I have already informed you that Mr. Uzumaki is resting at the moment under intensive care. You canno-"

"Listen lady." Sasuke was becoming furious by the second. He was informed that he needed to wait longer before he could step into the same room as his lover. And that was nearly an hour ago. Of course he was being impatient, could you blame him? "I want to see my fiance! I am getting really sick and tired of you telling me I can't!" He slammed his fists against the desk. Seething with anger, Sasuke hadn't noticed how all eyes were on him, watching and whispering behind his back as if he was some lunatic.

"What's going on here?"

Groaning mentally at the familiar voice, he slowly looked behind him. Grimacing as hazel eyes looked dissapprovingly against his own. He sighed and pulled himself away from the secretary.

"Dr. Tsunade!"

"Uchiha? Why are you still doing here?"

"Waiting obviously." His voice growled out each word, not liking to be asked the obvious.

"Dr. Tsunade he's awaiting to visit Uzumaki Naruto but no one is allowed in his room, he's still under critical condition."

Sasuke scowled as Tsunade sighed. "I'm afraid your wrong about that nurse. He was removed from the emergency room about an hour ago. His signs of damage have reduced greatly, and oddly enough it appeared as if he wasn't critically injured to begin with. The blood must have been dissuading."

"Where then the hell is he?" Sasuke glared at the nurse and looked towards his fiance's doctor. All this time he had been waiting there for absolutely nothing! He was losing his patients by a long shot.

Glancing warily at the girl, Tsunade signaled for him to follow. "Listen, I know your upset...but Naruto's doing way better than you think. I don't understand how he healed so quickly from the ambulance truck to here, but it is definetly peculiar." They shifted down the lobby and into the elevator, heading down to the next floor.

Sasuke didn't believe Tsunade's word too much. He saw Naruto get hit so violently. He held his lover's limp body, blood rushing out of him so fast Sasuke even thought he was going to die.

"Here it is. Last I checked he was up, a little rowdy actually. There's a chance he suffered some head trauma, but all signs to date have been positive."

She opened the door for him to enter. "Try to make him get some sleep." She wispered to him, peeking her head in and adding. "I know your awake brat! Don't let me come in here again and find you not!" Sasuke eyed her questioningly. But Tsunade grinned and winked.

As the door shut Sasuke finally mustered the courage to face him. He was so anxious the whole early morning about the condition his mind and body would be in. Images of the other's body dreadfully taunting his memory.

But Sasuke hadn't anticipated for what he saw. It was so...not what he expected and immediately the weight that was pitted against his stomach lifted itself up. There was no more blood, no gashing wound, or cast, or even bandages covering him like a mummy. Naruto was covered with light bandages and bruises that were spotted across his figure.

"Naruto?" He walked slowly to the other's side, his hands aching and twitching with a need to touch him. Comfort him. To do anything he needed. As he reached out, the blonde's body shifted lightly, eyes peering open skeptically.

"Naruto...Are you awake?"

" that you?"

"Oh god Naruto...I..I thought you were..."


"W-what is it, Naruto?" Blue eyes opened with certainty, but they held a firm gaze towards Sasuke pleeding own. Making the Uchiha feel uneasy at the slight seriousness they held behind them. Naruto was rarely serious.

"...I'm hungry."


"I'm hungry..think you can sneak in some ramen? The old hag has been driving me crazy! I mean serious-


"-ly I can't stand these nasty food the nurses keep bringing me. I'm no-"


"Geez Sasuke what?"

"Are you kidding me?"

", the food here sucks."

Sasuke hands clenched beside him as he approached Naruto's bed side. The blonde giving him a wary glance, as if he was acting strange.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Woah, Sasuke calm down."

"Calm down? Are you fucking out of it?! Naruto you have no idea fucking...worried I was!"


"I thought you were dead! Do you have any idea how that felt?"

"Dead, wait Sasuke I am okay you know. I've always been a fast healer."

Naruto reached his hand out and lightly punched against Sasuke's arm. Trying to reassure him of his condition. But it wasn't enough.

Sasuke pushed him into the covers of his temporary bed, climbing onto the off guard shinobi.

" can you...act this way?"

Sasuke leaned his head down against the blonde's bare chest. Closing his eyes as he took in the warmth and smell of his fiance.

"I saw you get hit."

"...I know." Naruto's voice was just above a whisper, not really understanding what was happening with his friend.

"And yet, your acting as if you don't care what happened to you."

Sasuke looked up, his eyes wavering with anguish that were bound to form heavy tears soon enough. He took Naruto by surprise, again. He brought his face slightly closer, his hand sliding softly against the other's tan cheek.

"I don't ever want to lose you."

Naruto hadn't expected the suddent weight that pushed so desperately against his lips. It was so swift, heavy, and....desperate? All of it catching him completely off guard. His mind taking time to register what was happening.

Sasuke's lips, touching his own. It was...too much.

"Get off!"

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean, what's wrong?! Your kissing me! I-In the mouth!"


"Are you sure you didn't get hit too?"

Sasuke's eyes were livid, he just showed the most compassion in what felt like...ages! And the love of his life was completely blowing him off. What was happening here?

"Why stop me?"

"What do you mean?"

"The kiss, y-you honestly can't be upset with me, right?"

"I'm...not upset..Sasuke just... Don't ever try that again pervert!" He grumbled. "I mean if someone saw, man, they could have thought...well you know. Your gay."


"I mean Sakura would just hang me by my balls if she saw."


"And I'd like to keep them if you don't mind."



"Shut up!"


"Why are you acting like idiot?! I've been here for hours, do you understand what I've been going through? I didn't even know if you were alive or dead. And I-I come here to find you fucking okay, when you weren't. You were not fucking okay when this happened.Yo-"

Sasuke was furious now, tears were starting to spue from his eyes, his body shaking from his own emotion. Naruto didn't know what to say, he couldn't understand what the big deal was. And yet, Sasuke seemed so stirred by his injuries.

"-and they wouldn't even let me see you! I cou-"

Slowly reaching out his hand, he grasped Sasuke's arm lightly.

"Sasuke..please stop yelling."

"I can't stop Naruto, I can't." Sasuke's eyes saddened abit.

"You mean everything to me, and I, I don't know what to do now."

"Just relax."


"Sasuke." Both men looked towards the door.

"I Need to speak with you."



Sasuke glanced again at his lover, eyes apologetic with a faint hint of annoyance. He removed himself from Naruto's grasp and headed out of the room with the doctor.

"Sasuke, I heard yelling, is everything all right?"

"Yeah..he's just, not thinking straight. And were both...well I'm tired."

"I don't mean that."

He eyed her skeptically.

"Look, during the time of examination we noticed something about his behavior."

"What do you mean?"

"He seems rather himself on a cheery day but, his references to things have been a little odd."

"How so?"

"Well for one...he keeps mentioning training with Hatake in the fields, doing missions, and blaming some Kunai for directly hitting him."

He eyed her, thinking Naruto was losing it was one thing, hearing Tsunade elaborate on his lover was on a totally different level.

"We aren't one hundred percent sure, but aside from him properly identifying people he knows, well we think...I'm pretty sure that..."

"What? Tell me."

"Naruto may have suffered severe trauma during his unconscious state, and well, we believe he's suffering memory loss with some sort of hallucination. Replacing his former memories with something unrealistic. He can't remember the relationship he holds with everyone bu-"

"Wait, relationships?"

"Yes he...he doesn't remember who he is to you, in other words. I thought he might have snapped out of it, or perhaps seeing you would trigger a memory lapse. But based on the conversation I heard...I believe he doesn't recall being more than your friend."

"Sasuke you okay?"

"Sasuke? Sasuke!"

"Someone give me a hand!"

Tsunade's frantic voice boomed through the lobby, trying to steady the Uchiha who unexpectedly fainted before her.

"Damnit Naruto, what is going on?"

A/N: Okay seems like I've never updated right? Well I did just on another website >_< sorry.
Reviews are loved. Expect the next chapter soon

Thank you!