Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Where's the ticket ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Sai, can't you hurry up bit” said a hungry Naruto, his hands behind the back of his head, his face turning into a light scowl. “ttaku! How could that ramen ticket end up in a book!” he looked around him and gazed at the rows of shelves filled with books that they still have to search. His faced scowled again at the thought of all this trouble for a ramen ticket. But then, his face brightened at the thought of the ramen ticket.
With that disarming smile of his, Sai turned to Naruto. “Don't worry, I shall find it, Naruto-san” he said beaming with confidence.
“Are you sure? You better not keep me from my ramen” Naruto replied, slightly puckering his lips to make Sai know that he is serious about the ramen though he only managed to make Sai smile even wider.
“Well, the probability that I shall find it before dinnertime is actually quite low”, he said his face still beaming an unbreakable smile, “but a book said that in times like this, it's better to say something comforting to your friend to make him feel better” he ended, feeling perfectly contented that he is helping his friend, just as the book recommended.
Naruto was only pissed off more at what he heard. “ttaku!” he blurted out and he was on the verge of really getting angry. His stomach growled loudly in protest, making its ailing heard to Sai. Three more minutes passed and still no sign of the ticket. Finally, with the last taut sting of patience snapped, Naruto pulled his hands together into jutsu-performing stance and did his famed Kagebunshin-jutsu.
A puff of smoke-effect rose then faded away to reveal four yellowheads surrounding Sai. Without a moment's hesitation they set out to work, rummaging the shelves, flipping trough volumes of ancient work unceremoniously and putting them back once they are fully convinced that there is no ramen ticket stuck between the pages.
Hours passed but the ramen ticket didn't show up. It was getting late and but there was still no progress with the search-and-rescue operation. All hope was waning, and even Naruto, all four of them, sat silently around Sai, feeling miserable and hungry.
Though they already searched every book and scroll in the library, and virtually no stone was left unturned, Sai was still flipping through the books. “Naruto-san, aren't you going to continue to search?” Sai implored.
“It's hopeless!” he blurted out in a tone of hopelessness that Sai never heard before. “We searched everywhere, we left no book untouched, and yet…” despair gripped him and his eyes were close to tears. Sai stared silently at his friend, surprised at what he heard. “And yet…I still couldn't find it. It's impossible!” he added conclusively.
All four of the Narutos rose to leave. Sai cast his face down, not knowing what evil spirit has taken hold of Naruto's tongue. Were they still Naruto? Did the kagebunshin altered Naruto' brain? He knew his friend was not one to give up that easily. And the more he thought about it, the more alien these four Narutos in front of him seemed.
“The library's about to close Sai” one of the blond copies said. “I'll just get another ticket from Kakashi-sensei” he added. “Just give it up” another kagebunshin said to Sai, who was still gripping a book in his hand.
Sai clenched his fist. Facing down, his thick, jet black hair covered his eyes from Narutos' view. “You! Are you really Naruto?” he said half-shouting in a tense voice.
The Narutos stopped walking and at once turned to Sai, who sounded not quite himself. The overhead fluorescent lights turning off one by one shaded Sai's downcast eyes even darker.
“Are you really Naruto, huh!? Because the Naruto I know would never give up that easily! He will fight” Sai said in angry haste. “Yes, he will fight until the last drop of blood leaves his veins.” He clenched his fists even tighter daring not to look up.
“Sai…” one of the Narutos replied letting his voice taper.
All of a sudden, Sai's body started to move in stealthy unison. And before any of the four Narutos can react, one of the copies' face was crushed in one bone-jarring blow from Sai's black hand-warmer covered fist. The impact was so strong that the copy somersaulted 180 degrees in the air before vanishing in a puff of smoke. Quickly, two Narutos made way for Sai. Sai made to throw his shuriken at the copies, but since Naruto was much more agile and more used to hand-to-hand combat, the copies avoided the shurikens with no effort at all and in a couple of steps the copies were each holding Sai's arms from the back.
“Neh, Naruto!” Sai was now speaking spitefully. “Weren't you the one who said to me…,” and he paused. “that you will follow Sasuke and bring him back even if you become blind, broken or mutilated.” “Huh, Naruto!” then he stopped.
At this point the last fluorescent bulb, the one that is above them, turned black and the whole room would have been pitch black if it weren't for the light of the moon straying from the window. Even with this faint light, Sai can faintly discern the figure of the kagebunshin that didn't charge at him. His glistening face was no longer that of the timid Naruto he punched earlier- it looked absolutely menacing against the cold metallic light of the moon.
And that figure, one hand clenching a shuriken, advanced towards Sai. When he came to Sai, Sai saw another Naruto that was unknown to him. Its blood-red eyes glowered down upon Sai, met Sai's surprised gaze and returned a menacing one. Sai felt fear when he stared into those eyes and his heart was pounding fast. Even the two Narutos behind him seemed to have changed. Somehow, Sai felt, that they were gripping his arm tighter than before, possessively.
And in this dark corner of the library, the heavy metallic clanking of the library entrance as it was locked was heard. Sai realized there was no escape.
Naruto let the shuriken graze Sai's delicate chin. Sai moaned lightly when the cold metal cut through his skin but Naruto gave a menacing but satisfied grin in reply. He lowered his head towards Sai's chin, still pinned to position by the two copies at his back, and started sucking at the cut that was left there. Sai moaned as he felt Naruto's tongue playfully licking the blood off the wound. “Naruto…san…” Sai mustered to say but let his voice taper away as Naruto came up from his chin and stole his lips in a possessive kiss.
And at this moment, one of the copies started kissing (or biting?) Sai's nape, one hand brushing away the thick mat of black hair that tried to conceal Sai's silky nape. Still another one went down to Sai's butt. He reached both his hands towards Sai's front and fumbled for the zipper. What he found instead was Sai's manhood, bulging to escape from captivity. He started pressing and massaging it, up and down, and Sai, showing no futile attempt of resistance, only moaned as two mouths and two hands (or claws?) took hold of his whole body.
In a split second, Sai's pants loosened and fell down into a sea of black that surrounded his feet. One of the Narutos behind him tore at his orange jumpsuit and stood fully naked, the hard silhouette of his muscular body outlined against the pale moonlight. He shoved Sai in the back bringing the lad down on all fours.
“Naruto-san” Sai said as he tried to look behind his back. The naked Naruto also went down on all fours and came up to Sai. Sai felt his hardness stroke against the cleft of his ass, his warm breath against the skin of his nape. Then Naruto stood on his two knees and gripped Sai's waist.
Then fear gripped Sai's heart. “Surely your not gonna do it without…!!” he tried to utter to but his voice was completely lost when Naruto penetrated, pushing his manhood deep into Sai. “Aaaah…” Sai moaned as the friction inside him seared him, his face grimacing in nerve-wrecking pain. Naruto, completely unmoved by this, only grinned some more.
He was shoved again from the front and now Sai was sitting on the lap of the kagebunshin that penetrated his ass. Another kagebunshin was fingering the zipper of Sai's midriff-exposing garment. Still another took Sai's manhood into his mouth.
And they started to move in unison as Sai rocked his body against Naruto. Sensing that he was having a hard time moving his body while two other Narutos squirmed in the front, the kagebunshin behind gave Sai some mechanical lift with his arms.
And they rocked all night, amidst the books and the scrolls now invisible in the darkness. And all four of them lasted this way in the dead of the night.
When Sai woke up, his ass was badly bruised, was covered in drying slime and his body hurt everywhere with cuts and bites. Naruto was sleeping soundly beside him apparently not dreaming of the carnal desires that they both drowned in last night.
“Ramen…” he said from his dream, obviously not forgetting about the ramen ticket. This innocent scene brought a smile to Sai's face.
The sun was now high and the library was to open in less than an hour. Better dress up and leave thought Sai. “Should I wake up Naruto?” thought Sai, first looking at Naruto's fully naked body stretched in front of him then looking at the cuts and bites all over his body. He stood but then he suddenly felt a sharp pain up his bruised ass that sent him moaning and grimacing for a while. “I guess it wouldn't hurt…to leave him here to fetch for himself. That way, he'd think it was all a dream” he thought as he contemplated about his badly bruised ass.
And when he picked up his pants, a piece of white paper fell from one of the pockets. The paper was stained with come that soaked through the fabric of the trousers. Sai picked it up and read. And to his great surprise, the paper read “Ichiraku- tastiest ramen in Konoha”.