Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Whisper ❯ Whisper-Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warnings: shota, incest, occness, AU, shounen-ai, yaoi, swearing, sex, underage sex, death, etc

Couples:Kyuubi/Naruto, slight Sasunaru, maybe others.

Summary- Naruto and his older brother, Kyuubi, become lovers after a horrible accident. The act of comfort soon turns into something more, when they fall in love. How will they be able to deal with their hidden relationship, when Naruto goes to high school, and has a few admirers. Will they remain together? Or will their small family break apart?

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Ages(this chapter):
Kyuubi-18(Just started college)
Naruto-11/12(middle school, going into high school soon.)

Please Note: I have posted this story on two other sites(Y!gallery and So if you have already read it, thank you for reading and please revirew.


Naruto played hide and seek with his older brother. It was raining outside, so they couldn't go to the park like they normally did. The small 11 year old was currently hiding behind the couch. He could here footsteps coming into the living room. The steps approached Naruto's hiding spot.


A sigh. Naruto peeked as he watched his crimson haired brother turn and head towards the kitchen to get the phone. The rain outside began pounding harder. Soon a loud clash of thunder and lightning, it caused Naruto to let out a light squeak. He heard his brother, Kyuubi, yelling. Then wondered what could possible have been said to have his older brother sound so upset. The blonde flinched when he heard the phone slammed against the wall. The teen walked back in the room, looking around for Naruto. The blonde let out a small giggle. Giving away his hiding place. Kyuubi smirked likely when he saw the cute blue-eyed boy. His golden eyes twinkled lightly. "Found you, kit."

"Aww..." Naruto grinned as he threw himself at his older brother, hugging him lightly. The older boy hesitantly wrapped his strong arms around the boy, pulling him close. Naruto felt a warm drop of water on his head. Blue eyes looked up into tearing yellow ones. "What's wrong?...Kyuu?"

"I...I have bad news..Naru-chan.." Kyuubi finally got control of his emotions, wiping his eyes with his sleeve, holding onto Naruto with his other arm. "Mom and Dad are.....They got into a car accident."

"Are they ok? We should go call auntie to bring us to the hospital!" The boy rambled quickly. Everything fell silent. "Kyuu? Kyuubi? What is it? Why won't you say anything?!"

"They're gone, kit...We can't visit them.. They're dead." The red-head whispered the last part. Naruto's eyes filled with tears. He started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Why?! Why, Kyuubi, why?!" Naruto clung to the other, gently rubbing his body against the older boy. Kyuubi held Naruto tightly, as he felt his body beginning to react to the closeness. The taller male picked Naruto up, heading towards his bedroom.

"Shh..." Kyuubi rubbed small circles in Naruto's back. His own heart aching painfully.

"You won't leave me too...Right Kyuubi?" The blonde asked as he clung to his brother, tears still falling.

"Never.." The other whispered. He laid the boy down in his(Kyuubi's) large black blanketed bed. Laying down next to the boy, he began to kiss the tears that fell from those beautiful blue eyes. "We'll stay together forever, Naru-chan. Forever.."

Naruto cried himself to sleep in Kyuubi's arms. The red head felt odd as he held his brother. Weird feelings were stirring in the pit of his stomach. Feelings he shouldn't have.

~~~Three days later~~~

The funeral was dreary and damp. Dark clouds still hung in the sky, left behind by the storm. Many had come to see their father. There mother only had one relative there. The priest said a long prayer. Both Naruto and Kyuubi felt numb as people walked up to them. Telling them they were sorry for their lose. Naruto said nothing, while Kyuubi thanked them with a nod. It was finally over. They headed to home. Or what was once their home.

A month passed. The brothers moved into a two bedroom apartment. Saving up the large amount of money they were left, in the bank for college. Naruto turned 12, but still only looked nine. His silky golden locks hung loosely around his soft child-like features. His blue eyes still held all their innocence, even before the accident. He fooled most with a fake grin. The only one who knew it was a lie, was Kyuubi.

Naruto blew out the candles on his small round chocolate cake. His older brother clapped his hands happily, causing the boy to smile a real smile. "Happy birthday, Naruto! Here I got you these."

The boy was handed three presents. "Thank you, Kyuu!"

He decided to open the small orange wrapped one first. A smile lit up his face, an orange mp3 player was in his hands. "Oh wow!! This is so cool!" Naruto threw his arms around Kyuubi's neck, causing the older boy to blush. "Thank you so much, Kyuu!!"

"Theres more. Come on." The red-head gently pushed Naruto off. The boy opened a bigger present next. This one was wrapped in yellow paper. It was a box. Opening it slowly, Naruto let out a gasp. Gently, he pulled out a fox stuffed animal, and a pair of light blue pajamas with little orange foxes on them.

"It's so cool.." Naruto smiled. Kyuubi nodded slowly.

"Well we both like foxes, so when I saw it, I thought of you." The older male looked at Naruto lovingly. "See..It's whiskers reminded me of your birthmark."

Naruto smiled. It was the only thing, other then his shortness and body type, that he had inherited from his mother. She had the same three marks on her cheeks. Other than that, he looked like a mini-version of his father, Arashi. Naruto opened the third and final gift, which was wrapped in blue.

"Thank you Kyuubi.." Naruto whispered as he pulled out a silver necklace with a small blue sapphire on it. "It's so beautiful."

"Yes..Just like your eyes." Kyuubi replied out loud, causing Naruto to blush brightly. Kyuubi hadn't realized what he had said.

"Kyuu...I.." The blonde began to blush deeper, and stuttered. He felt Kyuubi hug him close. "I love you, Kyuubi."

"I love you too, Naruto." Kyuubi kissed Naruto gently on the back of his neck. He could feel the heat the other boy was giving off. "Naruto are you alr-"

Kyuubi was cut off by Naruto hugging him, crying softly. He held Naruto closer to him. His body getting that strange feeling again. "Naruto..."

Kyuubi gently pushed Naruto away. He stared at Naruto's pretty face. The boy's eyes were closed as tears escaped. One tear landed on the boy's pink plush lips. Kyuubi suddenly felt a strange urge. He kissed the tears away from Naruto's cheeks. Cautiously, he pressed his lips against his little brother's. Shock went through his body when Naruto kissed back. The small body pressed up against him, giving him a wave of pleasure. Pulling away he stared into those eyes he loved so much. He picked up the light boy. Kyuubi carried Naruto to his room, setting him down on the bed, like he did the day their parents died. Now they were somewhere else, and these feelings were changing. The red-head kissed Naruto again, gently.

He began undressing his little brother. Kissing the tanned skin that was soon revealed. Yellow eyes smiled as Naruto moaned loudly. The blondes face was bright red.

Naruto felt weird as his brother touched him. It was a good weird though. His penis started to twitch as his pants were pulled down. A gasp escaped from his pink lips when Kyuubi took the small hardening member in his hands. Fisting it slowly to make it as hard as it could get. Naruto moaned, ""

"It's alright now." The other whispered gently. He kissed Naruto slowly, leaving a small mark on the boy's collar bone. Naruto continued to gasp, his body bucking forward.

"Kyuu!!!" The blonde whimpered. Kyuubi went lower, taking the now hard 4 inch member in his mouth, sucking it slowly. His tongue played with the tip, earning him a gasp from his young soon to be lover. The tongue dipped into the slit of Naruto's penis gently. Soon, Kyuubi took the whole member into his mouth. Licking, and tasting it slowly, trying to savor the sweet salty taste of his younger brother. Precum started to leak out of Naruto's penis. He whimpered lightly as Kyuubi licked it up greedily. "Nnnh...Mmm..!!!"

Kyuubi pulled away, staring at the now spit covered erect member. He smiled lightly as he took his own clothes off, noticing the little mewls and whimpers coming from his little brother. Taking a thing of lube out of his dresser, he walked back over the boy. The red head coated his nine inch member slowly, hissing with pleasure. Kyuubi got some lube on his fingers, and inserted one inside his blonde's waiting body. Naruto let out cry. Kyuubi stopped moving the finger. The boy's muscles closed around it tightly. "It's alright Naruto.. I'll stop if you want."

"N-No..It's f-fine.." Naruto whispered. Sweat covered his tan body, his member was dripping with precum. He needed this. It felt right, like they belonged together.The boy trusted Kyuubi. Naruto felt a second finger enter him. His body squirmed slightly. "Unnn.."

He felt odd as the fingers started moving. Naruto moaned very loudly. "AAhhh!!! Kyuubi...That..feels good..that..Spot you touched." Kyuubi jabbed his two fingers into the blonde's prostate once more, causing the boy to thrust forward and moan again. "Nhhh!!!!!"

"That spot, hmm." Kyuubi smirked slightly. He added a third finger. He wanted to make sure the boy was nice and stretched, before he put himself in. "You okay?"

"It..It kinda hurts." Naruto whispered. The red head kissed the boy's stomach. Pain was going through Naruto's body, but it felt nice. It really confused Naruto.

"Just relax. Try getting used to it. I will be putting my private part in there soon enough." Yellow eyes twinkled.

"Will i-it fit?" The blonde asked. He was a bit scared. It was so big, and his body was so small.

"It will..I promise. Just try getting used to these, you'll be ok." Kyuubi kissed the boy again. He started thrusting into Naruto's pleasure spot with his three fingers. The blonde saw stars.

"Kyu..Kyuuu" Naruto panted. Kyuubi finally took his fingers out, after he was sure Naruto was stretched. He placed a kiss on each of Naruto's cheeks(not the face), and spread the boy's legs farther apart. Position his member in front of the tight lube leaking entrance, he gently pushed in. Naruto let out a cry. Kyuubi looked up. "Keep...Going..."

So Kyuubi continued to push his thick member inside the boy. He gasped at the sudden feeling of hot tightness around him. "Naruto...Oh...God you feel so good.." Kyuubi let out a small moan. "I want You so badly..."

"...Kyuubi.." Naruto whispered. Kyuubi didn't move. "Put it all in.."

The red head pushed completely inside the blue eyed boy. Naruto gasped as it filled him completely. His blue eyes closed. Kyuubi kissed the boy gently. "Open your eyes, Naruto. Everything is ok."

Golden eyes smiled at blue ones. Naruto's eyes widened as Kyuubi began to move. "Oohh..!!!"

"N..Naruto.." Kyuubi pulled out of the whimpering boy and slammed back in, hitting Naruto's prostate straight on. Naruto felt so much pleasure, he screamed. His member ached, and he felt like he was going to explode any minute. Kyuubi pulled out again and pushed back in. He kept doing that. Faster and faster, giving them both more pleasure. The blonde came first, his body feeling tight as he did. His semen exploded over his stomach and Kyuubi's chest. Kyuubi kissed him gently on the lips, still continuing. "Ahh.!!!"

Kyuubi thrusted deep into the tight behind, as hard and deep as he could go. He released himself, feeling the pleasure of still being inside the boy's tight ass. His seed poured into Naruto. It filled the boy so much, that some of it leaked out.

"Kyuubi..That felt so good.." Naruto whispered tiredly as he cuddled up against a strong lean muscled chest. "I love you.."

"I love you too, Naruto.." Kyuubi whispered back, knowing that this was more than just sex. He loved Naruto more than anything. He knew it was wrong, that they shouldn't have done that. Naruto was his now, and he was Naruto. The blonde's steady breathing assured him that the boy was asleep. He slowly pulled his soft member out of the boy's body. The yellow eyed teen kissed Naruto gently. "Good night, my love....I'll never...Leave you."
