Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ White Eyed Shamans - Teaser ❯ One-Shot

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Shikamaru stalked down the darkened streets, not noticing or caring where his feet took him. He glanced towards the clouded sky and a saddened smile tugged at his lips as a nostalgic feeling washed over him like the fleeting moonlight.

Shifting his eyes away from the free souls above him, he saw with a start that he was standing before the temple in which Chouji and Neji's bodies would be preserved until their cremation the next day. Tears welled in his eyes once more as he thought about the cold, still body of his only friend, but he forced them back, determined not to cry anymore about the past.

He was about to turn away, possibly even return home, when the soft tinkling of bells danced past his ears. He narrowed his eyes into the darkness and saw a small figure step around the corner of the temple, flittering about like a nervous bird, soft tinkling and clacking at every move. Slowly, and as quietly as possible with bells and beads, the figure stepped into the temple.

Shikamaru glared at the thought of anyone messing with the bodies of his fallen comrades and, despite the small voice within him telling him not to bother himself - to go get a higher authority - he silently padded in after the figure. Pressing his back against the intricate temple entrance, he peered in and his eyes widened.

Lighting ceremonial candles all about the room, was that shy girl - Hyuuga Hinata.

Only, instead of covering herself to an almost insane degree with her coat and black pants, she was dressed in a blood red and sky blue kimono. Black fire spread from the hem of her dress and from her sleeves and a brown ribbon was tied about the deep green sash. Dangling from white ribbons on her wrists and clinking against wooden sandals were small golden bells and draped about her neck, looped over twice and still hanging pas her bosom, was a long string of multi-colored beads from different precious stones. Her soft white eyes were glossed over with tears and her jet-black hair shone golden-blue in the flickering candlelight.

Lighting the final candles and igniting a stick of incense, she stepped between the bodies, clasping her hands together in prayer, eyes gently closed against the flickering light, bells echoing eerily against the still night.

Suddenly, she tore the beads from about her neck, thrusting them out to the right with her hand, the jewels clacking together and the bells tinkling as she called, "Red for the blood that stains the ground!"

Her arm swung to the left.



"Black for the death that claimed thy life!"

She held the beads above her head.



"Green for the grass to cover thine grave!"

To the right again.



"White for the innocence stripped away!"




"Blue for the Heavenly world of eternal life!"




"Bells to summon thine spirit from wheresoever it may be"

She suddenly clasped her hands together over her chest, beads twined about fingers that formed the seal of the bird.

"I summon thine spirit! Appear before me!


Hinata's eyes flew open, veins in and about her eyes pulsing and pressing against her flesh as her bloodline skill activated. Shikamaru watched as the girl shuddered, shrinking away from whatever sight she saw. Her lips began to move but no sound crossed the chuunin's ears…





Just a random teaser that's been in my head for a while now about a fic I have no plot to. If I can think of something concrete - be it through shower, sleep, working on an assignment that has nothing to do whatsoever with this or something else -hinthint- - I'll be sure to memorize it somehow. Anyway, I own neither Naruto nor Shaman King, so, till next time! ^^