Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you and what have you done with Sasuke? ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thank you for your reviews. They do encourage me.
{January 18, 2008}
Chapter 2:
The moon was bright on a cloudless night. Most people were in their beds dreaming the night away. One man was tossing and turning, unable to enter that blissful state. He was not plagued by illusive nightmares of the past, as usual; but was agitated nonetheless. Locks of raven hair plastered against the teen's flushed face. Sasuke jolted awake in a cold sweat. He was apprehensive and felt drained. The onyx-eyed teen was left gasping for air. `It's like some virus is seeping into my core, into my very veins. My heart is racing.'
He reached for the glass of water next to him. Draining the glass, he subsequently placed it against his forehead in a futile attempt to cool down. Rivulets of water that escaped it intended destination, streamed down his pale neck onto his lean torso. The drops occasionally caught the moonlight as the teen's chest heaved. He wearily climbed out of bed and went towards the bathroom. Setting the shower to freezing temperatures, the Uchiha pealed off his navy blue boxers and stepped in. He stood in the center and placed both hands on the wall. Allowing the icy water to soothe his apprehension, Sasuke cleared his mind and inhaled slowly, deeply. “What's wrong with me,” wondered the Uchiha, not taking notice that his sharingan was activated and had been for some time.
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“Matte…come back. Sasuke, onegai…,” whispered a voice in desperation. “…demo, I love…” He struggled against an unknown force and stretched out his hands searchingly. He panicked as the object of his desires moved further out of reach. It suddenly felt as if a weight was on his heart. Ocean blue eyes opened to the sight of a wrinkled brown face with large, dull eyes. “…aahh!!” The small form sitting on the boy's chest tilted its head silently contemplating the boy. “n-nani?” He raised himself on his elbows and checked for the time on his frog clock. “Pakkun…what's up?”
“I should be asking you that. Bad dream?”
“Huh…uh, no,” mumbled Naruto, turning a curious shade of red. Even though the fox-boy wanted to drop the subject, it was clear that the dog-nin did not. Heaving a sigh, he looked at the dog with watery eyes and explained, “ramen left me.”
“You mean Sasuke?”
“Teme? No, ramen left me for Sasuke-teme,” clarified the teen. “Greedy bastard.”
After a pause, Pakkun snorted. “Kakashi sent me to inform you that he will be unable to meet you for training due to an S-class mission. Official team seven training will be suspended until his return.
“Aw man,…this blows,” exclaimed the boy, slumping back down.
The nin dog just blinked at the blond after resettling on Naruto's bare chest. “Be sure to inform Sasuke. Ja ne.” A poof of smoke appeared signaling Pakkun's departure.
“Well, I guess that leaves more scavenger hunts with Sasuke-teme.” Naruto stretched in a feline-like way. Half an hour later, a sunshine blond locked his door and leapt onto the roof, intending to force his company on his favorite brooding ninja.
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The sun was shining bright on another clear day. Although there was a light breeze blowing in through the kitchen window, it was obvious that it was going to be another record- breaking day, temperature-wise. Sasuke was currently in the process of making his lunch, onigiri. He scooped the sticky rice and placed it on a wooden plate. Inserting the chosen core ingredients, he then enclosed it. To achieve the characteristic triangle shape, he lightly tossed the rice ball continuously while applying pressure with his hands. When he was satisfied, he started on the next one. Unbeknownst to others, Sasuke enjoyed cooking. He felt completely at ease and in control. The rice started to stick to his hands, so he placed his hands in a bowl of water to wet them again.
“Ohayo, Sasuke-teme,” greeted an abnormally cheerful blond in a singsong voice.
`The gods must be punishing me for past sins.'
The whiskered boy let himself in and sat across from Sasuke, silently observing his style of preparation. `No small talk here. He barely acknowledged my appearance.' Sasuke just continued to prepare his meal under the watchful eye of his teammate.
“I didn't know you were so domestic,” replied the blond, noting the beautiful arrangement of onigiri. Becoming aware of the break in Sasuke's preparation he quickly complimented, “There's nothing wrong with that. I think its sort of …cute.”
“What do you want, Dobe?” inquired Sasuke with barely contained exasperation. He glared at Naruto while cleaning his fingers with a dishtowel.
Naruto, who was in the process of cleaning his face of rice off answered, “Kakashi-sensei went on a mission, so training was canceled.”
With a look of slight disdain, Sasuke observed his loud-mouthed teammate eat the rice he previously threw at him. “So you decided to grace me with your presence. I am honored,” responded Sasuke sarcastically.
Disregarding that comment, Naruto continued to observe the Uchiha with something akin to adoration.
Oblivious to the attention, the Uchiha did not break pace. When he was done, he placed the plates on a tray and added the necessary dining tools. “Can you grab the pitcher of water from the refrigerator? There are also two clean glasses on the drying rack next to the sink.” He led the way to a large room in the back of the house and slid the large doors open. Setting the tray on a low table, he settled on one of the sitting pillows situated on the floor. Naruto mimicked the raven-haired teen, setting the pitcher and glasses on the table. The Uchiha poured them each a glass then served Naruto his food.
“A-arigatou, Sasuke,” murmured Naruto with a small smile.
Sasuke just look out over the Uchiha gardens, taking bites here and there, in peaceful silence. `This is kind of nice. I didn't know the dobe was capable of long periods of silence.'
“They're good,” complimented the fox-boy quietly. `(gasp)…is Sasuke smiling? Just barely, but its there.' There was a light breeze gently blowing the dark strands of the Uchiha's hair. He was completely relaxed, unguarded; but Naruto knew better. ` A shinobi must always be prepared and on guard, no matter the situation. Sasuke-teme surely didn't forget that rule. In fact, in dire situations that require quick improvising, the teme always came out looking cool, calm, and collected. The bastard! He's always in control of his emotions, to the degree that he doesn't appear to have normal vulnerabilities and fears. I'm flattered that he has shown a vulnerable side to me. He even considers me to be his friend…his best friend. Although, he doesn't call many people `friend.' Damn antisocial bastard! Hmm…I never noticed before but, he has dark circles under his eyes. He's pale…well, paler than usual. Is something wrong?'
“Dobe, I'm just curious but, how long do you plan on staring at me?” asked the Uchiha as he glared at Naruto out of the corner of his eyes.
Warmth filled his face as blood headed north. Naruto covered his awkward reply with a sip of water.
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It was hot. Sweltering hot. The kind of hot that compelled one to strip bare-ass naked and jump into a deep lake. But after some conceited comment made by the Uchiha, Naruto was provoked enough to challenge the teen to a spar. Insulting everything from his pride to his `duck-butt' hairstyle, he successfully got him to agree.
So here they were, in their fighting stances. Light streamed through small gaps in the tree line, but for the most part, it was shady. It was quiet, except for the normal sounds of nature. With the narrowing of cobalt blue eyes and a contraction of toned muscles, Naruto was off. Sasuke was ready. He ducked a blow to the back of the head, planted both hands on the ground and kicked at Naruto's torso. He may have blocked, but he was hit with enough force to be pushed back into the foliage. The fight was on.
Nearly two hours later, both teens were facing each other, breathing hard. They had discarded their shirts some time ago. Their chests were glistening with sweat. Various small cuts, bruises, and dirt smudges were evident on their bodies. A small supply of weapons littered the grounds. The intensity of their fight was surreal. They always were. Nothing else mattered but the two of them. Not their past, not their obligations, just plain skill.
Sasuke pulled off a complex set of moves that almost got Naruto. But Naruto pivoted at just the right time to turn, what seemed like a disadvantage to an advantage; an advantage that presently had him straddling the Uchiha, kunai poised at his neck.
“Do you yield, Uchiha?” asked Naruto slightly breathless.
With a glare and a harsh tone he countered, “In your dreams, Uzumaki.”
“Uhuh…” `Kuso! He really seems pissed now. He can't win `em all. Although, he appears more…worn out than usual. It doesn't feel like usual; like he went `all out'. He must be coming down with something.' He continued to study the Uchiha, determined to find a reason for his disappointment. Tousled raven locks splayed out on the dirt and the sweaty teen's face. `And he still manages to pull off an `I'm better than you' look. I'm worried about him though. I should just beat it out of him. Fruitless, I know. `Uchiha' must be synonymous with stubborn…or bastard.' At this, Naruto smirked.
`He's doing it again. Freak. This is not normal; him staring at me. Defeating me rarely occurs too. Well, to be honest, our spars usually end in a draw.' He breathed slow, even breaths, attempting to slow his racing heart. `I knew it or felt it. My reaction time was off.' “As fascinating as this position may appear to you, usuratonkachi, I do have other things I would rather be doing.”
“Wha…,” was Naruto's intelligent reply. He put his kunai away and awkwardly got off of Sasuke. Signature pose with hand behind his head, the blue-eyed teen laughed off the situation. He stretched out a hand to help the Uchiha up, which he accepted.
“Oh well, look at the time. Gotta run and meet Iruka-sensei. Ja…” He grabbed his shirt and weapons and left a disheveled Uchiha in his wake.
“Kono usuratonkachi.”
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A/N: I know its a little slow, but bear with me. I'm just developing the plot and setting up parameters. If you have suggestions, I'll take them into consideration.