Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you and what have you done with Sasuke? ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thank you for your reviews. I really do appreciate them. I apologize for my absence. I'll try harder to update sooner. Hope you enjoy this chapter. I kept re-writing and editing the story. Anyways, read on…
{February 15, 2008}
Chapter 5:
`Sasuke, you are a fool.'
Sasuke lightly hit his head on the white tiles lining the shower, letting the warm spray of water stream down his toned male body. `That was close. I completely forgot about the time.' Grabbing the conditioner, Sasuke squeezed a bit onto his palm and worked a good lather into his hair. As the water rinsed his hair out, his thoughts returned to the earlier events of the day. `What started out as a prank to cover an awkward meeting, turned into something else. What was I doing? Why did I react like that with him? Like a…girl? Maybe the poison is affecting my thought processes,' concluded the raven-haired youth. He began to scrub his body, none too gently, turning his pale body a raw pink. The Uchiha took slow calming breaths to soothe the aggravation of his predicament. `The dobe expects me to go out with him again. Or Kouya.' His hands curled into fists as his frustration refused to subside. `Hell no! I am not a girl- not originally.' A fist swiftly pounded the tiled walls. `Kuso! I am no closer to finding a solution to my situation. Nothing in the extensive collection of scrolls and books in the manor's library mention anything about a potion to switch genders.' Sighing in temporary defeat, the youth turned off the shower and reached for a towel. He towel-dried his hair and wiped down his body. `I may have to pay the Hokage a visit. She could identify the agent and come up with an antidote. She is renowned for her skills in the medical field.' He wrapped a small towel around his waist and stepped out of the bathroom into his own large room. Only, he was not alone.
“Sasuke-teme! You're alive,” exclaimed the whiskered boy currently sitting on HIS bed.
Said teen prayed to the gods for patience. Naruto was on the bed, kicking up his legs in a restless state. Hands clasped in his lap, azure eyes roamed around the room. Sasuke's sparsely furnished room was decorated in black and shades of brown with a few touches of crimson red and earthy green here and there. His large regal furniture was painted in the darkest black contrasting the other colors beautifully.
Sasuke was currently selecting a pair of boxers. Choosing a black pair, he slipped it on under his towel then removed a thin black t-shirt from the dresser. He walked over to the wicker hamper and tossed his towel in. Pulling the shirt on, he turned to face the fox vessel.
The blond teen was lying back on the bed with his eyes closed. Sasuke considered tossing his teammate out of the window for sleeping on his bed. Instead, the raven-haired teen crossed the room and sat on the bed facing Naruto. The teen continued to sleep, unmindful of the added weight on the bed. Sasuke watched as his chest rose and fell in a slow rhythm. He liked him this way; calm, quiet, stupidity non-existent. Blond locks fanned out around the fox -teen's head. A tanned hand rose to his stomach and gave a few scratches, while the other came up to lie next to his head. Coal-black eyes looked out at the pitch black sky outside his window before redirecting on the whiskered face below. He placed one hand on Naruto's mouth, while the other pinched his nose. '...5,4,3,2,1.'
Arms flailing and heart beating wildly, Naruto gasped for air.
“What the fuck, Sasuke?” Naruto yelled angrily, one hand on his heart. “Are you trying to kill me?” He coughed a few times and narrowed his eyes at his rival/best friend.
“You have your OWN bed in your OWN home to sleep in,” stated the Uchiha nonchalantly.
“You could have just woke me up, teme,” informed the fox vessel with a slight wheeze.
“I did do that, dobe,” arrogantly replied the Uchiha.
“You know what I mean,” shouted the blond.
The self-proclaimed avenger only continued to smirk and Naruto entertained the idea of wiping that smirk off of his face with a right hook. He thought better of it after remembering the reason for his teammate's absence. He sighed in resignation.
“I didn't mean to fall asleep. I guess I'm a little tired after the day I had.” Naruto waited for the inquiry about his day, but sighed again when it did not come. `Well, he never was one for gossip.' Naruto lay back down with his hands clasped behind his head.
“You sure you're okay, teme? I was kinda worried about you. I had planned on breaking down your door and everything,” informed the whiskered teen.
Sasuke laid down as well claiming, “I'm fine, dobe.”
Naruto wondered if he should question the Uchiha further. Truth is, though he was the same Naruto on the outside, inside his emotions were tumultuous. He was restless, anxious, doubtful, and a host of other things. But Naruto, unbeknownst to others, had the perfect mask of all. He only allowed certain emotions to show while keeping his true feelings hidden and guarded. Everyone mistook him for a loud, clumsy idiot; which was true, but only to a small extent. It was easier to get by if people wrote you off as stupid. They do not feel threatened or challenged by your true strength. It was safer for him this way. Well, as safe as can be for a shinobi hunted by the Akatsuki. Naruto did not hold any grudges against the villagers. Their hate sprung from their fear. Not fear of him, Uzumaki Naruto, but of the nine-tailed demon fox, Kyuubi. So Naruto persevered and trained in hopes of earning the acknowledgement and respect of the villagers. The friends he gained throughout the years were precious to him, but none more so than Sasuke.
Which brings us to the next problem. `What should I do?'
[I prefer the direct approach. If he lies, well…they say pain is a great motivator. I can help you there.] sneered the ancient fox with barely contained laughter edging his tone.
`I don't think so. Oh, and while you're here, I have a question.' Naruto took his silence to be a `yes'. `Why were you laughing earlier?'
Kyuubi knew exactly what Naruto was referring to, but only continued to sneer.
`Was my date that much of a disaster or do you know something? My instinct is leaning more towards the latter but…' Naruto trailed off in hopes of the kitsune filling in with his answer. The demon only snorted and receded more into Naruto's subconscious.
`Well, that shut him up,' thought the blond, but his curiosity did not abate.
Naruto decided not to question Sasuke, but returned his senses outward. Blinking his eyes into awareness he turned his head and noticed that Sasuke had fallen asleep. `He fell asleep. He still must not be completely recovered from his illness if he hasn't thrown me out yet.'
Naruto observed the teen next to him. Part of his body was on the bed, while his legs were still over the edge. `That can't be comfortable. Should I move him? I might lose a few limbs in the process.' Naruto slid off the bed and pulled down the bed sheets. Taking a deep breath and steeling his resolve, he picked up Sasuke (bridal style) as gentle as possible and laid him down properly. Sasuke briefly open unadjusted eyes and closed them when his gaze only saw the deep blue pools looking back at him reassuringly.
`I'll check on him tomorrow after my date with Kouya.' Naruto half-tucked Sasuke in figuring it would be another hot night. Walking to the open window, he leaped onto the sill. With one last glance back at his teammate he hopped out.
***************************************************************** ****
A mild breeze blew in through the open window. The frog clock read 3:33. The temperature fell a bit but the air was still thick and heavy with moisture. A dull sound resounded from a floor fan that was placed on a chair facing the bed's occupant. The sleeping teen was currently engaged in an inescapable dream. His chest rose and fell in a desperate attempt to pull oxygen into his lungs. His body was drenched in sweat and a look of affliction covered his face. Tan legs were twisted in restricting sheets that seemed to bind him as well as his dream. Fingers clenched the sheets and toes curled unconsciously. Blond hair stuck to the face contorted in near agony. Cobalt eyes were squeezed shut. Teeth bit onto the bottom lip of a whiskered face in a futile attempt to smother a moan. The tan body toned to perfection was practically writhing on the sweat-soaked bed.
“Ohhh…. Kyuubi, noooo,” desperately pleaded the teen in a whisper. His teeth bit harder, drawing blood. “Onegai…stop.” His pleas were ignored as his body sought release. The feeling in the pit of his stomach was like a coil ready to spring. “Aaahh…fuck…” moaned the teen as he reached the culmination of an agonizingly drawn-out experience. Azure eyes opened abruptly as the whiskered teen panted. Worn out from the dream and brain lulled into a dreamless state from the stifling air, the blond suddenly fell asleep.
***************************************************************** *
`Why is it so bloody hot?'
Kouya sat under a large tree waiting for her companion. She was dressed in a simple pink yukata with a belt in a shade of cherry as well as the ribbon holding her hair. Her arms were hanging over her raised knees allowing the near-nonexistent breeze to flow over her. Her dark eyes gazed at the sun guessing at the time.
`He's late. I should not have come. It was a pain in the ass just getting ready,' internally complained the girl. She had a hard time finding something to wear considering the fact that nearly all of Sasuke's clothes bore the Uchiha symbol. She had to result to rummaging through her mother's things for an outfit. The slight crunching of grass alerted the raven-haired beauty to another's presence.
“Ohayo, Kouya. Sorry I'm late,” mumbled Naruto with his hand behind his head.
The girl continued to look at the trees, ignoring his added presence. Used to this attitude, Naruto sat down close to Kouya and grasped her hand. He gulped as narrowed dark eyes turned to glare at him. She then removed her hand only to cross her arms over her chest. Naruto tried to make excuses but blushed at her harsh glare. Her glare reminded him of another raven-haired, ivory-skinned youth.
A delicate brow rose in confusion at his reaction. `Usuratonkachi.'
“Forget it. You asked to see me and here I am. I am a busy person. What do you want.”
“Ummm…well…,” stuttered the blond. `Everyone's too busy for me. I wonder what Sasuke is up to. We haven't sparred in a while. No! Don't think that. You don't care, dobe. Aaah…' the fox vessel was in near hysteria.
Unaware of her companion's internal meltdown she huffed in frustration. “I have an appointment later today, so I will have to leave early,” notified the beauty.
“Appointment, huh? If you did not want to be with me then just say so,” grumbled the fox vessel.
“Excuse me?” asked the girl slightly offended.
Naruto sighed. “Gomen nasai. I didn't get much sleep. So I woke up a little crabby today.”
At Kouya's nod Naruto asked, “Why don't we head over to the festival? They have plays all day today.”
“Alright.” Kouya elegantly rose from her position on the ground. Naruto beamed at her and she smiled softly.
The couple strolled down the road browsing at the booths and playing a few games here and there. It was easy being with Kouya again. Earlier tension forgotten the pair began to enjoy the festival. When they reached the general food area, Naruto's stomach growled. The smells were wonderfully enticing. The teen skipped breakfast knowing that he and Kouya would gorge themselves on the variety of festival foods later.
“Are you hungry, Naruto?” laughed the beauty good-naturedly.
“Yep, you?”
They purchased some food and chose to dine in front of a psuedo-stage featuring a comedy/drama about a great ninja. There was already a crowd but they found good seats and were able to enjoy the show. Throughout the meal Naruto would steal glances at Kouya. `Should I question her about it? It's not like we are dating. She can see whoever she wants.' Naruto talked himself out of asking Kouya a specific question. Instead he asked another one that had been on his mind since yesterday.
“Kouya?” Dark eyes reluctantly left the entertainment and turned towards Naruto.
“Umm…I was wondering if…well, you see there's this dance…and I was wondering if you would go with me tomorrow night…as my date…” Azure eyes kept shifting from the beauty in front of him to the table below him. `Lee said it was a couple's only occasion.' A vague blush dusted Naruto's cheeks.
“The dance is at midnight, correct?” At Naruto's affirming nod she answered, “I'm sorry Naruto, but I cannot go. It is too late. My p-parents will not allow me to attend such a late event.”
“Oh. Okay,” came the dejected reply. `Her apology sounds sincere. She does have a curfew. Wait! What am I talking about? She could just be spending her nights with another guy. How else did the fox plushie end up in Sasuke's room?' At this thought, Naruto heard a snorting laughter from his internal occupant.
“So Kouya, where's Naru-chan today. Yesterday you seemed all attached. I half expected you to have the thing with you today.” Naruto slipped casually.
“Oh. N-Naru-chan is in my room on my bed,” blushed the raven-haired girl.
Deciding to drop it for now Naruto returned his attention to the play. “Do you want to stay here or would you like to walk around some more.”
She shrugged but said, “I kind of want to stick around for the plays, if you do not mind? We can walk around if you want to.”
“No, I'm fine.”
The pair continued to watch the shows for the rest of the day until Kouya had to leave for her appointment.
“Maybe I'll see you tomorrow, ne?” smiled Naruto.
“Hmm,” came her reply with a small smile and a wave.
After watching her leave, Naruto got up as well and began to walk around. Hands in his pockets, Naruto walked the quieter streets of Konoha in deep thought. `Kouya looked beautiful today, as expected. She smelled wonderful.'
[Is that why you got rid of her so easily?]
`I don't know what you are talking about,' stubbornly replied the fox vessel.
[Who do you think you are fooling, gaki? You were distracted today. You did not put up an argument when Kouya left. You did not even force another date out of her for tomorrow. Is there something on your mind?] This was said with a sneer and a knowing look that pissed off the jinchuuriki.
Naruto chose to ignore those comments and continued walking.
Tsunade released a long, deep sigh; evidence of her tiring day. Shizune had forced her to do a mountain of paperwork so as not to fall even more behind. But all the Hokage wanted to do was skip over to the festival and find a decent gambling booth and order some sake. Her honey-colored eyes strained to take in what she was reading on the scroll. `The sooner I finish this stack, the sooner I can join the festivities.' A knock sounded on the door.
“Enter,” called the Godaime. `It better not be Shizune with another stack for me.'
After a few moments of silence the door opened slowly. Tsunade-sama sighed again at the holdup. She straightened her stack of papers and crossed her fingers over the desk. She smiled none to kindly at the visitor. The pale youth closed the door behind her, bowed slightly and walked towards the desk.
“Hokage-sama,” came the soft reply. Dark eyes regarded the Hokage with a chin slightly raised in the air.
Honey-colored eyes narrowed at the girl. `There's something about this girl. She just rubs me the wrong way. I don't like her.'
“And you are…?” asked the Hokage not recognizing the girl, although the chakra signature seemed familiar. A blonde brow rose in question when coal-black eyes abruptly gazed at the floor and a vague blush dusted the girl's face. Blonde brows lifted and honey eyes widened at the answer…
“Uchiha, Sasuke.”
Looking at the swiftly darkening sky, which was already marked by a few evening stars, Naruto sighed heavily. He pushed up from his sitting position on the Yondaime's head and maneuvered his way down the mountain. Although he wanted to avoid the Uchiha, he promised he was going to check up on him. Jumping up on a nearby roof he decided to take a short cut. The speed of his travel and the wind rushing against his face served to clear his mind further.
The Uchiha manor was quiet and dark. There were no lights on inside but Naruto decided to try anyway. Knocking on the door, the blond teen waited. `He probably knows its me, but is taking his sweet time.' Raising a fist he pounded on the door. `Where is he?'
[And you wonder why he calls you a dobe.]
`What was that fox?' said Naruto challenging.
[Do you sense his chakra signature inside?]
Naruto closed his eyes and expanded his senses towards the large manor. Naruto growled. `Is he with her? Appointment my ass.' Fists clenched and teeth bared, Naruto imagined the possibilities of Kouya with Sasuke. `That teme. Isn't there one girl immune to him?' He growled further at Kyuubi's snort and mental eye rolling.
“Dobe. What are you doing here?” came a too familiar voice.
Naruto turned around and saw his teammate with a bag of takeout. He immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion.
“Where were you, Uchiha? Did you have a dinner date with someone?”
The Uchiha frowned at his friend's apparent fury. He noticed the pronounced whisker marks, blood-red eyes, and lengthened teeth.
“Not that it is any concern of yours, but I just picked up some dinner from the Korean barbeque restaurant. Before that I was in a meeting with the Hokage.”
Naruto scoffed at his answer. “I'm not stupid, you know. I know you were with a girl.”
Sasuke raised a brow in doubt, “You could have fooled me, usuratonkachi. As for the girl comment, I assure you Tsunade-sama has not been one for a long time. Don't let the jutsu fool you,” he advised condescendingly. He then pushed pass Naruto and unlocked his door. “Remind me again why you are here.”
“I said I would check up on you, teme.”
He walked in uninvited and closed the door. Sasuke glared and turned his back on him. He took his dinner to the kitchen and unpacked his meal on the table. Grabbing two plates, two sets of chopsticks, and a serving spoon, he placed them on the table opposite each other. He then retrieved two glasses and filled them with water. Bringing them over he sat down and began serving himself.
“You expecting someone?”
“Only for a dobe to be blessed with some level of intelligence,” informed the Uchiha casually. He placed a couple of pre-cooked meat on his plate (since this was a `to go' order) and scooped some rice onto his plate.
Logic sinking into his brain at last, Naruto pulled the other chair back and sat down. Cerulean eyes still guarded, he loaded his plate with food. Grabbing his chopsticks, he grabbed a portion of meat and whispered an apology. Chewing the juicy meat he finally returned his gaze to his companion. The Uchiha was being his usual self; eating quietly with a modicum of elegance and ignoring Naruto's earlier outburst. The tension quickly dwindled to nonexistent as Naruto recounted his extraordinary day to his rival/best friend. `He wasn't with Kouya; he couldn't have been, Kyuubi. I shouldn't have suspected Sasuke. He is too anti-social for anyone to tolerate. That fox plushie upstairs must be an old one or something.'
Ignoring the comment he gladly helped Sasuke clean up. The Uchiha then prepared a tray of jasmine tea and walked outside on the wooden deck overlooking the lush, but simple gardens. Dragging the floor pillows out, the pair lay down and looked at the starry sky.
“So what did you do today, Sasuke-teme?” asked the fox teen casually trying to start conversation.
“Training,” supplied the stoic teen.
“Okay…what did you see the Hokage for?”
“It doesn't concern you, dobe,” came the evasive reply.
`I'm his best friend. If he can't share his secrets with me then who can he share them with?' Naruto growled distractedly at Kyuubi's amusement. `Shut up, pervy fox,' internally screamed the blond annoyed at his insistent laughter.
At this Kyuubi growled. The two may be umm…close, but Naruto was still just a human whereas Kyuubi was a powerful ancient demon. One should know their place and respect the hierarchy.
`Yeah, you heard me. Now is certainly not the time, but what the fuck was up with that dream starring Sasuke-teme last night?'
[Let's just say his potential has revealed itself to me.]
`What potential?' asked the whiskered teen, frustrated at failing to see Kyuubi's point.
The kitsune sighed as a bit of his chakra warmed Naruto and the feelings aroused by the dream returned.
[I am a demon fox and you are of age. If a potential mate enters your life…]
`Whoa, whoa, whoa,' interrupted Naruto. `Sasuke and potential mate should not be in the same train of thought. Who said I liked guys? Don't succumb to Sasuke's spell,' warned the blond. `He's not that hot.'
[A mate is more than a fuck buddy. I am referring to your match, your life-mate, bound for eternity.]
`Is this my punishment for your imprisonment? Shit! W-what about Kouya?'
At this Kyuubi only gave a growl-tinged laugh. Naruto was sweating and his heart refused to calm down. `Me bound to Sasuke-teme for life. He's a handful now. We may end up killing each other. What do I do? What do I do?' Naruto mentally ran his hands over his face in near hysteria. `And stop with the fucking mental pictures!'
[What? Is this not to your liking. Well, allow me to alter the image.]
At this a scene formed with Naruto thrusting into a very aroused Uchiha beneath him.
[How about this? This is better, ne?] Kyuubi cruelly laughed.
“Dobe. Your control over the kitsune needs some work.”
`Sasuke-teme?' The teen looked at the erotic scene, but the Sasuke in there was only moaning. He turned around and yelped. `Aah, S-sasuke-teme get outta my head. I told you how much I hated it,' shouted a tomato-red blond.
“You did not answer when I called your name.”
`That doesn't give you the right to just invite yourself in my head,' screamed the fox vessel.
“Your chakra, or rather Kyuubi's chakra was building up, so I `invited' myself in to see what the problem was,” replied the Uchiha unperturbed at Naruto's anger.
“Whatever, teme,” replied the whiskered teen unwilling to acknowledge the Uchiha's logic. “Let's go,” with that Naruto left his subconscious.
[Soon Uchiha]
“Hn,” came the Uchiha's reply as he regarded the kitsune for a moment more before leaving. The ancient demon was smirking lustfully at him.
Naruto slowly opened his cobalt eyes to a pair of swirling sharingan ones.
Sharingan eyes squeezed shut in annoyance at the yell from a source less than a foot away.
“Deafness is not a quality I desire, dobe,” informed the Uchiha, as his eyes opened to their original dark shade. Sasuke was currently sitting on Naruto's lap, arms braced on either side of his head, as his own face hovered mere inches above the whiskered teen.
“Yeah, yeah, just get off already,” said the fox-teen, a blush adorning his cheeks.
“Is this not to your liking, Uzumaki?” teased the Uchiha, causing Naruto's blush to deepen.
`Sasuke never joked around like this,' thought the blond, as Sasuke moved to sit next to him and not on him.
“You know, I would never let Kyuubi harm you,” affirmed the younger teen.
“I am used to being desired by others for different reasons; my name, my looks, my Sharingan,” informed the pale youth.
“I am not like those people, Sasuke.” Cerulean eyes fiercely looked at coal-black eyes for the first time since opening them.
“No, you are not. Although I never said you were, unless you desire me as well,” smirked the Uchiha.
Naruto blushed again. “In your dreams. For your information, I already have someone,” stated the teen matter-of-factly. He then remembered his earlier doubts concerning Kouya and Sasuke, before the whole Kyuubi-dream thing. He lost a bit of his steam and calmed down as other thoughts took precedence.
“Oh yeah. Who?” Sasuke instantly sensed the change in Naruto's demeanor.
“A-a girl,” answered the blond youth, face turning away from the Uchiha.
“I would hope so, unless you really were turned on by Kyuubi's little show,” taunted the Uchiha, hoping to distract Naruto from whatever dark thoughts plaguing his mind. Although Kouya was not a subject he wanted to dwell on.
Naruto snorted. “If I were into guys, I would not be attracted to a jackass like you.”
Sasuke smirked. `He is so easy to manipulate.'
“Hn. Then who would be worthy of your attentions, usuratonkachi?”
“Umm,…I don't know.” Blond brows furrowed and pink lips in a slight pout, he considered his options. `Shikamaru is too lazy. Our dates would be boring and I would have to come up with everything. Kiba…Hell no! Dog breath is more annoying than me and probably has fleas. Choji would choose food over me anytime and leave me hanging. Bushy-brows…ha, ha, ha, no. Shino, well, the whole bug thing is kinda creepy. Kankuro is just not my type. Gaara needs to work on his personality more so that he doesn't inspire fear at a single look. Kakashi-sensei is a little old for me, not to mention a big pervert. Neji is…possible. He used to be a fate-obsessed arrogant prick, but he's changed.
Sasuke snorted disbelievingly. “Hyuuga. Are you joking? You call me an arrogant bastard, but Neji…h-he is…what do you see in him?”
“I am NOT attracted to guys, but I can see how girls can finds him attractive. Besides, Neji has changed. When you left, we got closer. Actually, I grew closer to the rest of the rookie nine and team Gai. They respect me and believe in me.”
“You have become quite popular, Uzumaki. The Hokage's favorite, surrounded by all those friends,” replied the Uchiha bitterly.
“Yeah, I guess, except…you weren't here,” revealed the fox-teen, noting the Uchiha's tone. Naruto silently regarded the Uchiha next to him.
“What about you? Are you interested in someone?”
“I think I remember a certain Uchiha with a goal of restoring his clan. You better get on that. The life span of a ninja is significantly lower than a civilian,” half-joked the blond.
“So you aren't seeing someone now?”
“What have you been doing the past five days?”
“Dobe, what part of sick and closed off from the outside world do you not understand?” A few more minutes of silence passed.
“It's getting late. I have plans tomorrow so I'll see you later.”
“Plans, right,” whispered the Uchiha distractedly.
Thank you for reading this chapter. Anything you have to say in the form of a review will be much appreciated.