Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you and what have you done with Sasuke? ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I just want to thank you for the reviews again. Hello to any new readers. Hope you like this chapter.
A/N: Sasuke is written in Kouya's (female) perspective during the day and as Sasuke (male) at night. Sorry for the confusion.
Key: “talking”, `thinking', [Kyuubi's input]
{March 3, 2008}
Chapter 6:
“I assure you, that Tsunade-sama is doing everything she can for you,” said Shizune to the glaring raven-haired beauty. “You presented a real challenge for her. I haven't seen her this determined to crack a medical mystery in a while. She has been at it all night.”
“Hn. Can you tell me anything else?” asked the girl, desperate for news.
“Be patient, Sasuke-kun,” said Shizune with a reassuring smile. At Kouya's frustrated sigh she added, “It's not so bad being a woman. Maybe a little empathy will do you some good.”
Kouya sent her a murderous glare.
“Tsunade-sama will send for you if she has an update.”
“This is so troublesome. I can't even go on a mission in this form because someone might find out,” complained the Uchiha.
“Can you continue as a shinobi in that form?” came a voice from the side door.
“Tsunade-sama…” said Shizune.
“I have a mission for you. Are you up for it?” asked Tsunade with a wicked gleam in her honey-colored eyes. She was currently leaning against the frame of the door.
Kouya took in the Hokage's appearance. She looked tired and there were circles under her eyes. Tsunade always made sure that any signs of age were removed from the eyes of others. `She probably heard the whole exchange between myself and Shizune-san.' Kouya raised an elegant eyebrow, “What would you have me do, Hokage-sama?”
“We will use your predicament to our advantage, of course.”
At this, dark eyes narrowed before shifting to read Shizune's face, but she revealed nothing.
“I'm listening.”
“How are your skills in that form?” asked Tsunade as she moved to sit behind her desk. A couple of stacks were already waiting to be attended to.
“It took a little getting used to—a few adjustments, but I continued to train in this body. My talents are not an issue.”
“Hmm. In that case, I have an “A” ranked mission for you and a partner.”
Kouya gave a slight nod indicating that Tsunade could continue. She opened a folder and pulled out a photo. She passed it across the desk. Kouya walked up to the desk, arms crossed over her chest. Tsunade began to read the file on the man in the photo.
“Yagami, Shigure. He is a rogue samurai in tea country. An excellent swordsman and very intelligent. The daimyo has asked that we dispose of him quickly and quietly. Yagami has been acting against the current daimyo for months now, but has stepped up his threat in the form of attempted murder. Samurai and civilian law enforcement officers have attempted to capture him, but all have failed -- they paid with their lives. A month ago, I sent a three-man squad to gather information on Yagami- habits, routines, weaknesses, personality and security assessments…Team Shikamaru came up with an interesting indulgence of Yagami's…”
She paused for dramatic effect and looked directly into Kouya's ebony eyes. “He occasionally visits geisha establishments; during the day, too. Cheaper rates.” She smirked as she saw the dawning look of comprehension cross the girl's face.
“I've considered leaving Yamanaka to carry out the assassination, but honestly, she is not ready. Ten-ten and Hinata would not be able to…pull it off. The three of them are excellent kunoichi, but they work better in teams. This mission requires quick planning and the ability to alter a plan if something goes wrong. To kill an unarmed man while pretending to be something you are not…well, they are just not ready. Sakura and Kurenai are my best bet, but they are away…,” she dropped off regarding the Uchiha.
Kouya was digesting the details and requirements of the assignment. Her crossed arms had fallen to her side during the reciting of the mission. Her small fists clenched at her predicament. Her brows were furrowed as she considered her role in the mission.
“Yagami apparently has high taste when it comes to his women. No one can deny that you are beautiful, Sasuke-kun,” taunted the Hokage. “I have no doubt that you will succeed. You are one of the best shinobi in the village. Your skill with a blade is second to none. The stealth and cunning nature of the mission is no problem for you; neither is the actual assassination.” Ebony eyes narrowed its gaze on the desk as the girl listened to the compliments of the Godaime. “The art of the shinobi is centered on deception, ne?” added Tsunade.
“And my partner?” asked the raven-haired youth.
“It will have to be someone you work well with. Someone who can take over the mission should you fail. Someone who you trust with your life as well as your secret,” said Tsunade suggestively.
Kouya looked up to meet the Hokage's knowing gaze.
“Hn,” she paused for a moment, “When do we leave?”
“As soon as you inform your partner,” she answered seriously. “The requirements of the mission are in this folder, as well as all the information gathered by Team Shikamaru. If there is nothing else, you are dismissed.
“Understood.” Kouya bowed and exited the room.
The morning fog present when Kouya went to the Hokage's was now gone. More people were out strolling the streets of Konoha, though it was still early. Kouya walked slowly toward the Uchiha district in deep thought.
“Ohayo, Kouya-chan,” came a smooth voice ahead of her.
Beautiful dark eyes redirected on the speaker, then narrowed.
“Hyuuga.” She gave a curt nod then continued walking.
“You are up early. Where is Naruto-kun?” politely inquired the Byakugan user, as he moved to walk next to the girl.
“Probably in bed with a stream of drool escaping his mouth,” guessed the raven-haired beauty.
Neji laughed lightly. “Kouya. Have you had breakfast yet?”
Kouya paused. Neji failed to see the brief look of shock on her face before she recovered.
“Unfortunately, I am meeting Naruto-kun for breakfast.” She tried to infuse a bit of affection to Naruto's name without letting her disgust/irritaion for both Uzumaki and Hyuuga, slip through.
“Hmm, another time then.”
“Perhaps,” said Kouya sweetly. She gave another curt nod and walked briskly home. `The sooner I leave for this mission the sooner I can return and find out a cure from Tsunade.' She tried not to dwell on the Hyuuga's growing attraction to her.
When she reached the Uchiha manor she quickly packed her bag. Changing into a long, navy blue yukata, she wrapped bandages on her arms, mid-fingers to elbows. She tied a simple crimson obi on her waist and used a matching ribbon to bind her long raven hair in a high bun. A few strands framed her face. She strapped her sword, Kusanagi, to her back and grabbed her bag from the bed. She sighed in resignation, nervousness consuming the usually stoic Uchiha. `I'm just stalling. The dobe will understand.' With that in mind, Kouya left the house, heading toward the poorer section of town. She decided to jump the rooftops to avoid anymore unwanted meetings, especially with the Hyuuga.
The cluttered buildings were taller and more complex in this district. There was little cohesiveness in the architecture of the buildings. Odd additions were made throughout the years to accommodate the rising population. The buildings had metal pipes and wood shingles on them. Modern buildings mixed with the traditional older ones. Random signs and billboards begged for attention while lush trees interjected the neighborhood in no particular order. Huge branches curved around and through buildings. Naruto's neighborhood sharply contrasted the simple traditional style of the prestigious Uchiha district.
Kouya spotted Naruto's apartment on the last level and decided to land on the balcony. Opening the glass doors, the Uchiha walked in and closed the door behind her. `The dobe is still asleep. Figures,' mentally snorted the girl.
She removed her bag and sword and placed it on the floor. She stood up straight to take in the small living quarters of her best friend/rival. `Hn. I have never been inside of the dobe's apartment before. It is surprisingly clean, shabby, but neat.' Dark eyes scanned the room. Ahead of him was the kitchen/dining area, which was open to the rest of the apartment. The kitchen was compact with clean dishes on the drying rack and small appliances. A small table with one mismatched chair sat in the center of the room. On the right were two dressers, one tall and the other long with a mirror. On the latter, were Naruto's neatly folded hitaiate, a brush, and a couple of bottles of cologne. `Those were gifts from Sakura.' To his left were an old desk, chair and bookshelf. On the desk was a small TV set as well as the usual clutter found on a desk. Various scrolls and books filled the bookshelf. The only thing that could be considered messy, other than the poorly patched second-hand furniture, were the various motivational posters taped randomly throughout the apartment. Another interesting fact was that a lot of potted plants of various sizes were in the apartment. A wall shelf held three small plants, one large one was by the dinette table, and another was on the nightstand. The surprising thing was that they were all alive and healthy.
Kouya finally rested her gaze on the sleeping figure to her right. Spiky blond hair framed a tan whiskered face. It was quiet and Kouya was thankful that Naruto did not snore. They did camp together on missions. `I remember thinking that the dobe would be just as loud asleep as he was awake. But there's the trail of drool.' Kouya leaned over the bed, close to the teen.
“Get up, dobe. We have a mission.”
“Hmm…okay, Sasuke-teme,” mumbled the fox vessel rolling away from the deep voice.
Heaving a sigh of irritation, Kouya swiftly pulled the thin sheets back and off the bed. Naruto immediately assumed the fetal position with his only pillow covering his face. Kouya rolled her eyes and pulled up the shades on the window. She then opened the two large windows overlooking the busy streets, allowing sunlight and morning noise to penetrate Naruto's senses. Turning back to the curled up fox-teen, she yanked the pillow away and swatted the complaining teen in the head.
“Okay, okay. Teme.” The blond rolled off of the bed and ran an impatient hand through his messy locks. The other hand rubbed morning crust from eyes that had yet to open. Yawning loudly, the teen trudged off to the bathroom half asleep with his eyes still closed.
Dark eyes blinked in shock. `That dobe. He didn't even notice it was me in Kouya's form.' She refrained from rolling her eyes again when she heard the sound of the shower being turned on. She then remade the bed and packed Naruto's bag for him. It did not take very long since Naruto's stuff was organized and easily found. She grabbed her own bag and sword and set it on the bed next to Naruto's bag. Sitting on the bed, the girl decided to wait for Naruto.
Her ebony eyes spotted the small collection of picture frames on the tall dresser. The picture on the forefront was familiar, for she had one as well in her own room. It was a picture of the newly formed Team Seven. Kakashi-sensei had his hands on Naruto's and Sasuke's heads. Both boys were clearly displeased with posing together; probably after an argument. Another frame held an autographed photo of an injured Naruto in Snow Country receiving a kiss from the actress Yukie Fujikaze. A lot of the photos featured Naruto with the rest of the rookie nine and team Gai. Some were even photos of friends Naruto made in other villages, like the one of the new Kazekage, Gaara, and his siblings. Naruto also had a photo of his faithful followers, Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon. Jiraiya and a couple of frogs smiled in one while Kakashi and his band of nin-dogs posed in another. Tsunade and Shizune smiled brightly in one photo while the one next to it showed Iruka-sensei eating with Naruto at Ichiraku.
A pang of jealousy and loss struck the Uchiha. She quickly suppressed her insecurities when Naruto emerged from a billow of steam wearing a small towel.
“Kouya?!” Alert cobalt eyes scanned the apartment before redirecting on the girl on the bed. “Where's Sasuke-teme?” asked the blond tilting his head in confusion.
“Usuratonkachi.” The raven-haired beauty crossed her arms and closed her eyes in anticipation of the explosion. She sat arrogantly on the bed with her legs crossed.
Cerulean eyes widened in disbelief. His brain tried to digest all of the input, which hinted at an impossible answer. His eyes searched for answers. Two packed bags for traveling and Kouya on the bed—everything about her screamed Uchiha. In his mind, he could see Kyuubi smirking knowingly, but he refused to accept this.
“That's not funny, Sasuke,” he stated seriously, dropping the somewhat affectionate -teme in his anger. “Drop the jutsu, NOW.” His deep, low voice was tinted with a growl as his eyes narrowed on his `target'.
Ebony eyes met violet eyes that were shifting slowly towards a red shade. Tension permeated the air. It was nearly silent but for a barely present growl resounding. The street noise from below was not even noticeable to the pair.
“I can't, dob-…” a tanned hand wrapped tightly around a pale throat.
“Don't…just, don't.”
Kouya took in Naruto's angry demeanor and murderous intent.
“We have a m-mission,” wheezed the girl.
“How long?”
Kouya knew what question Naruto was referring to and it was not the mission.
“Since before you met Kouya.”
At this, Naruto applied even more pressure. Kouya could have easily removed Naruto's restricting hands, but made no attempt to fight back. `Naruto must feel betrayed. Humiliated. None of his other friends have ever hurt him the way I have.' Kouya observed her teammate. Angry tears had welled up in Naruto's intense violet eyes, but Kouya refused to allow guilt to enter her heart. `It is not my fault. He was responsible for my predicament. This may turn into a full-scale battle.' She continued to calmly watch the volatile teen before her. Slim pale arms, bent at the elbows, braced the bed behind her as she supported her weight. Naruto was currently straddling the girl with his right hand on her throat. The other hand continually clenched and unclenched, practically itching to cause physical harm to the beautiful creature below him. Violet eyes shifted furiously as they searched for an answer in Kouya's familiar dark eyes. Naruto's usual grinning mouth was in an angry snarl with elongated canines gleaming in the morning light. His whisker marks were more prominent and Kouya could feel the slight puncturing of her soft skin by lengthened claws, drawing blood. A few drops of water from Naruto's still wet hair fell on his bare chest as his lungs furiously inhaled and exhaled.
Kouya would not know of the confusing dreams that had plagued Naruto for a second night in a row. Different scenarios involving Kouya one minute and Sasuke the next attacked his dreams. The sexual nature and the allure of the pleasurable acts confused him as much as they enticed him. `What is he thinking,' wondered the Uchiha. She had yet to break eye contact with the blond.
Then the whiskered teen did something Kouya did not expect. He suddenly crushed his mouth to hers. The hand that was previously squeezing her neck had slid up to clench through her bound raven hair, causing the ribbon to loosen its hold. Naruto's left hand snaked its way behind to the middle of her back, clutching the fabric, as he crushed her slim form against his own firm one.
Ebony eyes widened in shock. The Uchiha did not respond to the kiss but she did not push him away either. Naruto continued kissing her as he spoke.
“You're a …(kiss)…bastard…(kiss)…you know…” The blond angled his head for better access to Kouya's slightly open mouth. “I…(kiss)…hate you…(kiss)…” He briefly tightened his hold on her hair to prove his point. He then paused in his assault, resting his forehead against Kouya's. Both teens were breathing deeply. Two hearts pounded in the excitement of the situation; one more so than the other.
Naruto took even breaths and slowly calmed down. His nails and teeth shortened to their normal length. Violet eyes that had not completely turned red, returned to their original deep blue shade. Naruto did not want to harm Kouya, well he did, but he knew that was unacceptable. So he took his time calming down. His arms still held Kouya to his body intimately. But he had to compose himself first because even Kyuubi was riled up inside, wanting to be let out. Trusting that he was in control of his body at last, the blond gently released the girl and opened his eyes to meet dark ones. He then laughed at Kouya's appearance and sorry attempt at a glare.
Her usual perfectly styled hair was a tousled mess and her mouth was bruised from the force of the kiss. Her yukata had loosened at the top showing more of her deliciously pale neck and shoulders. She narrowed her eyes causing Naruto to smirk. His cerulean eyes scanned her body for injuries and spotted the obvious handprint and puncture wounds on her neck. Concern replaced the conceited look on the whiskered teen's face. Kouya snorted at the change in her teammate's countenance. She immediately tensed and braced herself when Naruto shifted closer.
“Your neck,” supplied the teen, his voice still rough. He took in her guarded position and narrowed gaze, and sighed. Then, before the girl could react, he pushed her to the bed, grabbing both of her wrists with his left hand to press above her head. He used his body to hold her down as she growled in irritation.
“It's fine, dobe.”
`Hmm. It's funny hearing that name in her voice,' thought the fox-teen. Ignoring his teammate, he placed his right hand on her chin to turn her head as he inspected the damage.
“Hmm.” Cobalt eyes shifted to angry dark eyes, as he considered his options. `It can't be helped.' Grabbing her chin firmly, but not hard enough to bruise, he tilted her head back. Moving his head closer to the cut made from his thumb, he channeled chakra to his saliva. The sweet metallic smell assaulted his senses, rousing the fox within once again.
“W-what are you doing, dobe?” asked the beauty, brows furrowed and ever-present frown in place.
A heavily saliva-coated tongue lapped at the wound sensuously (at least in Kouya's opinion). The girl struggled a bit but sighed in resignation. She tried not to think about the pressure of her best friend/rival's body on her own. His scent reached her nose. It was a very masculine smell that made one think of lush forests, and it was mixed with a pleasant fragrance from his shower gel and shampoo.
Naruto turned her head to reach the cuts made from his fingers, and lapped at those wounds. When he was satisfied he shifted to lick Kouya's lips before getting off of the girl. Kouya glared at the smirking blond, using the back of a slim hand to wipe at the blood-tinged saliva.
Naruto pointedly did a once-over, causing Kouya to take in her own appearance. Scowl in place, she straightened her yukata and ran her fingers through her hair. Finding her ribbon, she tied her hair in a low ponytail.
“So what's this I hear about a mission?” asked Naruto cockily.
Kouya rolled her eyes. “Don't you have questions for me?” Her eyes finally looked at the teen—really looked. The towel was hanging dangerously low on tan hips. Kouya was surprised that it managed to stay on all this time.
Naruto noticed her staring and smirked at the light blush across her nose. “I figured you can tell me along the way,” shrugged the fox-teen.
“Hn.” Kouya considered that upcoming conversation before saying, “Well, get dressed, usuratonkachi.”
“You seem to be enjoying the view,” laughed the whiskered teen.
Kouya just threw a pillow at his face in response.
Thank you again for the reviews. I enjoy reading what you guys have to say. Please continue to give me feedback or encouragement. I'll be updating my other story next. Ja ne!!