Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you and what have you done with Sasuke? ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I've gone and checked my reviews and I just want to say thank you guys. It really means a lot to me and encourages me to write (or at least feel extremely guilty when I don't update) because I am extremely critical of my own work. But you all are Amazing!! \\(*-^)//
March 14th, 2008
Chapter 7:
“So basically, what you are saying, is that this is all my fault,” stated the blond as cerulean eyes glanced sideways at his companion.
“Yes.” The Uchiha was currently walking next to Naruto with her eyes closed and her head down, arms crossed over her small chest.
“Grr! Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why did you go on those dates with me?” he could not help the accusatory tone that he used.
“This was not something I wanted to share with anyone,” supplied the girl. At Naruto's snort she added, “Would you have done differently, in my place? Would you have come to me?”
Naruto paused in thought. `Go to him for help? Yeah, right. He would have laughed in my face.' The blond teen heaved a sigh.
“Judging from your silence, I take it that's a `no',” smugly replied the girl.
The pair have been walking for many hours, filling the silence with questions, answers, and information. The sun was strong and bright, but the shady trees that their path cut through mercifully shielded them from the brunt of its shine. They have been alone for quite some time, being several miles from a village. Naruto was informed of their mission and read through the mission scroll.
“Teme! T-then why did you go on those dates with me?” `Got you now.' The Uchiha did not miss a beat.
“I seem to remember telling you `no', and you finding that answer unacceptable.” Naruto was about to counter but Kouya continued, “I did not want to blow my identity. So I went along with it.”
`Hmph. Then why the second date? You didn't have to show up. You could have …stood me up.' Cerulean eyes glanced at his companion trying to discern his feelings. Kouya's profile was strikingly beautiful. `The date itself was…nice. You were nice.' A small smile crossed the fox-teen's face as he returned his gaze to the ground, walking in silence.
“The day is ending. We should find a safe place off the main road and set up camp.” Ebony eyes squinted at the swiftly departing sun.
“Huh? We could cover more ground through dusk. You tired already, teme?”
“Hn. Preferably a place by a lake or stream,” said the Uchiha, dark eyes searching the area.
Clearly being ignored, the fox-vessel sighed, before sniffing the air for a source of water. Finding one half a mile away, the teen walked off saying a quiet, “Follow me.”
Veering off the main path, Naruto led them to a small, secluded clearing by a fresh-water stream. A variety of trees provided adequate shade from the still setting sun. A few flowers decorated the serene area while the usual sounds of nature complimented the scene. Naruto could literally feel the contentment of the kitsune within him due to the environment. Kouya brushed past her companion and said, “You find something to eat and I will set up camp.”
“O-okay. I guess I'll go fishing,” answered the teen, already eyeing the stream. He was a little put off by Kouya's attitude.
“I am not in the mood for fish,” came the cool reply.
Naruto turned to face the Uchiha, who was already unpacking their bags. `Why do I get the feeling that she is trying to get rid of me?' “Whatever,” grumbled the teen, before leaving the clearing.
About twenty minutes later, the whiskered teen returned with strips of meat from his kill. He walked over to the fire pit and stuck the meat on sticks. He lit a fire and started to cook their dinner. The camp was fully prepared, tent and all. The sun was gone while a few stars dotted the night sky.
`Where's the teme?' wondered the teen before sensing said person in the tent. Naruto went to the stream to wash up, allowing their meal to cook in the flames. His brows furrowed in thought over is friend's behavior. `Did I do something wrong?' He turned around as the Uchiha emerged from the tent. `Oh.' The blond mentally sighed when his very MALE teammate glared at him dressed in a simple shorts and shirt combo.
“Sasuke…dinner should be ready soon.” He slowly rose from the ground, bringing a teapot of water to heat in the flames, and walked over to the fire to check on the meat. Liking his meat a little more on the raw side, he grabbed his portion and began to eat. “Mmmm.” He smiled encouragingly at Sasuke who appeared to be lost in thought. “You better eat that or it will burn.”
The Uchiha retrieved his portion and slowly ate. They continued to eat in silence. `Maybe some tea will calm him.' Sasuke sat perfectly still watching the flames. The orange flames appeared to be dancing in the Uchiha's dark eyes. Retrieving the teapot, Naruto poured the steaming water into two cups with teabags in them. “Here, teme.”
Sasuke silently took the cup not saying a word.
“Grr! Teme!” growled the blond teen. “What's up with y-?”
“I'm tired,” interrupted the dark-haired teen. “We move out at dawn.” With that he left for the tent, leaving Naruto the task of cleaning up the camp for the night. Naruto decided to read more of the file for their mission. `Maybe that's why he's brooding.' Nearly an hour passed. He dumped the unfinished tea onto the low flames, putting it out. He took the time to clean up a bit before entering the tent as well. He saw his teammate turn over with something in his hands, but ignored him. Stripping down to his boxers, he joined the Uchiha under the light blankets.
“You have first watch, dobe,” informed the Uchiha, who was facing away from Naruto.
“I have a clone out there. Now are you gonna tell me what crawled up your ass and died?” At the Uchiha's silence he said, “Okaay. What about our mission? I read the rest of the file just now. Your role in it is…interesting.” At this Sasuke snorted. “How long are you a g-girl?” The blond turned to face his friend, laying on his side.
“You haven't figured it our yet, usuratonkachi? During the day I am female. As soon as the sun sets I am male.”
“Oohh. (clears throat). Well, the mission seems straightforward. It may take some time to seduce Yagami and gain his trust though.” The whiskered teen laid back down with his head in his hands. “Baachan suggested that I be an attendant to the geisha house-- doing chores and running errands so that I'll be able to stay close.” Naruto looked up at the top of the tent. “Is there an antidote or some other cure?”
“If there was, I would not still be changing, would I?” came the bitter reply.
“Tsunade-baachan will find something. She's the best medical nin around.”
“So, umm…what's it like being a girl?” Sasuke was silent for a while and Naruto thought that he would not answer.
“You should have some idea, what with your sexy no jutsu.”
“I've only stayed in that form long enough to give someone a nose bleed-- few minutes at the most and just for laughs.”
“I feel vulnerable and weak.”
“Really? But I thought your movements would be the same in your male form.”
“It is hard to explain. As Sasuke, I get a lot of attention and respect, but people know when to give me space, for the most part. They know I am strong and expect if of me, but they don't know me. As Kouya, people seem more…attuned to me and what I think. Not to mention the desire directed my way is on a different level than my typical fan girls.”
“I won't let anyone harm you. I promise.” The blond faced the Uchiha again.
“Dobe, I can take care of myself.”
“(snorts) `cause you know everything. Well, except for how to act like a woman. Or how to be seductive.”
“Fooled you, though.”
“Hah! That's because I don't like my women to be all girly and weak.”
“What about Sakura?” The dark-haired teen shifted to lie on his back, turning his head to watch his teammate.
“Apparently you haven't been on the receiving end of one of her blows. Sakura is not weak. Besides, I don't love Sakura.” At the raise of a delicate brow in doubt he added, “Not anymore. That was just a crush. She's sort of like a sister now. A very bossy one who hits too hard.”
It was silent once again, but unwanted thoughts kept surfacing in the blond's mind. One being how they did not speak of the new level their relationship seemed to be at. 'He didn't even say anything to my desiring and kissing Kouya. That's confusing on its own; to know that the girl I want is really my best friend and rival. Good thing I don't like the teme. I'm not gay.' At this the kitsune snorted, but Naruto ignored it. Blue eyes gazed at the silent Uchiha but spotted an open book next to Sasuke's shoulder. “What's that you're reading?”
Without breaking eye contact with the top of the tent, he said, “Its nothing.”
Reaching over the teen, Naruto replied, “Nothing my ass.” When Sasuke did not make a move to stop him, he grabbed the thick book to inspect it. “The Art of Seduction.” The Uchiha turned his head away to glare at nothing in particular. “Anything interesting?” asked the blond with a bit of humor coating his words.
“Go to sleep, dobe,” whispered the avenger seriously.
Naruto decided not to bother the teen further. Handing the book back, he settle back down and slowly drifted off to sleep. The raven-haired teen watched his teammate sleep for a while before returning to his place in the book. He read for many hours ignoring his teammate who tended to move around a lot. Naruto even snuggled into the Uchiha sighing contentedly with a goofy smile on his face. The Uchiha had glared daggers at the clingy blond but decided it was too much of a hassle to disentangle himself from Naruto's clutches without waking him up.
Ebony eyes squinted open reluctantly. It was morning, still a bit dark, but a quick feel informed the Uchiha that she was a female. They should be waking up and preparing to leave, but Kouya was too comfortable. She just wanted to succumb to the blissful, dreamless state of sleep and indulge in the warmth for a little longer.
`Hmm. It's so warm.' She shifted a bit before tensing at the restrictive embrace. “D-dobe?” Silence continued, so the dark-haired beauty tried to wiggle out of the embrace. When the hold on her body tightened, she gave a quick shove with her elbow to her teammates ribs. Naruto gave a pained groan. “Wha-?” came the confused reply to an empty tent. Kouya had left for the stream to quickly wash up and change. Cerulean eyes blinked in confusion, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. At the unexpected return of memories of `watching' the camp, the blond immediately remembered their mission and laid his head down lazily. He also realized that Sasuke had popped his clone. `Teme.' He brought a hand up to rub his face and wipe at the crust in his eyes. Heaving a yawn, the fox-vessel began to stretch out the kinks in his body, loosening his muscles. Kouya entered at that moment, taking in Naruto's almost feline-like pose.
“Hurry up. We leave in half an hour.”
“Yeah, yeah.” The blond ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it further, before reaching for his clothes. Kouya had already left him. At the smell of boiling water to his sensitive nose, Naruto realized that she had started preparing breakfast. Naruto quickly took down the tent and packed up their gear. After breakfast, which consisted of cup ramen and tea, the pair quickly re-packed their belongings and returned to the main road.
Naruto was currently walking with his raised arms crossed behind his head. The Uchiha, dressed in a lavender summer kimono with wildflowers for design, was reading the `educational' book again. The pair had been traveling for hours and would reach their destination in a couple of days. According to the map, they would reach a small seaside village soon. They decided they would spend the night in town instead of camping again. Well, more like Naruto suggested and Kouya gave a grunt in agreement. Naruto had made several attempts to make small talk and converse with his companion, but the girl's attention was directed at the book and it never strayed. Upon reaching town, the smell of food immediately reached the whiskered teen's nose. Kouya gave a very unladylike snort to the sound of the blond's stomach growling.
“Can we eat first?”
“One room please.” The blond was a little peeved because Kouya wanted to get a room before getting dinner. `I'm starving.'
The old innkeeper gazed at the blond youth for a moment before shifting her gaze to Kouya. Her shrewd eyes held disapproval and objection at the situation.
“We have some smaller rooms, decently priced, if you prefer two rooms.”
“Two?” asked Naruto uncomprehendingly.
“One is fine, baa-san,” said the Uchiha with a glare of her own.
“We're only staying the night and I don't have much money,” supplied the whiskered teen with an infectious smile.
The old woman looked like she would object further, but turned to retrieve a single room key. Naruto paid the woman and thanked her. They went to the second floor and found their room. When they entered they noticed how small and `decent' the room was. The television from the next room could clearly be heard, as well as the street noise outside of the small window.
Naruto scratched the back of his head, “Heh, heh…(clears throat)…well…”
“Why do you have to be so cheap?” Kouya walked over to the closet to pull out a futon.
“Not all of us were born into money?” Naruto also walked over to the closet to retrieve a futon, but… “Hey, where's mine?” He turned to Kouya as if she took it. The raven-haired beauty only shrugged unconcernedly and continued to set up her bed. Naruto searched the tiny room, hoping to find some hidden compartment, but came up empty-handed. He turned towards Kouya, who was unpacking some clothes. She got up and excused herself from the room to head to the bathroom. Naruto set his things on the other side of the futon and sat down to wait for the Uchiha. Stomach growling, the teen pondered on what to eat.
When the Uchiha returned as Sasuke and not Kouya, Naruto said, “Ohh, sunset already. Well, let's go. I'm starving.”
Sasuke, dressed in a navy t-shirt with khaki-colored shorts, repacked his items. The pair soon left to eat dinner—the Uchiha paying, of course.
Unlocking the door, Sasuke immediately removed his shoes and walked over to the futon. He settled once again on the futon with his book in his hands. Naruto hesitantly walked over and sat down at the edge of the futon, peeking at the Uchiha.
“You chose this place. YOU should sleep on the floor.” He added a nice glare for effect.
“B-but, Sasuke. I-I…”
The Uchiha had rolled over, effectively ignoring the whining session the fox-vessel would have started, and leaving some space on the futon for him. Naruto unzipped his jacket and took off his pants. Climbing in, under the thin blanket, the teen settled in. He was nowhere near tired though; but he had nothing to do. Sasuke continued to read in silence laying on his side, his raised head supported by a hand while his other hand held open the book. Naruto concentrated on staying quiet. This lasted for about twenty minutes before the whiskered teen leaned over and tried to see the book the Uchiha was wrapped up in. The Uchiha immediately closed it. Sitting up, he repacked his book and looked at Naruto, who sat up as well. Naruto was about to apologize or defend himself from anything his teammate would throw at him (verbally and literally), but the look in his friend's eyes stopped him. It was a dead serious expression, as if he had come to a decision.
“Sasuke?” he asked quietly, tilting his head in confusion.
“Naruto. Our mission, or my mission, will not take place in some upscale geisha establishment.”
“Huh? But I thought…,” he stopped when the pale teen held up a hand.
“It is more like a brothel, well not quite.” He paused to allow that to soak in his partner's head. It was a very delayed reaction that followed. But he did not disappoint.
Arms wildly waving and cerulean eyes wide open, he exclaimed, “What? No. NO! Baachan is out of her mind. You are not taking this mission.”
“It is done. I have already accepted this mission, dobe.”
Naruto could detect a hint of bitterness in Sasuke's tone, though the Uchiha was still expressionless, betraying none of his doubts or fears.
“Then un-accept it.” The Uchiha gave a condescending look at that answer. “B-but, that means…y-you would h-have to…” Dark eyes closed in acceptance. Panicked, the blond tried again to be the voice of reason. “You didn't know. Baachan can't expect you to…”
“I knew, well…suspected,” interrupted the avenger.
“Sasuke…,” came the unsure voice. “I-I…(clears throat)…I don't want you to do this.” Though his voice was low, almost a whisper, the emotion in his blue orbs was unmistakable and unwavering.
The Uchiha met his gaze and said, “This is just another mission.”
“Bullshit!” The blond was so angry. He did not know why he was arguing. He just wanted Sasuke to fight and object to this mission. He did not want to see the Uchiha accept it so easily.
“If you were in my place, would you object?” asked the Uchiha.
“Yes!” The blond answered quickly without thought.
The Uchiha sneered, “For someone who intends to be hokage, you sure run away a lot. You can't just pass on a mission just because it is difficult or you don't like it. Because the truth is, someone else would have to take the mission—someone you know.”
“But why you?” shouted the blond, but lowered his voice, realizing for the first time where they were and that others could hear them.
“Hn. You can't afford to be so naïve, dobe.” The raven-haired teen crossed his arms and directed his gaze to the floor.
`But…I don't understand. How can he be okay with this? Isn't he scared? Disgusted?' Cerulean eyes looked up to study the pale teen sitting before him. `Would I be able to carry off this mission? I mean, I am his back-up and all. I don't know the first thing about seducing a m-man. Book or not, I don't think I could pull it off. Sasuke is not a stranger to the concept of people wanting him. But me, yeah right. Plus, I'm still a virgin. I don't have any experience, I…wait.' Blue eyes widened in realization. `Experience. Does Sasuke have…that? Who knows what went on when the teme was with Orochimaru. Three years is a long time. He DID return different. Stronger, but more distant. He never told me what occurred during his stay with the snake and I knew not to ask.' Blond brows furrowed. The fox-teen cleared his throat attracting his partner's attention.
“Have you, um…well…,”tried the blond.
“Spit it out, usuratonkachi.” The blond fidgeted a bit, trying to organize his thoughts.
“Well, if it were me, I don't think I could, um…do it. I'm still a v-virgin and I don't want my first time to be with our target or some other customer.” Onyx eyes narrowed at the comment.
“Hn. I was thinking the same thing.”
“Y-you were?” asked the fox-vessel shocked.
“Dobe, I want, no need, you to do a favor for me. I need your help before I start this mission.”
“O-okay. Anything, just name it.” Naruto was surprised to see a hint of a blush cross the pale complexion. Steeling his resolve, the Uchiha took a deep and slow, but distinctly shaky breath.
“Sasuke?” Filled with sympathy and helplessness, the blond shifted closer to his rival and best friend, their knees touching. Onyx eyes hesitantly met a pair of concerned azure ones, before dropping its gaze a bit lower. In that brief glance, Naruto could read some of the doubt and fear within his friend, as well as something else—something stronger. `What was that? It's like he's afraid I'll reject him or something. Is this `favor' that difficult to ask?'
A slim hand rose to caress a whiskered cheek briefly before Naruto felt another hand on his other cheek. This confused Naruto.
“Wha-mph?” His question was cut off by Sasuke touching his lips to Naruto's. `What is he doing? The teme!' Naruto was about to roughly push his rival away, but Sasuke pulled away. And to Naruto's further shock, the Uchiha grabbed the bottom of his shirt and dragged it over his head. Naruto watched on in shock with his mouth open. The removal of the dark shirt revealed a pale, tousled-haired Uchiha. With a flick of his head (which Naruto found sexy), his face was once again slightly shrouded by long, dark locks. When those dark eyes met Naruto's, the whiskered teen snapped out of his state of shock.
“S-sasuke?” asked the blond uncertainly. “Is this the f-favor you wanted?”
“You said you could not accept a mission like this as a virgin. I agreed,” answered the avenger as if it were obvious.
“Well, yeah, but…y-your first time should be with someone special,” tried the blond.
“You once referred to me as your brother,” supplied the raven.
“That would be incest,” said the blond matter-of-factly.
“Good thing we're not brothers. I'd have to kill you.”
“Ha, Ha,” answering sarcasm with sarcasm.
“Quit stalling. You promised.”
Naruto was in a state.
[I agree. Quit stalling.]
`Who asked you? Go back to sleep.'
[I'd rather not, not with the scenery so entertaining.]
`But, its Sasuke! Best friend, rival, teme!'
[Is he not the star of your dreams…nightly?]
`T-that's your fault.'
[On the contrary, that is all you. I just enjoy the show.]
`I don't know. This seems weird.'
[Enough. You are both willing. You desire him. He chose you. Do not mess this up.]
`I desire him?' Opening his eyes, he saw that the Uchiha had his eyes closed as he waited for Naruto's compliance. Naruto hesitantly shifted closer to the Uchiha. Leaning forward, he focused on his best friend's features. `He's too beautiful.' Clearing his throat, he got Sasuke's attention.
“So how far are we taking this? Er, how far did you get in the book?” asked the blond in a low voice.
“I finished the book this morning. We are going all the way.” He smirked arrogantly.
“A-all t-the wa-(gulp)…o-okay,” he squeaked. “Umm…”
The two inched closer, Naruto hesitantly wrapped his arms around the Uchiha's slim waist, in an awkward hug. Tucking his head into the crook of Sasuke's shoulder, he avoided the dark gaze.
Knowing that he would have to initiate every move, Sasuke turned his head slightly to drop gentle kisses to the side of Naruto's head, feeling the blond stiffen. With one hand on a hip and the other on a shoulder, the Uchiha worked on the fox-vessel's sensitive earlobe. He smirked again when he felt the whiskered-teen shiver and heard him gasp. Nipping the lobe one last time, the pale teen brushed his lips against the jawline, nibbling here and there. He drifted towards Naruto's neck, using tongue and teeth to tease the sensitive skin. He almost laughed aloud when Naruto unknowingly tilted his head to the side, giving the Uchiha more skin to reach.
The pale avenger was still nervous, but enjoyed the control he seemed to have over the Kyuubi-holder. His confidence only grew, as Naruto would reward him with barely suppressed groans and sharp intakes of breath. Wanting to reach more of the tan skin and earn more delicious reactions from the younger teen, the Uchiha slipped a hand under Naruto's black shirt. He knew he had to handle this carefully, so as not to scare his rival or make him uncomfortable. If he did, Naruto might put a stop to this…experience, and shy away from him. With his hand on the fox-youth's waist, his thumb gently stroked the skin there, silently asking for permission to move forward. He was still occupied with the blond's neck but stopped, when Naruto impatiently pulled back, only to take his shirt off. Sasuke paused at Naruto's anxiousness to continue. `Maybe this won't be so hard after all.' He studied the boy in front of him. Blond hair fell around the whiskered teen's face unimpeded by a hitaiate. The tan body was trim and completely flawless, thanks to the Kyuubi no kitsune. He was not as slim as Sasuke, but he also was not overly bulky.
“Are you gonna do something or just stare at my body all night. I mean, I know I'm all sexy and stuff, but mphh…,” the kiss successfully shut up the blond, and was none too gentle. Sasuke had grabbed Naruto's face, pulling him forward for a harsh meeting of lips.
He pulled away saying, “You talk too much, dobe.”
Naruto immediately pouted, causing his friend to smirk. The kiss that followed was soft and more exploratory. Sasuke had run the tip of his tongue along the seam of Naruto's lips and along his teeth before meeting Naruto's own hesitant tongue. The kiss was deeper and seemed to join the pair further as they gave into instinct. Naruto angled his head to plunge deep into the avenger's moist cavern. But alas, this too had to turn into a battle of sorts, for the kiss progressed to something more instinctual, more primal, and definitely more passionate. The two did not mind the roughness. They preferred it this way. They were still best friends, still rivals, and still…males. A battle for dominance was unavoidable for they were each other's half. Perfect opposites that repelled as strongly as they attracted one another. It seemed like they kissed for hours, but only minutes have passed. The pair broke the kiss with Naruto resting his forehead against Sasuke's. They were panting, desperately trying to drag oxygen into their lungs. Eager for more, Naruto practically tackled the Uchiha to the ground, crashing their lips together once more. While he straddled the pale youth, a left hand braced on the futon next to a slim shoulder, his right hand explored the smooth, sensitive skin. Kissing the raven-haired teen to distract him, he ran his hand across the lean chest muscles and down the center of the toned abdominal muscles. He caressed the skin at Sasuke's waist, moving his fingers in a tickling motion. He laughed aloud when Sasuke wiggled a bit and swatted at his hand. The whiskered teen smirked.
“Ticklish, are we?” he teased. When Sasuke directed a glare at him, Naruto playfully nipped at his jaw. Nibbling his way down the slim neck, paying special attention to the junction where shoulder met neck. For some insane reason unknown to him, he wanted to mark the Uchiha, as the raven-haired teen ran his fingers through his hair. He started to suck hard before being stopped by Sasuke with a tug to his blond locks, and he glared as if to ask `What?'
“You should not leave any marks on my body that might linger tomorrow,” advised the Uchiha.
“Hmph.” The fox-teen returned to the hollow at his neck, licking and nipping, before making his way down the pale chest. He brushed a thumb across a nipple, back and forth, looking at the Uchiha for a reaction. It peeved him slightly that the teen could lay there expectantly and unfazed. Of course, this only served to challenge him. Not giving the idea much thought, he lowered his head to swipe the flat of his tongue on the sensitive and slowly hardening nipple. He nibbled and licked; anything to get a sign from the stubborn Uchiha. When he was satisfied with his efforts, he returned to the Uchiha's lips, kissing him fiercely while a hand made its way to the hem of the raven teen's shorts. Then, too fast for him to oppose, Sasuke had reversed their positions. Sasuke straddled Naruto and held one wrist down by the blond's head. The other hand took purchase on the blond's hair. He began to lean down when he felt the unmistakable bulge beneath him. He should not have been so surprised, what with their current activities, but he was caught off guard nonetheless. It also alerted him to the fact that Naruto, who was oblivious to the break in pleasure, was enjoying himself. He lowered his head to tease the jawline of the fox-teen, before returning the favor to his neck. Unfortunately for Naruto, he could be marked as much as the Uchiha pleased. He took full advantage and practically tortured the tan-youth's skin with nips, licks, kisses, and bites with lips, tongue, and teeth. Apparently, Naruto was really sensitive and rewarded the pale avenger with pleasant sounds of encouragement, exposing his enjoyment and vulnerability. When Sasuke reached the blond's nipples and said teen grabbed his ass, he tensed but immediately relaxed. Calm and confident once more, he returned his assault on his nipples. When he was satisfied with his work, he moved south, nibbling the soft skin of his rival's stomach. He reached the hem of Naruto's blue boxers (which had orange swirls on them), noting the aroused state the teen was in. Hooking his fingers on the waistband, he slowly started to pull. Naruto opened hazy eyes he had not realized were closed and rose onto his elbows to watch his teammate.
“Lift your hips a little, so I can take these off,” commanded the Uchiha.
The blond nodded dumbly and complied. He looked away and blushed slightly when his half-hard cock was exposed, bobbing in the cool air. Naruto could feel the Uchiha's gaze, but he ignored it and laid back down on the futon. When he felt a tentative hold on a very sensitive part of his body, he gasped and flushed in embarrassment. He muffled a moan when the hand on his cock moved up and down bringing him to a fully aroused state. `It certainly feels…different to have a hand not your own, helping you to masturbate.' Cerulean eyes focused on the ceiling, not able to watch his rival or what he was doing. But when he felt something wet touch the tip of his cock he gasped.
Sasuke smirked at his teammate. `The dobe is so easy to get a reaction out of, no matter how hard he tries to fight it.' With his hand on the base of the blond's cock, he nibbled along the vein, working his way back up with licks and kisses. Ebony eyes spied a glance at the whiskered face. He snorted at the look of concentration on Naruto's face. Blue eyes were hidden away while a bottom lip was tucked between pearly white teeth. “Don't think so hard, dobe. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself before the real fun started.” When the blond did not react, Sasuke narrowed his eyes. `The dobe must be really nervous if he did not react to that comment. Well, I will get a reaction out of him.' With that in mind, the Uchiha slowly took in the erect cock, getting a feel for it, by moving slowly up and down. It needed something, so he removed the cock from his mouth and started to lick at the organ to get it wet enough. He tried again, going down on the blond almost to the base.
“(strained gasp)…Sasuke.” Tan fingers grabbed at the bedding as his chest rose and fell rapidly. He squirmed a bit, feeling restless and anxious at the same time. Sweat beaded along his brow and a light sheen of it covered his body. `The feel of my…in his….Ohhh, its indescribable. The warmth, the wetness, that tongue…ahh.' Tan hips slowly rose to meet the bobbing head, wanting more.
Sasuke placed his left hand on Naruto's hip to keep it down and keep him from gagging. His right hand still had a firm grip on the base of the cock with his thumb occasionally teasing the balls below. He continued this course of action for a few minutes drawing moans and groans from the teen beneath him. Naruto had taken to informing his rival of every reaction to every sensation by pulling on the Uchiha's hair or pushing his head further down. The Uchiha released the assaulted cock, feeling daring. His long fingers raked through the course blond curls as he kissed and nipped down to Naruto's sac, teasing the soft skin there. Pausing in his ministrations, the teen glanced at the blond whose lip was bleeding from biting it so hard. Sasuke shifted above the teen to lick at the cut.
“It's my turn,” Sasuke whispered against trembling lips. When confused and unfocused blue eyes met a determined onyx pair, Sasuke decided to send a little hint by grinding his cloth- covered hips into Naruto's bare ones. The two of them moaned, surprised at the feel of friction on their sensitive organs. Naruto grinded back, just as eager for the sensations as Sasuke, as he kissed the teen. Sasuke pulled back from his rival's mouth to reach for the bottle of unscented lotion in his bag.
Naruto took this as a moment to lightly suck on the Uchiha's pale neck, licking at the strained muscles. He pouted when Sasuke rose to his knees, shifting to remove his own pants and boxers. He looked on curiously as the raven-haired teen grabbed the underside of his knees and lifted them so that his legs bent. Maybe something would have clicked in his mind when Sasuke shook the bottle, upturned it, and squirted a fair amount of the contents on his fingers. But Naruto was a little preoccupied with checking out his pale and very naked friend. Cerulean eyes focused on the long, erect shaft that bobbed occasionally. When the blond felt something cold, wet, and foreign poking at his entrance, he immediately focused on the situation at hand.
“Hey! What the fuck, teme?!” He tried to close his legs but the Uchiha was sitting between them, giving him a look that clearly asked `what?'
The whiskered teen, who was currently raised on his elbows, glared at his rival saying, “That's an exit only, buddy.”
The Uchiha snorted and asked, “Where were you when I informed you that we were going all the way?”
“I heard that part but,…umm…I-I…”
An elegant brow rose in question.
“I just didn't think that far ahead,” the blond finished lamely with a pout. Naruto heard his rival sigh and watched as he shifted to lie between his legs, hooking one arm under and around one tan thigh. Sasuke gave a few licks to Naruto's member.
“Aah, that's better. I like this.” The blond visibly relaxed and laid back down on the futon, eyes closed and with a somewhat goofy smile on his face. He moved a hand to grab at Sasuke's hair, and occasionally pulled when the feelings brought on by the skillful Uchiha were too much to handle. Azure eyes immediately shot open when he felt that same intrusion to his entrance. He was about to protest, but the Uchiha chose that moment to give a particularly hard suck to his member. `Kami. This feels so…I don't know. It's definitely uncomfortable…(hiss)…except when Sasuke does that thing with his teeth. Teasing bastard.' He spied a glance at his rival, immensely turned on by the sight of Sasuke's lips around him and bobbing his head. His long dark bangs kept his dark eyes hidden. The conflicting sensations on his cock and ass were driving him crazy. When Sasuke added another finger, he hissed in pain.
“Sasuke, eh…this hurts.” His eyes were closed but shot open once again when the Uchiha hummed on his member; though he was pretty sure that was an indifferent `hn' than anything else. The blond, reveling in the spine-tingling sensations slowly pumped his cock into the moist heat, groaning as he simultaneously shifted on the fingers inside him. Wanting more, he continued his movements, straining towards…something. His heart was racing and his breathing was erratic. `I can feel it. I'm close. Kami, I'm soo close.' He moaned loudly in warning. Unfortunately, at that moment, Sasuke removed both of the pleasurable agents.
The Uchiha quickly applied the lotion to his already leaking member, pumping it a few times. He settled under Naruto's raised thighs, stroking them soothingly. His gaze met his best friend/rival's, question in their depths. He gave a curt nod, when the blond tucked his already healing bottom lip between his teeth and nodded his assent. The pale avenger focused on the blond's face as he slowly entered him, watching for signs to adjust his own moves. He didn't want to hurt the blond, but the encasing heat was wonderfully tight. The Uchiha could not help but moan as his hips slowly pushed forward. He paused, watching the blond as he cut his lip again and squeezed his eyes tightly shut.
“Relax, dobe. I'm not all the way in yet.”
“Fuck you. I am relaxing,” he said through grinded teeth.
Sasuke sighed, refraining from pointing out the fact that he was the one doing the fucking. He returned his right hand to the blond's member, stroking the length of it and rubbing the tip.
Sasuke continued to stroke the blond, but held tight to the blond's hips with his left hand. When he felt the restrictive feeling on his own cock decrease, he thrust in quickly, all the way in.
“Ahh, f-fuck. You fucking bastard,” gasped the Kyuubi holder.
“I-I didn't…(pant)…want to drag the…the painful experience on. Mmph…similar to removing a band aide in one quick swipe than slowly peeling it away.”
“Heh, heh…(pant)…You think so? How about we trade positions? Let's try out that band aide theory of yours.”
“You're not relaxing,” claimed the raven-haired teen, which Naruto answered with a middle finger his way. The Uchiha leaned down to lick at the blond's nipples adding to the pleasure of his pumping hand on his member.
Naruto lightly dragged his blunt nails down the Uchiha's back to squeeze at his ass. “Move already, shit.”
“Hn.” He lightly blew on the abused skin, smirking at the sharp intake of breath from below. Supporting himself on his forearms, the raven-haired teen set a slow pace, getting a feel for the slick movements as well as to make this as comfortable for Naruto as possible. Naruto's breathing was faster and heavier. His eyes were closed, but for Sasuke, this was not enough of a reaction. Naruto's face, which is usually so expressive, was too calm—too controlled. `I can fix that,' thought the Uchiha arrogantly. So the pale avenger straightened, only to hook one of Naruto's legs around his own waist while lifting the other to rest on his shoulder. This spread the blond further allowing the Uchiha to thrust in deeper and faster.
“Aaahh…mmph…(hiss),” the blond continued to moan loudly and more often. Even the Kyuubi no kitusne was stirred up within him, encouraging the pleasurable sensations.
“I'd be a liar if I said I didn't think you would be so vocal.”
“Open your eyes, dobe.”
When ocean blue eyes opened showing Sasuke everything he was feeling, the avenger grabbed a stronger hold onto his teammate's hips to increase his already fast pace. He flicked his long, stubborn bangs to the side to hungrily watch every shift in Naruto's expression. Naruto took in the wonderful sight before him. The sight of the strong and perfectly lean, pale body of his rival glistening is sweat as he pounded into him was enough to make him come right then and there, but he held on. Sasuke must have angled his hips just right because Naruto arched off of the futon, fingers clenching the blankets hard with his mouth in an `o' shape.
His soundless moan was followed by, “Fuuuck, Saassukee. More. Ah. Harder. Faster. Shit.”
The Uchiha willingly complied, feeling the intense build-up within. `I'm close, but…not before the dobe.' He slipped a hand around the whiskered teen's cock trying to match his own hurried pace. The sensations running through him was overwhelming and Narutos toes practically curled in delight. When Naruto shot off his load moaning his teammate's name loudly, his body clenched the thrusting organ tightly, drawing out the Uchiha's own glorious orgasm. He rode the euphoric waves a bit before dropping Naruto's legs and collapsing onto him. Exhausted, he barely managed to lift himself up, pull out of Naruto, and lay next to his panting friend,…no lover.
“K-kami…” wheezed the blond.
“J-just Sasuke, dobe.”
The Uchiha only laughed, one of those rare and carefree laughs, and Naruto joined in.
*** TBC ***
How was that? Hopefully you all aren't disappointed or completely thrown at the change in pace of the story. Honestly I wasn't even prepared for the lemon. All of a sudden, as I was writing in my notebook and the two were starting to touch each other, I realized what the hell I was doing. Go figure. I just went with it this time though my intention was to drag it on a little more.
This took bloody forever to type (retribution I guess). If it is any consolation, my fingers and my back hurt. I can't even believe how long it took me to update. Wow the 13th of December. And here I used to get mad/frustrated when the fics I love are not updated in forever...
Oh, and review—pretty please. This was my first lemon. Usually I proofread my chapters 3-4 times for fear of mistakes, but it is harder to read the lemony parts (which is nearly half of this chapter) without blushing and feeling like a complete and utter dork for writing it. Sometimes I felt I wasn't descriptive enough for storytelling purposes while other times I felt I might lose what literary integrity it has due to smut content. (Sighs dejectedly) Oh well...
I hope you all thought it was okay. Thanks for all of your input so far though—-much appreciated.
Until next time…love-love