Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Who I am ❯ The Twin Dragons ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Two - The Twin Dragons


Uzumaki Naruto, jounin of the Village Hidden in the Leafs, was bored. No, being simply labeled as bored was an understatement. He was in such a state of boredom, that at that very moment, he was sitting on his couch in his 1 bedroom apartment, counting the cracks in his ceiling. He’d get up to around 50 before he either lost count, or couldn’t remember if he had counted that same crack once before. Signing, Naruto sat up and began to pace around in his living room, another activity he’d been doing for most of the day. After pacing for several more moments, he flopped back down onto his couch, his legs dangling over the armrest.

“This sucks! I’ve got nothing to do! Stupid baa-chan not giving me a mission. And tomorrow is the festival. Ugh! I hate my birthday! I can’t do fucking anything!” Naruto complained loudly, taking out a kunai from his holster and tossing it onto the ceiling, imbedding it there, next to a few other kunais.

It wasn’t specifically his birthday that Naruto hated, more like the other event that just so happened to take place on the very same day. The celebration of the defeat of the nine-tailed fox demon, Kyuubi. As being the container of the fox spirit, Naruto was often labeled as being the demon himself. Through his whole life, he’s been shunned and outcast by the villagers who knew of his identity. Just by simply walking down the street, he’d receive glares, and words such as “monster child”, “demon”, and “murderer” were whispered just low enough for him alone to hear. It was especially worse on his birthday. The villagers would taunt him and some would even try to attack him when none of his friends were around. So Naruto avoided going outside whenever it was close to his birthday.

A knock on the door caught Naruto’s attention. He sat up, but hesitated, hoping it wasn’t a drunken villager, wanting to pick a fight with him.

“Oi, Naruto! You home?” A voice sounded from the other side of the door.

“Iruka-sensei!” Naruto yelled gleefully as he ran to open his door.

“Ah, good your home. I wanted to give you this.” Iruka smiled as Naruto opened the door. He quickly handed Naruto a box wrapped in gold paper. “I figured I’d give this to you now, since I probably won’t find you tomorrow.”

“Thanks Iruka-sensei! Want some tea?” Naruto took the package and stepped aside, allowing Iruka to enter.

“I‘d love some. I just got back from the Academy. Seems my whole class is made up of miniature versions of yourself.” Iruka signed and sat down at the table in the kitchen.

“Haha, any of them pull a sexy no jutsu on you?” Naruto laughed as he set the tea kettle on his stove, turning it on.

“Fortunately, no. Seems that particular technique stayed between you and Konohamaru. Though this one child created a rather effective stink bomb for Ebisu’s office.” Chuckled Iruka, remembering the look of disgust Ebisu got when he opened the door to his office. He had to relocate his office to another room for weeks, because they couldn’t get the vile stench to go away.

While waiting for the water to boil, Naruto grabbed a chair and swung himself into it, sitting at the table with Iruka.

“Can I open this now?” Naruto asked pleadingly, pointing to the package that sat in the middle of the table.

“Hai, hai. I hope you like it. Your pretty hard to shop for, you know.” Iruka joked, pushing to package towards his favorite student.

A child-like smile lit up on Naruto’s face, as he quickly snatched the package. Removing the wrapping rather delicately, Naruto opened the lid of the brown cardboard box that was underneath it.

“Oh, Yes! This is perfect Iruka-sensei!” Naruto yelled in delight as he removed 3 scrolls that were inside the box. Each was labeled with the name of a specific jutsu technique. After Naruto became a chuunin, he dedicated most of his time in building up his jutsu arsenal. With his virtually unlimited chakra supply, and endless stamina, Naruto could master any technique that he set his eyes on. Also under Tsunade’s supervision, Naruto was allowed to start studying some forbidden techniques. Even though most didn’t agree, Tsunade did have high hopes that Naruto would become her successor, and thus become the Rokudaime.

“Happy 18th Birthday Naruto.” Iruka beamed at the fox-boy ninja, who was now so engrossed in reading the new scrolls, that he didn’t hear the whistling coming from his teapot. Standing up, Iruka made his way into the kitchen and poured them each a cup of tea. Sitting himself back down at the table and placing Naruto’s cup in front of the blonde. Iruka couldn’t help but chuckle. Once Naruto started learning something, he would just tune out the rest of the world, oblivious to it all.


On the other side of town, Sasuke wandered through the crowded streets of the Konoha marketplace. The roadways were filled with people preparing for the upcoming festival. Now why would Uchiha Sasuke, known for his hate of crowds, be in the busiest areas in Konoha? One reason - birthday shopping for one blonde dobe of a ninja. Shopping for gifts for other people was not Sasuke’s strongpoint. He struggled with the task every year, and this year was no exception.

‘Shit shit shit shit shit! I have no bloody idea what to get him! And I can’t not get him anything.’ Sasuke mentally cursed himself yet again, for the second slip-up of the day.

While aimlessly wandering, Sasuke happened to come across one of his favorite shops, a weapon craftsmen shop. The old man and his son who ran the shop, were widely known for their beautifully crafted weapons of all varieties, as well as the weapons being nearly indestructible. Sasuke shopped there often, and was well acquainted with the old man, named Hogoran. The son, Taiko, Sasuke didn’t particularly care for. He was the same age as Sasuke, but the two never got along well.

Deciding to stop in, Sasuke entered the shop quietly. Despite it being very busy in the streets, the shop was actually empty of any customers. A simple bell on the door chimed, announcing Sasuke’s entry.

“Greetings! Welcome to….ah! Sasuke! Welcome! Welcome! What can I do for you, my friend?” An old man emerged from the back room. He was short with wide sturdy shoulders. A pair of small circular glasses were perched at the end of his nose. A wide smile that could rival Naruto’s was framed on his rounded face. He walked up to Sasuke and shook his hand vigorously. “Come, let us talk in the backroom. Taiko! Taiko! Where is that stupid boy, Taiko!” Hogoran hollered.

A young man, the same age as Sasuke, soon entered from the backroom. Short, messy brown hair toped his head. Though being slightly taller than Sasuke, Taiko was much more slim and almost looked stretched. His legs and arms were very thin, but not unhealthy looking. At first glance, one wouldn’t think that he was craftsmen.

“You bellowed?” He sarcastically said as he entered the room. Upon seeing Sasuke, Taiko frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. “What are you doing here?” He snarled at Sasuke.

Sasuke didn’t bother to respond. He wasn’t in the mood to start another insult fight with Taiko. Instead, Hogoran decided to stop it there and now.

“Taiko! How many times have I told you to be nice to Sasuke! Watch the shop, boy. I’ll be in the backroom.” Hogoran snapped at Taiko, and ushered Sasuke into the backroom.

The backroom was a single large room, divided into sections by several screens and short movable wooden walls. In the center was a large floor table with cousins to relax on.

“Tea?” Hogoran asked as the two sat around the table.

“Ah, no thanks. Not today.” Sasuke politely refused.

“So, tell me. What can I do for you?”

“Well, you see. I’m sort of a predicament. I forgot my friend’s birthday is tomorrow, and I can’t seem to find anything to get him.” Sasuke replied, his chin resting on his fist.

“Hmmm, I see. Well who is this friend? Maybe if you tell me more about them, I’ll be able to recommend something that suites them.” Hogoran offered.

“Well, he’s my age, or going to be. He appears to be stupid and a klutz, but is actually a very skilled shinobi. So skilled, I consider him a rival. He’s very dedicated to his skills and training, and his dream is to become the Hokage. He’s already a jounin, and he says that he’s going to apply for the Anbu exams next time around.” Sasuke began, describing Naruto the best way he could.

It was sort of difficult, because in Sasuke’s eyes, Naruto had many different sides. Around friends, he would be loud and hyper-active. During battle, he was actually very focused, and thought out plans thoroughly; unlike his younger self who was just trying to show-off. Whenever Sasuke was alone with Naruto, he seemed to be calmer, and a little more open. Though Sasuke could tell that Naruto was carefully guarding himself, as if he was struggling to hold up a mask that hide his true self. Sasuke especially saw this mask whenever they would take a walk through the crowded part of the village. Naruto would suddenly become very quiet, and would try his hardest not to bump into anyone, or attract attention. Sasuke always noticed how the villagers would glare, or completely ignore the blonde. Every one of them would give the blonde a cold shoulder. And through it all, Naruto would wear that mask of his, the one with his infamous wide fox-grin. Sasuke tried once to get Naruto to open up about it, but Naruto hide his emotions regarding it too well. He simply shoved it aside, saying he didn’t care.

“Ah, sounds like he’s a worthy shinobi. What is his name? I don’t think you mentioned it.” Hogoran brought Sasuke out of his inner-thoughts.

“Oh, his name is Uzumaki Naruto.” Sasuke replied.

Suddenly, Hogoran became quiet. His expression turned slightly dark, and his smile faded.

“Uzumaki….Naruto, you say? Yes, I’ve heard of the boy. I know who you’re talking about now.” Hogoran quietly replied, his voice trailing off.

“Really? That’s good. Maybe you can help me in finding something for him.” Sasuke spoke up, hopeful.

“Tell me…Sasuke. What is that boy to you?” Hogoran asked, his expression turning dead serious.

“What…is he to me?” Sasuke was surprised by the strange question. He interlaced his fingers and rested his chin on them, with his head raised by his elbows on the table. Closing his eyes, Sasuke contemplated the question.

What was Naruto to Sasuke? Naruto was certainly a major part of his life. More than just a friend, more than just a team-mate, and more than just a rival. Their relationship had dramatically changed over the years. After the “Orochimaru incident” as Sasuke dubbed it, when Sasuke returned to the village after spending 2 years with the snake-freak, Sasuke and Naruto’s friendship had been stretched dramatically. Sasuke had spent two years in what seemed like hell, and coming back to Konoha, was almost like culture-shock to him. Even though he had betrayed the village, most of the villagers welcomed him back with open arms. He was the last Uchiha after all.

His fellow peers on the other hand, had mixed emotions. Some, such as Ino, Sakura, and Lee, welcomed him back positively, and tried to make him feel at home as much as normal. Though, apparently those 2 years had done some damage, because they did give him plenty of space, even Sakura. The others, such as Shikamaru, Hinata, Kiba, and a few others, didn’t know really what to say or do. They just let him be, and acted as if nothing ever happened. Then there was Hyuuga Neji. Hyuugas and Uchihas never got along, ever. Neji had always hated Sasuke, and when he came back, Neji made sure to remind Sasuke of his sins and crimes every chance he got.

Then there was Naruto. At first, Naruto was beyond obnoxious. At least ten times a day he would come to check up on Sasuke, who for a while was under house arrest. Naruto would always come waltzing up the front door, and repeatedly knock until Sasuke opened the door. Naruto would then just slime and say that he was checking to make sure Sasuke didn’t skip town, and then Naruto would leave. This lasted for about a week, until Naruto was satisfied that Sasuke wasn’t going anywhere. Then, Sasuke hardly ever saw Naruto. He was told the Naruto took on a lot of missions. After finally gaining the Hokage’s trust again, Sasuke dedicated all of his time training, trying to rebuild the skills he had lost during his time with Orochimaru. However, whenever Sasuke was on the verge of mentally breaking down, Naruto would always mysteriously show up, and drag Sasuke out of his depression, usually by sparring with him. From there, Sasuke and Naruto begun to re-forge their lost friendship.

Coming to a conclusion, Sasuke opened his eyes and locked his eyes with Hogoran’s. His tone serious and without doubt, Sasuke answered.

“Naruto is…my best friend, and my savior. I can trust my life with him, as he can with me.”

Hogoran looked almost surprised by Sasuke’s answer. Hogoran knew, that Sasuke was indeed as serious as he sounded. He could tell by the look in Sasuke’s eyes. Letting out a heavy sigh, Hogoran stood up.

“I can see that you are indeed serious. I have no right to judge your friendship.” Hogoran walked over to a section of the room that was filled with many large crates and boxes. Sasuke watched him, confused at what he meant by ‘judging our friendship’, and why suddenly Hogoran had become very serious around the topic of Naruto.

After shuffling through a few crates, Hogoran returned to where Sasuke was sitting, only now he was carrying an object wrapped in cloth.

“This, is the only thing that I can think of that is worthy enough for you to give your friend that you value so much. I present to you, Kouryou.” Hogoran handed over the clothed object to Sasuke.

Sasuke, taking the object, slowly untied the strings that tied the cloth to it. Sasuke could help but gasp as the cloth fell. In his hands, he held one of the most beautifully made short bladed katana he had ever seen. The hilt was pure white, and as smooth as silk, yet it seemed to perfectly fit to one’s hand, creating a comfortable grip. Sasuke unsheathed it, revealing a perfectly sharpened blade. Near the base, where the hilt was, Sasuke noticed that intricate carvings were made in the metal. Long elegant dragons wove themselves around the blade, and by shifting the blade in the right light, the dragons appeared to be dancing. On the sheath, was the same material as the hilt, along with more dragon carvings that perfectly blended.

“Kouryuu, or the Rain Dragon. That blade there, is the brother of your own blade, Hiryuu, the Flying Dragon. They were made to fight together in battle. I gave you Hiryuu last year, because you were the only person I have seen that could bring out it’s full potential, it‘s immense speed, thus make it fly. Your friend, as you’ve described him, sounds like he is the perfect owner of Kouryuu. Do you know what Kouryuu also means? Hidden genius. That fit’s the description of your friend, does it not? When Kouryuu is unleashed, its claws can even slice open the sky, thus making it rain. Go, and give it to him, no charge.” Hogoran explained.

Hidden genius. Yes, that did fit Naruto perfectly. Sasuke couldn’t believe that the old man was actually going to it to him, for free! Though, Sasuke did go through something similar to this a year ago, when the old man had given him Hiryuu, his own katana. Sasuke now noticed, that this blade here was the exact opposite of his own blade. Where this one here was all white, Sasuke’s blade was completely black, even the blade itself. The black color helped the blade become virtually invisible when swung. Even light didn’t reflect from it when it was in movement. Sasuke had to admit that Hiryuu was the best weapon he had ever used, and was his most treasured. The thought that Naruto was getting its brother, actually made Sasuke happy.

“Are you sur-”

“Save it. My mind’s made up. Now go, and give it to him.”

Sasuke stood, and bowed deeply to Hogoran, thanking him. He turned to leave, when Hogoran spoke up once more.

“Oh and, wish him happy birthday for me.”

On the outskirts of the village, up on top of the cliff that overshadowed the village, 3 figures cloaked in shadows stood. The smallest of the 3 spoke up.

“We should just go now. I’m sick of waiting.” The voice was demanding, and also feminine.

“No. We wait. Dusk tomorrow is when we go.” The second one spoke. The voice was soft, yet firm with command.

“Yes, tomorrow is the ideal time. He hates tomorrow, it’s a day of hell for him. So, he’ll naturally seek solitude. He‘ll hide away, alone in the dark, away from anyone.” The third spoke. Its voice was laced with enjoyment and venom.

“When no one is around, that is when we will go. So wait.” The second voice spoke up again.

A slight “humph” was heard from the first voice. “I hate waiting. This village is too peaceful, it’s boring.” The voice whined.

“Yes…it is quite boring, considering they have a demon living amongst them.” the third voice cackled in glee.


Walking along the silent back streets, Iruka made his way home. He had just left Naruto’s apartment. The two talked for quite a while; about missions, the Anbu exams, events in Konoha, and just life in general. Iruka smiled to himself at how much his favorite pupil has matured over the years. Not only physically, but mentally too. It saddened him too, that no matter how much Naruto changed for the better, most of the village still didn’t look past his demon label. Tsunade-sama had told Iruka once, that Naruto’s worse fear was that his friends would turn against him if they found out that he was the container for the Kyuubi. Naruto treasured his friends above anything else, and he would die to protect them. He didn’t want them to abandon him, and leave him alone like when he was little.

“Iruka-sensei!” A voice called to him.

Iruka looked up to find Sasuke walking towards him. Iruka smiled and waved at him. “Ah, hello Sasuke. Long time no see. How are you doing these days?”

“Fine. My missions keep me busy.” Sasuke replied. He was just on his way home. Having just recently returned from a mission, Sasuke wanted to get some well deserved rest.

“I bet. The Anbu do have some of the more challenging missions. Oh, what’s that you’ve got?” Iruka noticed the katana that Sasuke held in his hand.

“Naruto’s birthday present.” Sasuke unwrapped the cloth that covered the katana, and handed it over to Iruka to see.

“Wow, look at this blade! I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m sure Naruto will be ecstatic when he sees it.” Iruka examined the blade for a little bit, before returning it to Sasuke. “I’d give it to him now though. I was just at Naruto’s apartment and I think he mentioned something about going on an all day training mission tomorrow, and I doubt you’ll ever find him.” Iruka suggested. Iruka knew that Naruto liked to get away from village when the festival was going on.

“Shit, then I’d better find him now.” Sasuke wrapped the katana back in the cloth.
“Leave it to the dobe to leave town on his own birthday.” Sasuke then remembered what Sakura was planning for him tomorrow night. “Ah, that’s right. Hey Iruka-sensei, you didn’t mention to Naruto the dinner going on at Sakura’s place tomorrow did you?” Sasuke asked, hoping Iruka hadn’t.

Iruka thought for a moment, before shaking his head. “I don’t think so. I actually almost forgot about that. I don’t think he knows about it either. Why? Should I have told him?”

“No, no. It’s good that you didn’t. Sakura’s actually changing it to a surprise party for him.” Sasuke explained. He had nearly forgotten about the party. Now he really had to find Naruto, to keep him from skipping town and missing his own party.

“A party for him, eh? That sounds like a great idea. Naruto deserves something nice like that.” Iruka nodded. Inwardly, he was very happy that his friends were actually planning something nice for Naruto. Naruto needed comfort from his friends, more than anyone realized. Iruka secretly hoped that Naruto would actually like it, and not try to run away. Naruto was very sensitive when it came to his birthday.

“Yeah. By the way, if you see Kakashi-sensei, can you threaten him for me to make sure he gets to the party on time.” Sasuke frowned, remembering how Kakashi was always late for something.

“Hai, I’ll be sure to tell him.” Iruka laughed. “I’ll see you tomorrow then. Oh, and Sasuke. Don’t pester Naruto too much about him wanting to skip town. It’s just….something he does every year.” Iruka waved, and began walking towards his own apartment.

“Um, alright.” Sasuke waved and turned to begin running towards Naruto’s apartment.

Chapter 2 - end!


Whew! A good chapter in my opinion. Hopefully it explained a few things, and set the stage for the upcoming events to happen.

The idea of the twin katanas wasn’t something I originally planned to write, but I liked the idea of Sasuke and Naruto each having a sword that balances each other. Like yin and yang. Light and Dark. I plan to use the swords in the story more often.

Next time! A lot of stuff is going to happen. The chapter will probably be even longer than this one.
The looming shadows over Konoha finally descend!

The next chapter will probably be posted a little bit later too. Schools starts again for me in 2 days, which means I’ll be getting calculus homework once again >_< I hate calculus! I’ll try to get the next chapter done in….2 weeks. If I don’t get it done by the 15th of Jan. I’ll…. Do something special… like an illustration for the story or something ^_-

Oh! I just want to thank all those people who reviewed the first chapter! Lots of love to you all!

Until next time!
