Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Who R U!?!? ❯ Uchiha?!?!? ( Chapter 2 )

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Suddenly to naruto's surprise sasuke got up and hugged her!!!!!..he had tears in his eyes the girl just smiled sweetly and said "i guess u missed me eh?" sasuke just said " im glad your alive" naruto being the dickhead he is said " WHO R U?!?!?" the girl and sauke just sighed and said in usion "DOBE" then sasuke seeing the confused look on his face said to the girl "just show then maybe he'll get it" the turned on her sharingan naruto just said " u have sharingan like kakashi and sasauke?". that point Tsunade sasuke and the girl sighed and tsunade finally slapped over the head and said " U idiotic brat She From THe Uhicha Clan!!" naruto fainted again.

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When Naruto Woke Up Sakura,hinata,kiba,sasuke,the girl and kakashi were standing over him naruto screamed with a fright and sighed and yelled " WHY DID U HAVE TO SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!!!" sasuke and the girl sighed and the girl said " i dunno why there here but im wondering if u figured out my name yet?" naruto said and slightly yelling sorta way and said "HoW CoULD i U NevER Told Me" the at that moment hinata got pissed off at him and said " U IDIOT!!! DONT U REMBER!!! WHEN U WENT TO GET SASUKE FOR THE 5 TIME THE GIRL THAT HELPED U SURVIVE!!" every at the point went wide eyed at her cause well for one she didnt stuter and 2 SHE YELLED AT NARUTO!!!!.

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okay okay sorry for the mini chapters but im tired i swear when i waked up and after school i will write better chapters okaay!!