Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Who's The Daddy? ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Who’s The Daddy?

A/N- Hey everyone!

As you all can probably tell already, this one was inspired from the comment, who's your daddy?

Anyway, I just got this really funny and interesting idea and this story was born. So I hope you all enjoy it.

Disclaimer- Naruto is an idiot, and Gaara is a, I wish they really were mine!

One quick note, this story will be Yaoi (maleXmale) and it will have m-preg metionings, so if you don't like that stuff, then get out now...


'Kyuubi's thoughts'

But enough of that, on with the fic!


It all started eight years ago…eight years that I have spent, not knowing if we would ever see each other again, or if I would ever return to my home. Time has been one of my only friends all these years and soon I hope to return, especially with this most recent development.

But one question still remains to be answered, who is he?

Flashback- Eight Years Ago…

“What?! You have to be kidding!”

His face red from screaming, Naruto glared at the almost perfect copy of himself that was currently leaning against a nearby wall, a smirk on his lips. The only differences were the red eyes, fangs, and three tails that were sprouting from his back, they twitched lightly in the air as silence continued to fill the room.

It was Naruto’s sixteenth birthday and the demon fox just so happened to have a very surprising birthday present for him, it certainly wasn’t anything that he had ever expected, not even in his wildest dreams.

“Damn it Kyuubi, answer me!”

Snorting, Kyuubi just shook his head as he pushed off from the wall, “kit, what I said is the truth and it’s going to happen whether you’d like it too or not. So just get over it already and pick your candidates…unless you’d like me too…”

Gritting his teeth, Naruto glared at Kyuubi anger radiating from ever part of his being, “no…I’ll do it, but next time, I want you to tell me before something like this happens, understand?”

Kyuubi merely rolled his eyes before he sauntered over to the blonde and placed a clawed hand upon his shoulder, “so…just who do you have in mind kit, I hope they are cute, after all I am the one that will be doing the actual dirty work since your still such a chicken when it comes to such ‘acts’.”

A dark blush burned Naruto’s cheeks at Kyuubi’s words and he quickly looked away as he struggled to find something else to think about, “we…we need to talk to Tsunade and Iruka first, uhh…we best get going…”

Pulling away from Kyuubi, Naruto walked over to his bed and unzipped his orange jacket, dropping it onto his bed he ran a hand through his hair before turning to see that Kyuubi was standing by the door.

Walking over to him, Naruto locked his eyes to the red ones of Kyuubi and dispelled the jutsu, a puff of smoke exploded before him and as it cleared Kyuubi was gone.

Alright Kit, move it, we don’t have much time until the urges begin.’ Sighing, Naruto opened the door and stepped outside closing the door behind him, ‘your right…

Twenty minutes later, Naruto found himself sitting in Tsunade’s office with a pacing Iruka not four feet away. After he had asked Iruka to accompany him, Naruto had asked Tsunade if he could speak with her, she agreed but she had to finish something before they could talk.

So here they were, waiting for her to return and surprisingly, Naruto was the calm and collected one, whereas Iruka was the frazzled and worried one.

“Are you sure that you can’t tell me what this is about Naruto? I mean, after you interrupted my class and drug me outta there, why are you waiting for the Hokage?”

Sighing, Naruto shifted in his seat as he gave Iruka an understanding look, “just wait a few more minutes Iruka, what I need to say has to be heard by the both of you…so please, wait…”

“There’s no need for that boys,” as Iruka whirled to face Tsunade, Naruto just turned his head, a smile making its way across his lips as he saw just how frazzled Tsunade looked.

Running a hand roughly through her hair, Tsunade shut the door behind her as she stomped over to her desk, “alright Naruto, just what is so important that you had to tell me?”

Standing, Naruto closed his eyes as he took a deep breath lifting his hands and forming several hand signs, within a poof of smoke appeared one of Naruto’s clones. Only this one was slightly different.

Two surprised gasps filled the room as the smoke cleared, revealing Kyuubi standing next to Naruto, with one arm slung over his shoulder.

“Hi. You both should know who I am already and I’m glad because that cuts down on our time issue. But anyway, that’s not why Naruto has summoned me, it is because of his ‘condition’ and we need your help.”

Tsunade and Iruka shared a glance before they both turned to watch Naruto and Kyuubi closely, seeing that he had their attention, Kyuubi smiled as he released Naruto and leaned back against the wall.

“Because I was sealed within Naruto his body had to change in order to assimilate me and now that Naruto has turned sixteen, his body has fully accepted my kitsune instincts.” Seeing their confusion, he chuckled lightly, “in other words, he’s going into heat and is preparing to choose a mate so that he may be pupped.”

At this Tsunade’s jaw dropped and Iruka plum fell over, Naruto felt his face burn with that all too familiar blush as he turned away. Shaking off her shock, Tsunade glanced between Naruto and Kyuubi curiously.

“And just how is that possible, you’re a male kitsune youkai, aren’t you?”

Kyuubi snickered at her words as he approached Tsunade’s desk, “actually, I’m a female but it’s just that I prefer this form instead and before you ask, if you fail to help Naruto find a mate disaster will befall this village.”

Having finally gotten to his feet, Iruka walked over to stand before Naruto, “why didn’t you tell me…” Sighing, Naruto gave him a saddened look, “that’s because I just found out myself. This morning I awoke in pain, I…I was having cramps and then Kyuubi explained it all, I’m sorry Iruka.”

Waving her hand in the air, Tsunade locked eyes with Kyuubi, “that’s not important right now. Kyuubi, why would disaster come if Naruto doesn’t find a ‘mate’ as you call it, what would happen?”

“He would go into heat and attack everything and anything until he found a suitable mate, even then, he would destroy the village. The same happened to me when I ventured near here…” trailing off, Kyuubi let his head droop slightly.

Her eyes widening, Tsunade glanced over to see that Naruto had a serious look in his eyes as well and Tsunade knew that Kyuubi’s words were true, “alright then, so how can I help?”

Kyuubi looked over at Naruto and he nodded his head before walking over to stand next to Kyuubi, “first, I want you to promise me that after I become pregnant that I can leave the village for a while. I don’t want my child to be raised in a place where they would be persecuted for what I am.”

Nodding her head, Naruto flashed her a relieved smile and gripped Kyuubi’s hand for support, “thank you. What I need now is something far more difficult, you need to summon four men. We will then take it from there…”

Tilting her head in confusion, Tsunade shared a worried look with Iruka, “just who are these four and why do you need me to summon them?”

Sighing, Naruto looked to Kyuubi to answer that one, “they will be the candidates that Naruto and I will sort through. The father of my kit’s pup will be chosen from these four and once they have served their purpose, we will leave this village.”

Making his way over, Iruka gave Kyuubi a slightly angered look, “why leave the village, there is no point in that besides, where would you go…Naruto?”

Looking up at Iruka, Naruto smiled weakly, “I’m scared Iruka, I just can’t stay here…besides, seeing a man pregnant especially me, would only serve to make more hostility towards myself and as I said before. I don’t want any child of mine growing up like I had too.”

As a saddened look crossed Iruka’s face, Naruto touched his shoulder gently to reassure him, “I will come back though, this is my home Iruka and it always will be…so don’t worry, I’ll be back. But enough of that, we need to get this going as soon as possible, because by tomorrow I will start in on my heat. So will you do this for me Tsunade?”

Sinking back into her chair, Tsunade let out an aggravated sigh as she gave Naruto a shaky smile, “okay brat, I’ll help but you better come back, if you don’t I’ll hunt you down and drag you back here by force if necessary. Is that clear?”

When Naruto nodded his head, Tsunade smiled and pulled out a pen and a piece of parchment, “now, what are their names and I’ll get things in motion.”

Feeling his blush return, Naruto licked his lips uncomfortably, “Neji Hyuuga, Sasuke Uchiha, Itatchi Uchiha, and ummm…Gaara…” just knowing his face was as red as a tomato, Naruto covered his face with a hand, afraid to see Tsunade’s reaction to those he had chosen.

“Hmmm…nice pick Kit, they each would make a strong mate. Can they be summoned at once or will it take some time?” Kyuubi was smirking to himself as he patted Naruto’s back, turning to look at Tsunade he found that she was just as amused as he was.

“Actually, we’re quite lucky. I can call them all right now but to where should I send them?”

Silence filled the room for several moments and it was apparent that neither Naruto nor Kyuubi had thought that far ahead, seeing this Iruka decided to help as well. Stepping forwards he gripped Naruto’s shoulder gently, “to my apartment…I can go there and get things ready now, if that is alright with you Hokage.”

Tsunade smiled and nodded her head in approval, returning her smile Iruka turned to leave but Naruto gripped his arm, stopping him.

“Thanks Iruka…I promise that we won’t make a mess of the place…” his smile deepened and Iruka tousled Naruto’s hair before making his way out of the office, shutting the door behind him.

Once he was gone, Naruto turned to Tsunade and gave her a hard look, “after this is all over I would like you to tell everyone that you sent me on a mission to a far away country, I’ll return when I’m ready…and then…” gulping Naruto trembled slightly, “then I’ll want to know who the father is…right now I’m going to count on Kyuubi to choose, so please, don’t tell them anything about this, just get them there.”

Having said his piece, Naruto walked around the desk and quickly gave Tsunade a hug, pulling away just a quickly Naruto gave Kyuubi a look before turning and sprinting from the office.

Turning her confused eyes to Kyuubi, Tsunade tilted her head in questioning, “Why did he leave?”

Rolling his eyes, Kyuubi grabbed a chair and took a seat, “he’s been through a lot today and it’s only going to get worse, I didn’t tell him but today is the day he will start his heat and the effects have already started to take effect on him.”

Scratching his neck, Kyuubi shifted slightly in his seat, “I hope that he can handle what is about to happen. I know he loves is in love with one of those men and I will pick him to father my kit’s pup, so if you can make sure that all four of them remain in this village until my kit and I return.”

Tsunade understood his words and gave a sharp nod of her head, while signing her name upon the paper before her, “I will do my best, now I think you should find Naruto and make sure he doesn’t do anything rash, I’ll handle the rest.”

Kyuubi nodded his head before he got to his feet and gave Tsunade a grateful smile, that done he turned and made his way from the office, leaving Tsunade to finish her end of the bargain.

Within an hour Tsunade had gathered the four that Naruto had asked for and had sent them forthwith to Iruka’s house. Time went by rather quickly and soon a month had passed, it was time for Naruto to leave.

Tsunade was sitting at the top of Hokage Mountain when Naruto finally approached her, he had all he had in the word packed away in a small bag as he walked up to her and gave her a sad smile.

“I’m going now Tsunade…I’ll miss you…”

Smiling back at him, Tsunade pulled Naruto into a strong embrace before slowly letting him go. “Good-bye Naruto, I’ll be awaiting your return.”

Nodding his head, Naruto turned and disappeared into the forest, not to return for eight long years.

A/N- And that's a wrap! At least on this chapt...

Anyway, if you have any questions, put them in a review and I'll do my best to answer them.

I hope you guys enjoied this!

Till next time...
