Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Who's The Daddy? ❯ Chapter 3: Tolerance ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Who's The Daddy?

A/N- Yo guys and welcome to chapt 3!

It took me long enough to finish it, but hey, I'm just glad that it's done! Also, I felt that I didn't give Hibiki much time, so this is for him!

Disclaimer- I don't own Naruto, but hell, their plushies are all mine! Muwahahahahaha!!!

Ahem...Gomen...but I have a quick note for Firekitten at the end so make sure to look for it!!!


Enjoy the flick!

Chapter 3: Tolerance

He was bored.

That would about sum up his day. The past three weeks had been long and almost everyday, his mother would be called in by the Hokage and he would be forced to watch the apply named bitch twins. Kari and Kaya.

Hibiki had somehow been roped into babysitting them while their mother and father were gone. Something that really was starting to get on his nerves, if it hadn't been for Gaara's daily appearances, he would have snapped by now.

Getting up from his sitting position on the couch in Lee and Sakura's house, Hibiki left the twins to their drawing as he entered the kitchen, determined to find something to snack on. 'I just want mom to come back already, I mean come on! Doesn't that granny-Tsunade have anything better to do than pester my mom?'

Picking up an apple, Hibiki took a bite out of it when he felt another presence nearing, one that he hadn't sensed before. Immediately on alert, Hibiki ran out into the living room, seeing that Kari and Kaya were all right he made his way towards the front door.

Reaching it, he slid the door open immediately, his eyes meeting the shocked green one's of a young girl that looked to be just a little older than Kari and Kaya. But Hibiki didn't let that stop him, "who are you and what is your purpose here?"

The girl flinched slightly before a dark blush settled across her cheeks, her eyes focusing upon the ground at her feet, "uh...umm, I, uh..." Groaning, Hibiki shook his head, 'I don't have all day damn it! Why the hell did whoever send this chick, heck she can't even talk normally!'

Hibiki waited for another two minutes and the girl had still not articulated anything so much as resembling a word. Having had enough, Hibiki gripped the girl's wrist and drug her forcefully into the house, nearly slamming the door shut behind her.

Once this was done he turned and half drug the girl into the living room, Kari and Kaya immediately looked up. Before Hibiki had so much as single thought, the girls were up and tackling the visitor soundly to the floor.


His brow knitting in confusion and slight surprise, Hibiki walked over to the couch and took a seat while eyeing the girl on the floor. Apparently the brats knew her, but still, 'just why is she here in the first place?'

As time clicked by, Hibiki's patience was starting to wear thin. "Alright, that's it. Who the heck are you and why the hell are you here?!"

Kari and Kaya stuck their tongues out at him in anger even as they got off of the girl and returned to what they were doing before. The girl, Miyuki just smiled after them before turning to face Hibiki, "I am sorry...I am father sent me to check on the twins, apparently he didn't know that Lee-san had gotten another babysitter..."

Narrowing his eyes in annoyance, Hibiki growled low in his throat, "and just who is your father?" 'And I'm not a frickin' Babysitter!' Miyuki looked surprised before nodding her head in understanding, "Kiba Inazuka...ummm...and you are?"

Now that caught Hibiki off guard, ever since he and his mother had entered the village almost all the villager's avoided them, but everyone knew who they were. 'Just where has this girl been all this time? Under a rock?'

Crossing his arms, Hibiki turned his head, "my name is Hibiki Uzumaki and my mother is Naruto Uzumaki." Unwilling to say anymore, Hibiki got back up and moved back into the kitchen, picking up his half-eaten apple from where he'd dropped it.

As he began to dig in once again, he felt the presence of that girl, Miyuki behind him. Groaning inwardly, he turned to face her. He was surprised at what he saw though.

She was petting a small white wolf cub, which was curling in closer to her chest as it growled softly. Blinking he tilted his head at her, "just what is that thing?" Rising her head at his words, she just smiled before holding the cub out to him.

"Her name is Anzu, she is my companion for the rest of my life as well as my best friend. Is Uzumaki-san really your mother?" Hesitantly he took the cub from Miyuki and scratched behind her ear even as he took a seat on one of the kitchen chairs.

"Yeah, what's it to yah?" Miyuki's face burned with another blush, even as she tilted her head in curiosity, "how is that possible? I mean, if he's your mother, then...who's your father?"

Sighing, he placed his apple down upon the table, "look, I really don't know. I have an idea, yes, but I'm just not sure who he is..." curling his finger's in the baby soft fur of the cub, Hibiki turned his eyes to the floor.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad Uzumaki-san." Shaking his head at Miyuki's words, Hibiki jumped off the chair.

"No worries and just call me Hibiki, none of this formal crap. Alright, Miyuki?" The girl's face turned a rather healthy shade of red as she gave a hesitant nod of her head, Hibiki was about to bug her about it when he felt another presence nearing the house.

A presence that he recognized immediately.

His face broke out into a wide smile as he spun on his heel and ran with utmost haste to the door, he still held the pup against his chest and was doing a good job of scaring it half to death.

Miyuki had come running after him, shouting his name in an attempt to get his attention, but frankly Hibiki didn't care, not anymore.

Reaching the door, he practically threw it open only to leap straight out and into the arms of the one that he'd been missing terribly, his mother.

Naruto wasn't very surprised to have Hibiki launching himself at him, in fact, he was expecting it. But the soft bundle that yipped as it was almost crushed between them and the blushing girl standing not a couple feet away did.

He let his son hug him for a couple seconds before pushing him back and taking a closer look at that little ball of fluff, he recognized it easily, "well well, if it isn't one of Akamaru's pups...hello there..."

Anzu lifted her head and sniffed at Naruto's hand, her nose scrunched up as she caught a scent that made her tilt her head in confusion. Chuckling at that, Naruto scratched her behind the ear before waving at the girl, "hello, I don't believe we've met."

Hibiki's face burned with a blush even as he turned and handed Anzu back to Miyuki, "mom, this is Miyuki Inazuka,"

Ruffling up Hibiki's hair, Naruto walked over and shooed Miyuki and Hibiki back into the house, it wouldn't do to have the whole village gawking at them.

Once the door was firmly closed behind them, Naruto crossed his arms as he eyed Hibiki, "well..."

Hunching his shoulder's, Hibiki scuffed his shoe on the floor, he knew that look. "Sorry mom...the girl's are in the living room and Miyuki just arrived, she said that her father sent her to check on the girl's."

"Alright then, you're forgiven...for now..." turning from his son, Naruto looked upon the girl, Miyuki again, "as for you young lady, I appreciate you coming over, but I think it would be best if we got you back home, alright?"

Feeling her blush deepen almost ten-fold, Miyuki nodded her head, her eyes were wide with utter adoration. A look that Naruto recognized, after all, he'd received it more than once before.

"Ok then, Hibiki, you stay here until I get back alright?" Groaning, Hibiki grunted his accent, 'damn it, I hate babysitting.'

Shaking his head at his son's reaction, Naruto took Miyuki's hand and gave it a gentle tug, "come on, let's get going...don't worry about him, he'll be fine."

Miyuki could only nod her head in mindlessness, her voice all but gone. At that moment, she would've followed Naruto to the ends of the earth.

And Naruto knew it, 'if only her mother knew...'

A/N- There we are, all done, with this chapt anyway...

I know, it was kind of...well, it was all about Hibiki and his own little squeeze...hey, I can't let Naruto have all the fun, now can I?

And don't worry, I'm not going to do anything over the top with the kids, I do have my dignity after all...I'm not a pedophile...

Three guesses on who Miyuki's mom should be rather obvious...

Anyway, I'm still trying to get other chapts done for other stories, so I will try to get the next one for this one done, ASAP...I hope anyway...

Also, the next chapt will have a little fluff and some citrus in it, so believe me, I'll make the wait worth it this time...

Alright Firekitten here's your response, Enjoy! ;P

I read your review and was honored that you broke my story down so much. It really is great when people are brutally honest. Besides, it makes it easier for me to improve my writing!

Anyway, here are a few answers to your questions-

1. Naruto doesn't know who it was, after all, Kyuubi was in charge at the time. Besides, at the time, I don't think Naruto really wanted to face it just at that moment...I know I wouldn't!

2. Kyuubi read Naruto's heart and those of the other's, at which point Kyuubi picked the one which would get along best with Naruto, someone he could love and who would love him back unconditionally!

3. When the 'act' occured, just as what happened to Naruto, the other's were not consious of what had happened. This was thanks in turn to Tsunade and Iruka's help, which I shall explain more later!

4. Of course Kyuubi remember's, believe me there's no way she would forget! After all, you only mate once! She's just a little leery of telling Naruto, at least not until he's ready to face the facts.

5. And finally, Hibiki's color's don't really have anything to do with his father or mother...the real reasoning behind them is a secret which I shall reveal in the later chapts...and yes, Gaara does deserve brownie points for his actions with Hibiki...

Whelp, I hope that helps...and as for the grammar problem...well, I have no beta and I have to do it all myself, so I do miss things time to time...but thank you for telling me...

I'll try to do that from now on! And thanks for telling me about that story!! It's so cute!!

And as always, any other comments you have are very welcome!! Thanks again for the review!!

So until then...

Ja Ne!