Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Why Orange? ❯ Why Orange? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Thanks sooo much to all the nice people who read and reviewed my fic Dilemma.

Okay this is another SasuNaru but it's gonna have more than one chapter. If you don't like yaoi or shonen-ai then you don't have to read this you know, back buttons are very useful.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto nor any of the characters in the series. They belong to Masashi Kishimoto. I make no profit from this fic whatsoever.



Kyu ubi speech

Chapter 1: Why Orange?

Sasuke was indulging in his favorite pastime, watching Naruto. The unaware blond was currently sitting on the Hokage Monument watching Konoha. Sasuke had discovered that whenever Naruto wanted a quiet place to think this is where he went. Also Naruto's mindset determined which head he sat on. Today he was on the Yondaime's head which meant that either he was disturbed and trying to solve a problem or that some villager had been cruel to him. Considering the slightly sad expression on his face Sasuke was betting on the latter. 'Damn villagers.'

Naruto jumped when he heard someone's step behind him. He knew who it was, they'd made no attempt to hide their chakra.

"Hey Sasuke-teme. What brings you here?"

Sasuke walked over and sat next to the orange clad moron.

"That's what I want to ask you usuratonkachi. Why are you up here?"

"Just wanted to have a few minutes without some one sneering at me."

'Sometimes I hate being right,' thought Sasuke, "What did someone say?"

"The usual demon-brat you'll never be Hokage stuff."

"The usual doesn't bother you enough to seek refuge up here."

Naruto scratched the back of his head, "Well there was something new."

"And that was?"

"Quote 'A monster that wears so much orange can't be a competent genin much less a Hokage.' Unquote."

Sasuke snorted,"And that bothered you?"

"Well he had a point about the jumpsuit's color making things difficult."

Sasuke shook his head, "If you agree then why do you wear the orange jumpsuit?"

Naruto was silent for a minute then, "Promise you won't laugh or call me an idiot?"

"You have my word."

Naruto sighed, "I hate orange, one day I decided that if I could stand wearing something I hate then maybe the villagers would be able to accept me one day. Over time it became a habit."

Sasuke felt his heart constrict at the thought of a young Naruto making the decision to wear something he hates as a symbol of hope.'Why the hell can't the villagers see him and not the Kyuubi?'



"Why do you care anyway?"

'Oh if only you knew Naruto.' "I care because you're one of the very few people I actually like."

"Thanks teme."

Naruto glanced at Sasuke and looked away.'Why did it have to be him that I fell in love with?'

Oh quit whining and just jump him.

'You just want me to get laid.'

Well it's not like I'm gonna get laid anytime soon so you getting laid is the next best thing.

'You're just a perverted voyeur.'

But I'm a useful voyeur. I've told you the Uchiha brat has the hots for you so jump him already!

'Not going to happen. If you're wrong I could lose one of the few people who really see me for who I am.' Kyuubi shut up, she knew that Naruto was too stubborn to budge on this issue.

Sasuke was making a decision as to whether or not to make a move on Naruto.'Worst case scenario: he'll hate me, not likely but I can deal with that. Most likely scenario: he's straight in which case we can deal with it and remain friends. Second most likely scenario: he's gay but loves someone else, in which case I'll just seduce him into loving me. Best case scenario: he returns my feelings and we start a relationship. I don't have much to lose other than my pride. I'll give it a shot but I'll start subtlely.'

Satisfied with his decision Sasuke turned towards Naruto, "Whoever it was that insulted you today was wrong you know. After all you're one of the top ranked jonins."

Naruto grinned,"Yeah you're right. Thanks Sasuke."

"Hn. That being said, Why not stop wearing the orange. You don't need to wear it to prove the villagers wrong and besides most of the Konoha ninjas accept you."

"Like I said, it's mostly a habit now but you're right that I don't need to wear it any more."

"So why not get rid of it?"

"Well it's all I have to wear besides three black shirts and some underwear, and I don't have much money for a new wardrobe."

"Your birthday is in a week right?"

"Uh yeah."

"I'll pay for a new wardrobe as a birthday gift."

"I can't let you do that and besides I have no sense of style whatsoever."

Sasuke wracked his brain trying to find another argument. Slowly a wicked smile spread across his face as a solution occurred to him, "I bet I can render the jumpsuit unwearable during a spar. If I do then you let me pay for the new wardrobe and let Sakura help pick it out."

Naruto raised an eyebrow, his competitive spirit roused, "And if you can't render it unwearable? What do I get teme?"

"I'll do anything you tell me to for a week."


"Anything legal."

Naruto grinned, "You're on teme."

They set off for the private Uchiha training grounds.

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Naruto lay on his back panting, "Not a word teme."

Sasuke was sitting at the base of a tree smirking at the charred remains of the jumpsuit. The jacket had been lost in the first minute but the pants had been a challenge to burn off without hurting Naruto. He'd done it though and had the pleasure of seeing Naruto's blue ramen bowl boxers.

"You're gonna have to let me borrow a pair of pants teme. I can't walk home in my boxers."

"That's fine. You're meeting me and Sakura at Ichiraku at 8 am tomorrow."

"Fine just get those pants."

Sasuke smirked as he went to get Naruto some pants.

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I hope you liked the first chapter of this fic. Please review. If you're nice I'll be happy but if you flame or tell me I suck I'll still be happy cause you took the time. Ja ne!