Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Lessons ❯ Distress Rising ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wicked Lessons
Chapter 2
Distress Rising
Sasuke woke the next morning with a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. Something was off. He didn't feel right at all. He sat up in bed running a hand down his face. How many months had it been since he'd last had a dream about Itachi? He couldn't quite remember but he had never had one like this and he had a feeling it was the cause of his distress.
He groaned loudly as he fell back against his pillow staring at the ceiling. What would make him dream such a thing? He had been young. At least seven or eight and he had let Itachi fuck him. He shivered at the memory, rolling over to bury his face in his bed. He was so disgusted with himself. He couldn't believe his subconscious would come up with such a forbidden situation especially with the murderer of his clan.
His door burst open and Suigetsu came into the room. Sasuke lifted his head to glare at the person who dared to disrupt his sanctuary. He wasn't surprised to see the white haired man. He growled in frustration as he turned on his side to watch the man. He wasn't in the mood to deal with any bullshit this morning especially after such a nerve-racking dream.
“What are you doing, Suigetsu?” Sasuke bit out in irritation.
“Serving you tea.” The man flashed his Master a fang-filled smile and placed the cup of tea on the table.
“No, you're pissing me off.” Sasuke countered. “Now get out.” Suigetsu ignored him as he continued moving about the room.
“Karin said something about training today.”
“Yeah, I may have said something about it. What of it?” Sasuke grumbled as he sat up again.
“She's already gathering stuff for the day.” Suigetsu turned to look at him seriously. “So it would be a bad idea to back out of it. You know how she gets.” Sasuke scoffed at the comment but he knew the ninja was right.
Karin wasn't as annoying as Sakura but she had a tendency of pouting when things didn't go her way. When that happened, everyone was forced to suffer. The girl had a unique way of silently making them miserable. Sasuke had to hand it to her. She had a real knack for it. She was almost as good as his use to be when he did it to Itachi when his brother was still his aniki. Now the man was nothing but dead as far as Sasuke was concerned but it didn't stop his stomach from bottoming out as he pictured Itachi's gorgeous face.
“Goddamn it!” Sasuke hissed. “Get out.” He shouted at his subordinate. Suigetsu eyes widened in surprise at Sasuke's sudden fury. “I'll be out soon. Now go.”
Suigetsu decided not to push his luck. It was rare for Sasuke to lash out like this so something had to be bothering him. He decided it was best just to follow the command and left the room. He didn't want to take the brunt of Sasuke's frustrations.
As soon as the door closed, Sasuke growled loudly, pitching his pillow across the room in his aggravation. What the fuck was wrong with him anyway? He had never felt anything like this for anyone. Why now? Why his murderous brother? He rose to his feet cursing heatedly as the blanket fell away from his naked body. He moved to his clothes sitting on his favorite lounging chair. He stopped short as a weird feeling covered over him making him falter in his next step. It almost felt like someone was watching him.
He moved smoothly to the window, scanning the area for anything out of the ordinary. He couldn't sense any unknown chakra and the forest seemed peaceful. His eyes narrowed as the uneasiness still continued to swell to the point it was starting to suffocating him. He didn't like this at all. Something was not right. He would figure it out but he had more important things to do, like getting dressed.
He turned his back to the window once more going for his clothes. The hairs on the back of his neck rose in warning. He pushed it aside. He was sure that he would find out soon enough what it was and he would be ready. He quickly got dressed making his way out his door as he slipped on his house flip-flops. He almost ran into Karin who was standing in the hall.
“Good morning Sasuke-sama.” She said cheerfully. He raised an eyebrow in response. Why were females so chirpy when they woke up? Sasuke would never understand. “Did you enjoy the tea I made for you?”
Sasuke groaned as he turned on his heel to go back in his room, grabbing his cup. It was almost humorous how he was the Master of this group yet he still gave into a woman's whim. If Itachi saw him now, he'd probably be disgusted His aniki had never given into anyone especially a female. He could still remember when Itachi used to tease him about being so pretty almost like a girl. Telling him how he whined and complained just like a woman. Sasuke had hated it. Itachi never had much room to talk. He could have pulled off cross-dressing just as well as Sasuke could have.
He closed his door as he entered the hall next to Karin. He took a sip of the warm tea in the cup. It was Chai and just the way he liked it. He couldn't stop the moan of appreciation at the slightly sweetened taste. It was just a touch of honey, not too much, for he wasn't bid on sweet things. Itachi had more of a taste for them then him. That thought made Sasuke frown. What was he thinking so much about Itachi? He hadn't done this since he was in the Leaf Village. He pushed it away from his mind.
“It's perfect.” He responded moving down the hall, Karin following like an obedient dog.
“I'm glad you like it. You told me yesterday that you wanted to train. Are you still doing that today?”
“Yes.” Sasuke answered curtly.
“I have everything ready.”
“We'll leave soon.” Karin gave a respectable bow and then left his side.
He didn't bother to watch her go. He was hungry and wanted something to eat before he did anything, let alone train on an empty stomach. As he entered the kitchen Suigetsu placed a bowl of miso soup on the table. Sasuke sat down and picked up his chopsticks. He ate in silence as he continued to fight back his anxiety. He let his sticks snap down on the tabletop when he set them down. He lifted the bowl to his lips, slurping back the broth.
“Have you talked to Karin?” Sasuke made a noise in response. “When are we leaving?”
“After I'm done eating.” Sasuke muttered.
“Can't wait.” Suigetsu nodded and flashed a lazy smile.
Sasuke watched the man leave the room. He debated on telling them about the feeling he had been having all morning. He decided that he'd just wait it out. He still didn't know if it was just the after effects of his dream or if something strange was really going on. Sasuke got up, grabbing his dished and putting them in the sink.
He made his way to the front door, slipping off his flip-flops and replacing them with his sandals. He made his way outside to find Karin and Suigetsu waiting for him. He frowned as he scanned the area. He looked back at the two in front of him.
“Where's Juugo? I haven't seen him all morning.”
“He said he had things he had to do. He'll meet up with us later.” Karin answered, unconcerned. “Shall we head out?”
Sasuke didn't answer. He just headed out toward the dense forest. His subordinates followed behind him, chatting quietly, as they moved along. Sasuke didn't pay attention to what they said. He scouted out the surrounding area. Still he sensed nothing. Either he was going crazy or there really was someone out there who was excellent at concealing their presence.
“Sasuke?” Karin asked rather loudly, disturbing him from his thoughts.
“He didn't hear a word you said.” Suigetsu said with a laugh.
“Are you okay?” Karin inquired ignoring the swordsman.
“Yeah.” Sasuke tried to sound convincing but his reassurance even sounded weak to him.
“Are you sure?” Sasuke didn't even bother answering.
He continued his journey deeper into the forest. He wasn't ready to tell them what he was suspecting. If they hadn't picked up on anything unusual then that meant that he was the one being targeted, which declared this his fight and his alone. That is if he wasn't so paranoid that it was making him go insane. As they came to their training area Sasuke turned to face the two members of the group.
“Go ahead and start. I'm going to watch from the treetops.” Both his teammates looked at him in question.
He jumped up to the nearest branch and perched on it. He wasn't actually going to watch them train. He was going to take this opportunity to study the surroundings of the training ground with each passing minute he was becoming more convinced that someone was following them for the feeling was getting worse.
He caught movement out of the corner of his right eye. When he turned to catch what had passed by but it was out of sight. He crouched low to the branch as he produced two kunai. He studied the area while keeping an eye on his two teammates. There was a flash of movement again and Sasuke caught it that time. He noticed the person was heading straight for Suigetsu.
He aimed and released both kunai into the air. The first one missed the target but the second nailed the person in the shoulder just as he went to attack the white haired ninja. Both Suigetsu and Karin turned to face the intruder as the man stumbled back. His features scrunched up in pain as he hissed through his teeth, ripping the kunai out of his shoulder.
“Fuck that hurt.” Juugo snapped, pressing a palm to his bleeding shoulder, trying to lessen the flow.
“That's what you get for sneaking around.” Suigetsu answered with a laugh. “Sasuke-sama never misses a thing.”
“He certainly missed the part that I'm not a threat.” Juugo growled.
Sasuke jumped down from his spot in the tree and made his way too the three ninjas. He kept his face expressionless even though he found the situation to be semi funny. Juugo would never learn. Sasuke was also convinced that the man had no common sense sometimes. The man was a great ninja though and that's what matter.
Juugo turned his glare to him, as he got closer. The man looked heated, but Sasuke didn't blame him. He would have been pretty irate too if his comrade had just thrown a kunai into his shoulder too. People would have died for that. Sasuke looked at the older ninja.
“What are you doing?” Sasuke demanded flatly.
“Trying to have a little fun before you tired to kill me.” Juugo retorted bitterly.
“Lay off Juugo.” Karin snapped. “He was on guard and protecting us like a good ninja would have.”
“You're such a love sick puppy.” Juugo muttered.
“What'd you say?” Karin spat, stepping up in the man's face as if to challenge him.
“Enough.” Sasuke stated in a cold voice. “Train. Now.” He ordered as he turned away from the three pinching the bridge of his nose as a headache started to form.
He didn't want to have to deal with this right now. As it was, he still had the eerie feeling that someone was spying on him. He had hoped it was just Juugo but he never had such luck. He walked back over to the tree he had been perched in earlier. Instead of climbing it though, he sank to the ground with his back pressed against the trunk.
It was a really nice day. The sun was out heating the forest but there was still a nice steady breeze to keep them all cool. He let his eyes close as he relaxed but still kept his senses alert just in case someone approached their training grounds. He was sure no one would enter the premises with all four of them there. He was near death mistaken for just as he thought that a kunai sank into the bark next to his head. His eyes flew open, now blood red as he looked around him.
He grabbed the kunai from out of the tree to a talisman latched on to it. The writing on it was elegant making Sasuke get a sense of déjà vu. The words he read made his heart jump in his chest, then sped up to an intense pace.
I'm watching you!
Sasuke took off into the forest. His teammates calling after him but he couldn't process the words yelled at him. All he could think was that there was no way. After all this time it couldn't be Itachi. Sasuke hadn't seen the man since the Akatsuki had went after Naruto when he had still been apart of the Leaf village. He didn't know if he was ready to face his brother even though vengeance for his clan was all he could think of. Still after having such a dream fresh in his mind he didn't know if he could face his nii-san.
Another kunai came flying through the air straight at him. He narrowly was able to dodge the blade. There was a dull `thud' as it sank into the tree behind him. There was a talisman hanging from that one too. With a trembling hand he reached out and pulled the paper off. He read that one also.
Can you find me?
Sasuke knew now, that if was Itachi who had been watching him all morning. This was a game his nii-san use to play with him the few times they trained together. Pain laced through his heart as he crumbled the piece of paper, letting it fall to the ground. He knew what to expect now. What he couldn't understand was why Itachi was toying with him. He understood why his nii-san had played this game when he was younger but Itachi had no reason to now.
Sasuke raced through the forest trying to track his brother's footsteps. A kunai flew through the air, narrowly missing his flesh as it ripped through the fabric of his shirt. He stumbled as his knees went weak. Was Itachi trying to kill him because that was really close? He was panting hard as he looked up into the tress for his brother.
“I'm watching you.” Itachi's voice whispered from right behind him.
He spun around ready to attack his nii-san but Itachi was already gone. He made a sound of annoyance,as he took off deeper into the trees. He got about a quarter of a mile,when shrunken came flying at him. He was ready for it this time, avoiding them easily. He landed on his feet, body close to the ground waiting for the next attack.
“Can you find me?” Itachi's deep rich voice called to Sasuke from the shadows.
Sasuke growled low in his throat as he moved forward once more. He was going to show his brother how stupid it was to play with him when he was serious. He came to a clearing and slowed to a walk. His body tense, ready for anything his nii-san was going to throw his direction. Itachi was not going to out smart him this time.
More kunai came sailing through the air as he looked up. He was really starting to get sick of the cheap parlor tricks that the older Uchiha kept throwing his way. As he maneuvered his body into a back flip, avoiding the blades. He was almost positive that his nii-san had also set up trip wires too. There it was as his feet landed on the thin string.
He pushed his chakra to his feet like Itachi taught him. He easily gained fifteen feet into the air. What he wasn't expecting was Itachi to appear directly in front of him. His eyes widened in surprise as Itachi smirked. He couldn't do anything to defend himself in this position. Itachi had a huge advantage over him when he was like this.
“Come and get it, foolish otouto.” Itachi taunted poking him in the forehead with enough force to send him backwards a foot.
He frowned as he rubbed his forehead as he landed smoothly on the ground. The trip wire had been a set up. No explosions had gone off;Itachi had known how he would react. He hated how well the older Uchiha could predict his moves. Another unfair advantage Itachi had. The Sharingan.
He rose to his full height as he looked in front of him to see Itachi standing ten yards away. Sasuke went to move forwardthen stopped. He had to come up with a strategy if he was going to get any where near his nii-san. A smile formed on his features as a plan started to form. He jumped into the treetops, disappearing from sight.
He watched Itachi closely from the leaves he was hidden in. He knew the older Uchiha was done running. This is always how their game of hide and seed ended. Sasuke always lost but this time he would get his brother. Itachi wasn't going to win. Sasuke moved quietly from his position. He kept his eyes firmly secured on the older man until Itachi's back was the only thing he saw.
He swiftly moved from his spot, launching his small lithe body straight at Itachi. His fist drawn back so that he could nail Itachi in the back of the head. Just as he got close enough to strike, Itachi sidestep him. His nii-san grabbed his arm as he did so and Sasuke found himself eating dirt. He grunted in pain on impact and felt Itachi's knee dig into his lower back.
“Too slow.” Itachi breathed into his ear, and then his nii-san's weight was gone. Sasuke rolled to his back, slowly rising to his feet. He hadn't realized he was pouting until Itachi's firm hand had landed on his head, ruffling his hair. “Stop pouting otouto. You did better that time.”
End of Flashback
Sasuke could still remember the joy that had coursed through his body at that little praise Itachi had given him so long ago. He had tried so very hard that time to beat his nii-san at his own game and to be acknowledge for it had felt amazing. He had never got another chance after that though. Itachi had avoided training him and started to become very distant.
He was so lost in his thoughts that he actually gave a start when Itachi appeared in front of him about twenty paces away. The shock and reality of seeing the executioner of his clan left him gasping. Itachi was still gorgeous as he had been last time their paths had crossed. His long black hair blowing softly in the wind behind him, Sharingan eyes vivid in the shadowed forest, luscious lips slightly parted and glossy from the moisture that was coating them. The man was the epitome of sex and Sasuke had never been more aroused by anyone then he was at the sight of Itachi Uchiha, his brother.
“Come and get it, foolish otouto.” Came the deep, slightly husky voice of the biggest distress in his life.
Kitty- I did this for a club that I joined in Y! Gallery. The word was
I hope you all liked it.