Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Have Me? ❯ Mission or Politics? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Will You Have Me?
Hey there just so you know, I do not own the Naruto series but I will say for the record, I do own this story.
Please R & R
Inner Sakura
whats going on
Chapter 1 Mission or Politics?
With a great sigh, Sakura opened the door to her new home. Closing the door, she looked around, examining her quiet home. After the death of her parents, and with both Naruto and Sasuke gone, things around the Konoha Village seemed dull almost lifeless. She knew this for the fact and so did everyone close to her. Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Shino, Hinata, Neji, Rock Lee, Tenten and even though Kiba didn't want to admit it, he also knew this all too well as a fact.
But gripping this fact was hard, for all the young Jounin, no matter how well they put their masks on, all the older experienced ninjas knew of their troubled minds and knew of their own sadness to this cruel fact.
After living with her parents almost all of her life, the silence that now surrounded her, scared her in ways she could no understand. Walking into her new room she set down her weapons and her study books that she had received from her sensei: Tsunade, she walked slowly in a sad motion into her bathroom.
Once she filled the tub with steaming hot water to heal her aching body, she stripped herself of all her clothing and climbed right on in, letting the water ease her poor and troubled mind, while the mist fogged her sight and so she gave in, closed her eyes and relaxed. Little did she know that while she bathed in the hot water, sand poured from her window and into the room. Staring up at her unmoving form, a pair of jaded eyes starred longing at her.
`Now I have you my sweet Cherry Blossom. What, I wonder, do you have in store for me?'
Opening her eyes, the eyes disappeared. Closing her eyes again, the sand swiftly flowed back out the window and swirled around a boy his hair red as blood and smiling with a devilish grin on his face.
“What do you have in store?” He spoke softly, jumping from roof to roof and running back home. `What do you have in store' the though flowed constantly in his mind. Finally reaching the Village in the Sand, he looked around at the quiet city. `What is it that you have that they want?' He thought as he walked into his room and began his meditation.
Opening her eyes once more, she scanned the bathroom for any sign of life or movement. A shiver crawled up and down her spine as she moved her body out of the now cold water tub and walked straight to her bed room, not bothering with the extreme cold that hit her like a wave as she walked around her house to finally her room. Closing the door firmly behind her, she walked over to her dresser and dressed in warm but comfortable clothing. Slipping on a pair of sweatpants and a light sweatshirt, she yawned and crawled into bed wishing everything was back to normal. Wishing that that hurtful fact never arose and that Naruto was home so she could tell him about her parents dying.
Even to that moment, it hurt to say they were dead even though they have been dead for the last 5 months, it still hurt. She knew that everyone had been there for her, especially Tsunade-sensei but still, sooner or later they all drift away. They all pry their way to stay far away from her. It always happened. It was times like these that she wished for someone to call her own.
She shook her head; this was not going to help her go to sleep. All these troubling thoughts were just going to keep her on her toes when she and her body both knew, they needed sleep and badly. But the more she thought about that fact, the more thoughts she acquired.
`This is NOT helping!' she screamed into her half awakened mind.
`You think I don't know that!' Inner Sakura arose commenting with a `duh' look on her face. Shocked to hear that same familiar badass voice again, Sakura looked wide eyed, then softened and smiled.
`Its good to hear you again…' Sakura told Inner Sakura with a smile that traced across her face.
`Heh, just go to sleep. Tomorrow your going to need all the energy you can muster.' Inner Sakura said getting straight to the point of her return. Smiling, she turned over in her bed, pulled up the covers and shut her eyes.
`I guess your right…' She thought. Inner Sakura smiled and vanished in her mind.
`You know I am…'
When she woke up the next day, she waited for those heart-warming calls she always heard in the morning. Hearing none, she remembered all that has happened since Sasuke left, Naruto leaving, her parents dying… Sighing, she threw the thick covers off her and set her feet on the cold hardwood floor.
Doing her usual routine, she walked into the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed her teeth, combed her hair, grabbed her supplies for the hospital and left her quiet home for some alone training time before she headed towards the hospital and do what she does best: heal. Once she reached her usual training grounds, she set all of her belongings that were for the hospital down on one of the benches close to her and scanned her training grounds.
The clearing where Team 7 first met and the place where Sasuke said good bye, held cold, hurtful memories for both Naruto and herself, although she did know better than verbally speak out those memories. As she gripped those painful memories, all those terrible feeling sent power shooting through her body. And that was when her morning training session began.
Using her charka, she made 4 shadow doppelgangers of herself and then as they retreated, threw kunai and chased after them. Hiding herself and listening to the forest around her, she sat in the branches of a lonely Sakura tree silently scanning the area for any movements straining all her senses to full alert. Out of the corner of her eye, 4 kunai knives were thrown at her. Jumping into another tree, she found one of her doppelgangers. Jumping on top of her doppelganger, she took out a kunai and cut the Sakura doppelganger's throat then hopping into the closest bush and then she snuck herself onto another branch of a cherry blossom tree.
As her training continued, she later found and defeated her other two doppelgangers after a number of punches and kicks in the stomach and face. Sighing, she walked back over to where she sat her medic nin supplies and healed herself before looking back at the long forgotten place, Team 7's sacred place. The place where they all met for the actual first time. Pain raced through her very being, shivers going down her spine, as all her memories involving this sacred place flooded her mind.
`I guess he never wanted to be saved… I guess he never wanted to forget…I guess he wanted to be the strong one… the fighter… the avenger…'
`Well not anymore. We're the fighters now!' Inner Sakura yelled punching the air with excitement.
`Hee… I guess so… I guess its better with him gone…'
`You damn right about that! He kept you back! He held you back; he crippled you to depending on him all the time! Well not anymore! My girl is back in action!' Inner Sakura yelled dancing to her victory dance while waving flags, with the Konoha symbol of the leaf, cheerfully.
`Your right.' Sakura agreed in her head and turned away from the sacred place, looking up to the sky before leaving. “I guess your got your wish, Sasuke. You're a fighter… but I'm a fighter too.” She said to herself before walking down the quiet familiar dirt road slowly seeing the Konoha Village hospital coming into view. Coming up to the front of the hospital doors, she smiled and breathed deep the familiar scent of sanitizer and doctor gloves. Walking in, she walked passed the secretary with the same smile still on her face. This was where she belonged and this was where she was planning to stay. But there was always something missing to her everyday life. Shaking that thought away, she sighed. `Oh well.' Walking to her desk, she noticed a memo stuck to her computer. Taking the note off the computer screen, she quickly scanned the information written neatly in perfect penmanship.
I need you to come to the Hokage Tower to discuss a mission for specialized medic-nin.
Reading the memo three times, she threw it away in her trash can that stood quietly under her desk and began to walk in the other direction. Once she walked outside the hospital, putting most of her charka into her feet, she ran as fast she could to the Hokage Tower jumping from roof to roof to gather further information about her mission.
`I wonder what it is this time…'
`Probably some teaching mission. Not like that's anything new…' Inner Sakura said pouting and folding her arms across her chest.
`You might be right again _sigh_ and, I just came back from finishing a teaching mission in the Hidden Village of the Cloud! And even before that, I helped in the Hidden Village of Stone. I wonder if I have to go to the Hidden Village of Mist…that would suck…'
`You think!?'
`(Sigh) do you ever NOT complain!?' Sakura screamed in frustration and annoyance.
`Hey don't start fussing at me! After all,' she paused as a smile slid across Inner Sakura's face, `I'm you. Your only fussing at yourself.' She finished smugly. Sighing, Sakura shook her head and brought herself back to reality and finally noticed that all that time she had been standing in front of her sensei's door. Knocking then cracking the door open, she peeked inside before calling any names.
“Tsunade-sensei… Tsunade-sensei!” Sakura called getting no reply. Looking around, she noticed a picture of her sensei, Naruto's sensei, and Sasuke's sensei, and of the 3rd Hokage. Smiling, she remembered her own group when they first took their picture. Little did she notice someone opened the door wider then closed it leaving the room in total darkness. Night had just begun. Or so she thought.
“So Sakura-chan, sneaking into my chamber are we?” a familiar voice rung in her ear. Releasing the night illusion, standing by the door to her office, the 5th Hokage, Tsunade, smiled and looked at Sakura with sweetness in her eyes.
Letting go of the air, which she didn't know she was holding from her lungs, she turned around and faced the Hokage, bowing to show respect.
“Please forgive me, Tsunade-sensei, but your memo did say A.S.A.P.” Sakura said trying to prove her point.
“Yes, yes your quite right, I just didn't expect you so soon.” Tsunade said already knowing Sakura's answer. Walking to her desk, she sat gracefully with honor and dignity.
“I guess I did finish training a bit too early,” Sakura shrugged unexpectantly. “I really am terrible with time.” She finished with a slight giggle.
Looking up from her desk, Tsunade intertwined her fingers together and laid her head down, smiling a devilish smile. “Not as bad as Kakashi.” Tsunade chuckled remembering all her missions for him that he always came late to.
“Yes, I guess your right there too. Now about my mission, Tsunade-sensei. What mission do I have this time?” Sakura said switching from playful mode to serious mode in an instant.
“Ah yes, your mission. I have just been recently informed of a problem in the Village in the Sand. It seems that their medic nin have been having problems with a virus that has spread throughout Suna, infecting unlikely people including 5 counsel members. Nine being in all. They are in desperate need of a trained specialized medic nin. Seeing as to how you're my apprentice, you were recommended.” Looking down at her papers, she read the report from Suna. “`We were hoping to get you to help but your busy. Please send someone close to your expertise.'” Tsunade finished looking up at Sakura who sat in silence the whole time.
`Suna?! Village of the Sand!? Isn't that the home of Gaara?!' Sakura raced through her mind.
`You mean the bastard that tried to kill you!? HELL NO!! We aren't taking it!' Inner Sakura screamed pouting angrily.
(Ahem) “When do I leave?” Sakura asked professionally.
`WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!? HE TRIED TO KILL YOU! AND YOUR GOING TO HELL THE BASTARD!?' Inner Sakura argued. A headache slowly seeped into her brain.
`Yes. Innocent lives are at stake. I don't care if he tired to kill me or not. A medic nin is suppose to be there whenever a medic is needed. A medic is needed, so I'm going.' Sakura thought closing the argument.
`Fine. But when he tries to kill you, I won't be there to save your ass.' Inner Sakura finished pouting silently in a corner of her mind.
“You leave this afternoon around 6 so that it will only take you two days to get there and you can get started as soon as possible. This disease is spreading quickly and it would turn into chaos if the Kazekage just happened to get it. So they need you A.S.A.P. Got it?” Tsunade smile at her now-serious-faced student.
“Yes, I understand clearly my duties. 6 huh? Then I should begin packing now and get prepared before I go.” Sakura mumbled silently as she walked out her sensei's office and pumped charka into her legs and sped home to begin her packing.
As Tsunade watched her only student leave, she smiled menacingly. `Of course, she doesn't know the other thing they requested but if I had told her she would have said `no' right on the spot.' Looking down at the papers she reread the request mailed to her earlier that morning but Suna officials.
`P.S. send someone closeto you. Preferably an apprentice of some sort. Someone young and single. I know that is asking much, but we need someone young for… political purposes if you catch my drift. Thank you for all your help.
Sighing, she chuckled and thought of one reason as to why they would need someone young, strong, and intelligent to satisfy the Kazekage of Village of the Sand. Standing up from her desk, she walked over to the window and watched as Sakura race against the time before she accepted her true mission and begin to see life the way it truly is, and to see people... for who they truly are. Looking back at her desk, she sighed and returned to her paperwork.
Meanwhile, over at Sakura's house after running roof to roof top to roof top, Sakura finally landed and stopped on the roof of her house and looked around. Everything seemed different, but then everything was the same. Shaking her head of unwanted confusing thoughts, she jumped from her roof and landed gently on the ground with Sakura leaves falling lightly around her. Turning around, she looked sadly at the front door neither her desire to stay nor her desire to go fazed her.
`Duty is duty. That Shinobi way is clear. No matter the mission a shinobi must take it mentally and physically, giving all that I am into it.' Sakura thought soberly.
`And get yourself killed. You know just as much as I that Gaara can't stand you! He'll cut your head off before seeing you again.' Inner Sakura fussed, her headache was slowly coming back.
`It doesn't matter if Gaara wants to kill me or not. He probably won't even see me while I'm there. I'm helping the Kazekage not Gaara.' Sakura argued.
`So? Do you really think that helping his father, the father he hates so much, is going to make everything better!? Your helping his mortal enemy! He'll have another reason to kill you! And personally I really don't want to die a virgin.' Inner Sakura pleaded and hollered back. Walking inside, the argument continued making her headache grow more painful.
`But I have to. I've already agreed. And by going back on my word, I lose my sensei's trust. I can't bear to lose that. I'm going and that is FINAL!' Sakura finished ending the previous argument. Walking into her room, she walked over to her night table and turned on the radio waiting for the first song to play. As the music began, she walked over to her bed and pulled out some bags to pack her clothes and belongings to take to Suna
Circling your
Circling your
Circling your head contemplating everything you ever said
Now I see the truth I got a doubt
A different motive in your eyes and now I'm out
See you later
Ignoring the words and soaking the music, she searched though her drawers and threw a couple of clothes on the bed. Running into the bathroom, she grabbed her main things and ran back into her room and flopped on the bed
I see your fantasy you want to make it a reality paved in gold
See inside, inside of our heads, yeah
Well now that's over

I see your motives inside
decisions to hide
`Who am I trying to fool; I'm never going to live after this. This is it. This is the end. Goodbye cruel world!' Sakura screamed in her head.
Fuck off I'll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
Headstrong we're Headstrong
Back off I'll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
and This is not where you belong

I can't give everything away
I won't give everything away
Closing her eyes she thought about those words.
`I can do it, can't I?' Sakura thought hopefully.
`Yeah! We can take him. Bring it on Gaara, I'm gonna kick your ass!' Inner Sakura yelled enthusiastically punching the air in front of her.
`Yeah… I will be strong! Back off Gaara! Cause here comes Dr. Haruno Sakura, top medic nin and top dog! I'm going to kick your ass!' Sakura yelled in her head raising a closed fist in the air.
Sitting up, she stuffed all her needed items in two bags and set them by the front door. Walking back into her room, she laid silently on her bed listening to nothing but the fading music and as she slowly fell asleep listening to Inner Sakura partying screaming `We're gonna kick his ass!' in the back of her head.
WOW! I'm surprised this made it this far. For a moment I thought it was just a spur of the moment thing like I usually write but I want to see what you readers think.
So if you have any comments, criticisms or any death wish (DIE SASUKE!) leave a review! (This is so awesome! I've finished this story at 3 o'clock in the morning! NICE!) Oh and if you have any suggestions or any guesses as to whats gonna happen please feel free to add that too!