Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ Parts Of The Equation ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples and maybe NarutoxHinata,lol.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic
. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For violence, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Chapter Two
Parts Of The Equation
Sasuke knows my secret. He's far too smart to not have noticed. Who I really am...the nine tailed fox. You've seen the real me, so what's next? Where does this game go? Do you want to make a fool of me? Will you quietly smirk and be disgusted? Or do you plan to 'Be a Man' and act like you don't care while you secretly pity me? Jerk! Why? Why did it have to be Sasuke? Of all people to be found out by...and rejected by? I waited for him to make his move that day, desperately waiting to see...
Instead of just painfully torturing me that day you disappeared. Even now I still wonder why you did that. Everyone's still so nice, thinking they know the real me. But it can't last much longer. As soon as you tell them...
Naruto watched mesmerized by the ordinary people at school. And most starting, he noticed Sasuke walking through the hallway, talking to some students.
But Sasuke, you didn't talk to me for days. It doesn't seem like you told anybody either. Bit it didn't make me worry any less. And before I knew it a whole week went by.
Naruto stopped walking, trying to absorbed the events of the pass week. Finally adding up all the parts he came to a conclusion. "Sucker! He's such a naive and innocent dumb ass! He's letting me off! I should've known he was too soft to exploit my weak spot!" Naruto told himself, cheering over past victories.
"You keep believing that nine tail." And out of nowhere the raven haired Uchiha appeared behind a surprised Naruto.
"Ahh! What the hell!"
"What's wrong? Did I startle you?" Sasuke asked drawing closer until his chest was in line with Naruto's head. "Hmmm? I didn't mean to surprise you." He laughed shortly in reaction to Naruto's shivering and lowered jaw. "Just like that day...I didn't mean to surprise you, and see what you didn't want me to." He leaned in closer to Naruto, their heads now facing. "Everyone would be shocked. I wonder what they'd do..."
That bastard wouldn't! I have to stop him no matter what! And still consumed by fear, Naruto managed to grape Sasuke by the arm. "If you tell anyone-"
"You mean 'please' don't tell anyone." Sasuke interrupted, placing his pointer finger on Naruto's forehead.
Naruto growled, "please don't tell anyone."
Sasuke smiled and winked. "Sure, no problem."
"What? Really! You're the greatest!" Naruto was just about to jump the Uchiha with joy.
"Hold that thought." Sasuke lifted a hand in defense and suddenly reached out from behind him and pulled out a large stack of papers. He lifted them and placed them in the blonde's hands. "I've got to get to my practice, so, it'd be great if you could take care of these." And before Naruto knew it the Uchiha dashed away, leaving him all alone.
He slowly looked down at the stack of papers left to him by Sasuke. And he felt his temperature quickly rising. "What the hell is this! Why should I...! That bastard Uchiha left me with his work!" Naruto yelled infuriated, throwing the papers on the floor. I have lost...I'm now Sasuke's lackey. Naruto thought suddenly collapsing onto the floor in frustration.
Ever since that incident...
"Good evening. Oh, how's the work coming along?" The black haired Uchiha asked teasingly popping his head in from the hallway. Naruto's head turning slowly and creepily toward the on looking slave driver. He frowned and gave him the evil eye as he handed Sasuke the completed stack of papers. "Perfect! You're all done? This would've taken me hours." He stared at the papers innocently as if he didn't black mail some uninvolved student to do it and then take the credit.
"Hey! Cut the crap! Why are you doing this to me!" Naruto rushed out of his chair, his face all flushed from over doing it.
Sasuke took one eye away from the text and stared at the flustered blonde, then returned it to the work uncaringly. "Do you really need to ask? I'm busy and I might as well use what I know against you, right?"
"Don't you think I know that? You don't have to act so proud of it though! This is black-mail! Aren't you ashamed!"
Sasuke covered his mouth as an immediate laugh burst out. "I can't help it. I've had so much to do. So, putting you to work is the perfect solution. Would you have acted any differently? Plus, it is so amusing to watch you squirm." Sasuke smiled and leaned his head closer to Naruto's, almost touching as he did so. "You're really helping me a lot...don't think I don't appreciate it. It's not like I am forcing you. If you don't want to do it, just say so. That is if you are brave enough."
What a total disaster. Even the perfect little prince has a dark side. I can't believe I'm be humiliated by this sap. But alas, I've sown the seeds of my destruction.
Throughout the night Naruto stayed at school completely another stack of papers Sasuke had left him with. His hands aced from hours of non-stop writing. Much worse, Sasuke provided Naruto with a fresh batch of work after he finish the first.
I'm absolutely drowning right now! It's like I'm in prison.
"Think you're so special pushing me around, huh?" Naruto whined, developing fake tears for the ironic situation.
"Crocodile tears don't work with me." Sasuke quickly stated, closing his eyes in pure amusement. He smiled and stood up, getting behind the workaholic Naruto. "Here." He stated placing a larger stack of papers onto of his head.
"What's this?" Naruto sweat dropped.
"Plans for the school trip. Hold still." He laughed as he tried balancing it on his head just right, but the out of place spikes of blonde hair kept it from staying.
"What? You even do that!" Sasuke is always busy. He does all the work for our school events, does his own work and he's always helping his classmates too. He really should get extra-credit for everything he does. Naruto sighed loudly. "Damn. Your workaholic ways are going to kill me."
Sasuke gave a toothy smiled. "Yeah, but it makes me stand out." He walked to his desk and pulled out to small boxes. He placed one in front of Naruto and then one for himself. "Take a break." Naruto looked down at the oddly wrapped boxes. He untied the bow on top and unfolded the cloth, revealing a box lunch of delicious onigiri and chicken. He looked at Sasuke suspiciously, he would have had to none about black mailing Naruto today to already have prepared two snacks. "Go on, eat it. I have no reason to poison my slave." He winked, taking up a rice ball and biting into it.
"I thought you didn't care about that. With your looks and intelligence you shouldn't need to try to stand out." Naruto finished speaking before stuffing his face with two onigiris at a time.
Laughing to himself, Sasuke placed a hand on Naruto's rough, dishelmed hair. "Well i have you, so now, you're right, I don't have to." He brushed the hair down continuously.
"What am I, your pet?" Naruto mumbled blushing as Sasuke affectionately repeated.
"Yeah, a pet." He joked, finally stopping and finishing his snack.
"'re cruel." Naruto pouted finally taking the last bite of his chicken.
"That's where you are wrong...I'm the same as I've always been. Now, I'm just under you bad influence!"
"You're making I my fault!" Naruto blushed throwing his hands onto the desk violently.
"You've corrupted me. It's true." Sasuke stuck out his tongue with a smiled, in result made Naruto redden even more.
I wonder where this is coming from? Until yesterday, I never sexy Sasuke was. And because he showed me that side of him, I find myself undergoing another night at school doing his work.
Naruto have mistakenly drifted to sleep after finishing the work Sasuke had left him once again. His head comfortably laid on his crossed arms on his desk. But due to a sweet familiar scent, Naruto was drawn from his peaceful slumber. He blinked once then noticed a dark figure above him.
"You awake?" The voice said softly. Naruto lifted his head slightly and caught a glimpse of the black haired beauty in the moonlight, ever so glorious compared to it. "Practice just finished, so I though I'd check up on you. You shouldn't fall asleep in school."
Suddenly I saw Sasuke as a totally different person. I've never fallen in love before and I didn't know how to feel. He made me warm and comfortable. He had actually sat there watching me sleep, and just the thought of those beautiful black eyes never leaving me made me blush uncontrollably.
"So, how come you're always coming home late now, Naruto?" Iruka asked concerned, while putting up the dishes from dinner.
"Who, me?" Naruto suddenly broke from his normal day dreaming about Sasuke and took notice to Iruka and Kakashi staring suspiciously at him.
"Yes, you. Not only that you are scaring me. You normally kill at the chance to eat anything of your choice but for the past nights you have been skipping meals, saying you had a big lunch. Which I doubt, since school only gives you so much." Iruka answered sitting back at the table. Kakashi merely raised an eye from his porno book and stared at the blushed blonde.
"Oh, you know. I have some extra student council work." Naruto lied, starting to fidget as he spoke.
"Boyfriend." Kakashi said simply. "Its so damn obvious its annoying, Iruka."
"What! So you did have a crush on a guy? Me and Kakashi were just joking yesterday!" Iruka stood up from his chair.
They don't understand. It wouldn't matter if our relationship was different. But, how can things ever be normal?
"All the girls are jealous, but I mean it's you Naruto. How could anyone be surprised?" A fan girl of Sasuke was explaining the rumors going around school about him and Sasuke staying after school for some 'extra work'.
He did tell me that he likes me, but...
"You know a friend asked Sasuke how he felt. Sasuke just smiled, and didn't say a thing."
I should've know! I've been trying to figure out how he feels, but its obvious...even though Sasuke doesn't talk about it. I knew before, but...Sasuke lied me before he discovered my true self and I started to like him after...
Naruto walked through the halls, the thoughts still fresh on his mind. Suddenly Sasuke ran over to him. "Sorry, but can you stay again tonight, Naruto? It won't take too long"
I know that his feelings for me are gone.
Sasuke walked into the classroom, startled Naruto was still hard at work after two straight hours. "Hey, you're still here! I saw the lights on, but just figured you forgot to turn then off." He walked over to him. "I can't believe you're still working."
"I just finished." Naruto said quickly, his brow twitching slightly. He stood up roughly and shoved the papers into Sasuke's hands. "All right, this is getting old."
"You heard me, I don't know what your game is, but I'm done playing." Naruto sneered cruelly and looked angry at Sasuke.
"But, if you stop, you know what's going to happen." He said in a matter-of-fact voice.
"Yeah, yeah. Like it matters. It's not like I have a life any more, anyway." He angrily headed for the door, leaving Sasuke confused.
"Hey, wait!" Sasuke rapidly tugged on the blondes shoulder. "Are you angry?"
Trying to hide his blushed Naruto turned his face out of view. "I don't know. What do you think? And take your hands off of me!
"You're mad. Tell me the reason. I thought this arrangement was cool with you." His voice feeled with concern for the upset fox.
"It's okay, really."
"No, it's not."
"Let go of me, now!" Naruto tried to shrugged his shoulder from beneath the Uchiha's grip but failed. "I said let me go!" Having no affect on the Uchiha, Naruto finally shoved the boy away. "I'm sick and tired of being your puppet!" Finally being over taken by the anger, Naruto ran out the door.
"Naruto, wait!"
I tried to forget, because he was so kind the end, he was only using me. It's so cruel. He cold be sweet, but once he found me out, he turned on me. Like a pit bull. So I'm ending this!
Naruto felt tears dwell up inside of him and knew he could not contain them much longer as he ran. To his surprise the Uchiha was running after him. "What? Leave me alone?"
"Quiet running away!"
"Don't follow me, then!" Naruto saw an opened window and took it. Immediately jumping into a nearby tree he escaped the Uchiha. Or so he thought as he scrabbled from tree to tree.
"You don't have to run! Get your little ass back here, Naruto!" Sasuke yelled, catching up with him unexpectedly. And after only a few seconds, Sasuke managed to grab Naruto by the sleeve, causing them both to fall onto the ground. Making a quick recovery, Naruto tried to escape once again. "Are you nuts you're still trying to run? You might get hurt!" Sasuke jerked Naruto once again, before he could get away. "Show me your face, goddammit!"
"I'm a freak!" Naruto turned around, tears bursting from his eyes. Sasuke instantly drew back. "I'm cursed. I am the stupid nine tailed fox! And you changed the moment you found out. Am I that disgusting if I'm not as normal as the Mr. High-and-mighty Uchiha Sasuke!" Sasuke sighed and leaned over Naruto, rubbing his cheek with his thumb. "I hate you, you bastard! I'm going to break your fingers if you touch me!"
"I'm sorry, Naruto. I'm so sorry...if I made you think that."
"So am I so freakish?" Naruto sniffled, trying to stop the tears.
"No...I never meant to make you feel that way. I did this because I have fun with you." Sasuke smiled.
"F-fun? What happened to amusing? I feel so stupid..."
"No, I didn't mean it like that. I never would've told anyone in the first place. I just want a talk to you. I thought it would be fun. And it was fun, because I never hung out like this before. With anyone. I didn't mean to hurt you. I never meant to push it this far. I'm sorry. I won't ask you to help me anymore."
So it's not that he doesn't care about me. I'm so glad. But I still think Sasuke doesn't get exactly how I feel. He thinks I got mad because he was using me. Well, I don't care about that. At least I know that he cares about me, though he had a really twisted way of showing it.