Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ Butting Heads! A Rivalry Has Begun! ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples and maybe NarutoxHinata,lol.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic
. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For violence, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Chapter Nine
Butting Heads! A Rivalry Has Begun!
A cool brisk wind from the autumn had sent shivers up his spine. Wetness skimmed the corner of the Neji’s nose. A heavy furriness dropped over his face. In almost an instant he was awake, blindly pushing at the suffocating weight of his blanket. The sun was just barely seeable over the vibrate window in front of him. In a rhombic affection he held the pillow from beneath him close to his chest. The sound of his pulse echoed through his mind. He studied the room shakily upon waking. With a groan he let down his guard and fell back onto his bed.
"Damn, Uchiha. Even while I'm sleeping he manipulates Naruto's heart." He growled, recalling his past dreams of the raven haired Uchiha. His fist tightened. "I won't fail today."
Contently walking among the lonely morning halls, Naruto made his way to his first class. He had been late on arriving to see Sasuke practice, but knew he was still early enough to catch him before class started since only students with school activities came this early. He headed for his room just at the end of the hall and around the corner when he heard his named called.
"Naruto?" The Hyuuga's voice slightly echoed in the empty hallway. Naruto turned to him and waved.
"Oh, hi Neji." He smiled, waiting patiently for the Hyuuga to catch up to him. "I really appreciate yesterday. I couldn't have done all that all." He said gratefully with the usual goofy grin he was known for.
Neji reddened softly at the thought. He still was disappointed how everything still ended up in Sasuke's favor. "It was nothing Naruto." He approached the blonde and friendly petted his mangy hair. "But you should think about what you transform into next time. You are just lucky Tsubaru didn't decide to burn any other part of you." Naruto chuckled, trying to shake the hand from his head.
"Yeah, well hardly anything goes as planned for me. I would have liked to get her back for that the same day, but the girls kind of ruined that opportunity." Neji nodded, letting his hand fall from the blonde's head onto his shoulder.
"Maybe I can give you a few pointers on how to give her the ass whooping of her life." He teased.
"Hey! I can kick her ass all on my own." Naruto pouted. "You don't think I can fight!" Naruto broke from the Hyuuga's grasp and stared at him furiously.
Neji just smirked. "Actually, I've always thought of you as the type to run and hide behind someone stronger, puppy." Neji joked, referring to the time in the pet shop, where Naruto was scared out of his wits.
"Hey! No fair! I you were attacked by some evil witch like her, you would do the same!" Naruto pointed, trying to defend what dignity he had managed to recovered from that day. "And don't call me puppy!"
"Really? Why not?" Neji quickly grabbed Naruto's wrist and twisted it behind his back, and quickly grabbing the other with his free hand, causing Naruto to whimper out loud. "Because you sound like one to me." Neji whispered tauntingly in Naruto's ear, as he leaned closer against the blonde's back.
"Shut up, Neji! You caught me off guard!" Naruto whined, trying to get free.
"How do you ever expect to beat miss prissy pants Tsubaru, if you can't even dodge one attack from me?" He finally released Naruto and shoved him roughly across the hall. "Sometimes I get worried that you won't even be able to protect yourself from big bad bullies." Neji replied babyishly.
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I can defend myself just great!" Naruto yelled back, fury building up inside. Neji grimaced and burst into laughter, causing Naruto to melt down in confusion. "What the hell is so funny!"
Neji tried to regain his calm, but couldn’t prevent himself from out bursting again with the look of the blonde's clueless expression. "You too cute when you're mad, Naruto." He managed to say without busting a gut.
Naruto blushed suddenly and went silent. "Am not!" He exclaimed, finally remembering he had to say something.
Sasuke stared down at the gray marbled blocks as he waited by the set of warn down lockers. It was already past 8:00 and he had been hoping to have seen Naruto wandering the halls by now. His long energetic legs swayed back and fro as he now was leaning against the lockers. After waiting for about twenty minutes his legs had long ago fell asleep and his finger tips, which lay impatiently across his chest went num by the way he was squeezing them between his crossed arms. He suddenly straighten his position, "stupid Naruto. What is he doing?" Instead of waiting he walked down the hall. He turned the corner and saw his blonde, no doubtingly causing some annoyance. "Naruto." He called out, completely drawing Naruto's attention from the Hyuuga.
"Sasuke." He answered back cheerfully. Naruto raced over to the Uchiha, childishly. "Sorry about practice, my alarm didn't go off. I'm just surprised I managed to get up this early without it." He laughed foolishly. Sasuke smiled, nothing seemed to get him down. Neji, catch in the moment, had immediately stopped laughing upon Sasuke's arrival and glared at him furiously. Sasuke felt dagger eyes staring on him and just swept his arm around Naruto's shoulder, forcing him to the classroom.
"You're such a loser Naruto." Sasuke smirked. As he walked Naruto to his room, he was suspicious of the Hyuuga who had been hanging around Naruto more often.
"Damn you Uchiha." Neji mumbled, forming a fist with his hand. "You already own the female population of the school, but now you have to try for male half. Hasn't your arrogant quench for lust been filled yet?"
“That bastard pisses me off!” Neji shouted, taking his seat outside near the eating areas. Two pairs of startled eyes turned to look at a sizzling Hyuuga. Rock Lee was looking at his friend with some sympathy in his eyes, but anyone could clearly see that he was holding in the laughter. TenTen merely shook her head in misunderstanding. Neji seriously began to rub his temples.
"What's got you so worked up today, Neji?" Lee exclaimed concerned, also taking his seat beside TenTen, to avoid any attacks Neji might throw if he sat beside him. TenTen quickly rushed in a punch to his arm and sighed. "Hey! What was that for!" Lee whisper to the girl.
"Once Neji gets started on something, he'll never shut up about it!" She whispered back.
“Shit! Who does he think he is!” Neji yelled, slamming his hand on the table, causing Rock Lee and TenTen to silence. “The high and mighty Sasuke Uchiha is out to make my life a living hell!”
"I would hate to be Sasuke. The way his teammates talk about him behind his back is cruel." Rock Lee slipped to TenTen, causing her to giggled softly.
"If you would just tell us exactly what the hell you are talking about, we may be able to help you." TenTen advised politely, finally deciding to take a bite of her food that had been getting cold from all this conversation.
Neji went quiet and turned bright pink. He didn't think he could actually tell is only two friends that he was into guys, and he definitely couldn't tell them he was into Naruto.
Rock Lee burst into laughter suddenly, making both TenTen and Neji jump. "Is that all it takes to shut you up?" He bellowed, earning him another punch in the arm by TenTen.
"Shut up, you idiot!" TenTen whispered. TenTen continued talking when Lee was finally settled down. "So why all the sudden hate for Sasuke? You never let him tick you off before."
Lee suddenly gasped, drawing back all the air he could. TenTen and Neji stared at the weird boy. "You're jealous because you have a crush on that girl Tsubaru, aren't you!" Rock Lee pointed. TenTen immediately went into shock and stared at Neji.
"You're into girls like her?" TenTen blushed. "Now that I think about it, some Sasuke fan club girls were talking about how you and Naruto both helped out with their plans to destroy their relationship, during gym today. I just thought it was some stupid joke."
"So you really do like Tsubaru." Lee concluded, elbowing Neji in the arm. "You player, went you already have a girl after you." He winked. TenTen blushed more and kicked Rock Lee under the table.
"What! What girl!" Neji asked in surprise.
"Like you don't already know." Rock Lee winked again.
"Stop that, its annoying." Neji stated bluntly.
"Waahh! Neji! Is it true you like Tsubaru!" Naruto suddenly screeched, causing everyone to wince at the tone and volume of his voice.
TenTen stuck her finger in her ear. "Speaking of annoying." TenTen added, glaring at the irritating blonde.
“Hell no!” Neji answered, pinning the blonde with a look.
"Is that why you went with us!" Naruto yelled.
"So you actually did go with them? Neji!" TenTen hollered. "What the hell has gotten into you!"
"Shut up! It's not like that!" Neji yelled back to her, silencing her instantly. "Now what do you want, Naruto?" Neji turned back to the blonde.
Rock Lee remained silent, taking in all this information to decipher the situation.
Naruto thought for a moment. "Uh...actually I forgot."
"Idiot." TenTen stammered under breath, suddenly getting a fierce glare from Neji.
Naruto, with his usual dorky youthful exuberance, vigorously burst into laughter. "Sorry, I can't remember." TenTen sighed loudly.
"Honestly, egghead, don't you have some place to be?" She barked.
"Who you calling egghead, meatball head!" Naruto retorted.
"Meatball head! Why you little brat!" TenTen jumped from her seat. "These are buns you idiot!"
"Fine with me." Naruto smirked, drawing his arms behind his head. "But I would never know why you would want another ass on your head. Isn’t your face enough?"
"I'm going to kill you, you little runt!" TenTen screamed. She pushed the table over and punched the blonde right in the face.
"Naruto!" Neji jumped from his seat in astonishment.
Lee, who for once wasn't the one getting punched by TenTen, was finding all of this hysterical and was laughing his head off.
"What’s the deal old hag!" Naruto yelled, holding his reddened cheek.
"That's it! I was going to let you off with just a rough hit, but now I'm sticking my foot so far up your ass, Naruto!" TenTen tackled the blonde, forcing him to the ground. The cafeteria full of students, rushed outside around the two and cheered their favorable fighter.
"TenTen!" Neji exclaimed, about to bud in, when Lee quickly jerked him back.
"It wouldn't be wise to interrupt a cat fight."
"Shut up, Lee! Naruto's a guy."
"You sure? Cause he does appear to be having his ass kicked by TenTen." lee teased, pointing to the badly bruised blonde.
Naruto bravely held his ground as he shielded TenTen's blows as best he could. He waited for an opening, but TenTen was fueled with fury and most likely wouldn't let one slip. After boldly kicking Naruto in the gut, Naruto found his opportunity. Immediately after giving her successful blow, TenTen found herself in some headlock.
"Let go of me you little punk!" She yelled. Naruto granted her request, shoving her violently into the brick wall of the school and then punched her in the stomach.
Finally having the chance he was waiting for, Naruto released an army of hits to TenTen.
"Naruto, stop it!" Neji yelled out, making his way through the crowd.
Hearing his name, Naruto hesitated to punch. TenTen instantly kicked in the head and punched in the chest once more. "You want rough, I'll give you rough, Naruto!" She exclaimed, doing her jutsu hand sighs. Once everyone saw this, they quickly backed away, not wanting to be caught in the way.
"I don't need any stupid jutsu to beat you!" Naruto gloated.
"Oh, really? I think you are mistaken!" She stated finishing her hand sighs. "Rising Twin Dragons!" Instantly everything burst into smoke, shrouding Naruto's location. Emerging from the cloud of smoke, two long scrolls reaching the sky, TenTen among them. Stealthy she drew each knife, kunai, Shurikan and blade from them and targeted the blonde, throwing them quickly.
"Naruto!" Neji exclaimed again worriedly as he watched him dodge each weapon barely.
Each blade hit the ground, completely missing the rapid ninja. "Is that all you got, girly?" Naruto bellowed.
"Arhhhhhhhhh!" TenTen screamed, pulling back all of her weapons with the string that held them and send them after him again. Halfway dodging through them, Naruto neglected to notice TenTen wasn't going down that easily and that she threw an extra kunai as he dodged the others. To distracted by the blades he knew were head, because of their string, he couldn't dodge the one blade not contained by a string. And surprisingly enough the kunai had found its way into his right shoulder directly below the blade. "Got'ch" TenTen laughed, racing back to him in time to punch him again. Naruto was unresponsive, allowing TenTen to attack as many times as she pleased. "Defend yourself, Naruto!" She yelled, punching again and watching him sway back to catch his footing. He looked at her confusingly and then at the kunai in his shoulder. He reached over his limp sore arm and pulled out the blade with his free one. "Is your ego so bruised that I actually got you, that you can't even attack me!" She chuckled. Naruto's eyes blinked over as his head fell. "Naruto?" She stared at him curiously and approached him. "You can go to the nurse if you are to hurt to fight." She teased.
Naruto smirked with a 'hmph'. He stared down at the blood running off the kunai's cold blade and then at the droplets of blood on the ground from his shoulder. "You only wish." He mumbled in a matter of fact tone.
"What!" TenTen stomped her foot. "Are you too stupid from blood lost, that you can't see that you're beat?" Naruto shook his head. "Fine. If you want more I'll give you more." She charged for him with her fist, but to her surprise he catch it easily.
"I see you dead!" His head bounced up and he twisted her fist to the side, just enough to hear her socket popping.
"Naruto! Stop it you sick bastard!" TenTen yelled shakily, looking Naruto in the eyes now. But she wished she hadn't, for what she saw was more scary than she had ever witnessed. Naruto’s eyes were glinting blood red with insanity, and terror. An evil condescending smirk with drenching fangs that shook the earth's very formation, a smirk that assured your destruction. "Naruto! What's with you!" TenTen managed to say despite her fear and pain. He gave no answer but a larger grin. And without warning the young fox demon jerked TenTen's arm, completely drawing it from it's socket. He smiled more to the refreshing sound of her agony and pain, it was soothing, yet his thirst for blood and suffering had not yet been quenched. Mercilessly he jerked it back the opposite way, swinging her like a rag doll, until she screamed and he tossed her onto the ground. Everyone gasped in fear.
"That jerk!" Lee yelled, no longer listening to his own teachings of not budding in.
Naruto slowly walked over to the twitching corpse, trying to stand. "Need some help." He lifted her by the neck, listening to her gasp for air and mercy. "It's your own damn fault for wanting to continue." He smiled, squeezing tightly.
"Naruto! What the hell has gotten into you!" Neji demanded, taking hold of Naruto's hand around TenTen's neck. "Let her go! You don't have to beat the life crap out of her!" Neji exclaimed.
"Mind your own damn business Hyuuga!" Naruto yelled back. Regardless of Neji not wanting to, he had no other choice.
"Fine Naruto!" Turning on his Byakugan eye, Neji saw Naruto's immense chakra and soot out to attack his chakra network. Drawing his own chakra to his hand, Neji punched Naruto's gut, sending him flying. Neji sat up TenTen. "Are you okay?" TenTen struggled with a smile and nodded. "Good. Now we must get you to the nurse."
"Forgetting something Hyuuga!" Naruto's voice whispered sharply from behind Neji. Neji quickly turned around just in time to feel Naruto's fist collide with his face.
"Neji!" TenTen exclaimed. "You bastard! How can you even call yourself human!" TenTen yelled, tears forming in her eyes.
"I don't give a damn what you call me." Naruto smirked, taking Neji up by the hair. "And I told you to mine your own business, but I guess you were to eagered to die." Determined to end the boy's life here and now, Naruto held tighter, trying to literally squeeze the Hyuuga's skull in.
"Stop it! Leave Neji alone!" TenTen cried out, unable to protect him as she had wished.
"What are you doing Naruto!"
Naruto turned around and noticed the familiar Uchiha. "Sasuke..." He loosened his grip until he had completely let go of Neji. I don't want to do this...I don't want to hurt anybody. I don't...I don't want Sasuke to see me like this...I don't...
"Naruto!" Sasuke exclaimed, catching the fox's attention. "You don't have to do this. So don't!" Sasuke approached the stunned teen. Naruto's eyes blinked back to normal and he hazily looked at the Uchiha.
"Sasuke..." Naruto whispered, before his legs gave in beneath him and he fell.
Sasuke rushed to his side, holding up the blonde. "It's okay Naruto." He whispered softly in his ear. Naruto fell unconscious from exhaustion right there. Almost immediately, Sasuke’s knees buckled beneath the weight as he took the boy up in his arms. He pulled Naruto's left arm around his neck and placed his limp arm across his lap as the Uchiha stability held him up. Slowly making his way to the door, quiet whispers formed around them as the people straggling to help Neji and TenTen, watched Sasuke's encouraging effort to get Naruto to the nurse.
"TenTen?" Neji limply walked over to her. "I'm sorry." He bent down and helped her up. She winced as her dislocated shoulder went num. Lee assisted them both.
"Neji." Rock Lee stated as they walked to the nurse.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"I finally figured it out." Lee smiled. TenTen looked at him curiously but still troubled by pain. Neji also stared at Lee awkwardly. "You like Naruto." Neji went into blush and turned away.
"What! You actually like that little creep? But why? Did you just see what he did?" TenTen blurted out.
"Yeah, I saw what he did? But that wasn't Naruto. I know Naruto and he wouldn't do things like that." Neji stared down at the floor. "If not less I like him more."
"What!" Both TenTen and Lee shouted in unison.
"He just full of surprises." Neji laughed, causing the two to sigh in disgust. "But most of all I want to help him..."