Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ Let The Games Begin! ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Fifteen

Let The Games Begin!

"Damn!" Naruto yelled indignantly. After having practiced his taijutsu, he was sore in every muscle he possessed. But he still had so much training to go through to prepare. "Stupid, Tsubaru. I'll show you, who deserves Sasuke." Struggling not to collapse right out on the training ground, Naruto took a fighting stance. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" He announced, completing the required hand signs and producing two clones of himself. "Alright, come after me!" He commanded his look alikes. And in seconds he was having a brawl with himself. This was the best way to train for Tsubaru's little challenge. What better way to fight to avoid your weakness, then with someone who actually knows them, yourself? This also singled out the option that whoever he trained with would tell anyone about his strategy.

Naruto had been training furiously for five hours now, and he couldn’t be anymore exhausted. Every bone in his tiny body screamed when he tried to stand up, and every muscle tore and swollen with over exertion. Nothing would prevent him from winning Sasuke. Naruto sighed huskily, admitting it would take him a long while to get home with his body in this shape. "Damn it." He moaned trying once more to stand at a failed attempt. "Maybe I should have trained a little more closer to home." He pouted remorsefully. Accepting his current situation, Naruto fell back onto the ground, spreading his limbs across the floor in submission. Heavy, tired lids slowly draped over two aqua orbs, as Naruto was consumed in sleep.

"How do you expect to win that contest, when you are sleeping around on the dirt?" An irritated voice said. The lolling voice pulled Naruto from his weary dreams, hesitantly. "Get your lazy ass up, Naru-chan." At hearing the familiar name, Naruto's eyes shot open.

"Sasuke! What are you doing here?!" He yelled, looking up at the smirking Uchiha overhead.

"I should be asking you the same question." He replied smugly, closing his eyes in annoyance. But he quickly lifted one eye and glanced at the blonde, still lying there. "Are you getting up, or what?"

Trying to hide a sudden blush that had accompanied the question, Naruto muttered an almost inaudible, "I can't." At hearing this frail explanation, Sasuke jerked up the blonde by the hand.

"What do you mean you can't?" He asked, tempted to push the wobbly blonde before him. "Only you would train to the point you were to tried to even walk home to safety." Sasuke grunted disappointedly. He smirked quickly catching the blonde's fazed look at the remark. "But then proves how far you'll go to get what you want." Sasuke whispered teasingly into the blonde ear after pulling him closer. "Come on, Naruto." Sasuke moaned and reluctantly picked up the blonde bridal style and started walking him home.

"Sasuke! What are you doing?!" Naruto asked nervously, trying to wiggle free of Sasuke's hold.

"Carrying you home, idiot. What does it look like?" Sasuke barked back, taking the question as an insult.

"But...what if someone see us..." The blonde mumbled softly in embarrassment. He lowered his head, shielding his blush from the other. "What would they think?"

"That I kicked your ass so bad, you couldn't even walk home in shame." Sasuke laughed, resulting in a fearsome punch in the arm by the ticked fox.

"Ow!" Naruto yelled, cupping his sore fist after delivering his punishment.

"Idiot. If you knew you were hurt, why did you even try. You'd be more hurt than I would." He explained concerned. "Now just rest, we have school tomorrow." He commanded, nearing the blonde's home.

Naruto was slightly surprised by Sasuke's concern. Normally the raven haired Uchiha was too cold or so he pretended to be, to care about others' well-being.

Sasuke had taken the young fox's home, tucked him into bed, and waited until he fell asleep to leave. If he had done otherwise, he was sure the blonde would go back to training the moment he left. While walking home, Sasuke was abruptly distracted by a sudden insulting voice.

"Well, isn't it pretty, perfect Uchiha." Sasuke turned around reluctantly and glowered at the lean form behind him. "Not only do you have the entire female population fighting over you in tomorrow's competition, you have a naive Naruto wrapped around your chubby like finger." Neji stated indignantly.

Sasuke smirked knowingly, "does it bother you Hyuga, that Naruto belongs to me?" He gave the long haired boy his signature sneer, "well too bad, cause I'm not giving him up to the likes of you."

"Not for long, Uchiha! Naruto will be mine, and I'll prove it!" Neji yelled, slightly losing his patience with the other. "Tomorrow after those stupid girls stop fighting over you, I'll fight you...for Naruto!" Quickly catching the Uchiha's attention, black eyes widened. "So even if Naruto wins against half of the village, it won't mean anything, if you lost." Finally having his turn to smirk, Neji crossed his arms. "I hope you train on daily bases, cause I'm totally prepared."

"Whatever Hyuga, it doesn't matter if I've trained or not, cause I can take you down easily." Sasuke turned back around and started his walk home. "You're on, Hyuga. But its your lost."


"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen! I'm your announcer today, Temaru. Only because every other idiotic, eligible girl for this position is in the fucking competition, Now let's get this Sasuke Cup in progress. As we all know, the last person standing is entitled to have the Uchiha Sasuke due to terms of our contract, so let's begin!" Temari yelled to the crowd rather reluctantly. She walked off the earlier prepared stage for the fights as the crowd roared uncontrollably. Which was mostly made up of males that wanted to see a good cat fight rather than see the winner. Sasuke on the other hand was in no mood to cheer, being that some girls had chained him to a thrown so their prize wouldn't escape his evil sentence or try to rig the fight in his favor. The contest had begun with simple, weak minded girls who's only inspiration was the Uchiha, but they were easily eliminated one by one.

"Alright folks our next match...Ino verses Sakura." As the two girls approached each other on stage, Temari raised her hand and quickly dropped it. "Begin!" She exclaimed running away from the fighters and away from the harm. When it came to Sasuke fans, these fights tend to get a little dangerous and chaotic, not to mention creepy.

"Okay Sakura, looks like its judgment day. Too bad you will be the one losing though." Ino replied prideful, flipping her long bang from her eyes. "I've been meaning to get you back for what happened at the chunin exams, anyway."

"Just shut up and fight, Ino!" Yelling testily, Sakura pulled several kunais from her hostler and quickly sent them hurling for the pig-head blonde.

"Hey, no fair Sakura!" She exclaimed, barely dodging the sharp blades.

"This battle as already begun, Ino-pig!" Sakura announced, charging head on. Sakura successfully delivered the first punch in the match, sending Ino halfway across the platform.

Never being one to adore sucker punches, Ino rushed to her feet and equally charged for the other girl. Sadly, Ino would be no match for a determined Sasuke-crazed Sakura. Sakura had easily avoided Ino's attack. Seeing an opening in Ino's stance after attacking the air, Sakura thrusted a deep kick into Ino's side. Te blonde quickly quenched in pain, Leaving her vulnerable for yet another kick, arriving from the opposite side. Ino gasped suddenly as Sakura completed the combo with a blow to the head with her heel. Ino fell to the ground, hesitantly breathing as she couldn't believe how strong Sakura became for Sasuke.

"Get up Ino-pig! We have barelly got into the fight." Sakura gloated with a smirk, but such confidence had also gave her a weak spot. In nearly a blur, Ino drew out her kunai and threw it towards Sakura's forehead. "Hey! No kill-" Sakura was cut off just as she had dodged the deadly blade, when Ino suddenly kicked her from behind.

"I'm not going to kill you Sakura, but you will suffer!" She bragged pulling out more kunais and throwing them all at Sakura. The crowd gasped as Sakura was easily pinned by all the kunai's. "Time to lose Sakura." Ino smirked as she positioned her hands into her signature jutsu.

"Ninpou, Shintenshin no Jutsu!" Ino suddenly exclaimed, leaving Sakura and the whole crowd in awe.

No could believe she would actually use her mind transfer jutsu now, when there was no guarantee Sakura would remain put. There was a deep silence that engulfed the crowd. Everyone's eyes remained on Sakura. Finally the silence was broken as simple foot steps were heard along the stage.

"Idiot." The voice replied with a smirk. "She should have none better." A few members of the audience gasped as they saw Sakura standing directly behind Ino's now motionless body. Those yes quickly reverted back to the other Sakura still pinned down. Quickly the figure disappeared into a cloud of smoke, leaving another moment of completely silence.

The crowd broke out into cheers and shouts as they finally realized Sakura had won the match. Temari rushed on stage and grabbed Sakura's wrist. "Our first match goes to Sakura!" She announced, stirring up the crowd more.

"Alright Sakura! I knew you could do it!" Came the enthusiastic voice of the loudest blonde sitting along the side lines. A few people shook their heads to Naruto's display of congratulations. Surely he had to know he would end up fighting her next in she won her next match. Poor foolish blonde.

The day had progressed fairly well, for those who won. Tenten had entered the contest and had already won her first match as well as Tsubaru, sadly. And of course Naruto had defeated his first and second opponents with ease. The next match no one expected. Tenten verses Sakura. The two girls had riled up the crowd quickly, but in the end Tenten had won the match.

"Alright everyone, here's are next match! Tenten vs. Tsubaru!" Temari exclaimed. This had greatly grabbed Naruto's attention as he rushed to the front of the crowd. He would need to see Tsubaru against a truly strong opponent, so he could at least learn what to expect in his own match against the she-devil.

"What are you doing in this contest?!" Tsubaru yelled, pointing rudely at Tenten as she stepped on the stage to fight. "I know very well you don't like Sasuke!"

Tenten angrily sneered at the girl with a snobby attitude. "So what! I'm just in this contest so I can defeat Naruto Uzumaki!" Tenten lashed out. Immediately the blonde's face paled. Was she that angry with him for what happened nearly a week ago during lunch? "He has already humiliated me once, I won't let him get away with it! And just because I don' like Sasuke, doesn't mean I'm not in this battle for the guy I love!" Tenten exclaimed. Naruto was perplexed by her declaration. Was she talking about him or someone else?

"Sorry to let you down Tenten, but I must defeat Naruto so that I can have the man I love!" Tsubaru quickly defeated.

"Let the match begin!" Temari suddenly interrupted with a loud yell.

To Be Continued...

A/N: I know i am so cruel for doing this to you all. T_T I'm terribly sorry. The next chapter will be up! For anyone that thinks Tsubaru is all talk and an easy pushover, prepared to be amazed! I just feel sorry for Naruto, he has two girls that want to kick his butt.