Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ The Ultimate Battle, We're Going All Out! Part One! ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Sixteen
The Ultimate Battle, We're Going All Out!
Part One

"Begin!" Temari shouted, escaping from the field on her large fan. Tsubaru smirked, knowing it would take no time to defeat Tenten.

"Swampy Mist Jutsu!" The long black haired girl yelled, her hands moving quickly in a series of hand sighs. Tenten gasped suddenly as a wave of thick dark mist pervaded from her opponent and covered the entire field.

"What is this?" She whispered to herself, hurriedly rising her arm to shroud the sudden smell coming through the mist. She turned around in a circle, with hopes of finding a dense spot within the mist that was clouding her vision. "Come on Tsubaru, fight fair!" She yelled.

Within the mist she started to hear laughter coming from every direction. "Foolish girl, any Jutsu is fair in a battle." Tsubaru chuckled, her voice echoing around the whole stage. The crowd was in an unsatisfied rage for they were the ones truly kept in the dark as the match presumed and them unable to witness it.

But suddenly they all went silent as Tsubaru's creepy, loud laughter was suddenly accompanied by a surprising scream. Neji, among the stupefied crowd, recognized that scream. "Tenten!" He shouted worriedly. Surely Tsubaru hadn't harmed her this early in the match. There's no way she could have, TenTen was always on guard, reason why she was his favorite sparring partner.

Naruto was stunned with worry as well, Tsubaru wasn't this strong an opponent, was she? "Oh man, I wanta know what's going on!" Naruto pouted, throwing his arms in the air dramatically. So much for observing Tsubaru tactics, when he couldn't even see the fighting, if there was any fighting actually going on at all.

Finally the noise had ended, leaving an empty silence around the whole arena as the awaiting crowd watched the mist slowly dissolve. Naruto's blue eyes stayed glued to the field, in hopes of catching something out of the norm, well with Tsubaru, everything was out of wack. But he hadn't prepared himself to see what was recognizable through the fairly visible mist now. "What the-?!"

"Tenten!” The Hyuga's voice emerged through the quite, drawing some heads to look away from the scene and at him. He quickly jumped out of his seat and preformed a transportation Jutsu, placing himself right on the field. Temari hadn't immediately yelled at him for interrupting the match because it was quite obvious who had won here.

The white eyed male kneeled down to the motionless body on the field. She was literally petrified in place. Her wide eyes bloodshot with fear and her jaw still low from her screaming before the accounts of this torture. Even her arms and legs were frozen into place, giving her the appearance very similar to that of a statue. Neji, in a panic, shook the girl ferociously, but still she remained in her dazed state.

What could have possibly happened?! Was there really a Jutsu to petrify an opponent before they even had a chance to fight back? Neji felt bad for TenTen. For if not for him, she would have never joined this stupid contest. He had figured recently that she wanted to honor him in away, but this was not the way to have gone about it.

"Stupid girl. I even gave her a full three minutes to attack me first, but all she did was worry about the mist." Tsubaru tisked knowingly, stepping before Neji and the frozen TenTen. The girl smirked proudly, throwing back her wrist in a self-righteous manner. "She should have known I wouldn't go easier on her. But it’s her own fault her not backing down.”

Neji glared at the girl. "How long will she stay like this?!" He hissed, his voice dripping with its own poison and resentment. Tsubaru only smiled more as she noticed his anger. How she loved to mess with people, it was so entertaining. And her most favorite victim was none other than Naruto. She could not wait to humiliate him before the entire school and Sasuke himself. She would shame the fox boy so badly; he would wish he had never challenged her from the very start.

"Well I'd say about a day or two and she should be fine. Of course her muscle will be a little sore." She chuckled. "But I sure she can handle a little pain for a week." Seeing Neji's frustration only pleased her more. "You better get her out of here now, before I start my match with that stupid blonde you have a thing for." She warned, her smile quickly fading beneath a serious sneer.

Even the mentioning of Naruto filled her with such hate and furiousness. She truly could not stand his naive cheerfulness that had secretly won over her own fiancé' without his knowing of being seduced into fox boy's trap. It might have been her large ego that told her Naruto had intentionally enticed Sasuke in order to make her paranoid.

Neji, with a fierce snarl, placed a hand on TenTen and transported them both back to the nurse, where he hoped a medical nin would be able to reduce the effects of the Jutsu.

With a sigh of relief, Temari quickly returned to the field. "Alright we shall have a five minute intermission before our final match between Uzumaki Naruto and Kengenshi Tsubaru." She pronounced, leaving once more.

Tsubaru, directing her glare to the blonde in the stands, finally walked away to prepare for her ultimate battle. Naruto instinctively nodded after receiving such a terrifying glare from the girl. "Oh man! Look what she did to TenTen, what am I going to do? What if she tries that creepy Jutsu on me?" Naruto complained, crossing his arms distastefully in thought.

"Oh so you are scared now Naru-chan?" came a soft, confident chuckle from behind Naruto. The hyperactive ninja quickly turned and faced Sasuke with slight surprise. He was a little curious how Sasuke had managed to escape his thrown prison without his fan girls noticing. Then again there was always the chance they released him all because they didn't want Tsubaru to when him now that she had beaten everyone left besides Naruto.

"I-I'm not scared!" Naruto quickly defended, flustered stuttering some. "I'm just thinking of some tactic to beat that old witch." He laughed, suddenly filled with fake confidence.

Sasuke was aware of Naruto's facade of fearlessness and simply shook his head. Surely Naruto hadn't token him for a fool that wouldn't see through that warm but deceitful smile of his. "Sure Naruto." He sighed and finally looked up at the blue eyed boy, giving him a worried look. "Just don't get hurt okay. I rather have you alive than dead. Tsubaru is going to be a hard opponent otherwise my family wouldn't have been so insistent that we wed and create strong descendents." Sasuke explained.

"Don't worry Sasuke, I'm always careful." Naruto chuckled, his hands on his hips as his head was thrown back into the egotistic laughing. Sasuke chuckled himself and stepped forward.

"Sure you big knuckle-head." With that, he laced his hand on Naruto's shoulder and pulled the blonde forward. Bringing their lips softly together, Sasuke held Naruto in place, not that the teen would actually pull away from this. Naruto had noticed the unusual concern pressing through Sasuke's kiss, but he was still happy to have Sasuke care so much. After a moment of the lingering contact, Sasuke drew back. "There will be more where that came from if you win.” He winked incredibly sexily and waved goodbye.

Naruto gulped nervously as he started to make his way to the stage. Man, curse this need to prove himself. Just as the blonde was about to past the door, he heard someone call for him. At least he thought they were talking to him.

"Hey demon boy!" Tsubaru yelled out, stepping beside Naruto with a wide smirk on her face. "How does it feel to face your last opponent ever?" She asked overconfidently. "I might not kill you, but I will definitely make sure you won't be able to fight ever again, understood fox boy?"

Such name calling only angered Naruto more as he began to growl, his eye brows furrowing dangerously. "We will see about that. I'll kick your ass so far into the ground you'll wish you never even heard of Naruto Uzumaki!" He shouted back, throwing his fist at her menacingly. With that said the fired up blonde dashed off onto the stage. Tsubaru ‘huff’ed, crossing her arms and approaching the field as well.

"Okay you two; we don't want any dead bodies or missing limbs so keep it wholesome." Temari warned with an undeterred glare. "Ready?" She raised the flag up high and finally dropped it, yelling out a clear 'begin' and took off again.

Only one minute into the match and Naruto had already gathered enough chakra to pull off his infamous Shadow Clone Jutsu without a hitch. Tsubaru was naturally unfazed by a mob of Narutos now crowding the field. "I'm not some amateur Nine tails, I know which one is you.” She replied with a loud laugh. Even with her attention more on herself, Tsubaru was able to avoid all of the attacks suddenly being thrown at her at once from the group of ninjas. With great fluidity she jumped away from the flying kunais and ducked away from every kick or punch thrown at her with amazing speed. "Is this the best you can do, for crying out loud you even have me out number." She teased; her voice all the more annoying when she was right.

"Just...Shut up!" Naruto hollered, trying as he may to get in at least one punch. "Damn it, stop moving!" He commanded. Of course even in his short tempered state he knew that request was a little stupid considering she was suppose to avoid his attacks. But what made him all the more annoyed was the fake she had been playing on the defense the whole time, not even pulling out a Jutsu to protect herself. Was she so strong as to not need one against him at all? "Alright, no more mister nice guy! I'll show you what I really have."

Naruto quickly jumped back from the group and started to perform his Summoning Jutsu. Seeing as how he was busy with his hands signs, Tsubaru finally took the opportunity to switch onto the offensive. She drew out two curved blades and easily started to strike away all of the clones. One by one, then four by four, she attacked them, quickly reducing them into a cloud of smoke. Each one shouted out their own surprise from the fatal slashing. "What-?!" Naruto gasped, finding that now she was heading right for him in a mad dash. Tsubaru had instantly disappeared in a cloud of smoke herself and reappeared behind Naruto just as he was kneeling to bring forth an assistant. Unfortunately, she beat him to it and quickly kicked the blonde forward onto his face.

"You are truly pathetic if you can't even summon quick enough. Oh well, all the more better for me." She smirked devilishly and without hesitation kicked Naruto onto his back with fearsome strength.

Hurriedly getting back on his feet, Naruto growled angrily. "Oh yeah, well let's see what you think when I have a little help!" Finally Naruto was able to complete the summoning Jutsu. And in a large puff of smoke, emerged Gamabunta. The crowd was brought into a chorus of shouts and cheers as the large red toad covered the whole stage a whole, well not that there was a stage anymore.

"What the hell?!" Tsubaru snarled, looking up to the tall creature. "Only a pest like you would summon something as ugly and nasty as a giant toad!" She accused. This only drew Gamabunta’s attention to her more.

"Oh is that so little missy?!" Roared the formidable toad. He gave Tsubaru a stern glare. "And I suppose you summon little girly things like bunnies and kittens?" He mocked. The next moment Tsubaru found herself being swooped up by a large wet tongue, completely surrounding her. Gamabunta drew her up to meet him eye-to-eye.

"Ewe! Put me down you filthy thing! Urgh! This is totally disgusting!" She screamed, her legs kicking and flailing in the air as she beat unsuccessfully on the soft flesh of the toad's tongue.

Naruto at moment was laughing his head off on the top of the mighty toad's head. "See how you like it." He managed to say through his laughter, as his own legs were kicking in the air in humor. The expression on Tsubaru's face was priceless.

Screaming angrily again, Tsubaru brought her hands together and quickly performed her first Jutsu in this match. Immediately she disappeared into a cloud of mist, the toad's tongue emptily squeezing a hollow substance of mist. "Hey, where she go?!" Naruto asked in surprising, having come out of his laughing soon enough to see the feat.

"Stupid fox, let's see how good you are attacking what you can not catch." She giggled, her voice once again coming from all directions.

"What?! You mean you’re the mist?!” Naruto yelled out obviously. "No fair! Urgh, fine. Gamabunta, just attack all of the mist!" He ordered impatiently. A few people in the crowd as well as the toad thought Naruto to have lost more than a few inches of his ego now that he was saying attack something as unpresidented as mist. But regardless of what his own thoughts were, the toad drew his long blade and started to slash randomly at the surrounding cloud of mist.

Even if they were hurting her, there were no physical signs, not to mention her continuous laughing at their failed attempt wasn't helping at all.

To Be Continued...

A/N: Not to worry my loyal, patient fans, I have posted the second part all in one for you won't have to wait forever for me to finish the battle again!