Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ The Ultimate Battle, We're Going All Out! ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Seventeen
The Ultimate Battle, We're Going All Out!
Part Two

"Urgh! This isn't working Gamabunta!" Naruto stated in frustration. The toad merely sighed, how could Naruto be this clueless as to have not figured out it wouldn't work in the first place. For crying out loud, Tsubaru had the ability to move anywhere without them knowing.

"Oh, poor foxy, am I upsetting you?" Came and annoying giggle suddenly from behind our naive blonde. Naruto turned around quickly, but only in time to have the previously used curved blade thrust forward into his stomach. The force of the attack immediately pushed him off of Gamabunta. Once again the crowd was brought into gasp of surprise as Naruto was surely to end up with a few broke bones if allowed to fall from that height.

Gamabunta, instinctively held out his hand to catch the falling blonde, but Tsubaru would not have any of that. "Oh no you don't. You've helped enough Mr. Toad." She chuckled, quickly evaporating into a cloud of mist again. This time the dispersed water droplets came together, collecting tightly around the large toad. Its thick watery constriction squeezed mercilessly around the toad, drawing his limbs close to his form and away from Naruto. Try as Gamabunta did, he was unable to break through this surprisingly strong barrier of water. But the more he struggled, the more the water suffocated him. "Sorry you must leave so early after just arriving but this fight is between the demon and me." She announced finally, giving her mist free will to use all of its strength, squeezing the life out of Gamabunta until he finally erupted into a cloud of smoke himself.

And without so much as a helping hand, Naruto came crashing down onto the already crumbling ground from Gamabunta's immense weight. A wave of dust and dirt blew by as his body collided with the hard ground, only cracking a smaller indent within the large one. Naruto had not even made a sound as he landed, all still consumed in shock from the sudden attack.

"Come on demon boy! Get your lazy ass up and fight me for real. I know you have more than that!" Tsubaru yelled, materializing herself back on the ground, her hands at her hips as she sneered distastefully. Why had she been given such a week and defenseless opponent in order to win Sasuke? "I hope you are watching Sasuke, I don't want you to miss me doing away with your little boyfriend!" She shouted loudly across the field.

That one moment of pure carelessness had lead to Tsubaru being suddenly stroked with an on coming kunai, right into her arm. "Shit! I missed. I was aiming for that annoying hole in your face, being that it’s such a big target and all.” Naruto chuckled with slight strain. His lips turned upward in a proud smirk as a trickle of blood fell onto the guard as he held his stomach wound. Another flow of blood trailed freely from the side of his head from the hard impact. "I already knew you were a bitch, but not a cowardly bitch." Naruto mocked, standing up fully, though he walked with a small limb of his leg.

Tsubaru screamed in a quick fit. "You aren't suppose to be up already! Fine, I'll finish you off good this time." She went into her own laughing quickly. "I might be a snake, but I'm no bitch." She teased, starting off with another Jutsu of her own. "And I'll show you exactly how snake like I can be." Finishing a few hands signs a deep flow of purple chakra started to pervade off the girl.

Naruto's eyes widened and he took a step back as he witness a striking transformation. Already his nose squinted up in a disfavored manner as the sure aura of an unusual demon spirit came from her. "I knew there was something suspicious of you." He growled.

Before his and the crowds very eyes, Tsubaru's long black hair grew out as well as her body, and quickly covered her form in it's darkness. Her legs no longer there, as a definite tale formed at the base of her now gigantic body. Her arms had melted away beneath the layers of black scales and her fangs elongated. She rose up confidentially, even standing taller than Gamabunta with her tall, slender snake body.

"And you had the right to talk about me having a demon inside me?!" Naruto yelled angrily. What an annoying little hypocrite. All this time she had a demon spirit of her own. "Must be because I'm the better demon." Naruto replied, a sure smile coming to his lips. And without hesitation, Naruto spread his feet and concentrated his chakra.

Tsubaru watched furiously as she waited to see Naruto's true demon form. A strong twister of orange chakra spun around Naruto. The beautiful, visible dancing of orange streaks awed the entire crowd, as well as Sasuke. Whoa, would Neji flip if he could see this. Sasuke never thought Naruto would intentionally go into such a state, even before nearly the whole school. Naruto had taken this fight a step up.

Longer fangs had showed clearly in Naruto's mouth as claws formed at his fingertips. The dark markings along his face widened and his once beautiful sea blue eyes faded beneath furiously, gleaming crimson ones. "No more fun and games Tsubaru, this fight is as good as mine." Naruto growled in a husky almost unrecognizable voice.

A sickly snake smile came on Tsubaru's face and she laughed unbelievingly. "Believe what you will, but you will end up just like that other girl." She warned. Almost instantly, Tsubaru went in for the attack, her snake head jerking forward to strike Naruto with her thick fangs. Luckily Naruto had the strength and speed to avoid such a quick attack now.

Her fangs pushed deep into the hard rock of the ground, breaking it down further. But as she retracted them, the ground that she had hit turned into a deathly shade of gray as it started to decay and root. Naruto was sure that was only one of the many attacks she could pull with those fangs of hers. But before he had a chance to even start a strategy, not that he ever did anyway, Tsubaru lunged toward him again. This time he had been standing upon the only few patches of glass remaining around the field, but even those had lost their lively color after Tsubaru's attack.

For a third time Tsubaru attacked unsuccessfully. With her fangs still in the ground, Naruto took this chance to charge for her and strike with his own claws. To his dismay he was barely able to scratch the thick surface of her large scales and they were left unscathed. "Damn it!" He cursed to himself, finding it useless despite all of his trying. It just seems like he will have to aim for a more vulnerable area.

Tsubaru jerked her head back toward him, scaring him away from her body. "Give it up; you might just live if you do it now." She hissed. Without receiving an answer Tsubaru started to squirt the deadly poison from her fangs. Naruto managed to dodge just barely, his sleeve giving a heavy dose of the lethal liquid as it dissolved leaving behind his reddening flesh. He quickly cupped the burning area of skin, good thing it didn't get any deeper.

Naruto was able to dodge several more hoses of poison. He was getting tired of all this running and jumping, he was much more of an offensive guy. But finally he got the perfect chance to strike Tsubaru as she had switched back to attacking the earth beneath him. With her fangs still trapped in the soil, Naruto raced up to her, drawing his long claws and mercilessly forcing them into her unmistakable, large, yellow eyes. Immediately she broke out into loud screaming and whining, her head tossing back into the air, pulling Naruto along with her, his hand still very much stuck in her eye.

"What the hell?!" The demon fox yelled, his hand now unable to move. He started to shout from a sudden pain that was shutting up from his hand. He stared roughly at his hand and was astonished to find his own hand becoming a sickly pale color and he could no longer move it. The fading of coloring rose along his entire arm as he threw his body back to jerk it out just before he climbed up his shoulder. "What the hell did you do?!" He yelled angrily, his voice dripping with deadly panic.

His claws had been stuck in place in the position it had been when he first attacked the girl's eye. This look was very similar to how Tenten’s entire body looked. Then her eyes did that to her?! Crap! It was a bad idea to touch it then. No longer having a steady hold on the girl, Naruto was shook right off as Tsubaru jerked her head back and forth. "You idiot, my eyes will petrify you if you look directly into them. Too bad for the girl, she was fool to let her guard down."

Seeing as how Naruto was about to fall again from an even greater height, Tsubaru caught the boy with her tale. "Maybe you will like the same fate as your toad friend." She smirked, starting to squeeze everything out of the boy without pity.

"Ahhhh!" Naruto cried out, his bones cracking against the immense pressure being forced upon him by all of her tale muscles. He had to do something or this really would be the end for him. He biting her wouldn't do him any good being that her scales were too thick. And he could barely move his crushing hands or legs.

"Give it up! If you say so now, I will spare your worthless life." Tsubaru offered, knowing he would have no choice unless he wanted to life for a meaningless cause, when she was going to win Sasuke either way. Naruto knew this himself as well. He had no other choice, so against all the crushing pain he felt at the moment he managed to nod his head slowly. With a smug smile, Tsubaru finally released him, allowing him to fall as he would have before.

Naruto smiled himself as he was finally free. "Like hell I will give Sasuke up to you! I'll will this if it’s the last thing I do!" Naruto yelled. Quickly he gathers all of his chakra left within him into the palm of his hand. A small red orb started to from in his hand, but quickly started to bigger. An inner blue light formed in the middle and an outer layer of a golden chakra protected it. "Raengan!" Naruto shouted at once, using the remaining chakra flowing around him to push his falling form forward and toward Tsubaru.

His aim acute on the only vulnerable part he could think of next, the snake's throat. Tsubaru hadn't the time to move out the way for the massive weight of her large form and neither had she thought of guarding herself with her tale out of shock. The chakra attack hit right on target, sending Tsubaru falling back completely, in a chorus of her screaming alone.

She fell onto her back, crashing the very ground beneath her with her large form, two eyes instinctively closing as she was left unconscious and therefore losing the match. Resulting in her returning to her previous human form, one eye still bleeding from Naruto's attack and a deep burned wound along her stomach.

Naruto fell to the ground, creating another cloud of dust flying up from beneath him yet again. There was a long moment of silence as both fighters were down for the count. Temari hurriedly flew back down their, checking Tsubaru first. It was quite obvious she had really lost to Naruto. Just as the pouty, blonde was going over to check on Naruto; the wounded teen forced himself up onto his own legs.

Temari smiled for once and grabbed the boy’s hand, raising it high and proudly. "And the winner of the Sasuke Cup is none other than Naruto Uzumaki!" She announced, sending he crowd into a loud uproar of cheers. Naruto half grinned, mainly because he was to week to do his normal cheering over such an overpowering victory.

Finally letting go of Naruto's hand, both were surprised to find the Sasuke Uchiha out on the field the next moment and tightly hugging Naruto for dear life. "You idiot, you nearly got yourself killed!" He yelled at the blonde, still wrapping his arms around the other's bleeding and strained form. The only drew back from Naruto some, in order to look him in the eye. Luckily his blue eyes had returned, and were watery with happiness over having still won Sasuke for himself. "But I'm so glad you’re alive! Not to mention I don't have to marry a real serpent." Sasuke chuckled, pulling Naruto back into another embrace.

"That's right Sasuke. You're mine now." Naruto laughed himself, returning the hug. "And you owe me allot of nurturing. But you can start off with that kiss you promised me." Sasuke shook his head with a soft chuckle and drew the goofily smiling teen's lips close to his own. They lingered in a long passionate kiss before the crowd.

But Naruto was still unaware of the bet made by Neji and Sasuke. He might have defeated Tsubaru, but Sasuke still had to beat Neji in order to rightfully keep his victorious blonde love.

To Be Continued...

A/N: OMG! I finally finished Tsubaru's and Naruto's fight, wow that certainly took allot out of me. Especially since I didn't want to copy Tsubaru's moves after any other character on Naruto so I had to think of some of my own. Lol, and thanks so much for patiently waiting for my two updates. Aren't you all glad I put two chapters up today besides one. I thought I was over due for it since I am always taking so long, well I will start trying to update my fics at least every weekend or every other weekend, since that seems like the only time I have to type^_^ well hope you enjoyed, and keep on alert for the next chapter! Not to mention a whole lot of other exciting things to start even after Neji and Sasuke's fight.