Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wilting Blossoms ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Note:
I kinda don't like SasuSaku fics, so of course I had to write one. Aren't I strange? The first chapter is simply a retelling of the end of Episode 109, when Sakura confesses to Sasuke as he's leaving the village. It has a lot of my perceived insights into Sakura's mindset. Those of you who hate reading stuff directly rehashed from episodes can skip to chapter two, but I don't recommend it ^_^ Here's to making what's normally a pretty terrible pairing work!
Ends at the exact point of divergence from the anime. Sorry if it seems jarring.
He had changed clothes since she last saw him back at the hospital, back into the attire that he used on missions: the blue high colored shirt which suited his hair so well, the loose fitting shorts, leg wrappings and open-toed sandals. There was a recent addition, a canvas pack he had slung on his back, and it afforded a person like him more than enough storage space to put his entire life into. A life without Konoha… without her.
He walked slowly but purposefully, his eyes watching nothing but the cobblestone path a few feet in front of him. As he approached, he sensed her presence. She was standing in the middle of the road with her eyes downcast timidly. His gaze flicked over her for a short moment, then went back to the road in front of him. “What are you doing out here so late at night? Just out for a stroll?”
Sakura knew that he did that all the time… ask a question in that mocking, cold voice of his, neither listening for nor caring about the answer. He did it in battle to distract his enemies while he thought of a strategy for defeating them. Her lip trembled as she thought, realizing his mindset: she was a distraction to his mission. The mission to leave Konoha. If Sasuke was determined, there wasn't much she could do to stop him… or to save him. She tried to keep her resolve. “In order to leave the village, you have to take this road.”
He waited a beat before replying, his slow, casual pace never breaking. “Go home and sleep.” His path veered gently to bypass her.
She didn't even bother turning as he walked past, her eyes fixated on the nothingness in front of her. “Why?” she asked in a quavering voice, as a single glistening tear ran its course down the contours of her cheek. She swallowed with some difficulty and turned to face his slowly receding figure. “Why don't you say anything to me? Why do you shut everyone out? Why won't you tell me…”
“Why do I have to tell you?” He cut her off angrily. His walking paused, though he refused to turn back to look at her as he spoke. “I'm telling you that you meddle too much. Stop bothering me all the time.”
The tears ran freely down her cheeks from both eyes freely. “You always act like you hate me, Sasuke-kun.” She said it kindly. Her eyes traced over the stone bench in front of her, letting her mind wander over memories. “Do you remember? When we became genin? The day the three-man teams were decided, and we were alone at this very spot.” She had been so happy that day, after getting chosen to be on the same team as Sasuke, getting a chance that all her rivals for his heart had burned with jealously over. It had come crashing down during their first real conversation, when she had realized how hard it was going to be to get him to return her feelings. She had liked him for so long… it hadn't seemed so impossible to win his heart back then, back when he simply wasn't close to anyone. Now that she had been on his team for so long… she knew the truth. He couldn't be close to anyone. He didn't have it in him. “You were very angry with me, weren't you?”
“I don't remember.” came the curt reply.
She gasped for a short moment, then looked down. Somehow, him not even remembering getting mad at her was even worse than the anger itself. At least in his moment of anger, he had acknowledged her existence. She managed a choked laugh. “That's right… it was a long time ago.” True, a lot had happened… but he had always been on the forefront of her mind. But, it was not mutual. She knew exactly what had always been on the forefront of his mind. His older brother haunted him day and night… and there was nothing she could do. She tried desperately to get him to remember the good times they had shared. “But it started on that day. You and I… and Naruto and Kakashi-sensei. The four of us have done a lot of missions together. It was difficult… and it was awful. But… even so…” The warm tears ran off her chin and dripped to the moonlit stone. “It was fun.” She waited for a response, the inevitable retort that would crush her hopes, but he only stood there with his back to her silently, stoically. She took a breath, trying to think rationally. “I know what happened to your clan.” She took another breath, steeling herself incase he lashed out at her. “But… with revenge alone, you'll never be able to make anyone happy.” Her breath caught in her chest as she realized what she was going to say. “No one… neither yourself… nor me.”
“I know that.” He replied quietly. “I am different from you. I follow a different path than you guys.” He shifted uneasily. “The four of us together, it's true that I've thought of that as one path. But despite that, my heart has chosen revenge. I live for that purpose. I can't be like you or Naruto.”
“Aren't you going to be lonely by yourself?” She said quickly, trying to get out her emotions before he tired of talking with her and left, and before her own resolve faltered. “Sasuke-kun, you told me that being alone is painful! I know that very well, so much that it hurts! I have family and friends. But… if you leave… for me, its the same as being alone!”
“From this point forward, new paths will start.” He said calmly.
She took a step forward, yelling in a blind rush before she could think and stop herself. “I love you more than anything! If you're by my side, I will make sure that you do not regret it. I'll make each day more enjoyable… and you'll be happy. I would do anything for you!” Her hands clasped together over her chest. “That's why… I beg you. Please… stay here.” Her panic-driven confession calmed down, and there hadn't been an explosion from Sasuke yet. Was he actually listening to her? “I'll even help you with your revenge.” What help she could be, when it seemed like all she was doing was watching everyone else surpass her, she didn't know. “There must be something that I can do. That's why… please, stay here… with me.” He still stood with his back to her, motionless. Somehow, the next sentence was even harder for her to get out. “Or if that's not possible… please… take me with you.”