Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Lily ❯ "A World of Fragile Things" ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
[~: A/N :~]

Semi: Ok I finally did it. The first chapter of Winter Lily!

ChibiLee: Semi-sama? Weren’t you supposed to put that up earlier?

Semi: Ano . . . Hai ^ ^;
CL: oye . . . ba-ka!

Semi: Hey now, don’t use that tone of voice with your master.

CL: -sticks tongue out and walks off-

Semi: > <;;;

CL: It’s time for CL’s recap! In the last chapter Sesshomaru gave the hanyou a name! But Umeko ended up being sick and Sesshomaru had to send Jakken back to Keshina for some medicine. Shippo ran into Naraku and the gang headed into the forest to look for him. Will Shippo-chan be ok? And will Sesshomaru return to the hanyo? Read and find out!–solutes-

[~: Disclaimer :~] I do not own Naruto nor the song “My Last Breath” . Have a nice day.
Winter Lily
By: Youkai Semi

Chapter One: “A world of fragile things.”

The early morning sun filtered through the curtains, playing across the sleeping girl’s face. Strands of her short blue navy hair laid across her eyes and mouth, giving her a bit of a mussy look. The slight frown that graced her lips indicated she wasn’t having a pleasant dream. Her hands laid under her face and her legs curled close to her body as if seeking comfort.

“Hinata-sama!” A persistent rapping on the bedchamber’s shoji doors woke the girl who sat straight up from her futon. Putting a hand to her chest she tried to calm her breathing which was heavy like she had been running. When the person knocked again she turned her lavender-white eyes to the doors and sighed.

“H-hai?” She pulled the covers up to her chest as if afraid of what she might hear.

“Hinata-sama. Neji-sama and Naruto-kun are here.” The maid announced quietly and as greeted by a din of noise in the room.

“Sh-Shimatta!” The sound of things being thrown around the room followed the exclamation. A minute later Hinata flew from the room while slipping on her sandals.

“Arigato Manna-san!” She smiled and waved back at the maid before turning a corner. The maid smiled back while shaking her head in wonder. Hinata sped along the house’s walkway until she reached the front. Standing with their backs towards her stood Naruto and her cousin Neji.

Bending over to catch her breath, Hinata mentally chided herself. How could she have forgotten the mission? Tsunade herself had assigned her to accompany Naruto and Neji on this mission to complete a three man team. Well that and both Hyuuga Genins were needed for their eyes while Naruto had been placed for extra power. Though Tsunade would never admit that of course.

“Oye! Hinata-chan!” Naruto turned around and waved to her. Her heart skipped a beat at seeing him smiling at her. Straightening up, she waved back. Her heart now soaring at the prospect of going on another mission with him.

“O-ohayo Naruto-kun, Neji-Oniichan.” Hinata smiled back as she greeted them. Neji turned slightly then bowed his head a fraction.

“Hinata-sama.” He was still a bit cold to her, and it still hurt that he was, but somehow he wasn’t as cold as he had been during the chunin exams. He was even giving her a small smile. His eyes that so matched her own didn’t hold as much hatred as they use to either. It almost made her glad to know that he was even the smallest bit happy. Perhaps they could be friends instead of rivals.

“Alright! Let’s go!” Naruto cheered, throwing a clenched fist into the air enthusiastically in emphasis. Hinata smiled, typical Naruto. With a small sigh of annoyance, Neji followed the always hyperactive Naruto. Hinata fell into step behind her cousin, keeping her eyes upon the road ahead. It was a nice day to start off on a mission but somehow she felt it would change later on.

Hinata looked down at the road, her mind going back to her dream. It was only a dream right? But then how could she explain the pain in her chest? It was like her heart had been torn out and ripped apart. Her brows knitted together in unease.

“Hinata-chan? Daijoubu?” Naruto put his hands behind his head and looked back at the distracted Hyuuga.

“H-hai.” Hinata blushed slightly, embarrassed by both her inattention and Naruto’s attentiveness.

Naruto shrugged it off and turned his attention back to the road. Neji, however, knew Hinata a bit better then others and narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Something was troubling his cousin. What it could be though he didn’t have a clue.

Hinata looked around nervously. So far nothing seemed out of place. She took a deep breath and calmed herself. If anything happened she’d handle it. Her training would not be wasted. She had worked too hard for it to be for nothing. Perhaps the two members of her current team would finally acknowledge her.

“Oye! Naruto!” Neji called after the younger boy who was several yards ahead now. Naruto paused, hands still behind head, turned his head back and blinked.

“Nani?” He frowned slightly, carefree as usual.

“Let’s pick up the pace a little. I want to get as far as possible before sundown. We’ve still got a ways to go so keep your eyes open.” Neji explained and looked from Naruto to Hinata.

“Hai.” The other two chimed together. Hinata looked at Naruto and giggled behind a hand. Naruto only smiled back. The next moment they were following behind Neji, side by side. The group ran along the tree branches, arms held slightly behind for better aerodynamics . . . faster mobility as it were. Their sandals made barely a breath of noise as they ran from branch to branch. It was the shinobi way to live in the shadows.

* * *

When they paused to rest around noon, things began to be a little better. The feeling of impending doom soon retreated to the back of the girl’s mind. Though it lurked there like a predator about to pounce on it’s pray. For the most part she ignored it. She really just wanted to enjoy the time she had with Naruto.

Naruto, unbeknownst to the Hyuuga cousins, was watching. Neither caught the serious look on his face. A small sweat drop appeared on his temple as he looked from one to the other. He knew they were cousins. He also knew Hinata was from the main house while the older of the two was from the cadet branch. And Neji was in essence . . . Hinata’s guardian.

The Hyuuga cousins sat quietly with their eyes closed as they ate their lunch. Perfect manners seemed to be second nature to them. Naruto could almost see two sitting in a traditional styled home in traditional kimono while sipping tea like all the old folks. Well they did come from a highly respected, known, and powerful family so it really wasn’t a surprise.

What did surprise him was how they seemed to fit together. Yes, Hinata was usually afraid of her older cousin, and-yes Neji still had some anger issues dealing with the main house. Naruto knew this, he usually didn’t it show it though. But for that one second . . . they were peaceful. They did no notice it which made Naruto smile, glad that they were getting along for once. Maybe they could even become friends, well he hoped they would if only for Hinata’s sake.

“Ano . . . Naruto-kun? Aren’t you going to eat?” Hinata looked worriedly at the uneaten bento. He blinked, realizing he had been staring. Laughing slightly he picked up the boxed lunch and put a hand behind his head.

“Of course!” He looked down at the homemade food and blinked again. “Hinata-chan? Did you make this?” He pointed at it in surprise.

“H-hai.” Hinata blushed and looked away.

“You better hurry Naruto, we’re leaving in five.” Neji sipped at a cup of water made from a bamboo shoot, his eyes still closed. He reminded the younger boy of a feudal lord from ancient times. Naruto developed another sweat drop and glared slightly.

‘Cold as ever the bastard. . .’ He thought sullenly and proceeded to inhale his food. Surprisingly it was really good.

“N-Naruto-kun?” It was Hinata’s turn to develop a sweat drop. She reached out as if to stop him but paused.

“You’re a great cook Hinata-chan!” Naruto smiled and polished off the last of the food.

“Ar-arigato.” She blushed again, smiling yet keeping her eyes slightly downcast. Neji watched the proceedings and frowned a bit. Hinata seemed so happy around the brat. It surprised him. Normally she was sad and unsure . . . hesitant to take pride in herself. Naruto seemed to have changed that. With every praise he gave her she became stronger. Like Sakura, Neji believe Hinata was a hopeless seedling that would never bud let alone bloom. And he knew it was partially his fault, though most of the blame laid with his uncle, her father, Hiashi.

But no he saw her budding and for some odd reason he wanted to see her bloom. He wanted to see what she could actually do if she had confidence to go with her determination and strength. For at that moment he realized she had great potential and an inner strength to rival even Naruto’s. All she needed was some confidence, and the approval of those around her. Faith in her was what she needed from them, faith that she could do anything.

Shaking the though from his head, he turned to the other two. “Let’s get moving.” He got up and looked in both the direction the came and the direction they were going.

“We’ll set up camp early tonight so let’s get as far as possible before we do.”

“Huh? But I’m not even tired!” Naruto complained, getting a little angry at the Hyuuga.

“Naruto? Who’s the leader of this mission?” Neji frowned and glared at the younger boy.

“You . . .” The other boy replied grudgingly and picked up his pack. “Damn you granny . . .” He mumbled under his breath as he started walking.

“Hinata-sama? I need you to watch the rear. I’ve got the front. Let us know if you see anything suspicious.” Neji turned to Hinata as he commented. The girl nodded, taking her post seriously. After all she had to be useful for something or she would just be a burden. Both Hyuugas activated Byakugan and continued their racing along the trees with Naruto in the middle this time.

It didn’t take long after they started off again to realize they were being followed. Hinata caught sight of something moving along the tree branches behind them. At first it was just glimpses, but it soon materialized into a full bodied figure. She kept quiet for the first minute or two so she could make sure it was really following them.

Neji noticed it next and fell behind next to Hinata. “We’re being followed.” He stated quietly.

“Hai.” Hinata kept her voice down and her eyes glued ahead, she didn’t have to look behind to see him.

“How long?” Neji focused on Naruto ahead, wondering if he had caught on yet.

“Since we left the clearing . . . possibly before.” She replied uneasily. Neji had been right about posting her and himself at the back and front. Naruto would of been too late to warn them . . . or worse. Hinata got that sick feeling in her stomach again but pushed it away. Now was not the time to be weak.

“We’re gonna have to lose them if they keep pursuing us.” Neji sighed slightly but never seemed to waver in determination. “I’ll speak with Naruto, keep an eye on our guest for me.” With that he sprinted ahead to join Naruto. Hinata blinked. Did he really believe in her that much? That was out of character for Neji, but she had to admit . . . it felt nice to be believed in. Smiling to herself as she continued her observation of the being following them, she suddenly got a flicker of something up ahead.

“Naruto-kun! DUCK!” She yelled out in desperation. When Naruto didn’t listen, Neji pushed him down and out of the trees.

“What was that for?!” Naruto yelled while getting back onto his feet.

“She said duck . . . ba-ka.” Neji glared at the younger boy. Hinata landed just behind them and rant the rest of the way to them.

“Naruto-kun, Neji-Oniichan!” She looked them over with a worried glance.

“Baka?! Why you . . .” Naruto was about to attack Neji when the Hyuuga put his hand up to stop him and looked around.

“Quiet! We’re still being followed. Naruto, use your kage bushin jutsu then change them to us. We’ll hide and find out what they want.” Neji came up with an easy plan on the spot and continued to look from side to side to make sure no one saw or heard them yet.

Naruto smirked openly. He had used that little trick before with excellent results. This time, however, he planned to make it a little more complicated. He would use two sets of decoys plus the mass kage bushin jutsu to make sure they got all the information they needed. He shifted his eyes around then whispered his plan to the older boy who nodded in approval then jumped away with Hinata.

* * *

“Do you think Naruto can pull this off?” Hinata asked worriedly, her brows knitted and her eyes set on the boy’s back.

“He said he could and I believe him. I’ve seen him do m any things that seemed impossible . . . and he’s never really shown his true potential. He’ll do it.” Neji closed his eyes as he spoke. Remembering in vivid detail the other times he had been sent on missions with Naruto. The other boy was stronger then his loud mouth lead to believe. The Hyuuga even recalled the last bout of the Chunin exams with mild distaste. He had merely underestimated him . . . but a lose was a lose.

When he opened his eyes again it was to see himself, Hinata, and Naruto all standing in the clearing. He knew there was another set behind the first concealed in the bushes. It was an interesting diversion. He just hoped it worked. The real Naruto landed silently next to them and watched the shadow clones.

“Good work Naruto. They should be here any minute now.” Neji whispered to the other two and crouched down with a kunai in hand. He was better at hand to hand combat but he wasn’t bad at long distance. Naruto nodded, pulling out a kunai as well. Hinata activated Byakugan again and kept watch. Little did they know of their impending danger. What started out as a simple ‘c’ class mission soon turned into something much worse . . .

[~End of Chapter:~]

Semi:fuu fuu fuu fuu! -puts hands on hips and strikes a pose- First chapter of Winter Lily done!
CL: -sweat drops- CL thinks Semi-sama needs a doctor . . .

Semi: Nani?! Why would I need a doctor?

CL: Because Otaku has taken over! -hides-

Semi: Neh? Whatever -grins- Well I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I’ll try updating it as soon as CL gets back to work.

CL: -peeks in- Hey that’s mean!

Semi: -bops- Quiet child . . . oh and the next WILL be longer! I promise! -bows-

[~: Teasers for the next chapter:~]

A team-mate is lost and the remaining two must work together to get back home. What’s to happen to two helpless Genin?! Tune in next time!

Chapter Two: “Beyond my sleeping refuge . . . ”