Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing list ❯ Controlled Loss ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Valentines Day Secret
Chapter 1. Controled Loss
Romeo and Juliet, a magical play about star-crossed love, Sakura had always found it enchanting. She had decided to finally try out for the role of Juliet this year, practicing for countless hours, just to be ready. But, she hadn't gotten the role, no, Naruto had, so now she sat silently on the stage. She knew Kakashi was standing in the doorway, watching her like he always did, her voice was soft, "you don't have to keep away from me Sensei". She could hear his footsteps before he sat beside her, "you haven't called me that in a while...not when we're alone at least". Sighing, Sakura lay her cheek to the rough textured vest he always wore, "I rarely talk or say your name when we're alone".
"What's this all about? Usually you're so much more peppier than this", She didn't answer him, reaching up she tugged down his face wrap and led his mouth to hers. Kakashi slid his finger along her jawbone, slipping his tongue into her mouth, causing her to moan deeply. Pulling back, Sakura slid her tongue down his neck to his collarbone, "by the way", she whispered, "happy valentines day". Giving no warning, Kakashi picked her up by her hips and strattled her over his lap, holding her against him, one arm around her waist and the other supporting his own body. He smiled, "how 'bout we do something tonight, anything, just name it, "Sakura placed a soft kiss on the back of his neck, "how 'bout...dinner...". Kakashi laughed, "okay Princess, dinner it is...", giving a soft smile, Sakura climbed off of him, "should I bring anything?", she was genuinely curiouse, sometimes he would ask her to bring soda or vegetables. Leaning over he bit her ear lobe gently, "only your luscious self", he whispered playfully. Sakura shivered, moaning quietly, "you're not helping", she said as she pulled away, he chuckled, "you want me to help?". Grabbing her right wrist in his left hand, he wrenched her body against his, licking her ear, holding her back to his front. His voice was soft and controlled despite the situation they were in, "better?", Sakura couldn't answer, hell, she couldn't breathe. Not with him holding her like this, true, she knew he was only teasing but still... His concerned voice brought her back to her head, "Sakura? Sakura!", he was on his hands and knees above her as she lay on the polished floor of the stage, panting. Sitting up, she bowed her head in respect, "I'll be at your door at 6:00 tonight, Sensei", rolling slightly, she moved to sit up. Kakashi took her hand in his and, pulling slightly, kissed her deeply, "don't call me that tonight, I'm not your teacher after class..."Sakura smiled, "you're right, you're not my teacher Kakashi", she kissed him, her fingers running along his cheeks and jaw, "but you will be...".
'You will be...', Kakashi pondered Sakura's words silently as he walked, he had a couple hours to waste, besides, he needed to go shopping. In all truth, he felt criminal without Sakura, she was 15 and he was 29, he felt guilty for every kiss, sex was out of the question, she was too young, she would never accept it, not from someone like him. yet when he was with her he couldn't help himself, he was addicted to her; in more ways than one!
Naruto watched his teacher quietly, slightly curiouse at why he was so spacey all of a sudden, he'd have to find out...
Sakura was sitting in the doorway when he got home, her voice was light to his ears, "I was starting to think you'd forgotten me, Sensei". Leaning over her, he unlocked the door, "maybe you should have a key...", placing his palm against the door frame, he pushed the door open and watched as she stoop up, arching slightly so she wouldn't hit him, and slunk inside.
Naruto stared, was that...Sakura?! No, it couldn't be, not here, not at Kakashi-sensei's house, and yet there she stood speaking familiarly with the older man. Something was different, the way she smiled, acted, it was different than how she acted in class...way different...way, way different!
"You're early", Kakashi yelled as he put the groceries on the counter, Sakura lay on the couch, her light pink hair fanned out over the pillows, "I was lonely", she yelled back. Her voice was light, "besides, it's valentines day, cut me some slack". Kakashi smirked, "how long were you out there, Princess?". Sakura nuzzled her nose into the pillow, relishing the scent of Kakashi's skin that was all over it, "a little while, maybe two hours...", Kakashi gave her a playful glare, "Sakura...". Sakura pretended to ignore him and snoozed quietly, letting the smell of Kakashi's body envelope her, without warning, she felt herself being lifted into the air and yelped. Kakashi smirked at the sound, his voice was light, "you're getting a key, Princess". Flopping her back down on the couch again, he went back into the kitchen, too close, who knows who could've seen her. Oh well, picking up two plates of buttered shrimp and yellow tail, and two plates of sweet bread and sour plum sauce, he made his way, carefully, into the living room. Sakura was there to help the second he got through the door, taking the two plates of fish and leaving him with their dessert.
"Why were you so depressed today, Sakura?", Kakashi asked after swallowing a mouthful of shrimp and yellow tail. Sakura smiled, "nothing, it's just a juvenile problem...", Kakashi's voice was light, "shouldn't you tell me anyway?", he asked watching a drip of butter slide from her cheek, down her neck. She shrugged, Kakashi stretched over the table and licked her neck, catching the drop smoothly. Sakura bit back a moan as she felt his tongue on her flesh, "Sakura are you okay?", she looked at their plates, almost full, "would to eat your dinner off of me?". Kakashi stared, watching her for a long moment, his body was rigid, "are you okay?", Sakura placed her hands on his shoulders, her chest resting against his neck, and slid her mouth over his. Before he knew what he was doing, he had pulled the zipper to her shirt down and unhooked it. When she pulled back to see what he was doing, he grabbed her chin and pulled her back into a passionate kiss. She felt his fingers slip open her pants and tug them off as well, when he finally released her, she stood in her underclothes, feeling slightly breathless.
"Where would you like to eat?", Kakashi asked with a smirk, she glared, he was toying with her! Silently, she flounced over to his bedroom, his eyes following her to the door, she slipped inside. The room was dark, she didn't dare turn the light on. Closing the door, she slowly tugged off her panties and bra, leaving them in a puddle on floor. The silky soft bed coverings felt erotic against her exposed flesh as she lay on her stomach, one leg pulled up her side. She snuggled into the comforetor and shut her eyes, she heard the door click open and shut at some point but only responded when Kakashi's voice ordered her to roll over. Shyly, she complied, bringing her leg down to it's respected place and rolling so her chest was full in his view. She called out slightly when something hot grazed her nipple and she opened her eyes to see Kakashi had placed a buttered shrimp to circle it.
Kakashi smiled and gently lapped up the slow trickle of butter sauce that was drippling down her chest. She moaned, he could get used to hearing the sounds she made, he mused as he took the shrimp, along with Sakura's nipple, into his mouth. She made yet another noise, a choked, gasp-like, moan and he smiled.
"Do you want some, Sakura?", he asked coyly, holding a shrimp in the palm of his hand, letting the butter sauce drip down his fingers. Sakura clutched her fingers around his wrist and ate the shrimp, much like a cat, right out of his palm, tentatively licking his fingers until the butter sauce was gone. Kakashi smiled and, laying her back down again, squeezed a lemon over her belly button, relishing the sounds she made as his tongue dipped in and out of the small chasm, parting the bitter juice from her sweet skin. Pushing the half full plate aside he reached up and kissed her tenderly, giving no warning, Sakura pulled him down on top of her. Her voice was soft, nearly breathless, "Kakashi?...?", she nuzzled his ear, "fuck me...?". Kakashi was suprized, never had he thought she could ask for such a thing, leaning down he kissed her once more, "all right Princess...". Slipping off his vest and shirt he paused momentarily, searching for any sign telling him 'no'...he found none...
Sakura couldn't take anymore of his cruel teasing with the food, he's only taken a couple bites and she was running mad with need, practically wetting herself, she wanted him so badly. Leaning down, Kakashi ran his tongue between her legs, drawing yet another moan from within Sakura. She shivered as his tongue met a place that had never felt a mans touch, her voice was choked as his hands held her hips in place, "Kaka~shi..."
Knock Knock Knock
Sakura froze, Kakashi's hand flew over her mouth as a knock came to the front door.
"Stay here!", he whispered, climbing off the bed, looking back regretfully only once before he left the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
"What on earth is it?", he asked crankily as he opened the door, Tsunade stood glaring, her hands on her hips, on the other side. Her voice was sharp, "well I was going to ask if you'd like to come over for dinner", she answered. Kakashi's voice was gruff, "I all ready ate", Tsunade smiled lightly, "may I come in?".
"I have company", he replied, Tsunade smiled coyly, "oh yeah? Who?", Kakashi crossed his arms over his bare chest, "I wasn't aware that was any of your business".
Sakura pressed her ear to the cold wooden door, holding her body tight to the smoothe texture, her chest pressed flat. That was Tsunade-sensei's voice, her heart pounded 'oh god', she thought, 'what if she finds me, here, like this?!'. Kakashi's voice calmed her slightly, "good bye Miss Tsunade...", she heard the door click shut and breathed a sigh of relief as she sat back on the bed. The door opened and Kakashi appeared, throwing her a rather large black t-shirt, "here...I'm sorry, Princess". Sakura's voice was soft, "Kakashi?", the moment he turned to look at her she leapt on top of him, kissing him gently, clutching her fingers through his, "happy valentines day...", she murmured. Standing up, she pulled on the t-shirt and went to sit on the couch, Kakashi lay there, watching her. God, why did his body feel so hot? Smiling gently, he rolled over onto his stomach, "you know what? You look perfect in my clothes...". Sakura giggled, burying her face into the couch cushion, "well then maybe I should wear them more often, just for you...". Kakashi smirked lecherously, he liked the thought of that...standing up he knelt over her, "maybe you will...", leaning down, he kissed her; forcing his tongue into her mouth and down her throat. Sakura clenched her fingernails into Kakashi's shoulders to fight off yelling out in sheer pleasure. She could feel him slip his hands under the t-shirt and spread her legs apart, touching the tender flesh between them.
Naruto stared at the scene he saw before him, Sakura lay seemingly naked, except for a long black t-shirt, on the couch and Kakashi-sensei was above her, his mouth over hers. Sakura wasn't fighting, she made no notion of stopping him, 'quite the contrary', Naruto noted as she wrapped her legs around the older man's waist, she seemed to be enjoying it. Kakashi was such a hypocrite! Being all pissy about Naruto and Sasuke's relationship and yet here he was malling Sakura, a girl 14 years younger than him, the bastard! Naruto stared in complete shock as Sakura allowed Kakashi to pull the shirt up far enough to expose her plump breasts along with the rest of her body; she was completely naked, save for that shirt, she wore not even underclothes beneath. Naruto growled as Kakashi touched Sakura's bared chest, running his fingers over her erect protrusions, a light blush tainted her cheeks. Finally after a moment or two, Kakashi let go, stepping away from Sakura, Naruto breathed a sigh of relief and pushed down the slight feeling of nausea...
Kakashi panted, no, he couldn't do this, they would be in enough trouble if anyone found out about their relationship, there would be hell to pay if he broke her virgins barrier. Sakura lay still on the soft couch, she was panting, her body felt so hot at the moment. Kami why did it have to be this way?! Why couldn't she just give him all of herself?! Rolling off the couch she let the t-shirt fall down to somewhat cover her exposed body, her voice was quiet, she was still panting slightly, "I better get dressed..." Kakashi nodded regretfully and stepped aside to allow her to pass back into his bedroom...
Naruto stood waiting for Sakura when she came out of Kakashi-sensei's house, she wore her usual clothes now, no black t-shirt, no bare skin, it was like the whole incident that he had witnessed had never even happened as Kakashi saw Sakura off down the street. She seemed happy though, happy...and sad, "hey Sakura!". He saw her physically jump, her voice was shaky, "N-Naruto!", smiling lightly he tugged on her wrist.
"Sakura? Can I talk to you about something?", he looked at the ground. Sakura didn't yell, she wasn't nervous, she simply bent low and looked him in the eye, "sure Naruto, what is it?". He kneaded his fingers together, "are you and Kakashi-sensei involved with each other?", it took her a long moment to answer, "what gave you that idea?". She hadn't denied it?
"I saw you both together tonight, you were in a black t-shirt and...", Naruto looked up to see Sakura looking sad, her voice wasn't angry, there was not even a hint of anger, "how much did you see?". Naruto looked away blushing, "all of it, everything...", without warning he felt Sakura grip his arm tightly, her expression was a worried one, "Naruto, you're not gonna tell anyone are you?". No! why would he want to get his practically sister in trouble?
" I won't tell...I know what it's like to love...", he looked at the ground, those were her words, the ones she'd used when he was in trouble... Squealing in utter glee, she toppled over him in a hug, "thank you Naruto! Thank you so much!", Naruto simply smiled at her and watched as she ran off, forcing down another wave of nausea at the memory of Sakura lying under Kakashi.
Morning came deftly to the small town, forcing the young genin to school, Sakura didn't really mind school, actually half the time she enjoyed it thanks to the sight of Kakashi. She had passed him in the hall early this morning with her friend Ino at her side and got a lecture for walking into a door for not paying attention. She didn't listen to it however, anyone could see that she was off in her own little world, happy enough as it were. Kakashi watched her quietly, she acted so normal, well except around him that is, she kept running into things and he was pretty sure she had even mumbled a 'good morning Kakashi' completely forgetting the 'sensei' part of the standard greeting. He'd simply brushed it off, happy that she showed discretion when she greeted him and that no one suspected anything unusual. Giving her a light smile as a return while internally fighting the urge to run his tongue along her jaw. She finally got to him at lunch time when she slipped into an empty classroom, unsuspectingly interrupting his lunch, he could see her sigh. She looked so tired, maybe she'd gotten home later than he thought last night, her voice was quiet, "oh...hi Kakashi I didn't think you'd even be at the school for lunch...", he couldn't help but chuckle, "I do cook Sakura, remember the dinner I made you last night?". Sakura turned pink, obviously that wasn't all she remembered about last night, the sight of her naked was still thoroughly etched in his brain. Without a word he stood and quickly closed the blinds, moving to cover the window by the door a moment later, he smiled gently as a suprized look came to her eyes. His voice was gentle as ever towards her, "calm down, love", and in seconds he leaned down, effectively dipping his mouth over hers, his fingers playing at the nape of her neck, sending evident chills down her spine as she physically rocked against him. Lancing his fingers down the collar of her shirt, he pressed his palm to the small of her back, earning her arms wrapped around his neck as a reward.
Ino walked aimlessly through the hall, damn, and she was sure she saw Sakura come this way, oh well perhaps not...
"Stop, Stop! Ahaha, c'mon I gotta go, we're gonna get caught if we stay here...Ahaha, please that tickles!", quiet laughter coming from a supposedly empty classroom caught Ino's attention instantly and a cheshire cat grin weaseled across her lips. Without hesitation, she rapped on the door, it became calm inside and seconds later Sakura slipped out to smile at her, closing the door behind her so that Ino couldn't see the other person in the room.
"Hi, Ino!", she was smiling nervously, hoping Ino couldn't see through it for once.
"Sakura? What's going on?", dammit, no such luck! She sighed heavily, "what do you mean what's going on? Nothing of course!", 'liar!' she scolded herself quietly, her conscience kicked in 'but I can't let anything bad happen to Kakashi...'. Ino raised an eyebrow, she didn't buy it for even a second, pushing her friend back into the classroom, she pushed her against the wall, "Sakura? I know you a lot better than that, now please I'm only doing this for your own good, tell me what's going on". She still had yet to notice Kakashi-sensei, sitting on the windowsill giving Sakura a dead sexy smirk, Sakura's breathing became labored and shallow. Every piece of her felt like it was going in a different direction than she wanted to, part of her was telling her to tell the truth, another was telling her to lie, part of her was noting how evil Kakashi was being by simply sitting there to mock her with his presence and another part was completely frozen on walking away. Kakashi began to chuckle and Sakura growled past Ino, "you're not helping you know! You could help me here!", the instant the words left her mouth Sakura regretted them, her hands flying over her mouth as Ino turned to see their teacher chuckling lightly at them. Sakura's eye's filled with tears as she tried to contemplate some way -any way!- out of this one. She sunk to the floor in defeat, there was no way she was getting out of this one with anything short of a miracle she realized as cold tears dripped down her cheeks and chin, 'it's not fair!' she screamed silently 'it's not fair!'.
Kakashi was instantly off the windowsill and on the floor pulling Sakura to him before Ino could do anything, his voice was tranquil, "shh, it's okay Sakura, calm down...". Without a word, Sakura pulled the zipper on his vest down and buried her face into his shirt, she didn't want this, she didn't want to feel the teacher holding her, she wanted the man that loved her, the man she came to for just about everything. She could feel Kakashi rubbing her back, his fingers tangled in her hair, "I don't want this!", she moaned, "I just want it to be normal, like everyone else's!". Picking up her chin he smiled lightly at her, "Sakura, I said calm down, don't you ever listen to me?", she instantly glared at him, "SINCE WHEN DO I EVER LISTEN TO YOU, YOU DUMB ASS!?". Ino gasped, no, Sakura did NOT just call their teacher a dumb ass! She was about to scream at her when Kakashi started laughing and without warning fell back, pulling Sakura on top of him, gently rubbing away the few stray tears that clung to her lashes.
"You really are hopeless aren't you, love?", Kakashi said in amusement, Sakura closed her eyes and tilted her head toward the ceiling, "there is no way out of this one, is there?". Ino smiled, "none but begging, sweetie..." Sakura jumped slightly, obviously she had forgotten they had an audience, in an instant she leapt off of Kakashi-sensei and was standing in front of Ino, "Ino! Please! Please! Ino don't tell on me-er-us! I'm begging you with all my heart, Ino, please?", Sakura was pulling on Ino's sleeve now, she looked exasperated. Ino smiled gently, "now, now, Saku-chan, why would I tell on my best friend? You always stand up for Sasuke and Naruto's relationship, you always help people out of their troubles. What kind of a person would I be if I tattled on you?", Sakura jumped on her, "THANK YOU INO!", Ino smiled brightly and turned to Kakashi, "I don't want you to take this as a threat, Kakashi-sensei, but...", her smile instantly froze over into an icy glare, "you hurt my little Saku-chan, and i swear you won't live to even reminisce over it...". Kakashi smiled lightly, pulling his hand to rub the back of his head, "now why would I hurt Sakura?", Ino returned to her bright smile and Sakura leaned up to give Kakashi a light kiss on the chin, "don't worry", she whispered, "she means well...", Kakashi looked nervous, "yeah, I'll bet..." he replied and watched as Ino led Sakura out of the room. 'Our little fan club is growing, first Naruto, now Ino..,', Sakura sighed quietly to herself, 'how long until the wrong person found out?'.
Tsunade gave a light smile as she saw the two girls exit the empty classroom, something was up, it seemed that everywhere she looked now, someone had a secret, first Kakashi Hatake and now Ino Sakara and Sakura Haruno; what could they possibly be hiding? 'Oh well' she thought with a sly grin as she watched the girls walk down the hall, 'I'll find them out; one at a time...'.