Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing list ❯ Found Out ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3. Found out
Knock Knock Knock
Kakashi opened his front door drowsilly to see Sakura standing there, her eye's halflidded, her hair a mess. He smiled, "good morn-oof!", his greeting was cut short as Sakura's fist came in contact with his jaw. She glared sleepilly at him, "you ass! I didn't get a wink of sleep last night thanks to you ". Without a word , Kakashi pulled the kunoichi inside and shut the door, flopping back down on the couch and moaning tiredly.
"Wha'd I do?", he asked, his words slightly muffled by the cushion, Sakura picked up his legs and sat down, laying them down on her lap after she'd situated herself. Laying her head back against the back of the couch, she closed her eye's, "you made my body want you , then left me lying on the floor". Kakashi smiled, rolling so his legs fell off her lap and laying ontop of her, his head resting just below her chest. Pulling her shirt up, he kissed her ribs, resting his stomach against her apex, "go to sleep, we can fight later". She didn't say a word, she was already asleep...He chuckled softly to himself, listening to her breathe for a couple moments, so, she had thought about him last night? Forcing himself up, he paced into the kitchen, deciding officially to let her sleep, and got himself breakfast. Nothing fancy, just a bowl of generic cereal and milk. Grabbing a spoon and a mug of coffee on his way out, he sat down at the table and quietly thought about the girl that slept only meters away from him. He was so deep in his analogy that the knock that came to the door caused him to jump.
Ino rapped insessently on Kakashi-sensei's door, immediatly asking if Sakura was there when he answered, not bothering with the standard greeting. He stood there for a moment staring dumbly while he registered what she'd just said. His voice was soft, "yes, she's asleep on the couch. Came in earlier, yelling at me that it was all my fault that she hadn't slept last night...". Ino gave a heavy sigh of relief, Sakura's mother had called Ino that morning asking if her daughter was there. Ino'd covered for her ofcourse, telling her that she'd just left for a walk, but she'd been so worried! Stepping in once Kakashi had stepped aside, she hurried over to the couch and peered over to see her friend dozing peacefully. She slept so calmly, Ino'd never seen her sleeping so still, usually she never stopped moving about.
"She's been here about a half an hour now", Kakashi called from the kitchen as he rinsed out his now empty cereal bowl in the sink, Ino appeared in the kitchen doorway, "what exactly did you do to her? I've never seen her so peaceful".
"I haven't done anything to her", he said all the while suppressing a lecherous smile, 'yet...'. Silently he walked up to the couch and squatted down, "Sakura, time to wake up. Ino's here to see you". He brushed his fingers over her cheeks and up to her forehead, he seemed so gentle, it was erotic. Sakura moaned and rolled slightly, falling off the couch only to be caught by Kakashi's arms. She snuggled against his chest, her arms snaking around his belly so that she wouldn't lose her balance. The 29 year old turned a becoming shade of pink and picked the girl who's arms were cinched around his waist up. He smiled maleably, "Sakura, we don't have time for this...", he whispered, but obviously Sakura thought different. Nuzzling her way up his torso, she kissed his neck gently, running her tongue over the dip of his collarbone. Kakashi gave off a strangled moan, clearly he wasn't good with public displays of affection. Witout a word, he picked her up and glently tossed her on the couch, kissing her roughly as he did. That woke her up, sending an unholy clench to the pit of her stomach. Without remorse he nuzled her neck letting his fingers wrap around her belly, she giggled.
"Stop!", she yelped attempting to push him off her thin frame before careening into a giggle fit. He reveled in it for a second before pulling his mouth up to graze her earlobe, "we have company...", he whispered softly. Sakura looked up to see Ino smirking at her from the kitchen doorway and immediatly pushed the older man off of her as she turned pink.
"Ino, I...", god, how on earth was she supposed to explain this? Ino saved her the trouble and put her hand up to stop her.
"Sakura, don't bother. I don't care, he tried waking you up nicely but you insisted, it's between you and him, I have nothing to do with it".
"No, but we do!", Sakura turned sharply to see Tsunade-sensei and her parents standing in the doorway. Her mother glared, her father was giving Kakashi a very distrustful look, "Sakura, Itsomi, Haruo!". Standing obediantly, Sakura kept her eye's on the hard wood floor, not daring to meet her mothers gaze. Kakashi's voice was soft, "Sakura...I...", she didn't look up, she simply left in silence...
"My, my, Kakashi, going after a teenager. Isn't that a little low for you? Did you have to rape her or did she give it willingly?", Tsunade was enjoying this, she'd never dreamed that Kakashi's secret and Sakura Haruno's secret were infact one in the same. Suddenly a dagger hit the doorframe parallel with her throat, Kakashi's voice was a low growl, "you petty bitch, you hate being last don't you?". He got to his feet and stalked toward her, "you've got your headso far between your legs to realize that she's already won this contest...". Pushing her down, he let his hand constrict her jaw, "remember that as you dig your hole in the ground...", physicaly throwing her to the street he slammed the door with a sharp 'CRACK'.