Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing list ❯ Crying Snow ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 4. Crying snow
The frigid air felt like ice against Sakura's bare skin as she sat there on the floor of the forest of death. It was over, everything was over, yet somehow the pain still survived, digging it's rabbid claws into her soul. Why did they all see it as wrong?
It was about three in the morning when a knock came to Kakashi's front door and an almost crying Ino was on the otherside.
"Is Sakura here?!", she begged, ignoring her own rudeness. She broke down sobbing when he shook his head, "oh god! Where is she?!". Kakashi froze, "where's who?", Ino looked up sobbing, tears dripping from her chin as she tried to wipe them away, "Sakura's disappeared! No one knows where she went!". Kakashi didn't say a word, picking up his coat he raced out the door, Sakura...
"Sakura!", Kakashi sighed, where would she go? Where could she go? He knew Sakura better than most people did, he had to think of something. Would she go somewhere only they had been to? Probably, but where? There were too many places like that to count. He thought about it for a long moment, that's when he heard it, the soft sound of stifled sobs. Sakura sat sobbing quietly in the snow, her hair was frosted lightly and clung to her face and arms in it's sopping stage. He gave no second thought as he watched her shiver, slipping off his coat he circled it around her and sunk to his knees to hold her tightly. Her voice was choked and broken, "oh Kakashi...I'm so sorry...", he smiled into her hair, "for what, being foolish? I'm used to it...". He half chucked and she burried her cheek deeper into his chest, her voice was feathery, "no...this...". Before he could stop her, she'd pulled down his face wrap and slid her mouth over his pressing her body flush with his. He could taste the tears, their evil salty essence only making him kiss her harder, she moaned lightly into him and he felt something suddenly start pulling her away from him. She clawed to stay with him screaming and crying to be released, she caught his face and kissed him, clinging to his body ravenously. When the force let go, they both tumbled backward, Sakura sobbing into Kakashi's chest while he touched her calmingly. Lifting her up, he cuddled her tightly, holding her like a small child and gently nibbling at her earlobe. Instantly, Kakashi felt Sakura be dragged away from him and his body be restrained. Sakura pulled and lunged against her captors arms, her voice was barely her own, "Let go of me! Let go!", she screamed. Tsunade smirked, "you stupid little girl, you believe a snake like him would give a rats ass about you?", kneeling down she gently touched Sakura's cheek, "why waste yourself on this trustless bastard?". Sakura didn't bother weighing her options, jerking sharply she sank her teeth deeply into Tsunade's hand and kicked her back with both feet, "because that's what you do when you love someone, you trust them without hesitation. You believe in them no matter what happens!". Sakura yelped loudly as Tsunade slapped her, her voice was viscious, "you little bitch!", she raised her hand again, "he could never love someone like you!"
"Why not?", Tsunade froze as she felt a hand encompass around her wrist, the other at her neck, "I find my little Saku-chan, very charming!". With a swift 'CRACK', Tsunade fell limp to the snow, Sakura shrieked and her captor let go of her and ran. Her voice faltered slightly as she stared up at Kakashi, "i-is she...y-you d-didn't...did you?". Kakashi chuckled and pulled her into a tight hug, "nah, but she'll be out for a little while...". Sakura closed her eye's against the familiar rough texture of Kakashi's vest, "I love you Sensei...", she said softly, Kakashi chuckled again, "I know..."
The Hokage smiled lightly as he watched them through his crystal ball, so it had all worked out... Perhaps it was time to tell Sakura's real parents about their daughters relationship with her teacher... He smiled, "Iruka, bring me Haruno, Sakura's parents, I want to speak with them...". Iruka bowed and walked away.
When Sakura stepped through the door that night, she was suprized to see her parents sitting on the couch waiting for her, her mother was looking worried and her father was glaring like he always did. It didn't feel right, something was wrong, it wasn't the same... Her voice was quiet, "is something wrong?", she asked quietly, her father's glare hardened and her mother opened her mouth to say something, but it never came out, it got caught somewhere along the way to her mouth. Sakura bowed, "this is about something seriouse isn't it?", she asked, knowing full well what the answer would be. Her mother sighed, "honey, about your teacher...are you sure you're ready for...", Sakura smiled placidly, "so who told you? Why aren't you mad at me?". Her mother sighed, "the Hokage told us, and, well, your father is mad...but we see that it's your choice not ours. You never learn anything if you don't try, now do you?". Sakura could feel the tears slipping down her cheeks, "just promise me that you won't sleep with him...", her mother retorted. Sakura turned pink, "MO~OM! w-what...WHAT'S GOING ON IN THAT HEAD OF YOURS?!", she screamed. The older woman giggled lightly, "nothing. Nothing, just head upstairs, it's bedtime for you young lady...", Sakura sighed and headed up the staircase, all the while avoiding her fathers cold gaze. 'I wonder what's gotten into them?', she wondered as she pushed open the door to her room and saw Kakashi sitting there on her bed. He smiled lightly and gave her a chaste kiss when she reached him, "games over Princess...we win...", Sakura giggled and pounced on top of him only to have him roll her off and onto the floor, landing with a 'THUD'. He chuckled lightly before leaning down to kiss her, "you're mine for the night..." Sakura giggled as he attacked her neck with moist kissed, "hey, HEY! Aren't you forgetting something?". He gave her an inquizitive look and she smiled, "the other 59 years and 363 days...", he gave her a light smirk, "you only plan to live to be 75?", he laughed as she gave him an exaggerated roll of the eye's, "ok how about this?". Leaning down to her ear he ran his tongue over it's shell, "you're mine until we die and ever after...", Sakura smiled and nodded, "much better...", giggling lightly she kissed him passionatly, forcing her tongue into his mouth and thuroughly suprizing him at her forwardness before he eased into a comfortable position above her and deepened the kiss.
The End