Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Women of Venus ❯ The Secret Scroll of Konoha ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 2: The Secret Scroll of Konoha

When Sakura stepped into Anko’s apartment, a part of her half-expected to see various torture devices strewn across the floor, but the woman kept the place surprisingly clean. Her weapons were kept in a neat pile in one corner along with some scrolls. The kitchen was spotless and the living room looked very homey. On the surface, it looked like the room of any shinobi in Konoha.

“Alright now Sakura, I want to know if you are one hundred percent certain that you are ready for the training I’m about to give you because there is no going back once I’ve started.”

Was she ready for this? Could she handle anything Anko dished out at her? It couldn’t possibly be as bad as the training she had with Tsunade. But then, that was a different type of training. Just when her courage was about to waver, she remembered the fluttering feeling in her stomach whenever she caught Naruto’s eye. She remembered how he could always put a smile on her face whenever she needed it or let her vent her anger on him whenever he did something stupid. Sakura blushed as she recalled seeing Naruto during one of his training sessions with Kakashi and Yamato. He was training without a shirt on. The deeper, darker side of Sakura admitted that if she knew that Naruto would develop like that when he was twelve, then she would have whole-heartedly agreed to any of his dates.

Unfortunately, back then she was too stuck on Sasuke to even consider Naruto. All the things that Naruto had done were meaningless compared to her childhood crush. She had ingrained it into Naruto’s skull that she would never consider him more than a friend because Sasuke was the one for her. Reflecting back on how she acted in the past made Sakura nauseous. She was certain that Naruto still thought she was head over heels in love with Sasuke. And why wouldn’t he be since she hasn’t ever given him any true indication that she had an interest in him. Shaking her head, Sakura knew that she was nothing but a fool. A fool who was going to make amends for the things she had done in the past and do her best to give Naruto every ounce of happiness he deserved, and he deserved everything. That was a promise.

“I’m ready. I will not back out so please, teach me everything you know,” Sakura said as she bowed.

Anko smiled at her determination. “Good. Now close your eyes for a minute while I get the room ready.”

Sakura obeyed and waited patiently as she heard Anko rummaging around the room.

“Okay, you can open your eyes now.”

The first thing that Sakura saw was a bowl full of bananas. Next to the bowl were several scrolls that Anko had pulled out. Then her eyes settled on several multi-colored squares that looked like they had circular rings wrapped inside of them. They also came in different flavors and colors. Sakura’s eyes widened and her face reddened once she recognized what the pile of ‘multi-colored squares’ really were. Now that she knew what Anko was going to teach her Sakura realized that Anko expected her to jump Naruto the first chance she got.

“So, where should we start? Hm, I know! Let me first ask you what experience you have so I know where to go from?” Anko asked with a smirk.

“Um, well. None,” Sakura said embarrassed.

“Oh boy, looks like we’re going to be in for a long night. Alright then, how far are you willing to go for Naruto?”

“How far?” Sakura squeaked.

“What I mean to say is, are you prepared to go all the way with him?”

Her heart beat faster thinking about Anko’s question. Did she want a relationship like that? It was obvious that a relationship with Naruto would definitely get physical. They were both teenagers . . . hormonal teenagers. And there certainly wasn’t a lack of physical or emotional attraction between them. Sakura had to admit that there had been some tension. It wasn’t anything that hindered their teamwork or friendship. The tension was more like a want or need building up everyday. She had never tried to put what it was into words. All she knew was that she craved his smiles, his laughs, his everything.

Like a heavy hammer, Sakura was struck with the sudden realization and gasped, “I want him.”

“Well that makes things easier.” Anko shrugged while pulled out a scroll. “Here, study this.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a top secret scroll with many powerful techniques. I know for a fact that the great Sannin Jiraya has used this scroll countless times.”

Tightening her grip on the scroll, Sakura stared at it in awe. “So how secret is this scroll?”

“Well, I’d say that most of the jounin have a copy of it, some of the chunin and I’m sure that a few genin may have stolen some. But then men like to share these things so it’s not too much of a surprise.”

“How is this a secret scroll if so many people have it?”

“Cause it’s supposed to be a secret to the underage children of Konoha and some of the unsuspecting women who don’t want to see their partners reading things like this,” Anko said showing Sakura one of the scrolls.

“This–this has nothing but perverted drawings on it!”

“I know. It’s a ninja’s instructional guide to se–.”

“Does Naruto have a copy of this scroll?”

“Probably. Why? Are you worried that Naruto may have a little more ‘experience’ than you?”

The crestfallen look on Sakura’s face said it all. It was natural that a girl hoped they were a boy’s first and only. And Sakura had no idea what Naruto may have done on his training trip with the biggest pervert in Konoha.

Anko put a comforting hand on Sakura’s shoulder. “Don’t worry Sakura. I’m sure that Naruto is still a bona fide V-trooper.”

“How do you know?”

“Women’s intuition.” Of course, Anko wasn’t about to tell her that she had jokingly made a pass at him and the stuttering, red-faced blonde had run away from her as fast as he could. If he had any experience, she would have known.

Sakura felt a bit more at ease with Anko’s words. But her curiosity got the better of her. “Anko, if you don’t mind me asking. How do you know so much? I mean, where did you get your experience?”

“Orochimaru was my sensei.” And Anko left it at that. Sakura decided not to ask any more personal questions. “So, are we ready to continue?”

“Yes, sorry for the interruptions.”

“Good. Now before we get to the contents of the scroll, we need to have a talk about the most important thing you will learn tonight. First off, men are like swords. They need to have sheaths to keep them from cutting everything that touches them or from getting too dull. Women like us are the sheaths. Are you with me so far?”

Sakura nodded her head.

“Now sometimes the blade of a sword can cut the sheath, or the sword has some rust or impurities that dirty the sheath. There are ways to prevent this by cleaning the sword with the proper tools so that when the sword is in the sheath; both the sword and the sheath will remain clean and in harmony. In other words, don’t ever trust a guy to be responsible for taking care of the protection. Until they find a way to make men have babies, us women need to keep them in check.”

Anko grabbed a banana off the table handing it to Sakura. “Now let’s pretend that this is Naruto’s. Go ahead, touch it, feel it, love it . . . do whatever. Once you stake your claim it’s yours to play with. But one thing you should always do is make sure that it’s protected. I’m sure you already know what to use for protection, but let me ask you this, did you know that they come in different colors and flavors?”

“Yes, I do,” Sakura said as she looked down at the pile and noticed the vast array of reds, greens and orange. The flavors she saw were strawberry, cherry, watermelon and was that a ramen flavored one? Though she had heard about these before, this is the first time she had ever seen them.

“Good to know. Oh, feel free to take as many as you want. I have more around here somewhere. Now have you ever put one on?”

Sakura shook her head.

“In that case, go ahead and practice on the bit of Naruto you have there in your hands.”

The embarrassment of the situation nearly made Sakura squeeze the banana to death. But she was able to get in enough practice so that she could finally look at the banana without immediately thinking about whether Naruto would be a medium-to-large banana or just a large banana.

* * *

As the night wore on, Anko taught her many more things such as the contents of the secret scroll. In it were instructions on different positions and oddly enough some ninjutsu techniques scattered about the pages. The applications of the techniques always puzzled Sakura since they didn’t seem practical in combat. Looking over one of the techniques, she found a new hand-seal she had never learned in the academy.

“Anko, I never learned that hand-seal before, what does it do?”

“Ask Naruto to use that on you and you’ll find out.”

Sakura filed the information away for later, hoping that she would get the opportunity to try it out sometime. Something on the scroll caught her eye and she nearly fell out of her chair in shock. “Do women really let men do that to them?”

“What, position #13? Sure, all the time.”

“I mean, I can see how it works since there’s #5 where the position is reversed, but I don’t think I could ever feel comfortable with having that done to me.”

Anko snorted, rolling her eyes at Sakura’s comment. “Trust me, once you have it done to you, you won’t complain anymore. If you still feel uncomfortable about it and Naruto offers, then just take a shower beforehand to get yourself nice and clean.”

“Okay, I think I can do that. It doesn’t seem as bad if I think about it that way.”

“Now you’re talking! I think we’ve made some great headway tonight. So, what positions are you thinking about for the big day?”

“I’m thinking either #20, #21 or #30,” Sakura said as she pointed to the ones she was talking about.

“Hm, not a bad choice. If you feel really adventurous, I’d recommend #45. So do you have any more questions for me before I cut you loose?”

“No, I think you covered everything I needed to know. Thank you so much for your help. I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t met you tonight.”

“Not a problem. Oh, before you go, let me give you a scroll. You and Naruto should be able to make some good use out of it,” Anko said as she gave Sakura a sealed scroll. “I call this one ‘fun with kage bunshin no jutsu.’”

“Thank you.” Sakura accepted the scroll with a flustered look. She had recently gotten used to studying Anko’s scrolls without blushing or giggling. Anko had told her that the embarrassment goes away with time and experience, especially experience.

“Be sure to practice the techniques I taught you and remember my lecture from earlier tonight. Keep Naruto’s sword oiled before you sheath it.”

“I’ll be sure to do that.”

As Sakura left Anko’s apartment, she felt much more confident and knowledgeable about how to best approach Naruto, or at least how to seduce him. Now came the real dilemma. How was she going to get him into her apartment?