Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Women of Venus ❯ The Night the Earth Moved ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 4: The Night the Earth Moved

The party was a success. Yamato, Sai and Naruto had shown up on time bringing presents for the guest of honor. Not surprisingly, Pakkun had arrived before Kakashi did, but the pug didn’t seem to mind as he enjoyed his gifts. However, he kept giving Sai some wary looks. Given that it was Sai, she couldn’t blame the pug. Sakura was glad that Pakkun liked the new cape she had sewn him. Everyone was enjoying the food, they were enjoying the company and most importantly, Naruto noticed how nice she looked in her little red dress.

He hadn’t taken his eyes off of her since he first walked through the door. His facial expressions said everything: she was beautiful. She certainly felt like the most beautiful woman in the world with the sparkle in his eye or the cute way his lips curled up in a dopey smile. At one point, she thought he saw him drool when she made a fine point of taking her dear, sweet time eating a banana. Yes, he certainly had a glazed over look.

Sakura hardly noticed when the party started to wind down. It probably happened after Kakashi finally decided to show up, albeit briefly, to grab a bite to eat. She and Naruto were still so fixated on trying to see Kakahi’s face that they both tried to sneak a peak. Of course, the jounin inhaled his food faster than their eyes could follow. One day they were going to see it even if they had to pin him down to the ground and pull his facemask off. She could rely on Naruto to help her with if they ever decided to do that. She and Naruto even reminisced about the time they had tried to see his face as young genins. It was amazing how easily they could talk with one another about anything and nothing all at once.

Eventually only she, Naruto and Sai were the only ones remaining. She thought that Sai had left sometime after she and Naruto had retreated to the couch. But she didn’t really notice since all her attention was on Naruto, who was feeling more and more comfortable around her. His body was facing Sakura with his arm draped across the back of the couch, inches away from her shoulder. He probably wasn’t aware of how bold his actions were becoming. She recalled a few of Anko’s words as she sat facing him. You need to butter him up like bread before you take a bite. Sakura knew it was time to turn up the heat a bit.

She inched closer to him ever so slightly and didn’t smooth out her skirt as it rode up her thighs. As he made a funny joke, she laughed while putting a hand on his leg, gently caressing it. She smirked as she heard him suck in his breath. Tilting her head to the side, she let her hair fall back to expose her smooth neck and shoulders. She thought she could hear his heart beating faster as the minutes ticked by, but it could have been hers as she waited for the things to come. They were both in the mood for flirting, touching and maybe more. It was the anticipation, it was the excitement; the nerves: it was the moment.

“Naruto, can I touch your whiskers? I’ve always wanted to know how they feel,” Sakura asked in a low voice.

“You can touch anything of mine, Sakura-chan,” Naruto purred.

“Perverted Baka,” Sakura giggled as she smacked him playfully on the shoulder. Inching her face closer, she reached out for Naruto’s face, gently letting her fingers glide over the pronounced facial marks.

“Careful Sakura-chan, they’re sensitive,” Naruto laughed. It looked like Naruto was trying to restrain his hands from moving using all his willpower to keep them at bay.

Unfortunately for Naruto, Sakura wasn’t going to help him in his quest to remain a gentleman as she bent down to his ear and whispered, “Just like you, you know?”

Naruto lost his restraint as one hand wrapped itself around Sakura’s waist and the other tenderly cupped her face, inching towards her pink hair.

Before Naruto could reach her hair, Sakura pulled back and said with a cute pout, “I don’t recall you asking if you could touch my hair.”

A low guttural growl replaced shortly by a soft whine did nothing to change Sakura’s mind as Naruto tried to nuzzle her neck. Sakura blushed at the amount of power she had over him. Taking a deep breath, Naruto calmed himself and whispered as he tentatively fingered her pink locks, “So, Sakura-chan, can I touch your hair? I’ve always wanted to know if it’s as soft as it looks.”

Sakura leaned her head into Naruto’s hand and sighed. She pulled her face closer to Naruto’s as he responded in kind. “You can touch anything of mine, Naruto-kun.”

She waited to see if he would bridge the gap between them. He certainly looked like he wanted to. Sakura wasn’t going to give him any choice in matter as she licked her lips, closed her eyes and took the plunge. Naruto had met her halfway and they both kissed each other for the first time. To say that fireworks went off was an understatement. It was an explosion of emotions bursting out of their hands, their lips: their tongues. Sakura moaned as Naruto took charge of the situation kissing any and everywhere he could. She never realized how sensitive her neck was. Not one to be outplayed, Sakura let her nails rake across his back pulling up his black T-shirt.

Sakura pulled away from Naruto briefly to pull his shirt off. She took a moment to drink in the sight of his toned chest. When their eyes locked, she noticed the desire and confusion on his face. It was cute. Their lips met again with a fierce longing. Sakura could feel every ounce of passion in each of his kisses. He had loved her for so long that the intensity was scorching. Others would probably shy away from the sheer amount of raw emotion, but not Sakura. She was more than willing to get burned for his sake.

Feeling his muscles with her hands, she let her fingers glide across his smooth skin. She relished in the sensations of how his fingers left trails of excitement in their wake. They were gentle, yet firm. It was as if he was trying to remind himself that what they were doing was real and that he wasn’t dreaming. Sakura smirked knowing that what she was about to do next would probably be beyond his wildest dreams. It was time to see the complete package.

“Wait, Sakura-chan,” Naruto said pulling her hands away from his pants reluctantly. “Do you think we should take things a little slower?”

Sakura anticipated that he would be a bit hesitant. After all, she didn’t think that he was plotting intricate ways to seduce her. He was always more of an in-the-moment kind of guy. But she had planned for this. “Don’t you want me Naruto?”

“Yes. I mean, of course I do, but I don’t want to rush you,” Naruto said, his body shaking as he tried to restrain himself from jumping on top of Sakura and ripping all of her clothes off. He was torn between his desires and nobility.

“Isn’t it obvious what I want? Is it that you don’t think I’m good enough?” Sakura pouted, milking the moment for all it was worth.

“Of course, you’re hot Sakura! I’ve wanted you since forever! But, are you sure you want this?”

It was endearing how he was restraining himself for her benefit. Under normal circumstances, she probably would have taken things slow, let them both become comfortable with what they were going to have. Then she remembered how much work she put into tonight. Like hell if she was going to let it all go to waste. If he starts being all chivalrous and hesitates, then pull out the big guns by showing him the goods. I don’t care how celibate a man may swear he is, if he has any attraction to women then seeing the goods will push him over the edge. Tonight she was going to get what she wanted and Naruto was going to comply because it was what he wanted too.

“This is my answer,” Sakura said as she slowly unbuttoned her dress from top to bottom. Naruto didn’t need anymore encouragement after that.

* * *

Only one word could describe the feelings between the two lovers lying on the couch: complete. She was amazed at how easily it was for her to act on her body’s instincts. She didn’t have to say anything to Naruto except her gasps of encouragement and whispers of how much she wanted this. She was utterly exhausted. Sakura had only gotten around to performing #5 on him before they both used position #21 for their first time. From the way Anko described things, she thought that they could go at it all night. But Sakura wasn’t too worried. The night was still young and they had all the time in the world ahead of them.

Looking up at Naruto’s smiling face warmed her heart. He was the happiest man alive right now and it was all because of her. Sakura still had her arms wrapped around his neck while he played with her hair with one of his free hands.

“That was–” Naruto started to say, but couldn’t stop smiling to get any words out.

“Yeah, it was.” That was all Sakura needed to say before she pulled his face down for a long, yet tender kiss.

Naruto pulled back and placed a gentle kiss on Sakura’s forehead. “God, you’re so beautiful. I can’t believe that this is happening to me. How long have you, you know, liked me?”

“Honestly, I don’t know,” Sakura laughed. “It just hit me all of a sudden one day. I probably had feelings for you for a while, but never knew. Kinda silly, right?”

“No, it’s not silly. It’s not silly at all,” Naruto said before grabbing Sakura’s hand and tenderly put it on his chest so she could feel the pounding of his racing heart. “God Sakura, I’ve never been held like this before. I’ve never felt this close to anybody, ever. I’m not going to let go of you, you know? I’m going to make sure that this feeling; this feeling right here never goes away.”

Leaning forward, Sakura kissed him passionately, moved by his romantic speech. “I swear that I’ll do anything in my power to help you keep those feelings. Do you know why? Because I promised myself that I would do anything to make you happy. And if holding you, touching you, loving you is what makes you happy then I’ll do it forever.”

Naruto’s face softened as he pulled her into a tight embrace. “Sakura, thank you.”

* * *

Sakura cracked open her eyes staring at her coffee table. She briefly noted the leftover food and something that looked like Sai’s sketchpad littering the surface. But those things weren’t important right now. What was was the fact that Naruto had his arms wrapped protectively around her waist. Her back was pulled so close to his chest that she could feel his heart beating next to hers. The night had been everything she had hoped it would be and more. She and Naruto were together now, holding each other in a lover’s embrace. Sakura couldn’t think of anything else that could make this night any more memorable. Of course, she forgot that she was now dating the number one most unpredictable ninja in Konoha.

“I love you. I love you so much. I’m gonna marry you someday, that’s a promise,” Naruto whispered into her hair.

Sakura nearly gasped as she heard his words. “Is that a proposal Mr. Uzumaki?”

“You’re awake?”

“Of course I am silly. And you didn’t answer my question,” Sakura turned to face him, excitement and hope evident in her eyes.

Naruto smirked and nuzzled her neck. “Well, what if it is?”

She pulled back slightly with a teasing smile. “If it is, then where’s the ring?”

“Well, um . . .” Naruto fumbled for the right words.

Then his face suddenly brightened as he moved around her body to get off the couch. Sakura gawked as Naruto stood up to his full height before leaving the room. The only thing adoring his bare body was Tsunade’s necklace and he certainly was a sight to see. Sakura would forever burn that image into her brain. She was so enraptured by the scene that she almost didn’t notice that he had come back.

Naruto returned to Sakura, bending down on one knee while holding out a lock of his hair tied together in the shape of a ring. “Sakura-chan, will you marry me?”

Sakura couldn’t speak for a moment. Here she was with the one man who she knew loved her with all his heart and now that man wanted her in his life forever. His eyes were filled with earnest anticipation. She didn’t think she had ever seen his eyes sparkle as much as they did now. She sat up and faced Naruto, placing a hand on his cheek. Her heart had known the answer long before her brain realized the truth. “Yes I’ll marry you. Because I love you, you loveable dork. I love you.”