Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ World Collision ❯ What was that!?! ( Chapter 26 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey! I finished my project, yay! I didn't die! (Though I might when I present it tomorrow…) So, I shouldn't be missing any days of updating now! Anyhow, I hope you'll enjoy the chapter… That a sort of rushed to put together… It's one of those chapters that aren't like a favorite but it's necessary... And man, I've got some great ideas for later in the story that will change what will happen in Deidara's life! I can't wait to write it, but I have to wait for the right time at some point in the future!
(P.S.) Oh, I just love this video (some part of an episode…) of Tobi and Deidara! I almost died laughing at it! I'm thinking of even having that scene in this, only of course with Jessica involved… Man it will get funny once Tobi gets involved… Ok, now I'm rambling so on with the story! (-)
Jessica hugged her legs to her chest as she rested her head upon her knees. Thinking over her situation in detail, she wondered just what she was going to do about it. It wasn't as if she'd be able to protect herself, so what would she do if she is seen by the enemy? What would she do if she was taken captive and interrogated for answers she didn't have? Better question yet, what would Deidara-sama do about it? Would he come to rescue her, or would he just abandon her? Did he care what would happen to her? Would she just rot in a prison cell for the rest of her life, or perhaps even be killed? What if he was planning on coming back, but killed before he could? She almost felt like crying from the thoughts and ideas that had popped in her head, though it would only make her waste the precious time she had to do what she needed to do to survive.
“What am I to do?” She muttered to herself as she stared blankly at the grassy earth beneath her. Her head then suddenly snapped up again as a flock of birds rose noisily from a tree near by. Quickly scrambling to her feet, she stared with alarm in the direction they came from. As she watched with non-blinking eyes, she found that some of the trees shook every ten seconds or so. What was going on there? Was someone fighting? Though weren't there only the people who barged into the cave? Taking the masked man with silver hair and the angry blond out of possibilities, the only ones left were the pink haired girl and the old woman. Yet, they themselves were caught up with Sasori-san by how everything seemed to be set in place once they left the cave; how could it be either of the two? Perhaps they separated, thinking that one would be enough to take care of him? The leader of the organization Deidara-sama and Sasori-san were in said something about protecting their real bodies and being cautious, meaning they may be around the area. That could mean then, that one of them was fighting the one who left the cave? Shaking her head, she decided that she should stop thinking of theories, since they were all based on other newly made theories of hers. She didn't believe anyone would be as stupid as to split up after seeing Sasori-san easily deflect the attack he was given while they had been arguing about art. Then if not that, what was this?
As quietly as possible, she slowly moved towards the area. She knew if she turned back now, it would always bug her in the future even though she was in a troublesome spot. Growing nearer to the area, she heard the many loud, meaningless shouts of `hooo!' and `huh!' ring through the forest area. “What on earth?” She thought as she crept behind a tree. Looking ahead of her, she saw what she believed to be two young men fighting, wearing the exact same clothing. What seemed real off about it to her was how they had the same bowl-shaped styled black hair along with a distasteful green jumpsuit and orange leg-warmers on.
The memory then hit her right in the face; didn't that look out say something about other ninja coming their way? In fact, he stated that some enemy had appeared before the other four were discovered. Perhaps this was the man, though from the descriptions she could recall, none of them really fit the kids' besides being `bizarre'. Besides that, she really doubted that someone so young would be able to defeat the people in Deidara-sama's `group'. The Akatsuki was it?
As the two identical people continued to fight, she slowly edged away from the area. Jessica didn't want to know or face the outcome of one of them spotting her. Just when she thought she was going to escape, a loud snap could be felt, and heard beneath her right foot. Slowly looking down, she saw the culprit who gave her location away; a short, dead tree branch. “Who is that,” said one of the boys as he stopped after pushing off his opponent. As Jessica clenched her teeth together, she slowly turned to look at the boy who stared at her distant but recognizable figure to anyone who knew her. This of course, did not last long before the other boy attacked him again.
As her adrenaline rose quickly, she quickly dashed through the trees in order to get as far away from the area as she possibly could. She was not going to let herself be caught now after all of the terrible thoughts she had of what would happen after that. In her mind, being a slave to Deidara was much more pleasant than being a hostage in an interrogation room. Feeling that she was at a distance far enough a way to take a brake for air, she leaned over on her knees as she panted. Would she ever get use to running so much? Of course, it didn't help with the backpack on her back, but it wasn't that heavy.
Sliding it off her back, Jessica unzipped part of the bag and put her hair accessories into it after taking the loose sticks out of her hair. She remembered that Deidara told her not to take it out, but she was sure that he would have a lot more to yell at her for if they fell out somewhere. Besides that, why should he get mad over it? He'd probably wouldn't even notice a difference if he saw her without it in the next they met. The thought then returned in her mind; would she see him again? Quickly, she pushed the though as far back as she could in her mind as she sighed.
“No use getting yourself all upset and confuse again now is there?” She said to herself as she glanced back once more before traveling closer to the cliff. Walking in the opposite direction from once she came, she slowly made her way back to the cave. It had seemed to be a foolish idea to go back to the cave, but she didn't really have any other ideas in mind. Sasori-san was probably fighting or had been fighting the two women in the cave, meaning it wouldn't be safe to just go in there. She then decided that she'd just wait near the cave. Not much harm in that was there? Remembering that there may be more enemies that could spot her there, she frowned knowing that she'd just have to walk all the way back to where she was before now. Turning, she started walking in the other direction before a loud noise could suddenly be heard. Turning around quickly, Jessica's eyes grew wide once more when she saw the sight that wasn't that far from her. The whole cave ceiling was now gone. The sound of rubble could still be heard as it rained onto the ground. Dust now thickly filled the surrounding area. What had happened?