Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ WTF!!! The Rokudaime's Pregnant?! ❯ WTF!!! The Rokudaime's Pregnant?! ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I do not own any of the characters in this fic… Never did never will… (sob)
(unspoken or body language)
`Kyuubi speaking / thinking'
Come To Me My Sweet Naruchan!!!
by: c7bi_kyuubi
It was a peaceful early morning in Konoha. Birds chirping, sun shining with fluffy clouds in the sky happily puffing along their puffy way to god knows where and annoying brats who are actually tiny demons in disguise running around screaming at the top of their lungs in the streets outside and everywhere else where there is peace. The youngest remaining clan member of the Sharingan using Uchiha clan stirred in his huge king sized four poster bed in the middle of the room. Opening black obsidian eyes, he made himself a promise. (He seems to like doing that…)
`Today, my dear sweet Naruchan, you will be mine forever! (insert perverted laughter)' Sasuke thought, lying in his bed.
Somewhere, Uzumaki Naruto twitched in his single bed surrounded by empty ramen cups. Sasuke bounced out of his bed in a sudden burst of energy ignoring the twin delighted squeals of the fan girls outside that were stalking him as usual. `Why can't Naruto be the one stalking me… (forlorn sigh)' Sasuke then threw a few fireballs out the window in a fit of frustration. Then his thoughts went back to his sweet and cute and adorable and- you get the picture…
Sasuke had noticed his `problem' quite a few months ago after he returned back to Konoha, leaving Orochimaru heart broken behind. Everywhere he went he thought about one ramen obsessed, obnoxious, loud, orange color loving, full of energy, innocent and not so bright, and bouncing rabbit-accident-prone blonde kitsune. Everywhere he went, he saw Naruto; he thought about him, fantasized about him, thought about him some more and everyone he saw he thought was Naruto. He thought he was going crazy at first then he thought that Orochimaru might have sic some weird jutsu on him for leaving him (nothing happened, it was a one sided love infatuation - of course it was Orochimaru, idiot) and he even went to see Tsunade that very morning. That old hag… She laughed at him before kicking him out.
Half an hour later, he found out that she had pulled back the lease on Naruto's apartment leaving him homeless and saying that he had to live with Sasuke from this moment on because of a mission. (Tsunade didn't say what mission, probably mission-interfere-with-other-people's-love-life-and-avoid-the-duties-of-bei ng-a-Hokage) Naruto was of course not happy unlike Sasuke who was inappropriately ecstatic that Naruto will be living under the same roof, sleeping in his bed (he won't let Naruto use the other rooms in the mansion) and practically living WITH him… (happy sigh) Maybe Tsunade's not so bad after all. But he wasn't that stupid to think that she did it because of his happiness but rather she did it because she's the Hokage and she doesn't have anything else to entertain herself.
`I should tell her to get a life. I'm sure she's gotten worse insults and not that I'm complaining… Nah, better not say anything or she might reverse her command…' Sasuke shudder at the thought. `Naruto… living with me… sleeping with me… (drooling at the thought of Naruto sleeping naked in bed with him…)' Sasuke thought without noticing that the villagers were avoiding him, skirting around him nervously. Even they could sense the aura of genki-ness and god help who snapped him out of his daydream. For those who didn't sense said aura, the very sight of Sasuke clad full in ANBU uniform with Sharingan blazing and swirling around was enough to send them running, what with him fully armed and with a couple of katanas to boot… (sweatdrop)
Even though he defected from Konoha, he was still forgiven what with him being the last remaining Uchiha and all (not counting Itachi as there is no way in hell the council farts will let him back without whining about it…). They did put him through hell first though. That hell being forbidding him to meet with his team members (that was Tsunade's doing as she knew about his secret thoughts what with her being the Hokage and all and extra protective of Naruto. She caught Sasuke giving Naruto what she considered a perverted glance…) and doing a lot of D-ranked missions for a month.
After that everything went back to normal and he was allowed to take Chuunin and Jounin and eventually the super secret ANBU test. He and Naruto have been on more missions together (also Tsunade's doing) and that just served to increase his infatuation with Naruto until he finally broke down and went to see Tsunade. [You know what happened from there… She laughed and blah blah…]
And so, now a disgruntled Naruto was under the same roof as he and still pouting. He resisted the temptation to kiss that pout off Naruto's face, that might be too fast and knowing Naruto, he'd probably retreat into a shell or run away… so Sasuke broke the news to Naruto that they would be sleeping together in the same bed and just as he thought, Naruto didn't take it happily. He had to make up a lot of excuses about why Naruto couldn't use any of the other rooms and finally distracted Naruto with a few bowls of ramen while he unpacked his stuff and put them in his room, the room they'll be sharing.
Then, Sasuke executed seduce Naruto plan number 1.