Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song ❯ Absolute Dueling Sword and Senshi ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
If you read the last chapter, carefully, I did mention that all of the Yu-Gi-Oh seasons/stories are going to be involved my fanfiction story, right? If that surprised you, I’m not surprised, folks. Anyway, expect this and many more surprises to come, everyone! Yeah, I know that I’m getting like a broken record, but before I start this chapter, I would like to give thanks and credit to Belletiger and Kanius and his YuYuGiDigiMoon series, especially his The Invasion of the Rajita story, for giving me permission to use the idea of Valkyrie Sailor Soldiers and everything that’s a part of them in my fanfiction. Now, I know that this is getting old, but as our ‘SAO stars’ would say: Link start!


I DO NOT OWN Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, Naruto, Accel World, Digimon series, Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Kingdom Hearts, Gundam series, especially Gundam Build Fighters, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed, Maken-Ki, Pretty Cure, Queen’s Blade/Gate, Log Horizon, Sonic the Hedgehog, DC universe, Marvel universe, Assassin’s Creed, Senran Kagura, Sekirei, One Piece, Final Fantasy, Rave Master, Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu, Code Lyoko, Transformers, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, and Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō!


Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and mature adult themes/situations!


Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!


Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song


Chapter 6: Absolute Dueling Sword and Senshi


July 8, 2025 (Earth Time), Elemental Countries, Leaf Village


Inside of the Leaf Village, it has been a chaotic time since there has been a recent ‘revolution’ of sorts in the Leaf government and right now, we are seeing part of it as Tsunade is within the ANBU headquarters where she is talking with Ibuki, head of the Torture and Interrogation Department.


Tsunade asks, “Do they know where he is?”


Ibuki responds, “If they do, they are making it hard for Inoichi to find him especially with their bitching.”


Tsunade responds, with a snort, “Like I care. They have been driving my former sensei to make many mistakes especially with Naruto through I have to say that he is partially to blame. They also tried to make sure that my grandmother’s clan was lost to history. Well, this village is going to learn where that whirlpool spiral on the backs of the vests of the Chunin and Jonin come from and the new students will be ‘speaking and thinking Uzumaki’ from now on.”


Ibuki says, “The civilian bakas won’t like it.”


Tsunade responds, “Then they can face the fate of most of the civilian council when I had them executed for crimes against the Leaf and my clans. My word is law! The Hokage’s word is law! They don’t like it. They can leave. And thanks to the support of the Fire Daimyo, in which his family are good friends with Uzumaki up to Kushina herself, they KNOW that they have nothing and Naruto and I have everything.”


Ibuki says, “This might not please the kid if he knows everything now. I’m still amazed that he is their son. Kushina’s son, I believe, but I didn’t know that he and Fourth Hokage-sama were THAT close.”


Tsunade says, “There were good reasons to keep it secret unlike what was done later on in the kid’s life.”


Ibuki says, “Well, I won’t blame him for being pissed off at the village. It is a complete betrayal of the ‘Will of Fire’, his family, and his clan which is also your ‘other clan’, Lady Tsunade.”


Tsunade says, “And this village will remember that they owe its existence not only to the Senju and Uchiha, but the Uzumaki most of all.”


Ibuki says, “There are plenty that won’t like it.”


Tsunade responds, with a smirk, “Who do you think that the Fire Daimyo and especially Naruto will support?”


Ibuki says, “We aren’t sure what kind of freaky new powers that the kid has, Lady Hokage. Heck, I doubt that the kid knows about all of the new abilities that these sickos jammed into his body not to mention your student and the Hyuga heiress.”


Jiraiya then seemly appears out of nowhere and he says, “Well, for one thing, she has an evolved Byakugan for one thing.”


Tsunade yells out, annoyed, “Jiraiya, would you stop doing that?”


Jiraiya responds, with a smirk, “Not my fault for you getting rusty on your ‘detection skills’, hime.”


Tsunade growls at Jiraiya and Ibuki asks, “An ‘evolved Byakugan’?”


Jiraiya tells Ibuki, “It is called the Tenseigan, an evolved form of the Byakugan, in which the first one to have it was the ancestor of the Hyuga, Hamura, the brother to the Six Path Sage himself. And yes, the Sage had a brother. The Great Elder Toad confirmed this since he meant the Sage and his brother a long time ago in the past.”


Tsunade asks, surprised, “You are serious?”


Jiraiya says, with a nod, “Yes, the Great Elder Toad is that old, Tsunade.”


Ibuki says, “That would mean that the Hyuga have a connection to the Sage.”


Jiraiya says, “Not a direct one as the Senju, Uzumaki, and Uchiha have, but yes, the Hyuga are connected with the Sage. From what I learned, the Sage’s brother, the ancestor of the Hyuga, was just as powerful as the Sage himself, but he isn’t even known in legend since the brother kept to the shadows. He believed in the Sage’s ideal and the Sage’s brother protected it from afar with the Sage being the light and the Sage’s brother being the shadow.”


Tsunade says, “Well, we have to keep this information a secret, Jiraiya. If the Hyuga, especially the elders, learn of this fact, they will have more of an ego that they already have.”


Jiraiya says, with a nod, “No joke, Tsunade. And if they learn that Hinata has the eyes of the Sage’s brother…”


Tsunade responds, “I don’t want to even think about that and we might have a ‘Hyuga Massacre’ on our hands.”


Ibuki asks, “A Hyuga Massacre?”


Jiraiya replies, plainly, “Done by my godson, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, the reincarnation of the younger son of the Six Path Sage, the ancestor of the Senju and Uzumaki, and the chosen guardian of our planet.”


Ibuki’s typically stoic look turns into out of character flabbergasted expression and Tsunade tells them, “This information is triple top secret, Ibuki.”


Ibuki flinches from the glare givens to him by Tsunade and he responds, with a nod, “Right, Lady Hokage.”


Jiraiya tells Tsunade, “Speaking of Naruto, I just came back from the Elder Toad and I managed to get a confirmation that Naruto is the chosen one of the prophecy. However, the prophecy has changed.”


Tsunade asks, “Changed?”


Jiraiya says, “It seems like the calamity that Naruto is supposed to protect our world from has just become one small battle in a greater war, Tsunade. The Elder Toad told me that Naruto has become part of the ‘Great Existence’ and has become part of a ‘war of worlds’ in which our world will be just one battlefield in this vast war which encompasses many worlds and be something beyond our imagination.”


Tsunade and Ibuki are shocked and Tsunade asks, “Are you sure, Jiraiya?”


Jiraiya responds, “The Elder Toad used a technique to show me what he saw himself. Naruto possesses a power that’s even beyond the Biju and he is vital to the war, but he isn’t the only one. Two leading ‘figures’ in this war are ‘warrior princesses’ from the world that Naruto is in now, but these ‘warrior princesses’ are scarred from events in a battle for survival in a castle floating in the skies of an ‘other world’ and a betrayal from the builder of that castle.”


Tsunade asks, “Warrior princesses?”


Jiraiya says, with narrowing eyes, “Ones with UNLIMITED potential, Tsunade. Beings that could go beyond the Biju…Beyond the Sage himself! That’s what the Great Elder Toad showed me.” Tsunade and Ibuki are stunned and Jiraiya says, with a very serious tone, “However, they have a ton of darkness within their hearts from the deep scars and if they lose themselves to it, not even Naruto could stop them and would most likely fall by their hands. And it won’t just our world in danger, but countless worlds in all of existence himself.”


Ibuki says, stunned, “Holy crap.”


Tsunade asks, “What else did he say Jiraiya?”

Jiraiya says, “That Naruto may be part of the ‘insurance’ that they don’t, Tsunade.”


Tsunade and Ibuki are amazed and Tsunade thinks in her mind, “What kind of situation have you gotten yourself into this time, gaki?”


July 8, 2025, Juuban District, Cherry Hill Temple


Right now, Suguha, Kazuto, Asuna, Keiko, Rika, Shion, Kotone, who has recently joined them, Darien, the Sailor Scouts, and Digidestined with their Digimon partners are assembled together in front of Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Molly, Hassleberry, and Hassleberry’s three friends, with the short blue haired one known as Syrus Truesdale, the taller brown haired male is known as Jaden Yuki, and the dark blond female is known as Alexis Rhodes.


Rika says, “I swear that things keep getting weirder and weirder with you, guys.”


Yolei and Raye say in unison, “Welcome to our world.”


Alexis asks, “So, we are decades into the future?”


Ami says, with a sigh, “Based on what you told us and the old style Duel Academy Island outfits that you are wearing. Personally, I thought that the name Jaden Yuki was familiar.”


Izzy says, “Duel Academy Island is one of the most elite Duel Academies in the world today. I never thought that I would meet one of their legendary duelists.”


Jaden tells Syrus, “Hear that Syi? I’m a legend!”


Syrus tells Jaden, “That’s not important, Jay! We’ve been brought to the future!”


Shion asks, plainly, “But how were they brought to our time?”


Darien says, “That’s actually a good question Shion. However, I think that it has to do with the space-time disruption that Suguha, Trista, Raye, and Amara felt.”


Keiko says, “It is amazing at all of the stuff that Suguha can do.”


Suguha responds, “You wouldn’t be saying that if you had my powers, Keiko. Not only it is a great responsibility, but it is also a real pain in my rear end.”


Rika says, with a smile, “Since everyone wants to use your power of their own ends.”


Suguha says, drolly, “Thanks for reminding me.”


Asuna say, scolding tone in her voice, “Liz!”


Rika says, with a nervous smile, “Sorry! Sorry!”


Amara says, “Speaking of ‘great power’, Naruto-san now has the power of Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and he has managed to use Pendulum Summoning and combined it with XYZ Summoning in which he barely just started the game.”


Hotaru says, “That’s incredible, Naruto-san.”


Naruto says, with a foxy grin, “Yeah, I know. I just don’t know how I did it…I just did.”


Jaden says, “Well, I think that summoning was sweet! Able to summon multiple monsters at once in one turn and you are able to summon a high-powered monster too!”


Syrus says, “Well, you wouldn’t be saying that if you were on the wrong end of it like Hassleberry.”


Hassleberry says, “I don’t even remember what happened, little soldier. It was like that time when Viper was draining us of our energy for Yubel’s plan of restoring herself. His machines made my Dino DNA go into overdrive and go all primal.”


Alexis says, “Well, I think that us being sent into the future has something to do with it.”


Amara says, “I’m also worried about something else.”


When everyone looks at Amara, Hotaru asks, “What is it, Amara-papa?”


Syrus asks, confused, “Amara-papa?”


Lita responds, nervously, “Long story.”


Amara says, “If these four came from their timeline, we can’t be sure that others also didn’t come from their timeline or even further into the past into our time.”


Darien says, “Amara has a point.”


Serena asks, “But how are they doing this? And who are ‘they’ in the first place?”


Kazuto says, “Something tells me that we aren’t going to like the answer, Serena.”


July 8, 2025, Neo Domino City, Satellite Sector


Within the Satellite Sector of Neo Domino City, we are within the ruins of what would be considered the area containing the Old Ener-D reactor or the base of the Dark Signers, but now, there is a monolith where the old Ener-D reactor was with high-tech ‘gear’ surrounding the monolith with both of them connected to a duplicate of the Millennium Stone containing all seven Millennium Items. Surrounding all of this are a group of figures watching holographic screens where the motion picture images of Suguha’s duel with Sayer, Davis’ Turbo Duel with Hunter Pace, Sailor Moon’s duel with her silver haired counterpart, Serenity, and Naruto’s duel with Hassleberry are shown.


One of the figure says, in a male voice, “Interesting. All of them have harnessed the power of the new Pendulum Summon, but out of the ones that used the power of Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, the Namikaze seems to be the most ‘receptive’ to its power.”


Another figure says, in a female voice, “Well, he and the Senshi of Reality are blessed with the power of Etherion. It isn’t too surprising.”


The male figure responds, “Harness and mastering are two different things, my dear. Namikaze must be kept in close observation.”


The female figure says, “Understood, sir.”


The male figure says, “However, it looks like the other two from XYZ and Synchro have arrived on the scene. It is time that we inform our associates in Fusion.” But then the whole area starts to shake and the Millennium Items start to glow strangely the image/spirit of a young man with hair features multiple layers including long blond crocked, pointy locks for his fringe, with some of the blond locks jut upwards. The rest of his hair features five large spikes colored black with red rim with a hint of magenta in all along the edges. He has violet eyes and he is wearing what looks like standard Domino High School uniform of Yugi Moto’s time.


The female figure asks, shocked, “Who?”


The male figure responds, “Pharaoh Atem.”


The spirit, none other than Pharaoh Atem, the spirit that once inhabited the Millennium Puzzle before going into the afterlife, says, “I don’t understand completely what’s going on, but I refuse to let it continue. You are disrupting time and space itself.”


The male figure responds, “We are doing what’s necessary to create a better world.”


Atem responds, “A better world?! You are ripping the fabric of reality itself?! You will destroy the world if not the universe and reality itself! This is something that I cannot allow and I will not allow it!”


The male figure says, “You are no longer part of this world. You have long gone into the afterlife and your time, both in Ancient Egypt and in Yugi Moto’s time, are over.”


Atem retorts, “While that’s true, I will not stay back and let the peace that Yugi and our friends work so hard for be destroyed in any time and any place!” Just then there is a bright glow in which Obelisk the Tormentor, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and The Winged Dragon of Ra, the Egyptian God Monsters, start to take shape.


The female figure yells out, concerned, “Oh no! The Egyptian God Monsters!”


The male figure says, “Not so fast, Pharaoh!” The male figure then slams his fist into a button on a control panel and the duplicate of the Millennium Stone starts to crack and break apart.


Atem yells out, surprised, “What have you done?!” Atem yells out as he vanishes while the duplicate of the Millennium Stone is destroying sending the seven Millennium Items flying out of the area along with three beams of light: One blue, one red, and one golden.


The female figure says, “This complicates matters.”


The male figure responds, “It was better than facing the wrath of the three legendary monsters of Duel Monsters in which only the Sacred Beasts and the Aesir among a few others can rival. However, the three God Cards have been reborn and now, they have been scattered.”


The female figure says, “Let’s us hope that we find them first.”


The male figure says, “Indeed, my friend. Anyway, we already have gotten what we needed from the items in the first place. It is for the best that we remove ourselves and all evidence of us from this location.” The other figures nod their heads in agreement and start to move to evacuate the area along with removing any and all evidence of them being here.


July 9, 2025, ALO, Ryne


Inside of the main town within Svart Alfheim, Kirito, Usagi, and Leafa step out of the shop area where both Agil and Lisbeth have set up shop during the quest to complete the main quest of Svart Alfheim.


Leafa says, “It was a good thing that Setsuna managed to use the Gates of Time to get Alexis-san, Syrus-san, Hassleberry-san, and Jaden-san back to their time.”


Kirito says, “Yes, but based on what she said. There seem to be disruptions in space and time in which they might be flung back to this time or even worse.”


Leafa says, “Tell me about it, big brother.”


Just then a familiar female voice says, “Hey, Kii-boy.” Everyone then looks to see a young female Cait Sith with shoulder length dirty blond hair with matching bangs, yellow-green eyes, three whisker marks on each of her cheeks, and she has a green hooded cloak with black body cloth and armor.


Usagi asks, shocked, “Argo?”


The female Cait Sith player responds, “I haven’t seen the three of you since SAO.”


Usagi says, “Same here, Argo. I’m shocked to find you here…I mean with all that happened in SAO.”


The player, revealed to be Argo, the female information broker of SAO, responds, “Imagine my surprise when I heard about you and Kii-boy, Usagi-chan. I’ve been hearing all sorts of rumors about you, Kii-boy, and Leafa-chan over there especially about your female friends, Usagi-chan. It seems like they are pretty famous around here.”


Usagi says, nervously, “Yeah, you can say that, Argo.”


Argo says, “However, you, Kii-boy, and Leafa have been making names for yourselves too. It seems like Kii-boy and you have been causing as much trouble as you did in SAO.”


Usagi gives a nervous blush and Kirito says, nervously, “I would like to think that Usagi and I have ‘turned it down’ since then, Argo.” Kirito asks Argo, “So, what about you, Argo? What have you been up to?”


Argo says, with a smile, “Same as ever. I have been working as an information broker since I switched over.”


Usagi says, with a smile, “Same old Argo.”


Argo asks, “You, Usagi-chan, and I go way back, Kii-boy. I know that you are planning to complete the brand new quests, here, on Svart Alfheim, right-o?”


Kirito says, with a smile, “Yeah, we are. I’m going to need your services in the days ahead.”


Argo responds, “My pleasure! Anyway, you need, just let me know! You and I have been best buds since the SAO beta test, right?”


Usagi asks, with a mock annoyed tone, “And what am I?”


Argo replies, with a smirk, “Hey! Hey! We’re best friends ever since all that mess in SAO, right? We, ‘outcasts’, have got to stick together, right?”


Usagi replies, nervously, “Yeah, but I like to think that I’m not like that anymore.”


Argo says, with a sly smirk, “Nope! Our ‘lovely Valkyrie’ has turned into the ‘fairy star’. Like I said, I was quite shocked that you of all people would go onto a new VRMMO after what happened. Kii-boy, I’m not too surprised, but you have been through a ‘ringer’, Usagi-chan.”


Usagi says, with a smile, “I can’t let him rule my life, Argo.”


Leafa tells Argo, “It is nice seeing you, again, Argo.”


Argo says, with a smile, “Nice seeing you, too, Leafa. You have made quite a name for yourself by becoming one of the ‘Great Nymphs’ like Usagi-chan’s friends. If you are willing to sell any information about yourself, just let me know.”


Leafa gives a nervous and surprised look and Kirito asks, “You know that ‘big brother’ is right here, Argo?”


Argo says, with a grin, “Can’t blame a girl for trying, Kii-boy. And maybe I can get something out of her in return for plenty of your misadventures in SAO before she jumped in and became the big hero of the game for defeating Kayaba.”


Leafa, Kirito, and Usagi give surprised looks and Usagi asks, shocked, “How do you know that?”


Argo responds, “I have my ways, Usagi-chan. Later.”


Argo walks away and Leafa asks, “Why am I glad that she is here and yet, I’m feeling really nervous?”


Usagi and Kirito nervously smile at Leafa and Kirito thinks in his mind, “I’m surprised that you of all people would play ALO, but while I’m glad to see you again, Argo, a part is nervous that you are back to your ‘old tricks’.” A bit later on, Usagi, Kirito, and Leafa enter the Crowned Rooster and enter a bedroom within there.


Usagi says, “I have to admit that it was nice to see Argo again.”


Kirito says, “I agree Usagi.”


Leafa says, “It is kind of like SAO…without the threat to your life.”


Usagi says, with a nod, “No kidding, sis.”


Leafa asks, “Anyway, do you remember what OSS stands for?”


Kirito responds, “Original Sword Skill, Leafa. I think that it is quite cool that you can make your own Sword Skills.”


Usagi says, “Yeah, but it is hard work.”


Leafa says, with a nod, “You know it, Usagi. However, it is still exciting. They didn’t have this feature when I was playing ALO before I jumped into SAO to save big brother. This proves that ALO uses the same basic system as SAO.”


Kirito says, “Yeah, Leafa. As you said, this is what Sword Art Online SHOULD have been.”


Usagi and Leafa nod their heads in agreement and Leafa tells Usagi, “By the way, did you know that you can teach your OSS to another player?”


Usagi asks, amazed, “Really?”


Kirito says, with a nod, “Yeah, Usagi. I heard about that feature, but the player can only teach one person the skill. And all it does is transfer the skill, not the proficiency in it.”


Usagi says, “That means that you have to work on the skill to get it to a high ‘level’.”


Kirito says, nodding his head, “I doubt that we will get much use of that feature. We want to create our own skills, not just learn them from others.”


Leafa says, “Yeah, everyone that we know is pretty particular in that department.”


Usagi asks Kirito, “Since Leafa had developed her own Duel Wielding OSS, are you going to create any of your own OSS, Kirito?”


Kirito responds, “I would focus on clearing Svart Alfheim first, Usagi. As our sister can admit, creating an OSS takes time and effort especially with skills that are five strikes and over.”


Leafa says, with a nod, “Yeah, it was real work to create Starlight Edge. It would eat into your play time and other players might catch up to you.”


Kirito says, “While I would like to my own skills, it would take too much of my time. If I could maintain the Full-Dive for days on end…”


Usagi tells Kirito, nervously, “Kirito, let’s not go there, okay?”


Kirito says, with a smile, “Sorry about that Usagi.”


Usagi asks Leafa, “Have you made any more kendo style OSS Leafa?”


Leafa says, with a smile, “A few more actually to prepare for coming here to Svart Alfheim. They are nothing like Starlight Edge, but they get the job done and they are pretty good.”


Kirito says, with a smile, “And they are kendo style Duel Wielding OSS right?”


Leafa says, with a grin, “That’s right! I was an excellent Duel Wielding swordswoman of the Silver Millennium and I’m not going to lose to my big siblings.”


Kirito says, “We’ll see Leafa-chan.”


Leafa asks Usagi, “By the way, what about you, Usagi-chan? Have you created any OSS of your own?”


Usagi says, a bit nervously, “Well…I managed to get one.”


Kirito asks, amazed, “Really?”


Usagi says, a bit nervously, “It is just a seven strike Duel Wielding OSS called Seven Star Striker.”


Leafa says, “That’s pretty impressive Usagi-chan. It is just one hit under my Starlight Edge.”


Kirito asks, curiously, “Can you show us, Usagi?”


Leafa asks, “Please?”


Usagi says, “Okay! Okay!” The three of them take off to see Usagi’s Duel Wielding OSS in action and Usagi can’t help to feel enjoyment from this, but she can’t help feel worried about what’s ahead in both the virtual world and the ‘real world’.


July 10, 2025, Odiaba District


Within the Odiaba District, there are two people looking around and having confused looks on their faces.


The first person is a young teen male of 13-14 years of age with tan skin, red eyes, and black and red spiked hair that points out and upward in which he is wearing a red vest with a white hood and a purple sleeveless shirt with a green "D" symbol, wears white pants with designs of three orange moon crescents attached to one another with yellow outlines at the bottom, a white brown-stripe belt, and black with blue streaks shoes with white straps, finishing off the outfit, this teen is wearing brown fingerless glove on his left hand, a black protective pad on his right elbow and a thick, dark blue bracelet with light blue gems and red outlines on his right wrist.


The second person is another young teen male of 18-19 years of age with light blue-grey eyes, pale skin and blonde hair that is curled up in a point with a dark green spiked front, also featuring dark green bangs. We find that his clothing includes a black trench coat with a high collar over a grey shirt, a finger-less black glove on his right hand, and white pants with black boots. He also has a belt with two purple deck boxes for Duel Monster cards.


The young teen with black and red spiked hair asks, “Man! Where are we Kite?”


The older teen male responds, “By the looks of it, we are in Tokyo.”


The younger teen male asks, surprised, “Tokyo?”


The older teen male says, “Take a look around, Yuma. By the looks of it, we are in one of the districts of Tokyo. However, it isn’t a Tokyo that I remember.” The older teen male says, “Anyway, what’s important is finding that rotten bug, Heartland.”


The younger teen male says, “I don’t get it. We’ve retrieved all of the Numbers and Astral is supposed to have them, right? I don’t get how he can have a new Number, Astral.” Just then a transparent being then appears by the younger teen male known as Yuma.


The humanoid being has a transparent body with green markings and blue gems all over his body. He has blue hair that curls up in a Mohawk, elf-like ears, and a golden left eye with a white right eye.


The humanoid being says, “It is perplexing, Yuma. I do have all of my memories back and all of the Numbers that are a part of me and connected with the Numeron Code are with me. However, the Number that Heartland shown us doesn’t seem like a ‘fake’ to me.”


Yuma asks, “What do you mean Astral?”


The humanoid being, Astral, says, “I sense a great power from that Number, but there is no connection to something like the Barians or Don Thousand. I believe that these new Numbers are connected with something equally as powerful as the Numeron Code.”


Yuma asks, shocked, “Huh? How is that possible?”


The older teen male says, “While the Numeron Code is one of the most powerful forces in our universe, it doesn’t mean that there are powers just as great as or greater than it, Yuma.”


Astral says, “I believe that Kite has a logical point, Yuma.”


The older teen male says, “In any case, once we rip that Number from him, Astral and I can examine it and I will be glad to squash that bug, Heartland, once and for all. No one attacks my family and gets away with it especially a manipulative asshole like Heartland.”


Yuma says, “Geez, Kite! He is just trying to anger you.”


The older teen male, Kite, responds, “Well, he has done a good job. Now, let’s find him, Yuma. Someone has revived him and that means that he is some kind of ‘vanguard’ for a new attack on our world and Astral World too.”


Astral tells Yuma, “While you are right about Kite’s impatience, he has a point too, Yuma. Someone has revived Heartland and most likely, he is the ‘first strike’ in some kind of new attack on our two worlds since both of our worlds were attacked recently. We need to find Heartland and get information on our new enemy before it is too late.”


Yuma says, with a sigh, “Point taken, Astral. Hopefully, we can get back or find the others at least.” As the two young teens and the humanoid being take off, they don’t seem to notice that they are being watched or that a slight strange glow is coming from Kite’s deck.


July 10, 2025, Juuban District


Within Juuban, we are on top of the roof of the hospital that our Senshi of the Moon or at least her body stayed in during her over two years of imprisonment in SAO, Tuxedo Mask, the Moon Kingdom Sailor Scouts, including Sailor Neo Moon, and Sailor Nebula are assembled together as Sailor Celestial, Sailor Sun, Nefertimon, and Sailor Orion arrive on the scene.


Sailor Venus says, “Hey, girlfriends!”


Sailor Orion asks, “What’s the emergency?”


Sailor Uranus says, “Take a look down below Orion.” When the new arrivals look down below, they see a lot of ambulances racing in with people, male and female, on hospital cots with beaten up and drained looks on their faces in which there are duel disks lying on top of them.


Sailor Nebula says, “Duelists are being attacked and not only are they are getting beaten up, but they seemed to be drained of energy as well.”


The new arrivals on the scene gasp and Sailor Sun asks, “But how?”


Tuxedo Mask says, “We aren’t sure.”


Sailor Orion asks, “Do you think that it is the Dark Agency?”


Sailor Mars says, shaking her head, “It might be similar to their tactics, but Uranus and I haven’t sense any trace of their ‘presence’ at the scenes of the attacks.”


Sailor Uranus says, “They are either hiding their presence better or it is someone else behind these attacks.”


Sailor Orion says, “The only clue that we have is that they are duelists.”


Sailor Celestial says, with a snarl, “Just great. Another nut using what’s supposed to be a fun game into something for their own sick and selfish purposes. I’m getting sick of this.” Sailor Celestial’s hands turn into fists while Sailor Moon’s expressions ‘twitches’ at Sailor Celestial’s remarks which doesn’t go unnoticed by the others.


Sailor Jupiter says, “Easy, Celestial. We’ll get this sicko.”


Sailor Neo Moon asks, “But how do we find him?”


Sailor Uranus says, “Like it or not, we are going to have to spread out and find him. Plus, since he is attracted to duelists, all of us will have to put on our duel disks to show that we are duelists.”


Sailor Jupiter asks, “Basically, we are making ourselves bait?”


Sailor Uranus says, “This ‘attacker’ seems to only attack duelist and challenge them to duels that leave them in this state.”


Sailor Moon says, nervously, “I don’t know.”


Sailor Mars says, “We can take care of ourselves, Meatball Head. Personally, we’re more worried about you. You are a Valkyrie Sailor Soldier like your sister, but your head and emotions are all over the place.” Sailor Mars thinks in her mind, looking at Sailor Celestial, “However, Celestial isn’t any better off than you, Sailor Moon. I’m worried for yours and hers mental and emotional health.”


Sailor Celestial says, “That’s why I’m going with her to keep an eye on her.”


Sailor Moon asks, a bit annoyed, “Isn’t it the big sister’s job to take care of the little sister, Celestial?”


Sailor Celestial says, with a smile, “Depends, sis.”


Sailor Moon glares at Sailor Celestial and Sailor Neo Moon says, “And Tuxedo Mask and I are both coming with the two of you to keep a close eye on my future mommy and auntie. You have both been ‘overly emotional lately’.”


Sailor Celestial and Sailor Moon say in unison, “No way!”


Sailor Celestial and Sailor Moon look at each other, Sailor Saturn giggles, and Sailor Venus asks, curiously, “Is this going to become a theme?” Soon enough, the group splits up with Sailor Moon, Sailor Celestial, Sailor Neo Moon, and Tuxedo Mask being one group, Sailor Nebula, Sailor Sun, and Nefertimon joining with the Inner Sailor Scouts, and Sailor Orion joining with the Outer Sailor Scouts. However, as they prepare to ‘take off’, Sailor Moon notices a Duel Monster card on the rooftop by her feet and when she picks it up, she is shocked to find it to be a blank XYZ Monster card.


Sailor Moon thinks in her mind, “A blank XYZ Monster card?”


Sailor Neo Moon shouts out, “What’s up the holdup Sailor Moon?”


Sailor Moon puts the blank XYZ Monster card into her sub-space pocket and she yelps out, “Wait for me!” The three teams made from Tuxedo Mask, the one Armor Digimon, and the Sailor Scouts spread out to find the mysterious assailant attacking people using Duel Monsters as the means.


July 10, 2025, Dicey Café


Within Dicey Café, Kazuto, Asuna, Keiko, Rika, Kotone, Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata are together in front of Andrew and his bar within his café as Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata are reorganizing their Duel Monsters decks with Kazuto having a laptop computer on the bar stand.


Naruto says, “Man! I feel useless doing nothing!”


Hinata tells Naruto, “Well, they do have a point. We no next to nothing about the city.”


Sakura says, “No joke, Naruto. We could easily fall into this person’s trap. Let the people who know the city best take care of this and this is also their problem. It would be just rude to stick our noses into their affairs.”


Naruto says, “Unless it is the jerks that kidnapped us and turned us into their lab rats to create an evil army of super clone ninjas.”


Rika says, “You would think that you would see this in anime, manga, movies and video games.”


Kotone says, “Well, VRMMO and Full-Dive virtual reality was once considered science fiction, Rika.”


Asuna says, with a nod, “I agree, Kotone. One day, it is just science fiction and the next day, it is science fact.”


Rika says, with a nod, “Good point, Asuna.”


Naruto says, with a smile, “Well, I say that this place is real exciting!”


Hinata says, with a smile, “I agree, Naruto-kun. This world has so many wondrous things.”


Asuna says, “Well, we’re glad that you are enjoying yourselves here, Hinata-san.”


Sakura says, “It’s nice, but it feels kind of stuffy.”


Kazuto says, “Don’t blame you for feeling that way, Sakura-san. Our nation is mainly mountainous and very few areas are livable.”


Naruto says, “Yeah, but it is quite awesome! And it is a great place for us to practice our ninja skills.”


Sakura says, with a smile, “Got a good point, Naruto. We can perfect our stealth, agility, evasion, and ‘invisibility’ skills here.”


Naruto says, with an excited tone, “And it has got a lot of awesome fun stuff including that virtual reality and stuff and these awesome realistic games! Man! It feels like I’m bringing out real monsters and casting real spells!”


Sakura says, “Well, I think that it is also a great strategic game where the power of your monsters alone don’t determine your victory.”


Asuna says, “That’s right, Sakura-san. You need a balanced deck and it is usually filled with a certain amount of monster, spell, and trap cards in order to do that.”


Hinata says, with a smile, “It is a real fun game to get into. I’m not surprised that it is so popular.”


Naruto says, with an annoyed expression, “And that’s what pisses me off about this whole thing. Some sicko nut is using what’s supposed to be a fun game for people to enjoy to do such rotten things! I can’t get what kind of nut uses a game to cause misery and hurt people!” The SAO survivors of the group look at each other a bit nervously and Naruto asks, noticing this, “Did I say something wrong?”


Keiko says, nervously, “No, Naruto-san! No!”


Andrew says, “Let’s just say that we know how you feel, Naruto.”


Kotone says, with a weak smile, “Games are meant to be fun. You have a right to feel angry about that Naruto.”


Sakura says, “It seems like you have personal experience with this kind of thing.”


The SAO survivors become a bit nervous and Keiko says, a bit nervously, “Well…”


Kazuto says, “You can say that Sakura-san.”


Naruto asks, “What do you mean?”


Asuna says, with a weak smile, “We…try not to take about it as much as we can, Naruto-san.” Naruto wanted to ask why, but Sakura gives him a look and kind shake of her head that says ‘please don’t go there’ in which Naruto nods his head in understanding.


July 10, 2025, Juuban District


Returning to the Juuban District, Sailor Celestial, Sailor Moon, Sailor Neo Moon, and Tuxedo Mask are in front of an abandoned warehouse.


Sailor Neo Moon asks, “Are you sure that we heard something from here?”


When they hear a yelp, Sailor Moon responds, “Does that answer your question?” The four of them rush in where they see an unconscious young man with a duel disk attached to his left wrist with another man standing over him.


This man is wearing a green suit which covers a yellow shirt. He also sports a pair of stylish orange glasses with a crimson "V" shape that’s close to a heart in shape in the center. His hair is a similar green to his suit with a lighter green fringe and he is wearing red glasses over his eyes.


The man says, with a sinister sly smile, “Well, if it isn’t the guests of honor? I’m finally glad you have arrived.”


Tuxedo Mask asks, seriously, “What do you mean? Are you the one attacking duelists?”


The man responds, “Right-o! And the reason is simple: It was to attract you! Or more specifically, your little princess over there and her little sister!”


Sailor Moon and Sailor Celestial shout out in unison, shocked, “What?”


The man retorts, with a sinister smile, “Why do you think that I’ve been beating these chumps? I knew that you would come running when innocent people and duelists are being terrorized and now, the real show can begin!”


Sailor Celestial says, with a serious glare, “Oh, yeah! Time for a curtain call jerk!”


Sailor Celestial charges in and Tuxedo Mask shouts out, “Celestial, don’t!” However, it is too late and Sailor Celestial’s fists goes through the man revealing that he is a hologram.


Sailor Neo Moon shouts out, “A hologram!”


Tuxedo Mask yells out, shocked, “A trap!” The hologram of the man and the victim vanish and Sailor Celestial screams out as some kind of energy field entraps her with a device maintaining the field appearing below her feet and above her.


Sailor Moon yells out, “Celestial!” Trapped within the field, Sailor Celestial floats up into the air and Tuxedo Mask prepares to use his roses to take down the devices.


Just then the voice of the man shouts out, “I wouldn’t if I were you, pretty boy.” Soon after, the real green haired man with a red version of Suguha’s new duel disk that has a dueling deck inside appears and he says, “If those devices aren’t deactivated right…Boom!”


Sailor Neo Moon asks, shocked, “Boom?”


The man responds, “Boom as in goodbye Sailor Celestial.”


Tuxedo Mask says, in a demanding tone, “Turn it off now!”


The man replies, “I will…if your precious princess beats me.”


Sailor Moon asks, “What do you want?”


The man responds, “It is a long story, little princess. You see, there are a pair of people that I want to take revenge on and you and your sister have the power that I want. Namely, the power of your crystal and Etherion! If you refuse, your precious sister gets drained into a husk!”


Sailor Neo Moon says, “We’ll take you down first!”


The man retorts, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you! I’ve rigged myself so if you attack me…Well, you get the idea.” Sailor Moon then takes out the duel disk portion of the Duel Runner that she used in her Turbo Duel with Serenity, attached it to her left wrist, and she puts her duel deck inside.


Tuxedo Mask asks, surprised, “Sailor Moon?”


Sailor Moon says, “Trust me, Tuxedo Mask.” Sailor Moon steps forward and she says, activating her duel disk causing an ‘energy blade’ to appear, “You want a duel? You’ve got it, you fiend!”


The man says, activating his duel disk causing a green and black ‘energy blade’ that represents the monster card and Pendulum card zones to appear, “It’s time for the show!”


Just then Kite’s voice rings, “Show’s over, Heartland!” Everyone then looks to see Kite and Yuma leap in with Astral floating in behind them.


Yuma says, “It’s time for your reign of terror in this place to stop!”


The man says, with a grin, “Ah, Yuma! Kite! How nice for you to join in! As you can see, I have a prisoner and I’m rigged if something happens to me, she goes ‘boom’! I wouldn’t try anything if I were you! Just wait right there! Once I’m done with this girl, I will use my new power to rip you, Astral, and Kite to pieces!”


Yuma asks, “New power?”


The man, known as Heartland, responds, pointing to Sailor Moon and Sailor Celestial, “The incredible power beyond even the Numeron Code that I’m about to gain by stealing it from these two!”


Kite asks, “Power beyond the Numeron Code? What are you talking about Heartland?”


Heartland responds, “You are going to see soon enough, Kite! Time to begin the show!” Heartland’s and Sailor Moon’s duel disk shuffle their decks, their touchscreens display 4000 life-points for each duelist as well as the spell/trap slots, and both of them draw five cards from their decks.


“Let’s duel!” Heartland and Sailor Moon say in unison as their duel begins.


Yuma asks, “What’s going on here?”


Astral says, “It seems like Heartland has an interest in those two young ladies and I suspect that it has to do with the great power coming from them.”


Yuma asks, “Great power?”


Astral responds, “Power beyond anything that I have felt before, Yuma.”


Tuxedo Mask says, “You seem to be well-versed in that.”


Yuma, Kite, and Astral look at Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Neo Moon in which Yuma asks, shocked, “Huh? You can see Astral?”


Sailor Neo Moon says, “Of course, we can! A floating blue guy is too hard to miss!”


Kite says, “It seems that there is more to you than meets the eye.”


Starting Scores:

Sailor Moon: 4000

Heartland: 4000


Heartland says, “Ladies first!”


Sailor Moon says, sarcastically and drawing a card, “Thanks.”


Heartland says, with a wicked smirk, “You are going to need it, little princess.”


Sailor Moon says, putting one card into the main slot, “I play my Graceful Charity! I draw three cards and then discard two from my hand!” Sailor Moon draws three cards, discards two from her hand, and she says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I activate my Silent Doom card! Now, I can revive one monster from my grave in defense mode and I choose my Meteor Dragon!” Soon after, Meteor Dragon (1800/2000) appears on the field in defense mode. Sailor Moon says, putting one card on her duel disk, “Next, I play the Tuner Monster, The White Stone of Legend, in attack mode!” Just then The White Stone of Legend (300/250) appears on the field in attack mode.


Yuma asks, confused, “Tuner monster?”


Sailor Moon says, “And now, I tune White Stone of Legend with Meteor Dragon!” White Stone of Legend turns into one star that turns into a ring that surrounds Meteor Dragon, turning it transparent, and a column of light appears on the field as Sailor Moon gets a Synchro Monster card from her Extra Deck. Sailor Moon then says, “The holy light of protection, shine now and become eternal life! Synchro Summon!” Sailor Moon puts the Synchro Monster card on her duel disk and she yells out, “Come on out, Ancient Fairy Dragon!” Out of the light, Ancient Fairy Dragon (2100/3000), with her shining blue body and glowing/shining rainbow fairy wings, appears on the field in defense mode.


Yuma asks, “What kind of monster is that?”


Sailor Neo Moon asks, “Haven’t you seen a Synchro Monster before?”


Sailor Moon says, as a card comes out of her deck, “Due to my White Stone of Legend’s ability, when it is sent to the graveyard, I can put this card from my deck to my hand: My Blue-Eyes White Dragon!”


There are gasps and Kite asks, stunned, “She has a Blue-Eyes White Dragon?!”


Yuma says, “That’s a legendary monster card!”


Sailor Moon says, putting one more card on her duel disk, “Next, I use Ancient Fairy Dragon’s ability! By not attacking this turn, I can play one level four or less monster from my hand to the field and I choose my Fairy Archer!” Just then Fairy Archer (1400/600) appears on the field in defense mode and Sailor Moon says, “Thanks to her ability, you lose four hundred life-points for every light monster on my field and since I have two, you lose eight hundred points, jerk!” Fairy Archer unleashes an arrow that slams into Heartland and he yelps as he loses 800 life-points.


Heartland says, with a smirk, “Not bad. It looks like I underestimated you.”


Sailor Moon says, putting two cards into the spell/trap slots, “Your mistake! I end my turn!”


Current Score:

Sailor Moon: 4000

Heartland: 3200


Heartland says, drawing a card, “I don’t think so and you are going to find out why, princess!” Heartland says, putting one card into the main slot of his duel disk, “First, I start out with my XYZ Territory Field Spell!” The field changes into an energy field surrounded by ‘rainbow field’ and Heartland says, putting one card on his duel disk, “But you will see what it can do, little princess! First, I play my Mirror Pawn!” Mirror Pawn (0/0), a small soldier with a mirror, appears on the field in attack mode and Heartland says, “This card can bring itself onto the field when there are monsters on my opponent’s field and I don’t have any!” Heartland says, putting another card on his duel disk, “And since that summoning was special, I play Mirror Soldier as well!” Just then Mirror Soldier (1000/1000) appears on the field in attack mode and Heartland says, as two cards come out of his duel disk, “If my opponent has light monsters on my field with Mirror Soldier, I can play as many Mirror Soldiers as you have monsters!” Heartland puts two cards on his duel disk and two more Mirror Soldiers (1000/1000 X 2) appear on the field in attack mode. Heartland says, “And now, my Mirror Pawn can use its ability and its level is equal to my Mirror Pawn which is four! And then I Overlay my Mirror Pawn and one of my Mirror Soldiers to build the Overlay Network!” Heartland puts the named cards on the same Monster Card Zone as the two monsters turn into lights that goes into a vortex in the ground and Heartland then puts an XYZ monster card from his Extra Deck on his duel disk. Heartland says, “It’s show time! I XYZ Summon Number Eighty-Two: Heartlandraco!” Out of the vortex, Number 82: Heartlandraco (2000/1500), a little pink and white dragon with a wind-up key and the number 82 on its chest with two Earth Overlay Units orbiting it, appear on the field in attack mode.


Sailor Neo Moon asks, “What kind of XYZ monster is that? And what’s with the Number thing?”


Heartland says, “You are going to see after I Overlay my remaining two Mirror Soldiers!” The two remaining Mirror Soldiers turn into lights that go into a vortex while Heartland puts an XYZ monster card from his Extra Deck on his duel disk and over the two Mirror Soldier (1000/1000 X 2) monster cards in the same Monster Card Zone in which he says, “And now, I add Number Fifty-Two: Diamond Crab King!” Out of the vortex, Number 52: Diamond Crab King (0/3000), a large blue crab with a shell made of unprocessed diamond shards with two Earth Overlay Units orbiting it, appears on the field in defense mode. Heartland says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “Next, I activate my Heavy Storm and destroy all spell and trap cards on the field…Expect for my XYZ Territory due to its ability! I remove one Overlay Unit from Diamond Crab King and keep my Field Spell in play!”


Sailor Moon says, “No way!” Diamond Crab King loses one Overlay Unit and Sailor Moon’s two face-down cards are destroyed by a huge wind.


Sailor Neo Moon asks, confused, “Why didn’t he use that card before he played his Field Spell and his monsters?”


Tuxedo Mask responds, with a sneer, “He wants to show Sailor Moon that there is nothing that he can do to defeat him.”


Sailor Moon says, drawing four cards from her deck, “We’ll see about that! Those face-downs were the trap card known as Dummy Marker and since you destroyed them with a spell card, I get two cards for each destroyed trap! It looks like you are the real dummy, jerk!”


Heartland says, with a sinister smirk, “We’ll see about that since I use my Heartlandraco’s ability and by removing an Overlay Unit, it can attack you directly!” Sailor Moon gasps as Heartlandraco absorbs one of its Overlay Units and Heartland says, with a smirk, “And also, my XYZ Territory allows my XYZ monster to gain two hundred attack and defense points for every rank that it has when it battles or gets attacked!” Heartlandraco goes from 2000/1500 to 2800/2300 in which it unleashes a powerful flame on Sailor Moon and she yelps as she loses 2800 life-points.


Sailor Neo Moon and Tuxedo Mask shout in unison, “Sailor Moon!”


Yuma says, concerned, “Oh no!”


Kite says, with a sneer, “It seems like Heartland hasn’t lost his touch.” Just then Sailor Celestial screams out as energy seems to be drained from her.


Sailor Moon says, horrified, “Celestial!”


Heartland says, “Did I mention that when you lose life-points that your precious sister gets drained of her precious energy? My bad!”


Sailor Neo Moon says, with a sneer, “You jerk!”


Tuxedo Mask says, “You won’t get away with this!”


Heartland says, “I already have! Soon, ultimate power will be mine!”


Sailor Moon says, “Not while I still have breath and life-points!”


Heartland says, with a smirk, “Ha! I already know about you, little princess! How your precious uncle trapped you in that virtual world with nearly ten thousand other people in that ‘death game’? Poor little princess! Everyone thought that you were such ‘hot stuff’! The ‘invincible’ Sailor Moon that could save everyone and bring a happy ending in the end! I wonder about those that you failed to save would have felt if they realized that their so-called ‘idol’ or heroine was right in front of them and couldn’t do a thing! And now, your sister is going to be the latest failure to your record, Sailor Moon!” Heartland laughs evilly at her and Sailor Moon can’t help to remember all of the people that died in SAO especially those that she witnessed them die in which a new determination goes through her in which her eyes have a steely determination not seen in her eyes before SAO.


Current Score:

Sailor Moon: 1200

Heartland: 3800


Sailor Moon yells out, with a really determined tone in her voice, “No, I refuse that to happen! I’ve failed all those people in SAO, but I refuse to fail for Sailor Celestial! Do you hear me, you piece of trash? I refuse to lose to you and I refuse to lose Celestial! I will win!” Just then the top card of Sailor Moon’s deck glows and she yells out, drawing the card, “Draw!” Soon after, her crystal pendulum, broach, and Kite’s deck starts to glow.


Yuma asks, “What’s happening with Kite’s deck?” Soon after, Kite’s deck shoots a beam of energy into Sailor Moon’s deck in which her Extra Deck glows greatly.


Everyone else is confused and Sailor Neo Moon asks, “What’s going on?”


Sailor Moon says, putting the card that she drew into the main slot of her duel disk, “I activate my Overlay Thief spell card! Since you and I have equal monsters on the field and I don’t have XYZ monsters while you do, your monsters lose their Overlay Units…All of them!”


Heartland asks, shocked, “All of them?!”


Soon after, Heartlandraco and Diamond Crab King lose their remaining Overlay Units, Sailor Moon draws two cards from her deck, and she says, “And now, I draw one card for each Overlay Unit lost and that’s two new cards!” Sailor Moon says, “Next, I use Ancient Fairy Dragon’s ability! I destroy your Field Spell and regain one thousand life-points!”


Heartland says, shocked, “No!” Soon after, his Field Spell is destroyed while Sailor Moon gains 1000 life-points as well as a card comes out of her deck.


Sailor Moon says, putting the card into her duel disk’s main slot, “And thanks to Fairy Dragon’s ability, I also gain a new Field Spell from my deck! And I activate it now! It’s Pendulum Space!” Soon after, the field transforms into an aurora colored field with an hourglass in-between the two duelists and Sailor Moon says, “Thanks to this Field Spell, I’m allowed to change the Pendulum Scale of my Pendulum Monsters in the Pendulum Zones by four levels up or down once per turn!”


Heartland asks, confused, “What?”


Sailor Moon says, displaying Stargazer Magician (1200/2400) and Timegazer Magician (1200/600) Pendulum monster cards, “I set scale one, Stargazer Magician, and scale eight Timegazer Magician, in the Pendulum Zones and set the Pendulum Scale!” When Sailor Moon puts the two cards on the Pendulum Zones of his new duel disk, the word ‘Pendulum’ appears in-between them, and then the two said monsters appear in columns of light with one column of light on either side of Sailor Moon with the number 1 appear below Stargazer while the number 8 appears below Timegazer.


Yuma asks, stunned, “What’s that?”


Astral responds, “A new form of summoning that I have never seen before!”


Sailor Moon says, “And now, I use the power of my Field Spell and increase Timegazer Magician’s scale by one level!” The number below Timegazer Magician then goes from 8 to 9 and Sailor Moon says, “And now, I can summon levels two to eight monsters this turn!” As a crystal pendulum appears on the field and swings by the two Pendulum monsters, Sailor Moon yells out, “Swing, Soul Pendulum! Pendulum Summon! It’s time to play with Blue-Eyes White Dragon and two Galaxy Knights!” Soon after, Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500) and two Galaxy Knights (2800/2600) appear on the field in attack mode.


Kite says, stunned, “Those monsters…”


Sailor Moon says, putting one card into the main slot of her duel disk, “Then I activate my Pendulum Refreshment! This card allows me to draw cards until I have an equal number of new cards to the number of monsters that I have Pendulum Summoned this turn! However, for every card that I don’t use, I lose cards equal to the highest number on the Pendulum Scale!”


Sailor Neo Moon says, shocked, “That’s nine! If she doesn’t use any of the cards that she draws, she could lose up to twenty-seven cards!”


Sailor Moon draws three cards and Heartland says, with a smirk, “Like they will help!”


Sailor Moon responds, with a sly smile, “They just did, you jerk. First, I release both of my Galaxy Knights in order to Special Summon…Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!” There are multiple looks of shock, especially from Heartland, Kite, Yuma, and Astral, as both Galaxy Knights vanish and Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon (3000/2500), a powerful and mighty blue dragon made of energy covered in dark blue armor, appears to take its place.


Yuma says, stunned, “That’s Kite’s card!” Kite then looks through his deck and he finds his Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon (3000/2500) monster card glowing.


Astral says, curiously, “It seems like Galaxy-Eyes has sensed that girl’s resolve and given her its assistance.”


Kite thinks in his mind, shocked, “Why? Why, Galaxy-Eyes? Why are you helping her?”


Heartland says, shocked, “This…This can’t be!”


Sailor Moon says, with a deadly serious look in her eyes while putting one more card into the main slot, “It is! Now, I play Galaxy Expedition! When I have a Photon or Galaxy monster on my field, I can play one that’s level five or higher from my deck!” A card comes out of Sailor Moon’s deck and she puts on her duel disk causing another Galaxy Knight (2800/2600) to appear in attack mode. Sailor Moon says, “And now, I Overlay Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon with Blue-Eyes and my Galaxy Knight!” The three monsters become lights that goes into a vortex in the ground while a brand new XYZ Monster card appears on Sailor Moon’s duel disk over Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and Galaxy Knight monster cards which are now on the same monster card zone on her duel disk. Sailor Moon says, with a stern tone, “I XYZ Summon my full armor dragon warrior: Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon!” Out of the vortex, Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon (4000/3500), a dark blue armored version of Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon with three Light Overlay Units orbiting it, appears on the field in attack mode.


Yuma says, stunned, “A new Galaxy-Eyes monster! I can’t believe my eyes!”


Astral says, looking at Kite’s stunned expression, “Neither can Kite.”


Sailor Moon says, “I use Galaxy-Eyes’ ability! By removing an Overlay Unit, Galaxy-Eyes can destroy one card on my opponent’s field!”


Heartland says, nervously, “Oh no!”


After Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon absorbs one of its Overlay Units, Sailor Moon yells out, “Destroy Crab King!” Galaxy-Eyes then unleashes a powerful blast that vaporizes Crab King.


Heartland says, with a sneer, “Ha! It doesn’t matter! I may get hit with some damage, but Number Monsters can only be destroyed by other Number Monsters in battle!”


Sailor Moon says, “Thanks for the tip, slime ball!” Heartland gives a confused look as Sailor Moon puts a card into the main slot of her duel disk and she says, “I activate my Galaxy Zero equip spell! I can revive one Galaxy or Photon monster from my grave and equip it with this card, but it loses its abilities and it can’t attack! And I choose Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!” Soon after, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon (3000/2500) returns to the field in attack mode while it loses its glow due to losing its special abilities and Sailor Moon says, putting one card into the main slot, “And then I play Monster Reborn! And I use it to revive Galaxy Knight!” Just then Galaxy Knight (2800/2600) returns to the field in attack mode.


Heartland says, nervously, “That’s not good.”


Sailor Moon says, “And it is going to get worse for you, slime ball. I Overlay Galaxy-Eyes and Galaxy Knight!” The two monsters then turn into lights as they go into a vortex while Sailor Moon takes out the blank XYZ Monster card from her Extra Deck in which a picture and writing appear in it when she puts it on the duel disk in which she shouts out, “And now, I XYZ Summon Number Sixty-Two: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon!” Out of the vortex, Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon (4000/3000), a bigger and stronger version of Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon with two Light Overlay Units surrounding it, appears on the field in attack mode.


There are gasps of shock and Yuma asks, stunned, “How did she get that card?”


Astral says, “A very good question, Yuma.”


Heartland says, stunned, “It can’t be!”


Sailor Moon yells out, “Prime Photon Dragon attack! And now, I use its ability! By removing one Overlay Unit, Prime Photon Dragon gains attack points equal to the total ranks of all XYZ monsters on the field times two hundred!”


Heartland asks, flabbergasted, “But that means…?”


Tuxedo Mask says, “There are three XYZ monsters, the three dragons, and their total ranks are twenty.”


Sailor Neo Moon says, amazed, “That’s four thousand more attack points!”


Prime Photon Dragon absorbs one of its Overlay Units causing its stats to go from 4000/3000 to 8000/3000 and Heartland shouts out, “Hold on! Time out!”


Sailor Moon shouts out, “End this duel with Primal Photon Stream of Destruction!” Prime Photon Dragon unleashes a powerful beam of energy that slams into Heartlandraco causing it to be destroyed in a massive explosion causing Heartland to yell as he is thrown to the wall behind him by the explosion as he loses 6000 life-points as well as the duel.


Final Score:

Sailor Moon: 2200

Heartland: 0


The power of the explosion was so mighty that the devices holding onto Sailor Celestial are shorted out and she falls in which Sailor Moon immediately flies up and catches her in which Sailor Moon asks, concerned, “Are you okay, Celestial?”


Sailor Celestial says, “As soon as my head stops pounding like drum, yeah.” Just then two cards come from Heartland and fly over to Sailor Moon in which she takes them into a free hand in which they are revealed to be Number 82: Heartlandraco (2000/1500) and Number 52: Diamond Crab King (0/3000) XYZ monster cards.


Sailor Moon asks, “What the?!” On the meanwhile, Kite had gotten to Heartland’s fallen form and he grab him by the collar.


Kite yells out, sternly, “All right, Heartland, it’s time to talk! How did you get those Number cards? Was it those invaders? The ones that turned our home into a battlefield and a wasteland? The ones with those Fusion monster cards? Talk!”


Heartland grunts out in pain from being thrown into a wall and he says, weakly, “Well, I…” Just then Heartland’s duel disk starts to glow and everyone looks at it.


Yuma shouts out, pulling Kite away, “Watch out, Kite!”


After Kite is pulled away from Heartland, he shouts out, “Wait, I…!!” However, Heartland vanishes through some kind of teleportation before he can finish.


Tuxedo Mask says, plainly, “Gone.”


Kite tells Yuma, annoyed, “I had him, Yuma!”


Yuma says, “And you would have been pulled into the enemy’s headquarters with no way out or worse!”


Sailor Celestial asks, “What’s going on here?”


Tuxedo Mask says, “That’s a good question, Celestial.” But before Sailor Moon, Sailor Celestial, Sailor Neo Moon, and Tuxedo Mask could confront Kite, Yuma, and Astral, a familiar hooded cloak figure leaps down and lowers her head to reveal the pink haired version of Sailor Moon.


Yuma says, amazed, “Tsuki-san!”


Sailor Neo Moon asks, “Tsuki?”


The pink haired version of Sailor Moon says, “Yuma! Kite! Astral! What are you doing here? I thought…!!”


Kite says, “Heartland just reappeared and started to cause chaos here with brand new Number cards, Tsuki-san.”


The pink haired version of Sailor Moon, Tsuki, asks, stunned, “New Number cards? But I thought…?”


When Tsuki looks at Astral, he says, “A question that I have no exact answer to, Tsuki-san.”


Sailor Celestial asks, interrupting, “Mind telling us what’s happening?”


When Kite, Astral, Yuma, and Tsuki looks at the others, Tsuki responds, “I’m sorry that you got involved in this mess. Please try not to get involved any further.” She then glows a bright silver and pink color and before anything could be said or done, Tsuki, Kite, Yuma, and Astral vanish through some kind of teleportation.


Sailor Neo Moon says, shocked, “Their gone!”


Sailor Moon says, “A silver haired version of me and a pink haired version of me? This is getting crazy!”


Tuxedo Mask says, “And her name, Tsuki, means ‘moon’ in our language, Sailor Moon.”


Sailor Moon thinks in her mind, as she looks at the two cards in her hands, “What the heck is going on here?”


July 11, 2025, ALO, Ryne


Within Ryne, the certain town in Svart Alfheim, our heroes and heroines are assembled together in ALO avatars to talk about what happened yesterday.


Miyako asks Leafa, “Are you okay?”


Leafa says, with a smile, “I’m just fine. I took a bit of a rest and I’m on my feet again.”


Haruka says, “You have to be careful about stuff like that Leafa. You can’t just charge in like that.”


Michiru says, with a sly smile, “Like you are one to talk, Haruka-chan.”


Haruka gives a nervous blush and Asuna says, “We’re just glad that you are okay, Leafa-chan.”


Leafa says, with a sigh, “Sorry, everyone.”


Kirito tells Leafa, “You can’t let your emotions overwhelm your judgment, Sugu. Your enemies are going to take advantage of that.”


Lisbeth says, with a sly grin, “So says our infamous ‘Black Swordsman’.”


Dai asks, changing the subject, “Anyway, what’s the deal with those feathers in everyone’s hair?”


Akari asks, curiously, “Aren’t those Pooka accessories?”


Yamato says, “I heard about this. It is the symbol of the Shamrock guild. So, if you are wearing one, you are a Seven fan.”


Minako says, “They must really like her music.”


Hino says, “It isn’t just that Mina-chan. They are also liking the real-like Doctor Rainbow too.”


Tomoe says, “It isn’t too surprising. She is just coming into her teenage years and she already has a doctor degree from a top level American college.”


Taichi says, amazed, “A child genius and a virtual pop idol? Man! Some people have got the talent!”


Usagi says, with a concerned look, “Yeah…”


Mamoru asks, “What’s wrong?”


Usagi responds, with a smile, “Nothing! Nothing at all!” However, Mamoru, Kirito, Leafa, and quite a few others among the group know that Usagi’s reply isn’t truthful.


Everyone then looks at the massive crowd and Takashi asks, “What’s with the massive crowd?” There is a massive cheer and our heroes and heroines then get a look at a young Pooka girl, looking like she just turned into a teenager, with long flowing dark silver hair, violet-pink eyes, and she is wearing a simple blue and golden white dress, puffy blue armbands on her upper arms, golden and black ‘sleeves’ that cover from her elbow down to the back of her hand, black stockings that cover up to her lower thighs, and blue high-heeled boots. By this cute Pooka girl, there is an Undine male with short messy blue hair, blue eyes, and wearing a white and blue sleeveless shirt and jacket with matching pants and boots with black and brown fighting gloves on his hands with two-handed kitana attached to his waist.


Sara asks, “Who is that?”


Hana says, excitedly, “Oh, I know! That’s Seven! I remember her pictures!”


Hino asks, “That’s Seven, huh?”


The Pooka girl, Seven, shouts out, “Hello, everyone! How is everyone? Me? I’m doing great today!” The crowd shouts so loud that our heroes and heroines winch from the loud sound.


As the crowd gossips and shouts, Dai says, “Geez, she is popular.”


Haruka says, “Not too surprising with all her talent and looks, Dai.”


Izumi says, “Since she is a singer, it isn’t surprising that she chose the Pooka since they are a type of bard and experts in their ‘magical songs’.”


Leafa says, “Hey, Kirito, the Undine with her…”


Kirito says, with a nod, “Yeah, I know. I can tell that he is strong. I would love to challenge him to see what he has got.”


Usagi says, with a nervous smile, “You would Kirito.”


Sinon says, amazed, “Look at all of the people around her. Is that her guild? I think that it is called Shamrock.”


Philia says, “No, it isn’t. The majority of these people are their fans. The small circle with her including that guy is her guild.”


Sinon says, “You know a lot of these things, Philia.”


Philia responds, “Of course. Information gathering is an important part of being a treasure hunter.”


Makoto tells Kirito, “You don’t seem too surprised by this Kirito.”


Kirito responds, “I did some sleuthing on Shamrock myself.”


Philia says, with a smile, “They are a top rank guild. Kirito wouldn’t waste his time on anyone or anything less.”


Strea says, “Hey, guys? That girl, Seven, seems to be weaker than all of us.”


Sinon responds, “Really? I heard that Shamrock is composed of only the best players.”


Philia says, “Shamrock is composed of some of the best players. That means…”


Kirito says, with a nod, “Yeah. She has been leaving the fighting to her guild members and letting them do the work for her.”


Setsuna says, “Not necessary, Kirito. While Shamrock may be the brawn, she may be the brains. She is very intelligent and something tells me that she could be planning and coordinating the operations of her guild. They can’t be a top level guild on just raw power alone.”


Lisbeth says, “It still feels lame to me.”


Strea says, “Anyway, I also checked that thirty of the top one hundred players are in Shamrock and the top player is…” When Strea motions towards the Undine male, plenty of the others get a serious look.


Dai then spots something or someone in the corner of his eye and he says, “Take a look gang.” Everyone then looks to see Eugene nearby and glaring daggers at the Undine male.


Kirito says, “Hey, it’s the Salamander general, Eugene.” Eugene snorts and he walks away in which Kirito asks, “What was that about?”


Leafa says, with a smile, “I just found out why he was so sore when you, guys, first met him.”


Strea says, with a smile, “The Undine hottie that Eugene was glaring at was Sumeragi, the top member of Shamrock.”


Kirito asks, “The Undine with the katana by Seven?”


Philia says, with a nod, “Eugene lost to him in a duel just recently.”


Leafa says, nodding her head, “I couldn’t believe it! It was a miracle that I won against him when I saved Sakuya and Alicia Rue.”


Haruka says, “In the form of your new OSS: Starlight Edge.”

  Kirito says, “General Eugene and Sumeragi, huh? I would love to fight them in one-on-one duels fair and square.”


Hino asks Usagi, “Does he always have a one track mind like that Meatball Head?” Usagi rubs her head scalp nervously as our group heads off in which they don’t notice, even with Usagi’s and Kirito’s Search Skill, they are being watched by another player.


This player is a female Leprechaun with long flowing red hair, caramel brown eyes, and she is wearing a maid’s hair dress in her scalp, black and white sleeveless dress, long black and brown gloves with white arm guards, white stockings that covers up to half of her thighs, and brown boots in which she has a pair of swords strapped to her waist.


Later on, within the Crowned Rooster, Asuna, Usagi, and Kirito are together and Asuna asks, “Kirito-kun, have you heard of Zekken?”


Usagi asks, “Zekken? You mean the player that has challenged tons of players to duels and never lost?”


Asuna says, “That’s right, Usagi-chan. All of the players that challenged Zekken were outmatched completely.”


Kirito says, “Zekken is supposed to be an OSS user too and a very good one at that. Even though they know about Zekken’s reputation, players are challenging Zekken right and left to gain their own reputation.”


Asuna says, “Zekken’s OSS is an eleven hit combo, right? Anyone that can come up with a skill like that must be incredible with a sword.”


Usagi says, stunned, “Whoa! That’s more than Leafa’s and my Duel Wielding OSS combos and they were a nightmare to work out!”


Kirito says, with a nod of understanding, “It must have been, Usagi. Anyway, we have been so focused on finishing this new land that we haven’t had time for anything else. I would love to fight Zekken and see what the fuss is about.”


Usagi says, with a smirk, “You would, Kirito!”


Asuna says, “So would I. I was so amazed when Leafa-chan used her OSS for the first time. However, I would like to see what other players can do with this OSS system.”


Kirito says, with a nod, “Yeah, I would like to see the OSS that Sugu’s opponent, the one that Sugu used her OSS for the first time on, developed.”


Usagi asks, “You mean General Eugene?”


Kirito nods his head and he says, “Anyway, we might not see Zekken’s OSS since Zekken hasn’t used in it or any OSS in duels.”


Usagi asks, “She used just the base skills?”


Kirito nods his head and Asuna says, “It means that someone hasn’t been good enough to challenge her…yet.” Soon after, Asuna, Usagi, and Kirito went outside to rejoin the others.


Hino says, “Hey, Meatball Head!”


Usagi asks, “What’s up?”


Junpier says, “They said that Zekken has appeared here!”


Usagi asks, “You mean the currently undefeated player with the rumored eleven hit OSS?”


Minako says, with a nod, “Yep! She is supposed to be out in the fields!”


Makoto says, “And here is a kicker: Your brother is acting as her ‘manager’, Usagi!”


Usagi asks, surprised, “Huh?! Shingo?!”


Dai says, “This is something that we have to see.” Soon after, the group decided to head out to the fields of Woglinde to find Zekken.


July 11, 2025, ALO, Woglinde, the Island of Meadows


Out in the fields of Woglinde, our heroes and heroines are assembled with a crowd of player as a PVP, Player Versus Player, duel comes to a quick end as one of the players shouts out that he quits.


Asuna says, “The duel has already started.”


Haruka says, “You mean that it has already ended by the sound of it.”


As they watch the players in the duel, Kirito asks, “Which one of them is Zekken?” While Kirito, Leafa, and Usagi focus on the male player, a female player then steps forward.


This female player looks to be a female Imp player that looks to be in her teens with has lustrous and gorgeous, long, purplish-black hair, the skin of her face shows milky white skin that has a hint of purple and red eyes with this young girl wearing obsidian half-armor, which covered her chest and had a slight bulge, a bluebottle violet blouse and a windswept dress of the same color beneath the armor.


The female Imp player calls out, “Hello! Anyone there? Is there no one willing to fight me?”


Shingo comes over and he shouts out, “That’s victory number sixty-seven! Does anyone want to try their luck next?”


Taichi says, amazed, “You have got to be kidding me!”


Miyako says, “That’s unexpected.”


Asuna asks, “Don’t tell me that young Imp girl is Zekken?” When Kirito, Leafa, and Usagi look at the female Imp player, revealed to be Zekken, they gasp in shock as they immediately recognize her.


Leafa and Usagi think in unison, shocked, “No way!”


When ‘Zekken’ sees Kirito, she whispers, shocked, “You!”


Kirito thinks in his mind, “Didn’t Leafa, Usagi, and I meet that girl in SAO? Yes, I remember! It was after Sugu defeated Kayaba, she appeared to us before we logged out and challenged me to a fight. Her name is Yuuki.”


Leafa thinks in her mind, “I was right! Yuuki is an ALO player! But what was she doing in SAO?”


Usagi thinks in her mind, “So, Leafa was right and Yuuki is an ALO player! She must have been before she came to SAO, but how did she get there in the first place? Could it have been like Sinon, but that would have been only possible if she…?”


Mamoru asks Usagi, seeing hers, Leafa’s, and Kirito’s shocked, “Something wrong love?”


Usagi responds, a bit nervously, “No! No! I was just surprised to see that Zekken was such a young girl!”


Leafa says, also a bit nervous, “Yeah, with a name like ‘Zekken’, you would think that she was a big burly guy!”


Asuna says, with a nod, “I know!” However, members of the group, like Mamoru, Hino, Haruka, Dai, and a few others, weren’t convinced and felt that Kirito, Leafa, and Usagi were hiding something, but they decide to not to voice their opinions for the moment.


The female Imp player, revealed to be Yuuki, the ALO player that mysteriously got transported into SAO just before it ended, asks Asuna, “You there? You want to fight?”


Asuna asks, surprised, “What? Me?”


Kirito says, “Well, Asuna, it looks like Zekken has called you out.”


Asuna says, nervously, “Well, okay, I’ll do it.”


Yuuki responds, with a smile and excitedly, “Okay! Let’s see what you’ve got!” Soon after, Asuna and Yuuki step out into the clearing and Yuuki sends the challenge through her menu in which Asuna accepts and after choosing the ‘mode’, the two of them get their weapons as the countdown and the prompt with their names appear and counts down.


Usagi whispers to Kirito, “You know that you just sent Asuna against a ‘big she-wolf’ when it came to sword fighting, Kirito.”


Kirito says, with a nod, “Yeah, I know. I’m just hoping that Asuna can enjoy herself since the duels in SAO were a lot more serious.” When the duel starts, Asuna unleashes a barrage of strikes with her rapier, but Yuuki easily defends against the attacks and with incredible speed, Yuuki unleashes an attack that Asuna barely manages to dodge in which she gets scratched by Yuuki’s sword.


Makoto says, “Whoa! She’s quick!”


Haruka says, with a nod, “Really quick.” Asuna is shocked and quickly realizes that Yuuki AKA Zekken is really strong as a player for this game in which she remembers watching television at home seeing video images of Valkyrie Sailor Moon and Valkyrie Sailor Celestial fighting against youma and ‘other enemies’ causing her to think that she is only a warrior in the virtual world. Asuna shakes it off, takes a deep breath, and gets a deadly look in her eyes, the same look that she had in battles in SAO. Yuuki sees this and knows instantly that Asuna is getting serious in which the two of them charge at each other and when their swords impact each other, the virtual ground shakes and the two of them go into intense combat. The two of them cause small shockwave as they clash with their swords and managing to cause minor ‘scratches’ in which they chip off tiny pieces of their HP with every small scratch. Despite Asuna’s combat experience and skill from SAO along with as a lot of her stats and skills from her SAO avatar being in her current ALO avatar, Yuuki matches Asuna with extra ordinary strength and skill that ‘regular’ Full-Dive VRMMO players don’t have.


When their HP are quite down with Asuna’s HP lower than Yuuki’s HP, she says, “Wow! You are incredible!”


Asuna tells Yuuki, “Huh? What about our duel?”


Yuuki says, “I really don’t need to see anymore! You see, I have been looking for a strong player like you!”


Asuna asks, “What do you mean?”


Yuuki says, “There is something that I need to ask you. I want you to team up with me! Just think about it! Two of the strongest girls against Svart Alfheim! It will be grand!”


Asuna asks, “Huh?”


Soon after, the Sailor Scouts make their appearance and Michiru says, “Sorry to disappoint, Zekken-san, but she already has a team with her.”


Yuuki asks, “Ah, you do?”


Just then a voice in the crowd shouts out, in a male voice, “Hold up! It’s them! The ‘Great Nymphs’ of ALO!”


A female player shouts out, “Oh, wow! It is! Oh, wow! They are girls that are among the strongest players in the game!”


Another male player yells out, “I knew why it was such an awesome duel! That’s the ‘Berserk Healer’! No wonder she was matching Zekken!”


Another female player shouts out, “Are they going to invite Zekken into their group?”


As the crowd of players start to murmur and gossip, Hino says, putting her hand to her forehead, “Oh, boy.”


Minako tells Hino, with a sly grin, “Remember, we are among the most famous players in the game.”


Yuuki tells Asuna, “Oh, wow! You are friends with them? No wonder you are so strong!”


Asuna asks, curiously and still a bit confused, “So, you want to be with us?”


Yuuki says, with a smile, “Yep! Now that I see that you are friends with some awesome players! Come on, it will be fun!”


Kirito steps forward and he says, “I’m sure that the others and I would love to have you around. I think that Usagi agrees with me.”


Usagi says, with a smile, “Sure!”


Tomoe says, with a smile, “She seems to be a nice girl.”


Makoto says, with a nod, “Yeah! And she’s awesome!”


Shingo says, “Hey, sis!”


Usagi tells Shingo, with a smirk, “Never thought that you would play second fiddle to anyone squirt!”


Shingo retorts, “Very funny, Meatball Head. Zekken is just awesome. She really knows how to kick butt!”


Michiru says, with a sly smile, “Not to mention that she is really cute too.”


Shingo says, with a major blush, “No, that’s not why!”


Makoto says, “Welcome to the team, Zekken!”


Yuuki says, excitedly, “Thanks a lot! This is going to be so much fun! By the way, my name is Yuuki!”


Asuna says, “I’m Asuna, nice to meet you.”


Kirito says, “I’m Kirito.”


Usagi says, with a smile, “And I’m Usagi. It is nice to meet you, Yuuki.” Usagi thinks in her mind, “Well, again, anyway, but you don’t need to know that.” Yuuki then looks at Leafa and Usagi and she gains a curious look. Usagi asks Yuuki, a bit nervously, “Something wrong?”


Yuuki responds, with a smile, “Oh no! To show my appreciation, here are some of the items that I gathered so far!” Yuuki then materializes a few items including an interesting looking hammer.


Lisbeth says, “Hey, that item. I think that we can use that to fix that rusty key that we had gotten earlier. Meet me at Agil’s place and we can try it out!”


Yuuki says, “Thank you for having me! Let’s rock this game!”


July 11, 2025, ALO, Ryne


Returning to the main town of Svart Alfheim, Ryne, Kirito, Usagi, Leafa, and Yuuki are assembled together as they start to talk.


Kirito says, with a smile, “It has been sometime since we last saw each other, Yuuki-san.”


Yuuki says, with a nod, “It has, Kirito-san. I knew that it was you just by looking at you! I remember our fight together in SAO! It was real fun!”


Kirito says, a bit nervously, “I guess so. I can tell that you have gotten better since we last saw each other.”


Yuuki says, “Yep! When I heard that a brand new continent was up, I just had to come here since I knew that there would be strong players! I didn’t come right away because I had something…Well, important to do.”


Kirito says, “That’s not too surprising, Yuuki-san.”


Yuuki says, looking at Usagi and Leafa, “Anyway, I think that I met these two before.”


Kirito, Usagi, and Leafa get nervous and Leafa says, a bit nervously, “Well, we are well-known in ALO…”


Usagi says, nervously, “Yeah…”


Yuuki looks at Usagi and Leafa carefully and she says, amazed, “I remember now! We met in SAO! You’re Sailor Moon and Sailor Celestial!”


Kirito, Usagi, and Leafa yelp and Leafa says, nervously, “Yuuki-san, how can we be famous Sailor Scouts? Look at us!”


Yuuki says, “Well, you have Sailor Celestial’s hairstyle and you have her voice and Usagi-san may have a different hair color, but she has Sailor Moon’s hairstyle: Those pigtails that have buns that look like meatballs. I remember those the most.” Usagi gives a nervous look and Yuuki says, “And Usagi-san sounds so much like Sailor Moon too.”


Kirito, Usagi, and Leafa look at each other and Leafa asks, with a sigh, “Oh, crap. We are so busted, aren’t we?”


Just then a female voice says, “In more way than one, princess.” Kirito, Usagi, and Leafa yelp and look to see Mamoru, the Sailor Scouts, and the Digidestined with them.


Hino asks Usagi, with a glare, “Mind explaining, Meatball Head?”


Usagi says, with a groan, “Double crud.”


Leafa says, solemnly, “Big time.” Soon after, Kirito, Usagi, and Leafa explain about when and how they met Yuuki to the others.


When they were done, Mizuno asks, “So, she came to SAO and appeared in a secret area overlooking the whole of Aincrad when it was being destroyed?”


Kirito says, with a nod, “It was quite a surprise.”


Leafa says, “I knew that she is an ALO player because I recognized her as an Imp player. Imps in ALO have an affinity with the color violet.”


Tomoe says, “That’s right. Chibi-Usa-chan is an exception to that rule, but it is typical of us, Imps, to have an affinity with the color violet.”


Yuuki says, with a smile, “I was really surprised to find myself in SAO, the infamous game that you can’t get out of, but it was amazing to meet three of the people that completed it and two of them are Sailor Scouts! It was really exciting!”


Dai says, “Yeah, I’ll bet.”


Yuuki says, “I was also shocked to find Sailor Moon in there! I was always wondering what happened to her. She disappeared shortly after SAO started and that was the time that the monster attacks started to appear on the news. I saw the other Sailor Scouts, but I wonder why Sailor Moon wasn’t with them.”


Miyako says, “Something tells me that Yuuki-san is a very bright girl.”


Takashi says, with a nod, “Yep.”


Hino says, drolly, “This is just great.”


Mizuno says, “Well, it isn’t surprising that someone actually managed to figure us out based on our hairstyles. They do tend to stay the same, Hino.”


Setsuna says, “While our Sailor Scout powers have create a ‘special field’ to conceal our identities from physical sight and various forms of technology, it won’t work if a person has special powers to negate that field or they already recognize us, but while our physical features of our faces is concealed, our voices and hairstyles are a useful way to figure out our identities.”


Haruka says, “We need to discuss about that in our next meeting.”


Hino says, with a nod, “Big time.”


Yuuki says, excitedly, “This is amazing! I get to play with strong players and two of them are famous Sailor Scouts! This is going to be so much fun!”


Akari says, “It seems like Yuuki is going to fit right in.”


Dai says, with a smile, “I think so too.”


Taichi says, “And something tells me that we are in for wild adventures in the real and virtual worlds.”


Yamato says, with a nod, “No joke, bro.”


July 11, 2025, Neo Domino City


Inside of the mayor’s office in Neo Domino City, Lazar is discussing something with a government official when the door opens to reveal Helena Douglas of DOAETC and another beautiful and young looking woman with pink hair and blue eyes, she wears a pink colored skirt and blouse with gold long earrings and necklace and pink colored high heeled shoes with golden strips in which she also wears a red lipstick on her lips and pink nail polish is shown on her fingernails.


Lazar says, “Helena-dono and Lady Henrietta. You are looking as ravishing as ever.”


Helena says, with French accented voice, “Forgive us if we don’t enjoy ze comments, Mayor Lazar.”


The pink haired woman, obviously Henrietta, says, “You know why we are here.”


Lazar says, “On to business? Of course.” Lazar motions for the official to be on his way and he does so in which he closes the door with Lazar locking it behind him.


Helena says, “We have seen the information that you sent.”


Lazar asks, “Can the cards be duplicated?”


Henrietta says, “It will take time. You must understand that these cards bring a brand new aspect to Duel Monsters. We have worked with Industrial Illusions and created a brand new set of monster cards, the XYZ monster cards, in which while they have gone mainstream, their full potential has yet to be unlocked. Pendulum cards and Pendulum Summon will bring dueling to a whole new level.”


Helena says, “To replicate ze cards will not be an easy task. And even if ze create our own versions, I doubt that they will be at the level that they weld.”


Lazar says, “Not surprising.” Lazar tells Henrietta, “Lady Henrietta, how is your progress?”


Henrietta says, “It isn’t exactly easy to duplicate ‘his’ work, but the genius of my family and my company and that ‘Queen’s Gate’ will be what it is: A relic.”


Lazar says, “Don’t be sure of yourself, my lady.”


Helena asks, “What about these new ninjas that were brought from the ‘other world’?”


Lazar says, “For the moment, they are with them and they are adapting well to our world…Maybe a bit too well.”


Helena says, with a nod of understanding, “I see.”


Lazar says, “However, I have agents ready at the Juuban hospitals and most likely, it will be where Ami Mizuno’s mother works.”


Henrietta tells Lazar, “What about the reports?”


Lazar says, with a serious expression, “They are slippery ones. Even more so than the original Yliaster.”


Henrietta says, “Then you must double your efforts, Lazar. If they are allied with THEM, you know what’s at stake.”


Lazar says, “Yes, Lady Henrietta. I know that you have a personal…”


Henrietta responds, interrupting with a serious glare, “He stopped being my husband the day that he left for this madness. As Kayaba betrayed all of his family, he has betrayed mine for this mad dream and I will do what it takes to stop him.”


Henrietta walks over to the door, unlocks it, opens the door, walks out, and slams the door behind her in which Lazar comments, “Yipe. Not a woman that I want to anger.”


Helena says, “Ze best remember that, Lazar. Anyway, they seemed to want Kayaba’s journals for a reason.”


Lazar says, “They are in the hands of his betrayed niece and her vast friends including the three new arrivals, Helena-san. An attempt by government agents earlier to get it didn’t end so well and our ‘legendary ninja’ knows one of the Sailor Scouts all too well.”


Helena says, “I see. For now, let’s us forget ze journals for the time being.”


Lazar says, with a nod, “As you wish.”


Helena says, “I am interested about the new arrivals and what you can get on them other than what are in comic books and cartoons.”


Lazar says, with a sly smile, “I shall make arrangements immediately, Helena-san.” The two of them move over to Lazar’s desk in order to discuss future plans in which his desk has pictures of Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Davis, Kari, Serena, Suguha, and so many more.


That’s the end of this chapter, everyone! First, there are the characters from the Yu-Gi-Oh GX series and now, Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal characters make their appearance. It makes you wonder what their story is in this fanfiction story, huh? And now, there is more of Lost Song coming into play! Seven has made her appearance along with Yuuki and others! What kind of role are they are going to play in this vast story? Well, it is up to you to read and find out, folks! Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!