Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song ❯ Facing the Past and Present ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
We’ve come to the next chapter and I have to say that things are coming along. As I already said before, the couplings for Naruto haven’t been chosen, yet, but I’ve already given you a good idea based on what you saw last chapter. Anyway, you can expect plenty more of twist and turns throughout this story, but there is going to be plenty of ‘SAO type stuff’ coming up soon, don’t worry. Now, once again, I know that I’m doing ‘this’ again, but I have to say that I would like to give thanks and credit to Belletiger and Kanius and his YuYuGiDigiMoon series, especially his The Invasion of the Rajita story, for giving me permission to use the idea of Valkyrie Sailor Soldiers and everything that’s a part of them in my fanfiction. I would like to give thanks and credit to Kanius and his YuYuGiDigiMoon series, including this author’s Dawn of Chaos story, and LazerWulf for giving me permission to use the idea for their version of Sailor Charon, namely the fact that she is Sailor Pluto’s sister among other things. Now, I know that this is getting old, but as our ‘SAO stars’ would say: Link start!


I DO NOT OWN Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, Naruto, Accel World, Digimon series, Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Kingdom Hearts, Gundam series, especially Gundam Build Fighters, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed, Maken-Ki, Tenchi Muyo series, Ronin Warriors, Pretty Cure, Queen’s Blade/Gate, Dragonball Z/GT, Log Horizon, Sonic the Hedgehog, DC universe, Marvel universe, Assassin’s Creed, Senran Kagura, Sekirei, Monster Musume, 12 Beast, One Piece, Final Fantasy, Rave Master, Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu, Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, Code Lyoko, Transformers, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, and Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō!


Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and mature adult themes/situations!


Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!


Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song


Chapter 13: Facing the Past and Present


July 17, 2025, Dicey Café


Within Dicey Café, Andrew is behind the bar counter, as usual, talking with Kazuto, Asuna, Keiko, Rika, Ryoutarou, Shion, and Kotone as they explain what happened earlier today.


When they are done, Andrew whistles and he says, “It sounds like you had a full day, bro.”


Kazuto says, “Tell me about it, Agil.”


Shion says, “Thanks to Hotaru, Kazuto hasn’t suffered any permanent injuries.”


Andrew says, “That girl is a pretty good ‘miracle worker’.”


Ryoutarou says, with a smile, “And she is quite the cutie.”


Rika tells Ryoutarou, “You know that she is the adopted daughter of two other Sailor Scouts that won’t restrain themselves to kick your ass and can kick your ass especially the one that you think of with us, girls.”


Ryoutarou says, nervously, “Right.”


Andrew says, “Anyway, Kayaba really put you through the ringer that time.”


Kazuto says, looking at his new Hot Red Dragon Archfiend (3000/2000), “I think that it was the ‘awaken’ my ‘power’ as the holder of one of these Duel Dragons.”


Andrew asks, “Based on what the others told you, there is just one more of these dragons?”


Kazuto says, “Yeah. Naruto has Stardust Spark Dragon, Serena has Ancient Pixie Dragon, Sugu has Black Rose Moonlight Dragon, Sammy has Power Tool Mecha Dragon, and I have Hot Red Dragon Archfiend and the last Duel Dragon that’s based on the Signer Dragons is Duel Dragon version of Black-Winged Dragon known as Blackfeather Darkrage Dragon.”


Ryoutarou says, “Nice name.”


Kotone says, looking at the card, “It seems like these Duel Dragons are either Light or Dark attributed monsters.”


Kazuto says, “Yeah, I noticed that Kotone. I think it must mean something.”


Asuna asks, curiously, “What, Kirito-kun?”


Kazuto responds, “I’m not sure, Asuna. With the other ‘Signer Dragons’, Stardust Dragon is Wind, Red Dragon Archfiend is Dark, Black-Winged Dragon is Dark, Ancient Fairy is Light, Power Tool and Life Stream are Earth, and Black Rose is Fire. Their ‘Duel Dragon counterparts’ are either Light or Dark monsters.”


Andrew says, “That gives me a bad feeling bro.”


Ryoutarou says, “You should be Andrew. If you knew what these things are supposed to keep ‘contained’…”


Andrew asks, “How do you know?”


Kotone says, “We found out after the duel when we went into the temple in the Duel Monsters Spirit World.”


Andrew says, “It is still hard for me to wrap my head around a world where Duel Monsters is real.”


Ryoutarou says, “You know it, bro. I saw it and I still can’t believe it.”


Kazuto says, “Well, I can’t blame you. Even after we went through, it doesn’t surprise me that you are surprised. I mean, SAO was a man-made virtual world while this was the ‘real deal’.”


Andrew asks, “So, what was in that temple?”


Rika says, “Quite a few headaches, Andrew…”


Flashback; A while back at Duel Monsters’ Spirit Realm


Right now, we are inside of the temple that Heathcliff and Kazuto dueled in front of where our group that arrived in the Duel Monsters’ Spirit World are inside of the complex where they find a lot of murals and painted pictures of events in ‘Duel Monsters history’ or connected with the game itself including Atem’s battle with Zorc, the battle between the Crimson Dragons and the Signer Dragons against the Earthbound Immortals, Yugi Moto completing the Millennium Puzzle, Jaden Yuki gaining the Neo-Spacians as his allies, and so on.


Sailor Venus says, “Incredible!”


TK says, “I’ll say, Venus-chan. This place is showing the whole history and backstory of Duel Monsters.”


Ino says, “I can’t believe that all of this is devoted to a game.”


Shino says, “Remember, Ino, this isn’t any ordinary game in this world. It is connected to ancient forces that could far from our understanding.”


Sailor Pluto says, “Shino-san is right. Duel Monsters is connected to various powerful forces including the Shadow Games of Egypt, which was the source of the inspiration for Pegasus to create the game, where they ‘played’ with real magic and real monsters with fate of the world on the line.”


Kazuto says, “With the Crimson Dragon and the Duel Dragons being another part of the story.”


Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “Correct, Kazuto.” Just then the group sees massive murals of the Egyptian God Monsters and plenty of them are amazed.


Kiba asks, “Whoa! What are those?”


Davis says, “Those big bruisers are the Egyptian God Monsters: Obelisk the Tormentor, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and the Winged Dragon of Ra.”


Tenten asks, stunned, “Egyptian what?!”


Hinata says, “God Monsters, Tenten.” Soon enough, the others explain the new arrivals from the Leaf Village about the Egyptian God Monsters in which they are in disbelief.


Yamato says, “I can’t believe it…”


Jiraiya says, stunned, “Impossible!”


Naruto says, “You wouldn’t say that if you didn’t see one of those God Cards for yourself. I felt the incredible power of Obelisk through that card.”


Sakura says, with a nod, “No joke. It wasn’t a monster…It was a deity.”


Ino asks, nervously, “You’re kidding, right?” Sakura give Ino a look that asks ‘Do I look like I’m kidding’ and Ino nods in understanding.


Kiba yells out, “What kind of freaky world did we get sent into?!”


Shikamaru says, “A world if we make the ‘wrong move’, we could end up like those ROOT. Naruto’s new armored friend has the power to make any one of us unable to use chakra and something tells me that Naruto might be able to do that too since he possesses this Etherion power.”


Sailor Pluto says, “It is highly likely since Etherion is the power of creation and linked to all of existence not just one world.”


Plenty of the newly arrived Leaf ninja are nervous and Kushina says, with a smirk, “And if he gains significant control of that power…Well, it does make one thing.”


Tsunade thinks in her mind, nervously, “No kidding, but it makes me more worried for your son’s safety.”


Minato tells Kushina, “That kind of ‘threat’ could work as a double edge sword for our son, Kushina-chan.” When Kushina looks at Minato in confusion, Minato tells Kushina, “If Danzo knew about this, he would have been more prepared because he would have craved that power from Naruto. If our world learns about our Sochi’s power, they may go after him more than the Biju.”


Kushina then gets worried about that and Naruto tells Kushina, “Don’t worry, I won’t be used by anyone ever, believe it.”


Sailor Celestial says, “And as long as he is here, we won’t let that happen, Lady Kushina.”


Kushina tells Sailor Celestial, “Oh, just call me Kushina.”


Sailor Saturn says, “It seems like Kushina has started to take a liking to Sailor Celestial.”


Minato says, with a sigh, “And I think I know why.”


Kushina asks, with a dangerous smile, “And what’s that supposed to mean Minato-kun?”


Minato responds, nervously, “Nothing, Kushina-chan.”


Sailor Uranus says, with a sly grin, “It seems like the mighty Fourth Hokage is quite ‘tamed’.”


Sailor Neptune says, with a warm smile, “It would seem so, Uranus.”


Minato gives a glare of annoyance and Davis notices a light coming from his sub-space pocket in which he asks, “Huh?”


Sailor Sun asks, “What’s wrong, Dai-kun?”


Davis takes out his deck, which is glowing, and he responds, “Take a look, Kari-chan.”


Matt asks, “What’s up with your deck?” Just then Davis’ deck gives up a massive glow and Stardust Dragon (2500/2000) appears with a mighty roar.


Ino yells out, shocked, “What’s that?!”


Lee says, amazed, “Another dragon.”


Hinata says, awe-struck, “It’s amazing.”


Davis looks at Stardust Dragon and he asks, “Hey, buddy, what’s up?”


Choji asks, “Is he talking to a massive dragon?”


Sakura says, a bit nervously, “Well, it is his partner.”


Ino asks, shocked and nervous, “Partner? Who has a dragon for a partner?”


Veemon says, with a smile, “Well, I’m a dragon Digimon.” Soon after, there are the sounds of ‘Kuri’ being heard and Davis goes through his deck until he goes to his Winged Kuriboh (300/200) monster card in which a real-life version just ‘pops out’ of the card.


Yolei asks, stunned, “Is that a real-life Winged Kuriboh?”


Davis says, “Hey, buddy! It’s been a while!”


Tai asks Davis, “Uh, Davis?”


Sailor Jupiter asks, “Have you met?”


Davis says, a bit nervously, “Winged Kuriboh has been my bud since I was a little kid.”


Sailor Pluto says, “You have the ability to see Duel Monster Spirits.”


Davis says, “Yeah, I’ve always had a connection to them.”


Ino says, “This world just keeps getting weirder and weirder.”


Sakura asks Ino, “And you consider us ‘normal’ Ino-Pig?”


Davis tells Winged Kuriboh, “So, what’s up, buddy?” Winged Kuriboh gives several ‘Kuri’ in reply and flies away in which he says, “He wants me to follow him.”


Tai asks, “You can understand him?”


Davis responds, with a shrug, “Sure.” Plenty of the others sweat drop for various reasons as they follow Davis who is following his Duel Monster ‘friend’. The group stops in front of a podium in front of a mural depicting Jaden’s two duels against Aster Phoenix and his Destiny Heroes, his trip into Neo-Space, and his battles with the Light of Destruction AKA Darklight.


Sailor Venus asks, “What’s this?”


Sailor Mercury asks, curiously, “Isn’t that Jaden Yuki? The duelist that came from the past and we helped return to his timeline?”


Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “I believe so.”


Keiko asks, pointing to the podium, “What’s that?” When everyone looks at the podium, they see a deck of Duel Monsters cards on the podium.


Sailor Jupiter asks, “Cards?”


Just then a male voice says, “Those are just more than just cards, my young Sailor Soldier.” A good amount of the group jump back in surprise as the deck on the podium glows and a blue and white humanoid creature with a dolphin-like head with violet eyes, three jewels on his chest and waist, fins attached to his lower arms, and wearing a pair of blue boots appears.


Rika asks, stunned, “What in the world? A dolphin with legs?”


The humanoid dolphin responds, in the same voice that they just heard, “Please don’t make jokes about fish sticks.”


Davis responds, “Fish sticks? I know that dolphin dudes like fish. Since you have legs now, I guess that you like fried fish.”


Yolei tells Davis, “Um, Davis. You know that you are talking to a dolphin with legs that’s talking by the way!”


Davis retorts, “And nothing ‘weird’ hasn’t happened to us since we became Digidestined.”


Yolei’s eyes grow wide and she then asks, “Okay, are you really Davis?”


Davis yells out, annoyed, “What’s that supposed to mean four-eyes?”


Kazuto asks, nervously, “Can we focus at the situation at hand?”


Sailor Pluto says, “This ‘being’ before us is a Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin. His name is Aquos.”


The others look at Sailor Pluto and Sailor Saturn asks, surprised tone in her voice, “You know him?’


The ‘humanoid dolphin’ responds, “Ah, Sailor Pluto. Finally, an intelligent humanoid that I have a conversation with.”


Sailor Pluto says, “Aquos came from a realm in space known as Neo-Space which is part of the Duel Monsters Spirit Realm, but part of it orbits around Jupiter. Neo-Space represents the balance in the universe and multiverse and exists within the Twilight, between light and darkness. Aquos and those like him are known as Neo-Spacians.”


Joe says, “Not to insult him, but that’s easy to figure out.”


The ‘humanoid dolphin’, Aquos also known as Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin, says, “Well, you, humans, can be quite the complex puzzle yourselves. But I digress, there is more important matters to talk about.”


Davis asks, “Such as?”


Aquos responds, “Right now, there is a vast war going on. More like a series of wars. I believe that you have seen two young women that look similar to Princess Serenity, have you not?”


Sailor Moon asks, surprised, “How do you know about that?”


Sailor Mars retorts, “Do you really need to ask Meatball Head?”


Aquos says, “Anyway, those two women are in fact, you, your majesty. Or should I say, alternate counterparts of you, Princess Serenity, from alternate dimensions.”


Sailor Moon asks, shocked, “Alternate…versions of me?”


Aquos says, with a nod and snapping his fingers, “That’s right.” Just images of four different Earths appear and Aquos says, “What you don’t know is that Earth can be divided into four different dimensions: Standard, Fusion, Synchro, and XYZ.”


Tai asks, “Standard, Fusion, Synchro, and XYZ?”


Ken says, “Wait! Fusion, Synchro, and XYZ are summoning methods from the Extra Deck!”


Aquos says, “That’s correct. Our dimension is known as Standard while the other three are Fusion, Synchro, and XYZ are known by the name of the type of monster that play from the Extra Deck. The people from the Fusion Dimension only play Fusion Monsters while Synchro only plays Synchro Monsters. However, one of the problems is the Fusion Dimension. They are making war on the other worlds.”


There are gasps and Naruto asks, “Wait! War?”


Aquos says, “That’s correct, young human. The Fusion Dimension has already invaded the XYZ Dimension and caused untold havoc, chaos, and destruction there. The pink haired version of Princess Serenity is actually a resident of that world: The XYZ Dimension’s Sailor Moon.”


There are gasps and Sailor Jupiter says, amazed, “Whoa, no way!”


Sailor Uranus then asks, “So, the silver haired version of our princess must the Synchro Dimension’s Sailor Moon?”


Aquos says, with a nod, “Correct, Sailor Uranus.”


Asuna asks, remembering that moment, “So, that ‘Kuro’ person is…another version of Kirito-kun?!”


Aquos says, “Indeed.”


Keiko asks, confused, “Two Kazutos?!”


Sailor Neptune asks, “So, is there a Fusion Dimension version of Sailor Moon?’


Aquos says, “Correct, Sailor Neptune. However, she is an unknown. We know that not all of the Fusion Dimension’s citizens are supportive of the organization in their realm that’s making war on the other dimensions, but we aren’t sure that dimension’s Sailor Moon is one of them. The organization, Academia, has made it that their invasion is part of some kind of ‘noble mission’ and you can expect what a lot of the people to be like in that case.”


Sailor Uranus says, “Mainly to be totally brainwashed and incapable of reason.”


Aquos says, “Correct, Sailor Uranus.”


Davis asks, “So, why are we called Standard?”


Aquos says, “Because our dimension is the center dimension. Remember, our realm currently uses all three summoning methods used by the other three. It is the foundation of the other three worlds. However, while you haven’t seen them, they already have agents on your Earth already.”


Sailor Orion asks, curiously, “They do?”


Sailor Celestial asks, “Wait! Could that be the reason that time-space is getting warped and people from the past are coming here?”


Aquos says, “Correct, Princess Selene. The reason of the Fusion Dimension’s war is that they plan to fuse all four dimensions into one world.”


Matt asks, confused, “Excuse me?”


Aquos says, “It is exactly as I said. However, their plans are wreaking havoc and upsetting the balance of light and darkness in which both the light and the darkness can’t find any balance at all. We also fear that by attempting to fuse the four worlds will cause the fabric of the universe to be undone.”


Sailor Celestial asks, sarcastically, “And that’s surprising why Aquos?”


Davis says, with a snort, “Typical self-center jerks.”


Aquos says, “This is why we wish to partner up with the Star Dragon King. Before he acquired his dragons, he used Elemental Heroes.”


Davis says, with a smile, “No joke. Other than dragons, Elemental Heroes were and are among my best cards and best buds in a duel.”


Aquos says, with a smile, “Just like our first partner, Jaden Yuki. I believe you met him when he crossed over into your timeline a while back.”


Sailor Jupiter says, “Nice guy. Reminded me of…”


Sailor Mars tells Sailor Jupiter, annoyed, “Every cute guy reminds you of your sempai, Jupiter!” Sailor Jupiter blushes in embarrassment, a few of the others have giggles, and Aquos shrugs at this.


Aquos says, “Sometimes, I never get you, humans.”


Sailor Pluto says, with a smile, “We are a complex people as you said, Aquos.”


Aquos responds, “Indeed, Sailor Pluto.” Aquos then says, “However, this isn’t the only ‘conflict’ out there and normally, it wouldn’t have gotten so ‘intense’ already. The ‘wars’ have been accelerated.”


Tai asks, “Wait! Accelerated? By what?”


Aquos responds, plainly, “Sword Art Online.”


There are gasps and Sailor Celestial asks, with a sneer, “Why doesn’t this surprise me?”


Aquos says, “There is more to Sword Art Online and the human, Akihiko Kayaba, the reincarnation of Prince Heathcliff of the Blue and Black Moon families, than meets the eye. He had spent much time developing that ‘realm of death’ in which he had gone all over the world in which he had researched weapons, fighting styles, people, places, myths, legends, and so much more including a lot about Duel Monsters. He had also many ideas including technology that suppress the Full-Dive virtual system.”


There are looks of surprise and Kazuto asks, “Huh?”


Aquos says, with a nod, “Indeed. However, some are just theory and such in which he focused only certain ones that he felt that could make his twisted dream or should I say, twisted plot possible. Kayaba, however, also become aware, gained knowledge of, and become part of ‘secret societies’.”


Sailor Moon asks, “Wait! Secret Societies?”


Aquos says, “Yes, your majesty. In fact, plenty of them you are fighting against today.” There are plenty of looks of shock and surprise and Aquos says, “As you already know, Kayaba’s wicked plot had a ‘dual purpose’ especially once he regained his memories of the Silver Millennium.”


Sailor Celestial says, with a sneer, “Don’t we know it? Not only he was trying to play a deity, he wanted to force me to awaken my powers.”


Aquos says, with a nod, “Correct, but there is more to it than meets the eye. As you already know, Kayaba had backup plans including the one to lure you into Sword Art Online, Sailor Celestial. However, from what we have managed to gather, his original plan was to have the game end and Kayaba transfer his mind into cyberspace at the end of the game, but that didn’t happen as you know.”


Kazuto says, “His plans changed because Sugou tampered with Sword Art Online’s server in his efforts to get to us for his sick mind control experiments causing an overload when the emotional energy of the players trapped in the game was unleashed.”


Aquos says, “Correct, young human. However, the thing is, Kayaba’s plans involved that energy. Kayaba was in fact storing the emotional energy of the players for his usage.”


There are gasps and Matt asks, “Wait! Are you saying that he was going to use all of the emotions that we went through for whatever plans that he had?”


Aquos says, with a nod, “Yes, that’s right. Think of SAO as a container for human emotional energy, but that ‘container’ has a limit and it was under pressure at that time. What the human, Sugou Nobuyuki, put a major ‘hole’ causing the emotional energy to explode out and out of control. With that, Kayaba had to go with another plan and that plan needed someone.” Aquos says, pointing to Sailor Celestial, “He needed you, my dear. His original plans didn’t have you as part of Sword Art Online, but as you have already, he knew that life is unpredictable and he needed a backup.” Aquos then snaps his fingers and he asks, “Do you remember this event?” Soon enough, video images showing Sailor Celestial’s and Heathcliff’s battle at the Ruby Palace in SAO.


Sailor Uranus says, “That’s Sailor Celestial’s battle with that fiend at the final floor of SAO.”


Aquos says, “A brutal battle that nearly ended the life of the young Moon Princess, but that’s what the point of the fight. He needed to push her to her limits and beyond and unfortunately, you performed excellently. He got what he had wanted from that fight, but it wasn’t to settle the fight that you had back in the Silver Millennium or to answer a ‘silly question’. No, he needed your power.”


Sailor Celestial asks, confused, “My power?’


Aquos says, “During the battle, the two of you creating massive amounts of energy, but it didn’t affect the virtual world that he created because Kayaba created a channel for the power that the two of you gave off as you pummeled each other. In order for what he had planned, he needed a titanic clash of powers and that’s why he brought you into Sword Art Online.”


Sailor Jupiter asks, “Wait! He also told us that he would be crushed by Sailor Celestial, so, what’s the point of that?”


Aquos asks, “Do you think that he wouldn’t create a ‘backup’ for his own mind?”


There are gasps of shock and Kazuto asks, “Wait! Kayaba created a backup of his own mind?!”


Sailor Mercury says, curiously, “Well, in theory, it isn’t impossible.” When everyone looks at Sailor Mercury, she says, “Remember, he did manage to download his mind into cyberspace and the human thought process is made of electrical signals that could be turned into digital information. And with digital information, it can be duplicated.”


Kazuto says, with a sneer, “And if anyone could do that, Kayaba could.”


Sailor Moon says, realizing something, “And despite him dying in his battle with Celestial…”


Aquos says, with a nod, “That’s correct, your majesty. His ‘backup’ would live on and with a vast new ‘virtual universe’ created by ‘The Seed’, his ‘backup’ has a vast ‘universe’ to hide in.”


Ryoutarou says, angrily, “This stinks!” Just then the whole area starts to shake and everyone looks as a ‘dark aura’ starts to come from Sailor Celestial as cracks start to develop around her feet causing plenty of the others to step/leap away from her as there is a ‘sinister glow’ in her eyes.


Sailor Celestial says, “That rotten SOB…he…he used me again…”


Sailor Moon grabs one of Sailor Celestial’s arms and she says, pleadingly, “Celestial, please calm down!”


At the same time, Kazuto grabs the other arm and he says, pleadingly, “Listen to Serena, Sugu! Don’t let your anger and rage control you.” The ‘sinister glow’ fades from Sailor Celestial’s eyes and the dark aura around her body vanishes.


Akamaru is hiding behind Kiba and Kiba says, nervously and fearfully, “What…What is she? That sicken smell…” Ino, shivering in fear, takes a step back away from Sailor Celestial and Kakashi, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Yamato look at Sailor Celestial and then at each other while Neji and Shino look at Sailor Celestial with stoic expression to hide their thoughts away from everyone else. However, Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata look at Sailor Celestial with great concern.


Davis says, angrily, “That ass! He played with us like a fiddle!”


Sailor Sun asks, curiously, “But what about Dai-kun and I?”


Aquos says, “You are right to be curious, young princess. In fact, you and your beloved of two lifetimes plays an important role with Sailor Celestial, but of what, I do not know. Remember, back in the Silver Millennium, you aided Sailor Celestial getting into the original Aincrad.”


Davis asks, “Wait, Aquos! Are you saying Kayaba’s plans still involve Kari and me?”


Aquos says, “I believe so.”


Tai yells out, angrily, “Over my dead body!”


Matt says, “Easy, Tai.”


TK tells Tai, “I’m not sure that’s a good choice of words.”


Aquos says, “As you may realize, the current state of affairs forces us to assist you in your time of need if you would have us.”


Davis says, with a grin, “Sounds pretty cool to me. I like my new dragons including new newest buddy, Stardust Dragon, but I think that having actual aliens sounds awesome!”


Yolei says, with a smirk, “You would think so.”


Aquos says, “Then we, the Neo-Spacians, and the guardian of Neo-Space, Elemental Hero Neos, are at your service, my friend.” Soon after, Aquos vanishes back into the deck on the podium which floats into Davis’ open hand.


Veemon says, “That’s really cool, Davis.”


Davis says, with a grin, “I think so.”


Rika asks, “Is this kind of thing going to happen to us from now on?”


Just Aquos’ voice booms, “By the way, my young friends, I think you should go over there. The female friends of the young Moon Prince are going to find something interesting.” Winged Kuriboh then flies off in that direction and the others decide to follow.


End Flashback; Return to the Present


Inside of Dicey Café, Keiko is showing three Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500 X 3) monster cards and Andrew whistles in which he says, “You are one lucky lady.”


Keiko says, with a smile, “Thank you. Their color reminds me of Pina in virtual world since they are both that lovely blue color.”


Kazuto says, “It turns out that deck came from a Duel Spirit named Kaibaman, based on the Duel Monster card of the same name created by Seto Kaiba, and Kayaba took this deck when he had beaten Kaibaman, but he then left it in the temple in which the dragons chose Keiko to wield them alongside Serena.”


Kotone says, with a smile, “You are so lucky, Keiko. I wish that I could have gotten that treasure.”


Rika asks Kotone, with a smirk, “Jealous?”


Kotone says, with a blush, “Maybe a little.”


Kazuto tells Rika, “Well, Kotone might be a bit jealous of you too.”


Rika says, displaying a card known as ‘The Claw of Hermos’, “No kidding! These legendary knights sealed their powers into these cards and gave them to us to use! I like this guy the best that he can make Fusion Monsters that can be really awesome types of weapons!”


Asuna says, with a smile, “Not surprising that you would, Liz.”


Andrew says, “Man. You, guys, go through the freakiest of things. Real-life Duel Monsters, aliens, and dragons are quite something, bro.”


Ryoutarou says, with a grin, “Well, when you are friends with those girls and our former Digital Knights, I think that kind of thing is ‘normal’.”


Rika says, “I doubt it, Klein. I mean that they see plenty of freaky stuff, but nothing like this level.”


Kazuto looks in deep thought and Asuna asks, concerned, “What’s wrong?”


Kazuto says, “I just can’t get over what Aquos told us. Sugu fought with everything that she had and she nearly died in that deadly battle with Kayaba…”


Asuna tells Kazuto, in a comforting tone, “It wasn’t meaningless. Your sister fought with the hopes and dreams of all of the surviving players and in honor of those that died because of his sick plans and she beat him. Like you said after the battle, it was a symbolic victory of our final escape and victory over the game.”


Kazuto says, with a sigh, “I know, Asuna. However, I’m concerned to learn that Kayaba was storing all of the ‘emotional energy’ that we gave off during those two years of that nightmare. Even bit of pain, despair, sadness, anger, joy, and excitement which caused Yui and Strea all sorts of pain, I can’t help to wonder what he was planning with it.”


Ryoutarou says, “Who knows, bro? All that we know is that whatever he planned, it went south when that nut, Alberich…Sugou caused the game to malfunction trying to get us.”


Kazuto says, “True, but Kayaba used the titanic clash that he had with Sugu for his backup plan. He planned to die, but he made a backup with his mind. I can’t help to wonder what he needed Sugu’s power for and where he was channeling to.”


Rika says, “Well, he’s back now and when we catch him, we can beat him up to make us tell.”


Asuna says, “Liz, I don’t think it will be that easy.”


Andrew says, “So far, he has proven trickier than a fox through I doubt our new ‘foxy friend’ would agree.”


Kazuto says, with a smile, “Yeah.” Kazuto says, “However, I can’t help to worry about them in that ‘other land’.”


Ryoutarou says, with a smirk, “Geez, bro! I know that your sister has been very ‘emotional’ lately, but she is one tough girl! Hello! You see on the news every day since we got out of ‘there’ and she is kicking butt! I’m a bit jealous of her. I can’t help to wonder what she, Serena, and the others are doing in that ‘fantasy world’ right now.”


July 17, 2025, Lyusula


Inside the hidden realm of Lyusula, we find Sailor Celestial, Tuxedo Mask, the Juuban based Moon Kingdom Sailor Scouts, our Digidestined and their Digimon partners, and our group from the Elemental Countries inside of the labyrinth inside of the mountain containing a city filled with real Minotaurs, but things aren’t going so well as Palmon is using her vine-like fingers to hold onto Mimi pulling her away from a pitfall.


Yolei yells out, concerned, “Mimi!”


Sailor Celestial yells out, annoyed, “Didn’t we just warn you not to touch anything?!”


Sailor Sun tells Sailor Celestial, “Easy, Celestial.”


Sailor Venus says, with a smile, “Yeah, girl. She doesn’t have experience going through a dungeon recently just like we do.”


Hinata asks, “Were dungeons in SAO that dangerous?”


Sailor Jupiter says, “Just as dangerous and just as deadly girl. Remember, dying there means you die in ‘real life’.”


Tai tells Mimi, “Take from a group with experience, Mimi. When we say don’t touch anything until we examine it, please do that.”


Mimi says, solemnly, “Sorry.”


Sailor Mars says, in a sarcastic tone, “This is getting fun.”


Tuxedo Mask says, “Maybe we should turn back. We aren’t sure what could come up.” Just then a short distance away from the group, the wall ‘explodes’ outwards.


TK responds, “Maybe something like that?” Soon after, a heavy armored male Minotaur goes through the hole made in the wall.


He looks at them and he says, “Hey, there! What’s some cool cats like you doing in a dark place like this? It seems like a drag for colorful cats like yourselves.”


Sailor Celestial says, “Just doing some treasure hunting, big guy.”


The male Minotaur responds, “I hear that. The name’s Andros. Just be careful cool chick because while you are armored, you, humans, aren’t as durable as us, big bulls, you dig?”


Sailor Celestial says, “Dig.”


The male Minotaur, Andros, says, with a smile, “Peace out.” Andros then moves over to a nearby section of wall, puts a huge hole in it, and walks through the hole.


Sora asks, confused, “What was that?”


Matt says, “I take that’s how the Minotaurs explore this place.”

Sailor Pluto says, with a smile, “Why do you seem so surprised? They are docile, for the most part, but they are far from weak.”


Sailor Celestial says, with a smile, “They prefer to do things simple. And why wander through the maze when you can bust through the walls? Simple, but effective.”


Joe asks, concerned, “But what about cave-ins?”


Sailor Pluto says, “As Andros just mentioned, Minotaurs are far more durable than humans and they can take a lot more punishment.” Just then there is a loud ‘explosion’ that comes from the hole that Andros and it shakes the area that they are in. When the explosion stops, the group runs to the hole where they see smoke and dust clear to find Andros, his armor burnt and dent, but otherwise, he is just fine and he is dusting himself off.


Andros shouts out, “Hey, dudes! If you come in here, watch that first step! It is a major bummer for a human!”


Sailor Neptune says, with a smile, “We see what you mean.”


Plenty of the others nod their heads in agreement and Sailor Uranus says, “Like Celestial said: Built like a tank.”


Sakura says, “Subtle as one too.”


Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “You have a point, Sakura.”


Sailor Jupiter says, “We haven’t found a darn thing down here.”


Davis says, annoyed, “Jerk might have been sending us down on a wild goose chance.”


Sailor Moon says, “I don’t think so.” Everyone looks at Sailor Moon and she says, “He is making it out like an SAO quest and sometimes, the quest requirements aren’t always straight forward.”


Hinata asks, “They are sometimes like riddles?”


Sailor Moon says, with a nod, “That’s right, Hinata-san. Based on what I remember.”


Sailor Celestial tells Sailor Moon, “Best not good too deep into that.”


Choji asks, curiously, “Why is that?” Plenty of non-Leaf ninja of the group glare at Choji and he asks, nervously, “What?”


Shikamaru responds, “Troublesome, Choji. You just hit a sore point.”


Kiba tells Choji, “Dude, her uncle was the madman for that nightmare and she did everything to save people’s lives, right? How many people do you think that she saw die?”


Choji yelps, realizing what the glares are for, and he says, meekly, “Sorry.”


Sailor Moon says, nervously, “I’m sure that you didn’t mean any harm in it, Choji-san.”


Tai says, changing the subject, “Anyway, let’s keep going.” Soon after, the group continues on and they end inside of a chamber with a small stone bridge overlooking what looks like a bottomless pit.


Davis says, wide-eyed, “Watch that first step.”


Gatomon says, “No kidding, Davis.”


Mimi asks, pointing ahead, “What’s that?” Everyone then looks ahead and they see what looks like a platform connected to the bridge with a podium on the platform that contains a SAO style treasure chest.


Sailor Mars says, “That looks familiar.”


Sailor Sun says, “It looks like a treasure chest from SAO.”


Sailor Uranus says, “A treasure chest in an ancient underground labyrinth, huh? That’s original.”


Davis says, sarcastically, “You got that right, Uranus.”


Sailor Jupiter tells Sailor Mercury, “Mercury, you know what to do.”


Sailor Mercury uses her computer and visor to scan the area and when she is done, she says, “There is a pressure device under the treasure chest.”


Tenten asks, “An old fashion booby trap?”


Sailor Mercury responds, “Correct.”

Tuxedo Mask says, “We can’t be sure that it is even from Kayaba.”


Sailor Mercury says, “My visor detected something else: A Sword Art Online game card.” There are gasps and Sailor Sun takes out a pair of binoculars from her sub-space pocket.


TK asks, “You had those?”


Sailor Sun says, “These days, it pays to be prepared.”


TK responds, with a nod, “I agree, Kari.”


Sailor Sun uses the binoculars to look out, she sees a SAO game card, and she says, “Mercury’s right. There is a Sword Art Online game card with the chest, but it is outside of the pressure sensor.”


Sailor Uranus says, “Cute. He left a ‘calling card’.”


Naruto asks, “So, now what?”


Sailor Celestial replies, “We need to figure a way to get that chest without triggering the trap since we don’t know what it could be.”


Sakura tells Sailor Mercury, “Mercury, do have the exact weight of the chest?”


Sailor Mercury says, “Yes, I do.”


Sakura says, “Give it to me.”


Hinata asks Sakura, “What do you plan to do?”


Sakura says, with a smile, “Put these new powers to mine to good use.” Sakura then takes out a stone from inside of the room, chip it down until it matches the weight that Sailor Mercury said that the box weighed, and Sakura then uses her telekinetic powers to move it until it was by the chest before she makes a quick move to push the chest off the podium using her powers to levitate the treasure chest right into Sailor Moon’s hands.


Sailor Venus says, excitedly, “She did it!”


Biyomon says, “That was amazing.”


Hinata tells Sakura, “You are getting going with these new powers.”


Sakura says, “At least, I’m not levitating anything around while I sleep including myself.” However, the pressure trigger then goes down and the whole area starts to shake.


Yolei yells out, “What just happened?”


Tuxedo Mask says, “The trap has been triggered!”


Sakura asks, stunned, “What?!”


Ino says, “Way to go, Forehead!”


Sakura says, “I matched the weight of the chest exactly!”


Sailor Mercury says, “The sensor must have had a secondary trap in it!”


Sailor Celestial says, with a sneer, “That would be that ass in a nutshell.” Just then everyone looks to see a massive boulder coming down from the ceiling at them like Indiana Jones movies.


Davis says, shocked, “Oh, crud!”


Matt says, seriously, “Big time!”


Yolei yells out, “Run!”


Sailor Celestial says, drawing the Star Saber, “I’ve got this.”


Sailor Celestial leaps towards the boulder and Tsunade shouts out, “Hey, kid! What are you doing?!” Just then with one swipe of the Star Saber, she effortlessly cuts the boulder in half and the two halves fly away and crash into the wall near the entrance/exit of the chamber.


The Leaf ninja are shocked by this and Lee says, “Incredible!”


Tenten says, stunned, “No way! There is no sword that can cut through a boulder like that!”


Sailor Pluto says, “The Star Saber isn’t any ordinary sword. It is one of the two most powerful blades in our universe and cutting through mere stone is nothing since it can cut a star right in half.”


The Leaf ninja are flabbergasted and Kakashi says, stunned, “That’s not…That’s not possible…”


Kiba tells Naruto, “Hey, Naruto! What kind of freaky world did you land us in?!”


Naruto says, “Hey, Kiba! I didn’t force you to follow Sakura, Hinata, and I!”


Sailor Uranus tells Sailor Celestial, “Nice work.”


Sailor Celestial says, “I doubt that he would have made it easy, but I doubt that he would give us anything that we couldn’t handle.”


Tai asks, “So, what’s in that chest?”


Tuxedo Mask says, “I think that we had better do that in safer surroundings.”


Sailor Mars says, with a nod, “Good idea, Tuxedo Mask.”


The group starts to take their leave and Sailor Moon thinks in her mind, “What is it that you desire now? What were you planning to do with the energy gathered from our pain, sorrow, anger, despair, happiness, joy, and for all of the emotions of our hearts while trapped in that nightmare? Well, what you desire, I will ensure that you will never get it. You denied us over two years of our lives and destroyed our innocence and in the name of the moon, I will deny you final victory Kayaba.”


July 17, 2025, Japan, Unknown location


In some kind of underground high-tech lab, there are alarms going off as humans and humanoids in lab coats are racing around and one woman with orange hair tied up in a spiral bun and light blue eyes as well as dressed as a female scientist walks over.


She yells out, “What’s going on?”


One of the humanoid yells out, “Oynxite! Her capsule! It’s breaking…!!” Just then there is a loud explosion and the woman, Oynxite, runs over into another room and she gasps to find a massive fish bowel-shaped pod shattered open.


Oynxite asks, “But how?”


Another humanoid creature, looking like a dark elf, says, “Oynxite, she…she felt…the power of the White Moon family…”


Oynxite yells out, stunned, “But how?! The chamber was isolated from such ‘stimulus’?”


The creature asks, “What do we do?”


Oynxite says, “We have no choice! We have to evacuate the facility! Prepare the protocols!”


The creature responds, “Yes, ma’am!”


As the creature moves off to fulfill, its orders, Oynxite thinks in her mind, “Her regeneration wasn’t complete…At least in her mind. Her hatred of Sailor Moon and the Lunarian royal family dominates her and now, she is off for revenge endangering our operation here! Why was she ever the leader of the Negaverse?”


July 17, 2025, Odiaba District


Within the Odiaba District, we are inside of Odiaba Park as the group that went to Lyusula joined by Kazuto, Asuna, Keiko, Rika, Ryoutarou, Shion, and Kotone as they look at the treasure chest brought back from the dungeon in the mountain where the Minotaur city is built around and on.


Kotone says, amazed, “Oh, wow! Real-life treasure!”


Rika says, “Or a real-life ‘booby prize’.”


Shion says, “Rika is right. It could be a trap.”


Asuna says, “Shion-chan is right. There were plenty of booby trapped chests in SAO.”


Kazuto says, “I’m not sure that he would replicate it in real-life. However, we can’t take any chances with him.”


Mina asks, curiously, “Anyone know how to open it?”


Davis says, nervously, “I didn’t see a set of keys.”


Kotone notices something and she asks, “What’s this?”


When she reaches out for the chest, Serena says, concerned, “Be careful, Kotone.”


Kotone says, “Don’t worry, Serena.” Kotone then sides away part of metal part of the chest to reveal a control panel.


Keiko asks, “What’s that?”


Yolei asks, amazed, “A control panel?”


Cody says, “I guess that you need to enter the right code.”


Mimi asks, “What kind of code do you need?” Before an answer could be made, Raye, Amara, Kari, Kazuto, Suguha, and Serena ‘sense’ something and their expressions show it.


Lita says, “Oh, boy. I don’t like that look Raye.”


Raye says, seriously, “You shouldn’t, Lita-chan. MAJOR evil power coming this way.”


Tai asks, stunned, “What? Where?”


TK asks, “When?” Just then there a massive explosion from nearby and everyone looks straight at it.


Amara says, “Right now.”


Raye says, “And even worse news, I remember that foul aura anywhere.”


Serena says, her eyes widening, “So do I, Pyro. I thought that I destroyed her years ago.”


Just then a wicked female voice yells out, “Sailor Moon!”


Darien says, shocked, “No, it can’t be…”


Ryoutarou asks, “It can’t be what?”


Davis says, “I think he means ‘who’, bro.” From the smoke of the explosion, a powerful dark aura surrounding her, Queen Beryl, looms over them.


Mina yells out, shocked, “Beryl?!”


Rika says, nervously, “Something tells me that she isn’t your friend.”


Lita says, with a serious tone, “No, Rika! She is the leader of the Negaverse and our first major enemy!”


Suguha says, “As the ‘avatar’ of Metallia, supreme queen of the Negaverse, that manipulated the darkness of Earthling in order to destroy the Silver Millennium which you know who helped.”


Keiko says, nervously and shaking in fear, “She’s scary.”


Hotaru says, “This evil…”


Trista says, “You never met her, but her image is seared into my memory, Firefly.” Queen Beryl looks at our group and stares directly at Serena in which she roars as she unleashes dark lightning causing Darien to force Serena and himself while the others also duck as well.


Gabumon says, “What power!”


Gatomon says, “She is on the level of Myotismon for evil! I can sense through my tail and my whole body!”


Hawkmon says, “I must say that I have to agree with you, Gatomon.”


Kari says, “I know. I can feel it. The pure darkness…It is so wicked…so sinister…”


Queen Beryl yells out, “Do you think that you can hide from me now Sailor Moon? Or shall I call you Serena Tsukino instead?” There are multiple gasps and Queen Beryl yells out, “Thanks to memories of that fool, Jadeite, I know who you are in this life, Moon brat! I made the mistake of putting him to sleep when he had learned your identity and the identities of Mercury and Mars! I may not know who Venus and Jupiter are in this life, but I don’t care! I can see them right in front of me right now!”


Mina says, “Oh, great. She knows who we are now.”


Raye says, “No duh, Mina-chan.”


Suguha yells out, “Why don’t you bite your tongue you old hag?!”


Queen Beryl shouts out, “Stay out of this human!”


Queen Beryl’s eyes quirk as she feels some form of familiarity as she looks at Suguha and she says, with a smirk, “Don’t recognize me, Beryl. You must have gone senile in your old age.”


Queen Beryl yells out, angrily, “How dare you human?! Who do you think you are?!”


Suguha yells out, strongly, “Maybe this will jog your memory, you witch! It’s payback time!” Suguha then transforms into Eternal Sailor Celestial and Queen Beryl gasps in shock, but then becomes really enraged as the dark aura around her gets stronger.


Queen Beryl shouts out, enraged, “You!!” Queen Beryl fires a blast of dark energy at Sailor Celestial and Sailor Celestial creates an energy shield that deflects the attack in which she draws her swords and teleports right at Queen Beryl. Before Sailor Celestial could strike, Queen Beryl brings out her specter and blocks the blades. Queen Beryl yells out, angrily, “Queen Serenity’s wretched younger daughter! So, you have been reborn in this time too?!”


Sailor Celestial says, “In the flesh, witch! Too bad it is for the last time!”


Queen Beryl responds, strongly, “For you wench! I’ll rip the Etherion out of your corpse!”


Sailor Celestial yells out, strongly, “Just try, you old bag!” Queen Beryl roars out with great anger in which she unleashes dark energy attacks that Sailor Celestial is deflecting with her swords.


Raye shouts out, “That girl! What’s she thinking transforming in the middle of a park like this?!”


Davis says, seriously, “Like she had a choice! That Beryl had you, Ami, and Moon girl down dead to rights.”


TK says, “She has a good point, Raye.”


Amara says, “Doesn’t matter! Right now, we need to get you out of here and out of her way so we can come back and help her.”


Naruto says, “Hey! We’re not helpless!”


Michelle says, “You aren’t dealing with other ninja using chakra, Naruto. This is dark magic and leader of a force of evil creatures that suck energy in which she would love to drain yours and Kurama’s energy.”


Amara says, “This is Sailor Scout business alone.”


Hotaru says, “We need to get you out of danger especially those without Digimon partners or special powers so we can fight without distractions.”


Serena says, with very serious tone that’s unlike her before SAO, “Take care of them. I’ll help Celestial.”


Moon Eternal Power, Make-Up!


Serena’s broach opens up, melts her clothing, replacing them with a Sailor fuku, and before you could say ‘Henshin’, Eternal Sailor Moon replaces Serena and she races off after Queen Beryl and Sailor Celestial.


Darien yells out, “Serena!”


However, it is too late, Raye snacks her head, and she yells out, exasperated, “Oh, geez! What’s up with that Meatball Head?”


Trista says, “I have to say that she doesn’t want a repeat of the North Pole battle.”


TK asks, “What happened there?”


Mina responds, nervously, “Don’t want to talk about Takeru-kun.”


Lita says, “That and you know what has really made our princess into an ‘emotional volcano’.”


Kazuto’s body shakes as he tenses and Asuna tells him, “There is nothing that we can do Kirito-kun.”


Kazuto sighs, knowing that she is right, and Amara tells Kazuto, “She is a Sailor Scout. She has a duty to fulfill and she is a strong one for reasons more than just her powers. You have to believe in her.” Back to the fight, Sailor Celestial is using her swords to deflect the dark energy blasts from Queen Beryl, but Sailor Celestial is slightly straining from doing so.


Sailor Moon’s voice booms out, “Beryl!” Queen Beryl turns her head only to get bashed in the face by Sailor Moon’s right knee causing her to get a bloody nose.


Sailor Celestial says, “Nice one!”


Sailor Moon tells Sailor Celestial, “Celestial, please help the others get Kazuto and the others to safety.”


Sailor Celestial asks, “Huh?”


Sailor Moon says, “Beryl is my problem!”


Sailor Celestial says, with a serious tone, “No way! This is my fight too!”


Queen Beryl roars out, strongly, “How about I destroy both of you wretched Lunarian Princesses?!” The whole area starts to shake as Queen Beryl roars out with massive dark power and she transforms into the form that she took when Queen Metallia ‘possessed’ her.


Tai yells out, “Holy crap! She’s huge!”


Rika says, nervously, “Major understatement.”


Queen Beryl’s voice booms, “Now, you die!” Queen Beryl unleashes a powerful blast of dark energy and both Sailor Moon and Sailor Celestial create an energy shield that manages to block Queen Beryl’s attack for a moment in which the clash of powers causes the whole area to shake. However, Queen Beryl’s attack overwhelms causing their shield to shatter and both Moon Princesses scream out as they are sent flying by the blast in which their forms of smoking from the assault!


Darien screams out, “No!”


Kazuto yells out, horrified, “Sugu! Serena!” Without thinking, Darien transforms into Tuxedo Mask and leaps into action as Sailor Moon’s and Sailor Celestial’s forms crash down to the ground with a nasty ‘thud’. Tuxedo Mask unleashes a barrage of roses in which Queen Beryl vaporize into dust with ease.


Queen Beryl yells out, angrily, “Endymon! You choose that worthless Moon wench for me?! Then you will die with her!” Queen Beryl then creates a massive dark energy ball and prepares to strike down the still stunned Sailor Moon and Sailor Celestial with Tuxedo Mask.


Naruto’s voice then booms out, strongly, “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size, you old hag?!”


Queen Beryl shouts out, looking towards the source of Naruto’s voice, “Who dares?!” When she looks at Naruto, Queen Beryl only sees him fire a massive beam of chakra energy into her dark energy ball which explodes causing her to yell out in pain as she is hit by the explosion. On the meanwhile, Tuxedo Mask gets to the stunned Sailor Moon and Sailor Celestial.


Tuxedo Mask asks, concerned, “Are you okay?”


Sailor Moon says, with a groan, “Ask me when my ears stop ringing Tuxedo Mask-kun?”


Sakura’s voice then booms out, “Hey, you had better get out of there!” Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Celestial look over to see Hinata being engulfed by a cyan-colored chakra shroud in which she gives one of her Truth Seeker Ball to Naruto, who uses it and a group of Shadow Clones to gather Wind chakra energy, in order to create a spinning shuriken made of chakra: The Rasenshuriken. Immediately, Sailor Celestial grabs onto Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask in which she teleports over to everyone else.


Wind Style: Rasenshuriken!


Naruto then throws that spinning huge shuriken of chakra energy right into Queen Beryl’s waist causing her to yelp in pain as she cries out in pain as the attack starts to rip her apart from the inside out in which Sailor Celestial creates an energy shield dome around everyone with Yamato engulfing them in a dome of wood from his Wood Style Jutsu with both Kakashi and Jiraiya adding their own Earth style shield domes before Queen Beryl explodes in a massive explosion of power sending a column of energy high into the air. When the explosion dies down, the others are just fine as the two layered earth dome with the wood dome crumble away leaving only the energy dome by Sailor Celestial behind which is being reinforced by Sailor Moon. After the smoke and dust clears, the energy shield is lowered to see much of Odiaba Park in ruins with it scorched by the dark energy unleashed by the death of Queen Beryl.


Mimi says, worriedly, “Oh no.”


Kiba says, with a disgusted look, “Ugh! What a smell! And I don’t mean the burnt area! There is just this sickening smell.”


Amara says, “The dark energy leftover from Queen Beryl.”


Kakashi says, looking at Naruto amazed, “I can’t believe it. You…You completed the Rasengan!”


Minato says, with a proud smile, “That’s Kushina-chan’s and my boy, Kakashi.”


Kushina says, with a smirk, “It makes you wonder what he could have been not held back by the stupidity of that village.” Plenty of the Leaf ninja winch from Kushina’s statement.


Joe says, “Man.”


Matt says, “I had good times at the park with my band.”


Raye says, with a sigh, “The whole area is contaminated, but we will be okay.”


Sailor Celestial asks Sailor Moon, “Do you think that we can purify the park?”


Sailor Moon responds, “I don’t think that it will be too draining of me, Celestial.”


Sailor Celestial says, “Well, just in case, I think that I should use my powers to give you a boost.” Sailor Moon nods her head in which Sailor Celestial sends her energy into Sailor Moon and she uses her Silver Crystal to purify the park of the dark energy contaminating it due to Queen Beryl’s demise in which it is quickly restored.


When they are done, Keiko says, amazed, “That’s incredible.”


Rika says, with a grin, “One of the most powerful gemstones in the universe, huh? I’ll believe that.”


Ryoutarou says, nodding his head, “No kidding girlfriend.”


Kari tells Sailor Moon, “Thanks, Serena.”


Sailor Moon responds, “No problem.”


Kazuto says, “Anyway, we should get out of here since that explosion and the battle with Beryl will attract plenty of attention.”


Raye says, glaring at Sailor Moon and Sailor Celestial, “No joke! And we’re going to have a good talk about transforming in public like that and going off half-cocked!” Sailor Moon and Sailor Celestial winch from Raye’s glare as everyone heads off to get away from the crowd that will come due to the fight and death of Queen Beryl.


July 17, 2025, Juuban District


It is evening in Juuban where we find the silver haired version of Serena, Serenity AKA Synchro Dimension Sailor Moon, with Kuro, the Synchro Dimension counterpart to our Black Swordsman, are on the rooftop looking the whole of Tokyo.


Serenity says, “It is so beautiful.”


Kuro tells Serenity, “So is our world and it has its ‘shadows’, Serenity.”


Serenity says, “Well, it is better than our world.”


Kuro tells Serenity, “I can’t be so sure.”


Serenity tells Kuro, “How can you say that bro? I mean, their Solid Vision tech needs a bit of work, but they have that awesome Full-Dive technology where you can actually dive into the game itself. It is so cool!”


Kuro says, with a smile, “Well, you have a point, Serenity.”


Serenity says, “Man! I would love to have that kind of stuff back home!”


Kuro says, “It may not be all a good thing. I think that you remember what about what we heard about the first VRMMO game.”


Serenity says, with a solemn look, “It is pretty hard for me to believe that you could die from a game.”


Kuro says, “But based on what they said about that NervGear, the first of their second generation Full-Dive technology, I believe that it is highly possible to do such a thing if you release the safeties on the device. Your brain would be fried into extra crispy steak.”


Serenity says, with a shiver, “Don’t remind me, bro.”


Kuro asks Serenity, “You said that you saw visions from your counterpart when you dueled?”


Serenity says, with a nod, “When I used Clear Wing’s ability to stop her Ancient Pixie Dragon and it had a nasty aura about it. I could see what she sees…I felt what she felt…her pain…her guilt…her sorrow…her feelings of betrayal…and I remember Sword Art Online spoken into my mind.”


Kuro says, “Your counterpart must have had a personal connection with that horror.”


Serenity asks, “You think so?” When Kuro nods his head, Serenity looks at her Clear Wing Synchro Dragon (2500/2000) Synchro Monster card and she says, “Kuro, Clear Wing wanted to battle that other dragon with Ancient Pixie.”


Kuro asks, “Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon?”


Serenity responds, with a nod, “Yeah. I could feel their…their need to fight each other. It was so…overwhelming. It was a miracle that I could control myself. It was constantly telling me to win…to beat her…to beat that dragon…to destroy that dragon.” Serenity asks Kuro, “Kuro, what is Clear Wing? What are these dragons?”


Kuro says, “Something tells me that our answers lies with our counterparts Serenity.” Kuro tells Serenity, “Through I’m not sure that they will trust us. You did attack your counterpart without giving her a chance to explain herself.”


Serenity blushes in embarrassment and she yells out, “Well, I want to get sis back!”


Kuro tells Serenity, “I know, Serenity! We swore that we could go to the Friendship Cup, beat Jack Atlas, and help create a better world for all of us. Clear Wing isn’t just your card…It is our card.”


Serenity says, with a weak smile, “Yeah, our card.”


Kuro tells Serenity, with a smile, “We’ll get her back, sis. We’ll get our sister back.” Serenity and Kuro share a hug and the two of them then look into the night’s sky of Tokyo and Juuban where some distance away, Tsuki AKA XYZ Dimension’s Sailor Moon, Kata, the silver haired version of Kazuto from the XYZ Dimension, Yuma, and Kite, are also looking up in the skies.


July 18, 2025, ALO, Svart Alfheim


Right now, we are in the skies of Woglinde, the Island of Meadows, the first land in the floating island of Svart Alfheim where we find our heroes and heroines, in their ALO avatar forms, facing off against a massive violet and red dragon.


Makoto asks, stunned, “Holy crap! That’s the first boss of this land?”


Kendo says, “It is called Fafnir and it fits well into Norse mythology.”


Dai says, with a serious tone, “Well, it’s take it out before it turns us into history!” Soon after, the group dodges a fireball assault from the monster and Sinon, Hino, and Akari start to hit it at long range with their bows.


Kirito notices some kind of movement and he yells out, “Watch out everyone! He is preparing a strong move!” Our group then has to scatters to avoid getting hit by a strong whirlwind attack and even then, a few of them get ‘nicked’ causing to go into a tailspin with the others having to catch them.


Takashi asks Minako, “Are you okay, Mina-chan?”


Minako responds, with a smile, “Thanks, sweetie.”


Haruka says, “Get a room you two.”


Usagi says, “The long range attackers should keep their distance and the close range should try to keep its focus on them.”


Leafa says, with a smile, “You know what that means sis.”


Usagi responds, in a sarcastic tone, “Don’t I know it?”


Dai says, drawing out two swords, “Well, what are we waiting for? Time to turn this dragon into lizard bait!” Akari giggles at Dai’s antics and our group attacking the massive dragon in the way that Usagi described with long range attackers, the main magic users and archers, attacking at long distance and the close range fighters, sword users like Leafa, Dai, Klein, and Kirito for example, attacking the monster head-on so to speak with the main magic users providing healing and boosting buffs through Asuna and Usagi, close range combat sword fighters also have excellent healing skills. Yuuki is showing her prowess in this fight by striking hard and fast.


Tomoe says, amazed, “Yuuki is amazing.”


Silica says, with a nod, “She is Tomoe.”


Michiru says, “No time to be impressed you two. We have ‘work’ to do.”


Tomoe and Silica nod their heads and Yui says, “Watch out! Another wind attack on the way!” The group then defenses another wind storm attack from Fafnir as best as they can in which the healers take care of the ones who suffered the most HP drain.


Taichi says, “Man! This is so fight!”


Yamato says, “Well, this is our first boss fight in mid-air, bro.”


Miyako says, with a sigh, “No kidding!”


Mamoru helps Usagi defend against a claw attack and Mamoru asks, “Are you okay?”


Usagi says, with a smile, “I’m okay, Mamoru-kun.”


Our group manages to take out two of its four HP gauges and Yui says, “Daddy, you and the others manage to get it down to half health!”


Yuuki says, excitedly, “Awesome!”


Asuna says, “Be careful, Yuuki. The battle isn’t over yet.”


Strea says, with a smile, “We can do it, Asuna!” The group continues their assault until the boss monster reaches its final HP gauge in which it starts to glow red.


Yui yells out, “It’s going to change its attack patterns now! Be careful everyone!”


Leafa says, “Here it comes!” Fafnir then unleashes a strong dark wind assault and soon after, it goes into a charge attack.


Usagi yells out, “Look out!” Our group is then scattered about from the charge attack by Fafnir with the healers in the group healing those that are most damaged while those that can still engage the boss, long range and short range attackers, continue the battle. Fafnir then starts unleashing a session of fireball assaults against our group.


Klein says, “Great balls of fire!”


Lisbeth asks, with a sarcastic tone, “Really, Klein?”


Klein yells out, annoyed, “This is no joke! It’s unleashing great balls of fire!”


Dai says, “Then let’s teach it what it means to play with fire.”


Takashi says, with a smile, “Good idea, Dai.” Soon after, our group unleashes a powerful coordinated assault that finally defeats the boss monster which glows before shattering into hundreds of data polygons. With the demise of the boss, the words ‘Quest Clear’ appear in the sky and the group gains small prompts with what money and items that they have earned.


Agil says, excitedly, “Woglinde is cleared!”


Strea says, “You were amazing everyone.”


Usagi says, with a smile, “It was a team effort Strea.”


Klein responds, “Yeah, but everyone saw how awesome I was right?” Some of the others avoid eye contact and give innocent whistling in which he says, annoyed, “Hey, I was awesome! What is up with that reaction? That’s not fair!”


Sinon says, with a sly grin, “Sorry, Klein. Just kidding. I always kept an eye on all party members.”


Lisbeth says, with a grin, “Let’s just say that’s payback for dealing with you every single day.”


Usagi says, “Liz, that’s not nice.”


Klein says, “Yeah, you should listen to Usagi. She is a princess after all! Noble royalty!”


Hino responds, “Royalty, yes? Noble? Hmm…”


Usagi yells out, annoyed, “Hey, Pyro!”


Asuna says, trying to change the subject, “Anyway, we just beat the boss of this level. I think that it is time to celebrate.”


Yuuki says, excitedly, “Asuna’s right! That was awesome fight!”


Leafa says, with a nod, “Yeah, we finished the first level of Svart Alfheim!”


Yui says, “Daddy, the next island is unlocked.”


Dai says, excitedly, “Awesome!”


Kirito says, excitedly, “Let’s go everyone!” Afterwards, some distance away, the clouds part away and reveal another island similar to Woglinde in size, but this look like a desert and rocky canyon design.


Taichi asks, “Is that the next island?”


Izumi says, “It looks like we are going to tackle a desert and rocky mountainous island next.”


Sara says, “Something tells me that it is going to be hot.”


Kendo says, “Salamanders shouldn’t have too much trouble since they are fire fairies.”


Dai says, with a grin, “Sounds like my kind of turf.”


Takashi says, with a smile, “We’ll see Dai.”


Yui says, “Daddy, the deactivated teleportation gate just activated.”


Yuuki says, excitedly, “Let’s go, everyone!”


Yuuki takes off for the teleport gate and Minako says, with a grin, “You heard the girl.” Dragging Takashi along, Minako races off after Yuuki with plenty of the others smiling at this before they follow them to the teleport gate to next land in Svart Alfheim known as Wellgunde, the Valley of Sand.


July 18, 2025, Dicey Café


Inside of the Dicey Café, our Sailor Scouts, Digidestined, human and Digimon, and SAO survivors are together in Andrew’s café, Dicey Café, having a ‘real world celebration’ on their victory over the first major boss monster of Svart Alfheim with them assembled around the main bar counter in the café as well as the treasure chest that they got in Lyusula with the help from the Leaf ninja on the counter itself.


Lita says, “Man! We did it!”


Yolei says, with a smile, “You know it, girlfriend!”


Asuna says, with a sigh, “It is too bad that Yuuki couldn’t come.”


Kazuto says, “I know Asuna. She was really helpful in the fight.”


Suguha says, “She was just awesome. Her moves were incredible.”


Serena says, “It also feels kind of bad not to include Yui and Strea.”


Kazuto says, with a smile, “Well, we plan to have another party with them in ALO.”


Asuna says, with a smile, “That’s a wonderful idea, Kirito-kun!”


Kari says, with a smile, “That’s a good idea.”


Kazuto asks Izzy and Ami, “About what I wanted to do…?”


Izzy tells Kazuto, “Even with the technology that we manage to gain from you know who, it won’t be easy.”


Ami says, with a smile, “But it is a good step forward and we could make them solid one day.”


Asuna says, with a warm smile, “That would be wonderful. I would love to show Yui-chan and Strea the real world someday.”


Kazuto says, with a nod, “Same here, Asuna.”


Andrew asks, looking at the chest, “Anyway, what about this thing?”


Kotone says, “Oh, yeah. We never figured out the control panel.”


Izzy says, “Actually, we did.”


Tai asks, surprised, “You did?”


Ami says, with a nod, “Watch.” Ami pushes buttons on the panel in the chest and the chest then opens up.


Mina says, amazed, “Whoa!”


Kotone asks, “But how?”


Izzy says, “They are Latin letters and we noticed the letters for one word: Aincrad.”


There are looks of surprise and Rika says, with a nasty sarcastic tone, “That’s no surprise.”


Matt says, annoyed, “That’s so obvious.”


Raye says, in a similar sarcastic tone as Rika, “No kidding.”


Kotone asks, curiously, “So, what’s in there?” When the group looks inside of the chest, they are surprised to find what looks like two set of crystal blocks.


Davis asks, confused, “What’s this?”


Lita asks, curiously, “Blocks?”


Mimi says, “They look like blocks of precious gems.”


Yolei asks, curiously, “No way, Mimi? Um, really?”


Ken says, “They look like that they are blocks made from precious stones.”


Raye says, narrowing her eyes, “I’m getting a weird feeling from those ‘stones’.”


Hotaru asks, curiously, “You are?”

Suguha says, “I’m getting a feeling from them, but it isn’t bad.”


Davis says, “Yeah, I’m getting a weird vibe from them too.”


Tai asks Davis, “When did you gain a ‘spiritual sense’ Davis?”


Davis says, “Believe me, Tai. I’ve been able do a lot of ‘weird things’ lately.”


Kari says, “Dai-kun’s powers seem to be growing stronger and stronger lately.”


TK asks, curiously, “Really?”


Davis responds, “Yeah, TV. I haven’t been using them because I’ve been trying to control them to their fullest.”


Lita asks Trista, “What kind of powers did Davis have in the Silver Millennium?”


Michelle tells Lita, with a smile, “You know what Trista will say.”


Matt retorts, plainly, “Classified, huh?” Asuna getting a weird feeling from the ‘crystal blocks’ and she can’t help herself from reaching out for them.


Rika stops her and she asks, “Whoa, girl! What are you doing?”


Asuna shakes her head and she responds, “I’m sorry, Liz. I…I couldn’t help myself. It felt like…something…someone was calling me.”


Kazuto asks Asuna, curiously, “Really?”


Asuna says, “Yes, Kirito-kun. I just couldn’t help myself for some reason.”


Amara says, “That’s usually either a good sign or a bad one.”


Raye says, “I can’t be sure if it is a ‘bad one’ since I don’t sense a negative aura from these things. It should mean that they are safe.”


Shion says, “But this did come from Kayaba right? We can’t be certain what they are.”


Serena says, looking into it, “I’m getting a funny feeling from it too.”


Asuna asks Serena, “You too?”


Serena says, with a nod, “And it looks like there is other stuff too. Maybe I can…” However, Serena bumps into Asuna causing her to touch one of the sets of ‘crystal blocks’ causing them to glow in a rainbow of lights.


Raye yells out, annoyed, “Look what you did now Meatball Head!” Serena winches in which the set of ‘crystal blocks’ that Asuna touched start to ‘melt’ or basically, the crystal itself starts to melt off the ‘blocks’ in order to reveal Duel Monsters monster cards inside.


Hotaru asks, curiously, “Duel Monsters cards?”


Mimi adds in, curiously, “In crystal?”


Ami says, her eyes widen, “Wait! Those are the Crystal Beast cards!”


Everyone looks at Ami and Michelle asks, “Crystal Beasts?”


Izzy says, “I’ve heard of them. Years ago, Julies Caesar brought seven gems from places around the known world to Rome, but on transport, the ship that they were on was sunk and the gems were lost. However, Maxamillion Pegasus found those gems and used a piece of them to create seven new monster cards.”


TK asks, “The Crystal Beast cards?”


Izzy says, with a nod, “Exactly, TK. It is said that these cards had strong Duel Monster spirits in them and they originally belonged to Jesse Anderson, a duelist from the Southern United States, and the thing is, he didn’t choose the cards. The cards chose him to wield them.”


There are gasps and Rika says, amazed, “Whoa!”


Keiko says, awe-struck, “That’s incredible.”


Yolei asks, “Doesn’t that mean…?”


Kazuto says, “I think that this means that those cards chose Asuna to wield them.”


Asuna asks, surprised, “Me?”


Amara says, “They only came out of their ‘crystal cocoons’ when you touched them. That usually means that you are their ‘chosen one’.”


Rika asks Asuna, “Don’t tell me that you don’t know Duel Monsters?”


Asuna responds, “Of course I do!” Asuna says, with a sigh, “Remember, my father is the CEO of RCT, a top electronics company, and one of the companies that our business does business with Kaiba Corporation. Plus, Duel Monsters is the top sport in the world right now especially with Turbo Dueling being so popular.”


Kazuto tells Asuna, “However, you only learned Duel Monsters because it is important to the business that your father is head of.”


Asuna says, with a nod, “Yeah.”


Ryoutarou says, with a whistle, “Man! It must be hard to be a rich girl.”


Kazuto asks Asuna, “By the way, how is your father doing Asuna?”


Asuna says, with a sigh, “He is still getting over what happened with Sugou and he can’t help feel to be a poor judge in character.”


Serena tells Asuna, “Trust me, Asuna. He is a sly snake. You and your brother must have good people skills to know who he truly he.”


Asuna tells Serena, “Same to you, Serena.”


Serena says, “Even when I was young, I always believed that there was good in people. However, Sugou put a major ‘dent’ in that belief. I could just tell that there was no good in him even when I was a little girl.” Serena says, with a sigh, “Kayaba then crushed my belief with SAO.”


Kazuto says, “I don’t think that you were wrong in your belief, Serena. However, I think that there are those that can’t be redeemed and can’t be ‘changed’ in which you have to stop them no matter what.”


Serena says, with a nod, “I know, Kazuto.”


Rika says, with a grin, “Anyway, Asuna, why don’t you claim your prize? Remember, those cards chose you.”


Asuna says, with a sigh, “Well, okay. I’m not sure if I’m worthy of them, but I will take them.”


Kazuto tells Asuna, with a smile, “You are more than worthy in my eyes, Asuna.” Asuna gives Kazuto a warm smile and she takes the seven Crystal Beast monster cards into her two hands causing them to glow and resonate with Asuna in which a glow comes from the treasure chest causing an eighth card to appear out of the box to go into Asuna’s hands.


Asuna asks, “What’s this?” Asuna then sees that it is a monster card known as Rainbow Dragon (4000/0).


Ami says, “Oh, wow. That’s the Rainbow Dragon, the most powerful card of the Crystal Beasts cards, and said to hold great powers.”


Raye says, “Well, whoever said that wasn’t kidding. That card contains a great power in it all right.”


Rika says, with a grin, “It looks like we’re not the only ones to get an awesome set of cards out of this venture.”


Amara tells Rika, “Don’t get too excited about it, Rika. Something tells me that we are going to need those cards for whatever ahead of us.”


Darien says, with a nod, “I believe that Amara is right.”

Kazuto looks in deep thought and Suguha asks, “What’s wrong big brother?”


Kazuto responds, “I don’t get why Kayaba is giving us all this.” When everyone looks at Kazuto, he says, “I think that Kayaba lured us to that temple and he also lured us to this treasure chest in which he knew that one of us could wield the Crystal Beasts and the Rainbow Dragon. I don’t get what his ‘game plan’ is.”


Ryoutarou says, “Try not to think about it man.”


Tai says, “Easy for you to say, Klein.”


Suguha says, “Yeah. He showed us when he was revived that he is ready for ‘round three’ and I’m still a bit sore from that one.”


Kazuto says, “That’s what got me worried, Sugu. I believe he wants you to get even stronger.”


Davis asks, “Why is that?”


Kazuto responds, “I don’t know and I don’t like it at all.”


Serena thinks in her mind, “I feel the same way, Kazuto. I think…No, I know. I may be the only one to break the cycle between them. For some reason, Kayaba needs to have a fight between them and I know that it is more just to ‘settle things’. I can’t let that happen again. I can’t let Suguha and Kayaba clash once more. I have to be the one to end this. Kayaba must fall by my hands. I need to be the one to end this between Suguha, Kayaba, and myself once and for all.” Serena gains a determined fire in her eyes in which Darien and the other Sailor Scouts notice immediately.


Mimi says, with a smile and trying to change the subject, “Anyway, let’s celebrate our victory over the boss and our new adventures in the next land.”


Ryoutarou says, with a grin, “Let’s party!” Plenty of the others give smiles and decide to continue on with their ‘victory party’ and enjoy themselves in which quite a few of them feel that this is one of the few ‘happy times’ in the days to come.


July 18, 2025, Neo Domino City


Elsewhere, in Neo Domino City, we are on one of the skyscrapers that make up the vast city and on this skyscraper, there is someone that looks like Ryo Bakura, a friend of Yugi Moto and his friends, but his white hair is spikier and more wild, an evil look in his eyes, and across his neck, the Millennium Ring hangs.


This ‘doppelganger’ of Bakura says, with a deeper and more sinister version of his voice, “So, this is Domino City of this timeline. I must say that it is a grand monument to humans and their egos. It would be so lovely once I rip down and turn this place into a graveyard of pure darkness.” He then says, as the Millennium Ring glows, “You thought that you have gotten rid of me for good, Pharaoh. However, thanks to the chaos throughout time and space during our ‘final’ Shadow Game, I was able to survive! I may be stuck in this wretched form similar to my former host before, but soon, the mighty Zorc shall return!” As the ‘double’ of Bakura, revealed to evil fiend, Zorc, which Atem, with help from Yugi and the others, defeated years ago laughs evilly, we go to Yugi and his friends, who are with the former Signers in Yusei’s current home, Leo’s and Luna’s former apartment home, in which the Millennium Puzzle starts to glow.


Yugi says, “My Millennium Puzzle.”


Atem tells Yugi, “Yugi, I sense a great evil.”


Yugi asks Atem, “What is it, Atem?”


Atem responds, “I’m not sure, but it feels…familiar.”


Yugi responds, “Familiar? You mean like an enemy that we have faced before?”


Atem says, “Yes, Yugi. With the chaos that’s happening to reality now especially from what we heard about an ‘interdimensional war’, I was afraid that the remnants of dark forces including ones that we have defeated might ‘revive’ themselves in this time.”


Yugi asks, “What do we do Atem?”


Atem responds, “All we can do is hope that the defenders of justice and peace in this time can restore balance and ensure that the two remaining God Cards, Slifer and Ra, don’t fall into the wrong hands.” Yugi nods his head and he can’t help to fear from what will happen next.


July 18, 2025, Hayabusa Village


Inside of Hayabusa Village, we find Hinata with Ino as she is putting ‘outfits’ in front of Hinata, who is blushing, due to the fact that the outfits are sexy female outfits along with high-heeled shoes/sandals/boots.


Sakura walks into the room and she asks, “Really, Ino-Pig?”


Ino yells out, “Hey, Forehead! If Hinata is going to get the guy of his dreams, she has got to flaunt it! Remember, this is real life and not a manga!”


Sakura says, “While I agree that you need to ‘allure’ Naruto. I mean, we are kunoichi and it is part of job to use what we have got to complete the mission including our bodies.” Sakura says, sternly, “However, this is a date and not a kunoichi mission! So, she is the dress to attract Naruto not look like a call girl!”


Hinata gives a huge blush from Sakura’s words and Ino says, “Attract…seduce…So, what?! It is the same thing!”


Sakura says, with a groan, “I can’t believe you.” Just then Sakura and Hinata ‘sense’ something and their eyes grow wide.


Ino sees this and she asks, “What’s that look?”


Sakura says, with a serious tone, “We’ve got trouble, Ino-Pig.”


Hinata asks Sakura, “You can feel it too?”


Sakura says, “It shouldn’t be surprising that they would give us sensory abilities, Hinata.”


Ino says, “Okay, you are starting to scare me, Forehead.”


Sakura responds, “You and me both, Ino-Pig.” Just outside of the village, Itachi and Kisame are looking down at the village.


Kisame says, with a smirk, “So, they have ninja here too, huh? I’ve got to say that they take ‘hidden village’ quite well.”


Itachi tells Kisame, “Don’t underestimate them. They may not have chakra, but we have no idea what the ninja in this world can do.”


Kisame tells Itachi, “They can’t be that tough.”


Itachi responds, “Then why did one just sneak up on your right and above Kisame?” Kisame’s eyes widen and he then barely dodges a sword swipe from Ryu in which Itachi leaps away as well.


Ryu tells Itachi, “Very good. I thought that ninja from your world would be too focused on chakra sensing to focus on your own senses.”


Itachi responds, “One must never forget the basics of the way of the shinobi.”


Kisame says, with a grin, “Very sneaky. Conceal your presence and since you don’t use chakra, it makes it easier for you to sneak up on us. Something tells me that you know about us than you think.”


Ryu asks, “That you are already dead?”


Kisame gives a confused look and Itachi yells out, in a rare stunned tone, “Kisame, watch out!” Kisame gives a greatly confused look, a light forms behind him, and he whips around only to have his head cut off by Minato with one swift stroke in which his form collapses to the ground.


Itachi says, in a rare shocked tone, “Fourth Hokage…”


Minato responds, “You aren’t seeing things and this isn’t a henge. I’m Naruto’s father, Minato Namikaze.” Itachi’s eyes widen and he then leaps out of the way of the chakra chains of Kushina.


Itachi says, still displaying his rare shocked tone, “Lady Kushina.”


Kushina tells Itachi, “So, you are Mikoto’s eldest, huh? You are good.” Soon after, Naruto and the other Leaf ninja appear and surround him.


Itachi says, plainly, “So, you are all here? You must have found a way through the Toads or some kind of space-time jutsu.”


Jiraiya says, “Not surprising.”


Tsunade tells Itachi, “It’s over, Itachi. We know the truth and so does Sasuke. And you know exactly what we mean.”


Itachi’s eyes widen and Naruto says, “And we’re not going to let the teme get you. We’re not going to let him gain his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, believe it.”


Itachi says, “I see. Somehow he was able to gain his Mangekyo Sharingan.”


Naruto says, “Before we continue…” Naruto glance to his right and he unleashes a powerful energy blast in which Zetsu was in the line of fire.


Zetsu, his ‘black half’, shouts out, “Wait! How did he know…?!” Zetsu is then engulfed in light before a massive explosion where he was erupts when Naruto’s attack hits causing Itachi to be shocked at what Naruto just did.


Kakashi tells Itachi, “What were you thinking Itachi?”


Itachi says, “I did what I had to do, Kakashi.”


Kakashi shouts out, “I understand why you did what you had to do to protect the village and the world from another war, but there was a better way to deal with Sasuke than that! You don’t know the events that you caused even after you died by Sasuke’s hands if things went along as they have originally would have Itachi!”


Itachi gives a confused look and Sakura says, “By the way, if we don’t think that the rest of the Akatsuki aren’t here, think again.”


Itachi then gains wide eyes and he says, “You want them here.”


Naruto says, with a grin, “Believe it. We have a major surprise for the so-called ‘true leader’ of the Akatsuki, the Uchiha traitor that uses the name of Madara Uchiha.”


Itachi asks, with a glare, “What do you mean?”


Sakura retorts, “Why don’t you ask him yourself?” Sakura then uses her telekinetic powers to flung man in the orange spiral mask from his hiding place and into view.


The masked man thinks in his mind, stunned, “But how? How did she do that? She shouldn’t have the ability to do that! And how is the Fourth Hokage and his wife alive?! What is going on here?!”


Minato tells the masked man, “Hello, Obito.” Before the masked man can speak, Sakura uses her telekinetic powers to fling the masked man’s mask and the scarred face of one Obito Uchiha is revealed.


Kakashi says, plainly, “It is you, Obito.”


Obito gives a smirk and he says, “Quite the reunion isn’t it, Kakashi? I guess that the cat is out of his bag.”


Itachi says, his eyes narrowing, “I thought so. You aren’t Madara Uchiha.”


Minato says, “But he is Madara’s student. On the day that he ‘died’, Madara saved his life and used the material composing the Zetsu to repair Obito’s body and took him as his ‘student’.” Obito’s eyes widen in shock from Minato’s statement.


Naruto says, “Surprised, traitor? I’ll give it to you straight. Madara’s ‘Eye of the Moon Plan’ will never see the light of day especially if we make sure that his Rinnegan inside of Nagato belong to us, believe it!”


Itachi thinks in his mind, surprised, “Madara’s Rinnegan?”< /i>


Obito gives an expression of shock and he says, regaining his composer, “I don’t know how you know the truth, but this shows that you aren’t just a target, Naruto, you are a major threat. I should have killed you on the day that you were born, but I had underestimated you even though I knew that you were Kushina’s and Sensei’s son. It’s time that I correct my mistake.”


Naruto says, with a foxy smirk, “I like to see you try, Teme, believe it.” Naruto then vanishes with incredible speed and before Obito could do anything, Naruto bashes him right in the chin and sending him into a tree causing the tree to collapse from the impact from Obito’s form.


Yamato says, amazed, “Such speed.”


Naruto asks Obito, “How can you use your half of the Kamui if you don’t know where and when to activate it?”


Obito says, “So, you know my jutsu? It won’t help you.”


Naruto responds, “I know that you can’t keep constantly use it beyond five minutes and keep yourself ‘out of phase’ of our dimension and into your jutsu’s ‘pocket dimension’ as well as you need to be near me in order to transport me there unlike Kakashi with your left eye, Teme.” Obito gives a completely surprised look and Naruto says, “I know your abilities inside and out, baka, and you have no idea of mine.”


Obito says, “Despite whatever ‘improvements’ that you have seem to undergone, you are no match for me. I fought your father to a standstill on the day of your birth.”


Naruto retorts, “I’m my mom’s and dad’s son, but I am my own person, believe it! Let me show a sample of my new power, Teme!” Naruto then roars out and a massive blue chakra aura explodes from his form causing massive winds to come from said blond haired ninja.


Sakura says, seriously, “Geez, Naruto!” Immediately, Ryu and the others get to cover as Naruto ‘powers up’ and his immense power cracks the ground around him before he starts to sink down into a crater being created by the strain against the ground created by his own power.


Obito thinks in his mind, shocked and flabbergasted, “This can’t be! This power! It’s not possible for a human to produce such power without being a Jinchuirki and even then, using the power of the Biju sealed inside of them! But this isn’t the Kyuubi’s power! It’s his power! It’s beyond Kage level! It’s Biju level! It might even rival the full power of the Kyuubi! That’s not possible!”


Naruto asks, “What’s the matter, Teme? You looked shocked. Is something wrong?” Naruto tells Obito, “Well, it is time for you to pay for all to misery and agony that you have spread around the world in the name of Madara Uchiha and his fucking sick plan! And don’t go into any stupid crap about your former teammate and yeah, I know about yours and Kakashi’s former kunoichi teammate, Rin! Yeah, I don’t know her personally, but I know enough that you have betrayed her as much as anyone!”


Obito yells out, angrily, “You don’t know a thing, boy!”


Naruto shouts out, strongly, “I know enough, Teme! I know that she wouldn’t want this at all! I know that she is a good person…A better person than you will ever be! You keep screaming at how much you care for her?! If you cared for her, you wouldn’t be doing this crap! You were only obsessed with her! You don’t love her! You NEVER loved her, you teme!” Obito gives a screech of pure rage and brings Madara’s gunbai from the Kamui dimension.


O bito screams out, in pure rage, “DIE!!!”


As Obito charges at Naruto, he forms a Rasengan in his right hand and he roars out, “You first!”


Naruto charges at Obito and Hinata, Sakura, Minato, and Kushina shout out in unison, “Naruto!” Naruto and Obito charge at each other and the scene changes to a place some distance away as the surviving members of the Akatsuki, Deidara, Hidan, Kakuzu, Konan, and all of the bodies that make up the Six Paths of Pain, as they see a massive shockwave coming from where Naruto and Obito are starting to engage each other. What the Akatsuki don’t know is that some distance away, her form, minus her head, covered by her cloak, Sailor Charon is watching them.


Sailor Charon says, “Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, while the future of your world has changed the instant that you were taken away, your ‘fate’ has not since you have accepting the call of your world to be its protector and defender for it and its people. However, your future has expanded into far greater things. You are no longer just the protector and defender of this world, but so much more. But now, your future is now forever intertwined with the younger of the two Moon Princesses and the legacy of Sword Art Online. You will face darkness beyond your imagination and you are a critical warrior in the upcoming war alongside the Sun Prince, Sailor Sun, my two Moon Princesses, and so many more. And HE knows it. He and many others will test you like never seen in the books and shows that show what happened if we never came in contact with your world, Naruto-san. But the future is ever moving and ever changing and never set in stone. Good luck. You will need it beyond all imagining.”


July 18, 2025, Digital World


Heading into the Digital World, Gennai is going into some kind of mysterious unknown ‘realm’ within the Digital World and when he goes inside, he is looking at the massive dragon sovereign Digimon, Azulongmon.


Gennai says, “Azulongmon.”


Azulongmon says, “Gennai, I’m glad that you are here.”


Gennai asks, “Why did you call me? Is it about why SAO’s Aincrad appeared in our world?”


Azulongmon says, “No. But you must know that it was just a ‘sign’ for things to come.” Azulongmon takes a deep breath and he says, “Gennai, the time has come. The ‘Digidestined Prince’ must rise for the ‘tyrant of chaos’ will soon be upon on us.”


Gennai asks, shocked, “You mean…?”


Azulongmon says, “The appearance of the opposite of the Digidestined shows this, Gennai. But thanks to events of Sword Art Online, his coming has hastened. There was more to attack on the Digidestined orphanage than the technology that they and their Digimon partners developed.”


Gennai says, with a nod, “I see.”


July 18, 2025, Tokyo, Odiaba District


On one of the tallest buildings overlooking the Odiaba District, there is someone dressed a lot like Ken when he was the Digimon Emperor expect that this person’s outfit is black where Ken’s ‘Digimon Emperor outfit’ is dark blue.


The person dressed like Ken says, with a deep sinister male voice, “I can’t wait for the ‘party’ to begin.” The ‘Digimon Emperor doppelganger’ then looks behind him to see several people dressed like the ‘murder guild’ of SAO: Laughing Coffin in which their exposed wrists have that tattoo insignia of the wicked organization.


The chapter is done! Well, I said, while this fanfiction story takes place during 5Ds season of Yu-Gi-Oh, I would be using ‘elements’ of all of the other Yu-Gi-Oh seasons especially the new season, Arc-V season of Yu-Gi-Oh. So, I have confirmed that the ‘doppelgangers’ of Serena and Kazuto are indeed their Synchro Dimension counterparts AKA Serenity and Kuro and their XYZ Dimension counterparts AKA Tsuki and Kata in which they are also Synchro and XYZ Dimension counterparts to Suguha as well. What about the others, huh? Well, you are going to have read and find out, folks. I can’t give too much away, can I? Please read and review and please, no flames! Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!